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IN  1626. 











FOR  THE  YEAR  1888-9. 



JAMES  J.  CARTWRIGHT,  ESQ.,  M.A.,  F.S.A.,  Treasurer. 




JAMES  GAIRDNER,  ESQ.,  Secretary. 

SAMUEL  RAWSON  GARDINER,  ESQ.,  M.A.,  LL.D.,  Director. 

REV.  F.  A.   GASQUET. 





HENRY  REEVE,  ESQ.,  D.C.L.,  C.B.,  F.S.A. 



The  COUNCIL  of  the  CA.MDEN  SOCIETY  desire  it  to  be  under- 
stood that  they  are  not  answerable  for  any  opinions  or  observa- 
tions that  may  appear  in  the  Society's  publications ;  the  Editors 
of  the  several  Works  being  alone  responsible  for  the  same. 


IN  selecting  five  suigects  out  of  those  which  were  dwelt  on  by 
the  accusers  of  Buckingham,  I  have  been  influenced  solely  by  the 
fact  that  on  these  only  have  I  been  able  to  obtain  documentary 
information  of  any  value.  I  shall  now  proceed  to  deal  with  each 
of  the  five  subjects  in  turn. 


On  the  charge  relating  to  the  purchase  of  the  Wardenshi^  of  the 
Cinque  Ports  there  is  not  much  new  matter  to  be  produced.  That 
the  purchase  took  place  is  beyond  question,  but  the  papers  now 
printed  appear  to  show  a  probability  that  Buckingham,  in  making 
the  purchase,  had  a  public  object  in  view. 


Concerning  the  guard  of  the  seas  there  is  even  less  that  is  new  to 
be  shown.  All  that  appears  is  that  Sir  Francis  Stewart,  who  was 
sent  out  to  protect  English  trade,  considered  that  he  had  done  his 
best  under  the  circumstances. 


The  seizure  of  the  St.  Peter  of  Havre  de  Grace  was  a  more 
important  matter.  The  managers  of  the  impeachmentjlwelt  on  the 
factthat  the  ill-treatment  of  French  merchants  was  provocative  of 
an  impolitic  war  with  France,  and  alleged  that  the  seizure  of 
valuable  property  from  this  particular  ship  was  simply  the  result  of 


Buckingham's  wish  to  enrich  himself.  The  papers  now  published 
show  that  the  latter  suspicion  was  unfounded,  though  they  also 
show  the  extreme  carelessness  with  which  public  accounts  were 
kept  in  those  days.  As  to  the  first  charge,  they  bring  forward  the 
danger  of  overlooking  the  growth  of  a  contraband  trade  between 
Spain  and  her  possessions  in  the  Netherlands  carried  on  in  French 


The  fourth  subject,  that  of  the  extortion  of  1 0,000 L  from  the 
East  India  Company,  is  admirably  suited  to  illustrate  Buckingham's 
high-handed  proceedings.  During  the  Duke's  absence  in  Spain  in 
1623  news  arrived  that  the  East  India  Company's  ships  had,  in 
1622,  taken  Ormuz  for  the  Shah  of  Persia  from  the  Portuguese, 
and  had  taken  some  booty  there.  Upon  this  James  sent  for 
the  deputy  of  the  Company  (p.  71)  and  advised  them  to  make 
Buckingham  a  present.  On  this  the  Company  (p.  73)  offered 
2,OOOZ.  Buckingham,  on  his  return,  seems  to  have  thought  this 
insufficient,  as  proceedings  were  commenced  in  the  Court  of  Admi- 
ralty against  the  Company,  with  the  object  of  showing  (p.  73)  that 
its  ships  had  taken  prizes  of  considerable  value  from  the  Portuguese, 
a  tenth  of  all  prizes  being  the  perquisite  of  Buckingham  as  Lord 
Admiral.  It  was  alleged  (p.  83)  that  the  prizes  amounted  to  no 
less  than  100,OOOZ.,  and  the  Lord  Admiral's  share  would  therefore 
amount  to  lO.OOOZ. 

The  Company  at  once  sought  the  opinion  of  Dr.  Zouch  and  were 
advised  by  him  (p.  85)  that  it  was  doubtful  whether  Buckingham 
could  claim  tenths  unless  he  had  issued  letters  of  marque,  which  he 
had  not  done  in  this  case.  The  Company  after  some  delay  thought 
it  best  to  approach  the  Lord  Admiral  by  petition  showing  him 
what  their  case  was,  instead  of  contending  against  him.  Before, 


however,  they  had  time  to  do  this,  Buckingham  took  an  unexpected 
step.  In  the  beginning  of  March,  1624,  on  occasion  of  a  motion 
in  Parliament  for  an  embargo  on  ships  ready  to  sail  from  the 
Thames,  in  order  to  make  use  of  them  if  necessary  in  the  threatened 
war  with  Spain,  he  ordered  (p.  89)  the  stay  of  the  East  India  ships 
in  the  river.  That  he  might  have  a  second  string  to  his  bow,  he 
allowed  (p.  90)  the  proceedings  of  the  Court  of  Admiralty  to  go 
steadily  on,  where  the  King  claimed  15,0002.  from  the  Company 
(p.  115)  on  the  ground  that  they  had  committed  piracy  in  seizing 
Portuguese  prizes.  On  March  22nd  James  demanded  10,0002.  for 
Buckingham,  and  10,0002.  for  himself  (p.  116).  On  the  23rd,  on 
the  humble  suit  of  the  Company,  the  ships  were  allowed  to  sail. 
The  King,  however,  continued  (p.  118)  to  insist  on  10,0002.  apiece 
for  himself  and  his  favourite.  In  the  end  Buckingham  got  his 
10,0002.,  for  which  he  gave  an  acquittance  on  April  28th,  1624. 
The  greater  part  of  the  other  10,0002.  was  paid  to  the  King  on 
July  9th.  2,0002.  was  still  outstanding  (p.  137),  but  it  was  doubt- 
less paid  soon  after  the  peremptory  demand  made  on  July  15,  with 
which  this  collection  closes. 


The  proposaHo  supply  English  ships  t.r>  mak-p.  gnnH  the  deficiencies 
of  the  French  n.avyjirose  out  of  the  seizing  by  Soubise  of  French 
war  ships  in  the  harbour  of  Blavet,  on  January  T7y,  1625.  On 
January  |f  Louis  XIII.  applied  to  Buckingham  (p.  141)  for  six  or 
eight  ships,  some  belonging  to  the  King  and  others  to  English 

On  January  ^,  the  French  Ambassador  in  England,  the  Marquis 
of  Effiat,  was  able  to  report  that  Buckingham,  who  was  at  that  time 
anxious  to  obtain  French  assistance  for  his  continental  designs,  was 
prepared  to  grant  the  request.  During,  the  next  few  days,  the 


assent  of  James  was  obtained,  and  the  preparations  pushed  on.  It 
was  before  long  arranged  that  one  ship  of  the  Royal  Navy  should 
be  lent  to  the  King  of  France,  and  that  seven  merchant  vessels 
should  be  hired  to  him  for  service  against  Soubise  and  the  Huguenots. 
On  March  25th,  a  contract  (p.  158)  was  signed  by  Effiat,  and  the 
owners  of  the  merchant  ships  in  question. 

On  May  8th,  Buckingham  signed  a  warrant  (p.  174)  to  Captain 
Pennington,  who  commanded  the  Vanguard,  and  to  the  captains 
and  masters  of  the  seven  merchant  ships,  directing  them  in  the 
name  of  the  new  King,  Charles  I.,  to  betake  themselves  "  to  such  a 
port  in  the  dominions  of  France  as  the  Ambassador  shall  direct." 
On  May  18,  however,  a  letter  from  Sir  John  Coke,  the  chief 
personage  amongst  Navy  Commissioners,  informed  Pennington 
(p.  176)  that  he  was  not  to  take  part  "in  the  civil  wars  of  the 
French  ...  or  against  them  of  our  religion  in  that  kingdom  or 
elsewhere."  The  explanation  of  this  change  of  front  was  that 
Buckingham  was  now  at  Paris,  where  he  arrived  on  May  14,  and 
he  was  now  resolved  that  there  should  be  no  real  alliance  between 
England  and  France,  unless  Louis  consented  to  come  to  terms  with 
the  Huguenots.  Though  Buckingham  got  few  concessions  from 
Louis,  he  succeeded  in  persuading  him  to  send  a  gentleman  to 
Rochelle  to  invite  the  Huguenots  to  send  deputies  to  treat  for 
peace.  Buckingham  was  all  the  more  anxious  to  be  spared  the 
|  unpopularity  of  employing  the  ships  against  the  Huguenots,  as  a 
1  Parliament  was  impending,  and  as  the  captains,  and  probably  the 
crews  of  the  merchant-men,  had  shown  great  unwillingness  to 
engage  in  the  service.  Besides,  it  was  no  longer  possible  in  May, 
as  it  may  have  seemed  possible  in  January,  to  cover  a  junction  with 
a  Roman  Catholic  enemy  against  his  Protestant  subjects  with  the 
blaze  of  military  triumph  in  the  Palatinate  in  conjunction  with  a 
French  army. 


Pennington  was  therefore  directed  to  delay  the  surrender  of  the 
ships  as  long  as  possible,  under  the  pretext  of  using  them  to  convoy 
the  Queen  to  England  (p.  178,  180).  He  did  not  start  from  the 
the  Downs  till  June  9th  (p.  181),  and  reached  Dieppe  on  the  13th 
(p.  182).  At  once  a  wrangle  sprang  up  between  him  and  the 
French  authorities  about  the  number  of  French  to  be  received  on 
board,  and  various  other  points  came  to  be  in  dispute,  of  all  of 
which  Pennington  made  the  most  (p.  191).  At  last,  at  midnight, 
between  the  26th  and  27th,  Pennington,  under  pretext  that  the 
weather  was  too  bad  for  him  to  remain  longer  in  Dieppe  Roads, 
weighed  anchor,  and  returned  to  England  (p.  203).  On  the  28th, 
he  informed  Buckingham  that  he  had  come  back  because  he  had 
learnt  (p.  204)  that  the  French  intended  to  use  the  ships  against 
the  Huguenots,  to  which,  in  accordance  with  his  instructions,  he 
could  not  yield. 

Charles  and  Buckingham  were  now  in  a  difficulty.  They  must 
either  offend  the  English  Parliament  or  the  King  of  France.  Their 
only  chance  of  escape  lay  in  the  possibility  that  the  King  of  France 
would  make  peace  with  his  Protestant  subjects,  and  would  thus  have 
no  further  need  of  the  English  ships.  The  despatches  of  Lorkin, 
Charles's  agent  at  the  French  Court,  must  have  been  anxiously 
expected.  The  one  of  June  28th  at  all  events  held  out  hopes  of  the 
satisfactory  conclusion  of  the  treaty.  It  was  probably  in  conse- 
quence of  the  hopes  thus  raised  that  the  Duke  of  Chevreuse,  who  was 
in  England  on  a  special  mission,  was  able  to  write  on  July  -f^ 
(p.  224)  that  Charles  consented  to  allow  the  King  of  France  to 
have  complete  mastery  over  the  ships,  and  that  Effiat  was  to  go  to 
Dieppe  to  take  possession  of  them.  An  order  to  the  effect  that  as 
many  persons  as  the  King  of  France  chose  were  to  be  admitted  on 
board  was  given  by  Conway  on  July  10th  (p.  228),  and  on  July  16th 
Buckingham  added  instructions  to  Pennington  (p.  235)  to  return  to 


Dieppe  with  all  speed.  Buckingham's  secretary,  Edward  Nicholas, 
was  to  go  to  Dieppe  to  see  Conway's  order  carried  out  (p.  235). 
On  the  18th  Pennington  wrote  to  Buckingham  from  Stokes  Bay 
(p.  242)  that  the  crews  of  the  merchant  ships  had  mutinied,  and 
had  refused  to  sail  till  their  captain's  arrival,  at  the  same  time  inti- 
mating his  wish  to  be  recalled  rather  than  to  be  made  a  slave  to  the 
French.  On  the  20th,  however,  the  Earl  of  Pembroke,  who  acted 
as  a  secret  agent  of  Buckingham  in  the  affair,  sent  a  private 
message  to  Pennington  (p.  249)  to  the  effect  that  the  King  and 
Buckingham  were  very  pleased  with  the  news  of  the  mutiny  of  the 
crews,  and  that  he  was  to  keep  himself  master  of  his  own  ship,  and 
that  if  the  French  attempted  to  take  possession  of  it  "  that  then  his 
men  should  take  him  prisoner  and  bring  away  the  ship." 

On  July  19th  Pennington  sailed  for  Dieppe  with  the  Vanguard 
alone  (p.  250).  He  arrived  on  the  21st  (p.  252).  For  two  or 
three  days  his  correspondence  with  Nicholas  (p.  252)  shows  him  to 
have  made  constant  difficulties,  whilst  Nicholas,  as  far  as  his  letters 
went,  was  continually  pressing  him  and  the  captains  of  the  mer- 
chant ships,  who  arrived  not  long  afterwards,  to  surrender  their 
ships  to  the  French:  though,  from  the  statements  afterwards  made 
by  Nicholas  (pp.  298,  301),  it  appears  that  he  privately  urged  Pen- 
nington not  to  comply  with  the  orders  publicly  given.  Under 
these  circumstances  Pennington  naturally  found  excuses  for  not 
complying  with  his  orders,  and  on  the  25th  he  once  more  sailed  for 
England  (p.  266).  The  merchant  ships,  however,  remained  at 
Dieppe,  where  their  owners  and  captains  kept  up  an  altercation 
with  the  French  authorities  (p.  271).  On  July  28,  it  seemed  as 
if  these  artificial  delays  had  served  their  purpose.  On  that  day 
Pembroke  sent  a  message  to  Pennington  assuring  him  that  the 
King  of  France  was  about  to  declare  war  against  Spain,  and  had 
actually  made  peace  with  his  Protestant  subjects.  This  message 


was  accompanied  with  express  orders  to  Pennington  from  the  King 
himself  to  deliver Jjj3_all  the  eight  ships  (p.  275),  and  Buckingham 
even  went  through  the  farce  of  assuring  Pennington  that  the  King 
was  offended  with  him  for  the  delay.  Pennington  accordingly 
returned  once  more  to  Dieppe.  On  August  5th  an  agreement  was 
come  to  for  the  delivery  of  the  merchant  ships  (p.  288),  and  on  the 
same  day  Effiat  gave  his  receipt  for  the  surrender  of  the  Vanguard 
(p.  289). 

Unluckily  for  Charles  and  Buckingham  they  had  acted  on 
insufficient  information.  Lorkin's  despatch  of  August  il  shows 
(p.  292)  that  when  the  King's  terms  were  being  considered  at 
Kochelle,  and  the  townsmen,  in  assurance  that  peace  was  practically 
concluded,  had  come  out  to  cut  the  corn,  Marshal  Toiras,  the 
French  commander,  had  fallen  upon  the  harvesters,  had  killed  many 
of  them,  and  burned  the  crop.  After  this,  all  hope  of  peace  was 
thrown  aside,  and  the  ships  were  taken  by  the  French  to  serve 
against  Kochelle. 

In  1626, Buckingham,  whose  underhand  dealings  were  not  known, 
was,  as  might  have  been  expected,  charged  by  the  Commons  with 
having  all  through  the  affair  deliberately  aimed  at  using  English 
ships  against  French  Protestants. 


PART  I.         Documents  relating  to  the  Wardenship  of  the 

Cinque  Ports  .  .  .  .1 

PART  II.  Documents  relating  to  the  neglect  of  the  guard 

of  the  Narrow  Seas  ....  2 

PART  III.  Documents  relating  to  the  St.  Peter  of  Havre- 

de-Grace  .....  18 
PART  IV-  Documents  relating  to  the  East  India  Company  71 
PART  V.  Documents  relating  to  the  loan  of  ships  to  the 

French  .  139 


Page  139,  line  2  from  the  bottom  of  the  text,  for  "sort,"  read  "fort." 
Pages  178  and  180,  transpose  Nos.  25  and  26. 




[The  third  article  of  the  Charge  against  the  Duke  alleged  that  in 
December  1624  he  had  bought  the  Wardenship  of  the  Cinque 
Ports  from  Lord  Zouch.  Of  the  two  documents  which  follow,  the 
first  is  the  agreement  between  the  Duke  and  Lord  Zouch;  the 
second,  the  argument  in  favour  of  the  amalgamation  of  the  offices, 
prepared  in  1626  as  an  answer  to  the  charge.] 

1. —  The  Agreement  betweene  the  Duke  of  Buckingham  and  my  Lord 
[Zouch]  for  the  place  of  Lord  Warden  of  the  Cinque  Ports. 

[S.  P.  Dom.  James  I.  clxx.  16.] 

An  Agreement  made  the  seventeenth  day  of  July,  1624,  Betweene  1624,  July  17. 
the  Right  Honorable  George,  Duke  of  Buckingham,  Lord  Admirall 
of  England,  and  the  Right  Honorable  Edward,  Lord  Zouche,  Lord 
Warden  of  the  Cinque  Portes,  both  of  them  of  his  Majestes  most 
honorable  Privy  Counsell. 

Inprimis,  it  is  agreed,  that  if  the  Lord  Zouche  shall  surrender 
the  pattent  of  the  Cinque  Portes  to  Geo.  Duke  of  Buckingham  att 
Michaelmas  next  after  the  date  hereof,  then  he  shall  receave  a 



thousand  pounds  in  reddy  monny  of  the  said  Lord  D.  of  Bucking- 
ham, and  five  hundred  pounds  a  yeare  by  equall  porcions  during 
the  Lord  Zouches  naturall  liefe :  that  is  to  say,  two  hundred  and 
fifty  poundes  att  our  Lady  Day  next,  and  two  hundred  and  fifty 
pounds  att  Michaelmas  after,  and  soe  duly  to  be  paid  during  the 
Lord  Zouches  naturall  lief,  for  security  thereof  the  Lord  of  Bucking- 
ham is  content  to  tye  land,  or  any  other  security  shalbe  requyred. 

Item  all  monneyes,  places,  and  casualties  whatsoever  happening, 
growing  or  dew  betweene  this  and  Michaelmas,  to  be  accounted  for 
the  Lord  Zouche,  and  all  after  Michaelmas  happening  or  growing 
to  be  accompted  to  Geo.  Duke  cf  Buckingham  till  this  agreement 
be  perfectly  finished. 

Item  it  is  agreed  (in  respect  of  true  and  faithful!  service  doune  to 
the  Lord  Zouche)  that  Marshe,  the  Clerck  of  the  Castle,  shall  hould 
his  place;  Fulnetby,  Serjaunt  of  the  Admiralty,  shall  hould  his 
place ;  and  Captayne  Hill,  Muster  Master,  shall  hould  his  place, 
during  their  naturall  lives,  if  they  carry  themselves  justly  and  truly, 
or  that  Geo.  Duke  of  Buckingham  shall  not  otherwise  preferre  them 
or  give  them  content. 

Item  it  is  agreed  that  Sir  Henry  Maynwaring  shall  have  noe 
place  or  commaund  in  the  Cinque  Fortes  during  the  D.  of  Bucking- 
ham's tyme  in  respect  of  his  ungratefull  labouring  the  Lo.  Zouches 
disgrace  both  att  the  Court  and  Parliament,  and  threatening  of 
revenge  on  those  poore  men  who  did  certifie  truthes  of  his  mis- 

Item  that  the  D.  of  Buckingham  doth  take  this  voluntary  sur- 
render of  the  Cinque  Fortes  from  the  Lord  Zouche  as  a  favor  doune 
to  him  and  doth  promise  ever  to  acknowledge  it,  both  in  freindshipp 
and  reddynes  to  second  any  suyte  of  the  Lord  Zouches  to  his 
Majestic  for  his  many  true  and  faithfull  services  doune  to  the  King 
and  State. 

Vera  Copia. 


2. — Argument  in  favour  of  the  amalgamation  of  the  offices  of  Lord 
High  Admiral  and  Warden  of  the  Cinque  Ports. 

[S.  P.  Dom.  Eliz.  ccxxxvii.  12.] 

That  it  is  most  convenient  and  necessarie  for  the  good  of  mar- 1626. 
chantes  and  seamen  tradinge  throughe  the  Narrowe  Seas,  also  for 
the  Inhabitantes  of  the  Cinque  Ports,  and  most  especially  of  impor- 
tant consequence  for  the  affaires  of  State  and  securitie  of  His 
Majestes  shipps  to  have  the  offices  of  Lord  Admirall  of  England 
Lord  Warden  of  the  Cinque  Ports  executed  by  one  and  the 
same  person. 

The  Lord  Admirall  of  England  claimes  Admirall  jurisdiccion 
upon  the  Narrowe  Seas  unquestionable,  savinge  that  some  privatt 
libertie  of  Townes  or  other  pretend  to  have  Admirall  jurisdiccion  as 
far  as  lowe  water  marke,  and  some  soe  far  into  the  sea  as  they  may 
ride  in  with  a  horse  and  reach  with  a  lance  on  horse  backe,  and 
thus  much  the  Lord  Admirall  thinkes  to  be  Lord  Wardens  right 
and  noe  more. 

The  Lord  Warden  of  the  Cinque  Ports  claimes  Admirall  j  uris- 
diccion  and  all  flotesomes,  wrackes,  &c.,  to  belonge  to  him  from 
Shooe-beacon  in  Essex  to  the  Red  Noore  in  Sussex,  halfe  seas  over, 
and  denies  that  the  Lord  Admirall  hath  anie  power  to  exercise 
Admirall  jurisdiccion  in  his  lymitt,  but  that  which  all  his  Officers 
doe  by  vertue  of  his  warrants  is  injurous  and  encroachment  uppon 
the  Lord  Warden  right  and  priviledg. 

Which  difference  breedes  these  inconveniences. 

I.  First,  if  anie  man  seize  or  take  anie  wracke,  sweepe  for 
anchors,  dredge  for  cables,  way  ordnance,  or  the  ike,  &c.,  in  the 
right  of  the  Lord  Admirall  (within  the  distance  aforesaid),  the 
Lord  Warden  doth  attache,  imprison,  and  fine  him,  if  he  catch  him 
within  the  liberties  of  the  Cinque  Ports.  Sir  Edw.  Burton  per- 
formeinge  the  like  service  for  the  Lord  Admirall,  being  a  neighbor 


and  joyninge  upon  the  Porte,  was  forced  for  many  yeeres  to  forbeare 
to  come  within  their  liberties,  for  feare  of  the  Lord  Wardens 
warrants.  If  they  whoe  are  droyte  gatherers  in  the  right  of  the 
Lord  Admirall  neglecte  the  service  they  are  punished  by  the 

2.  The  Marchantes  and  Owners  of  anie  wrackt  goodes  (if  anie 
proprieters  doe  appeare),  are  put  to  great  charge  and  losse,  or  if 
some  parte  be  the  Lord  Admiralls   Officers  and  some  by  the  Lord 
Wardens  ;  or  if  both  doe  seize  upon  the  same  thinges,  the  Pro- 
prieters are  putt  to   sue  in   both    Courts;  that  is   the   Courte  of 
Admiraltie  here  att  London  and  in  the  Courte  of  Admiralty  at 
Dover :  soe  each  Courte  standinge  upon  their  prerogatives,  the  one 
in  the  right  of  the  Lord  Admirall,  the  other  in  the  right  of  the 
Lord  Warden.     The  sute  proves  tedious  and  chargeable  to  those 
who  followe  it,  whoe   at  last  are  constrained  to  compound  with 

3.  The  Cinque  Ports,  which  by  ancient  priviledges  ought  not  to 
have  anie  men  prest  out  of  their  shipps  for  the  Kings  service,  are 
much  prejudiced  by  this  difference,  for  the  Lord  Admirall  Officers 
opposeinge  the  priviledge  of  the   Portes  doe  press  them  into  the 
Kings  shippes,  and  yet  the  Portsmen  are  also   made  subjecte  to 
furnishe  soe  manie  men  out  of  everie  Towne  as  the  generall  press 
doe  charge  them  with,  which  is  commonly  more  then  they  canne 
well  beare,  the  mistakeinge  beinge  only  this,  that  it  is  intended 
they  are  not  pressed  else  where. 

4.  When  some  shippes  have  bene  in  greate  distresse  upon  the 
good  wind,  which  might  have  be[en]  releeved  by  the  Portsmen, 
they  have  forborne  to  go  with  their  boates  least  the  Kinges  shipps 
should    comaund  them   aboard  and  take  the  goodes  out  of  their 
possession  after  they  had  indured  the  hazard  of  savinge  them,  by 
which  occasion  some  shippes  have  perrisht  and  others  have  escaped 

5.  Yf   the    Maior    or   Officers   of  the  Ports   refuse   the    Lord 


Admiralls  warrant,  they  are  complained  by  a  the  Lord  Admirall  and 
punished  here ;  if  they  obey  the  Lord  Admiralls  Warrant,  they  are 
punished  by  the  Lord  Warden  for  giveinge  waie  to  anie  encroach- 
ment or  intrucion  into  his  jurisdiccion. 

6.  The  Lord  Admirall  hath  noe  right  to  give  power  or  warrant 
to  the  Captaines  of  the  Kings  shipps  to  presse  anie  man  within  the 
Ports  (neither  would  it  be  obeyed  if  he  should).     And  therefore  if 
the  Kings  shippes  be  in  anie  distresse  of  weather  for  lacke  of  men, 
or  have  anie  suddaine  occasion  to  use  men,  they  canne  comaund 
none  from  the  shoare,  which  is  a  mightie  prejudice  to  the  Kings 
service,  and  would  be    more   in  this  time  of  warr,   the  common 
randevowe  of  the  Kings  shipps  beinge  in  the  Downes  (which  is 
within  the  liberties  of  the  Ports),  and  beinge  neerest  adjoyninge  to 
Dunkerke  and  the  Enemyes  coast. 

7.  Yf  for  the  Kings  service  there  be  a  warrant  directed  to  the 
Lord  Warden,  or  his  lieutennante,  to  press  a  fitt  shippe  within  his 
jurisdiccion,  and  his  Officers  finde  anie  in  the  Koades,  the  Masters 
will  seldome  obey,  but  alleadge  that  they  are  out  of  the  Lord 
Wardens  jurisdiccion ;  if  the  Lord  Admirall  Officers  doe  the  like, 
unless  the  Kings  shipps  be  in  sight  to  comaunde  him,  the  Masters 
will  answere  that  they  are  within  the  Lord  Wardens  jurisdiccion, 
and  soe  b  the  Kinges  service  is  manie  times  left  undoune. 

8.  There  is  such  emulacion  and  difference  betweene  the  Lord 
Admiralls  Offycers  and  the  Lord  Wardens  that  if  anie  of  the  Kings 
shipps  men  come  a  shoare  and  refuse  to  returne  aboarde,  the  Lord 
Wardens  Officers  will  not  assist  the  Captaines  without  order  from 
the  Lord  Warden  or  his  lieutennante. 

9.  If  the  Kings  shipps  have  anie  extraordinarie  sodaine  occasion 
to  use  anie  pylottes  for  the  Sandes  or  the  Coastes  of  Flanders  or 
the  like,  where  the  Portsmen  are  most  experienced,  they  cannot 
have  anie  without  speciall  warrant  from  the  Lord  Warden  or  his 

•  by  by,  in  MS.  b  and  soe  and  soe,  in  MS. 


10.  There  happens  manie  sudden  and  greate  occasions  for  the 
State,  wherein  bothe  the  Lord  Wardens  and  the  Lord  Admiralls 
authority es  must  be  joyntly  used,  and  if  one  be  in  one  place  and 
thother  in  an  other,  or  if  the  Ministers  of  State  doe  misdireote  their 
warrants,  as  not  precisely  understandinge  their a  lymittes  of  cithers 
jurisdiccion,  as  many  times  it  happeneth,  the  businesses  have  bene 
left  undone,  or  not  soe  redyly  performed  as  is  fitt,  and  this  I  have 
knowne  to  happen  many  times. 

For  these  reasons  and  inconveniencies  tis  fitt  to  have  both  places 
united  by  execucion  of  one  person,  whereby  all  these  mischiefs  are 
att  once  prevented. 

It  may  be  alleadged  that  these  two  offices  are  to  intricatt  and  full 
of  busines  for  one  man  to  execute. 

'Tis  as  easie  for  the  Lord  Admirall  to  comprehend  the  Admir- 
altie  busines  of  the  Ports  which  extende  in  length  not  above  60 
myles,  as  well  as  the  Admiraltie  causes  of  all  the  rest  of  the  King- 
dome  besides.  And  for  the  Lord  Wardens  Jurisdiccion  by  land 
the  bounds  are  but  small  and  narrowe,  and  generally  the  causes  of 
not  soe  greate  importance  as  that  they  meritt  the  attendance  of 
anie  greate  person,  but  may  verie  well  be  discharged  by  a  lieuten- 
nant  (as  ever  hath  been)  to  the  contente  of  thinhabitantes,  if  he 
carrie  himselfe  discreetlie  and  temperatelie  amongst  them.  And 
further  the  Ports  held  themselves  rather  burthened  then  eased  by 
the  last  Lord  Wardens  residence  there. 

'Tis  not  agreeable  with  discretion  of  State  to  intrust  two  offices 
of  soe  greate  importance  in  anie  one  subjectes  hands  as  the  Ad- 
mirall comaundinge  all  the  shipps  of  the  kingdome  and  the  Lord 
Warden  (as  they  commonly  terme  it)  keepe  the  keyes  of  the 

For  the  person  of  him  who  doth  nowe  enjoy  both  places  I  think 

x>rdD.  of       envJ  and   malice  armed  with  their  sharpest  dartes  canne  hardly 

Juckingham.    throwe  the  least  collor  of  suspiccion  upon  his  fidelitie,  which  he 

hath  given  so  good  testimony  of  by  his  personall  attendance  and 

his  carriage  with  the  King  in  Spaine. 

*  Sic. 


1.  First,  whereof  also  the  malice  wherewith  the  Spanish  Am- 
bassador did  demaunde  his  heade  of  the  late  Kinge  doth  give  a 
more  stronge  assureance. 

2.  Secondly,   if  the   shippinge   of  the  kingdome  be  the  walls 
thereof  (as  they  are  most  truly  reputed  to  be) ,  and  that  it  be  in 
the  power  of  the  Lord  Admirall  to  surrender  or  betray  the  ship- 
pinge to  a  foraigne  enemy,  what  importes  it  who  keepe  the  gates 
(as  the  Fortes  are  figuratively  but  falsely  reputed),  for  that  it  is 
well  knowne  to  men  of  judgment,  that  if  an  enemy  had  power  to 
master  us  att  sea,  there  are  fair  more  convenient  places  to  land  in 
for  his  approaches  in  the  kingdome. 

3.  Thirdly,  the  Fortes  of  themselves  are  not  able  to  keepe  out  an 
enemy,  but  the  country  which  is  under  the  Lord  Lieutennantes 
Government  must  defende  the  Fortes,  and  therefore  the  trust  is  not 
soe  greate  as  it  is  imagined  to  be. 

4.  Fourthly,  amongst  the  Fortes  there  is  not  anie  harbor  able  to 
receive  any  greate  shippinge  whereby  an  enemy,  though  he  gained 
the  place,  could  secure  his  shipps,  and  therefore  the  place  is  not  of 
such  infinite  consequence  as  'tis  comonly  reputed. 

The  Parliament  conceives  it  to  be  a  grievance  that   one  man  Objection], 
should  have  both  those  places  in  execucion. 

Griefe  is  a  passion  of  the  minde  caused  by  a  lively  sence  of  some  An[swer]. 
ill  or  mischiefe  ;  but  neither  the  Fortes  complaine  nor  the  Ad- 
miraltie  of  England  of  anie  inconvenience,  want  of  good  adrainis- 
tracion  of  justice  or  direction  for  the  execucion  of  their  affaires ;  and 
why  shall  then  the  whole  body  take  that  for  a  greevance,  which  the 
particuler  members  whome  it  concerneth  neither  feeles  nor  com- 
plaine of  ? 

Looke  into  presidentes  of  former  Lord  \Vardens  and  you  shall 
hardly  finde  anie  but  had  other  offices  annexed  to  him,  and  such  as 
are  not  soe  compatible  and  facily  to  be  executed  by  the  same 
person;  (viz.)  Lord  Treasurer  of  England  and  the  like:  the  Lord 
Presidentes  whereof  I  gave  longe  since  to  my  Lord  Duke. 


The  office  of  Lord  Warden  is  of  small  profitt,  and  to  anie  who 
shall  live  here  would  be  a  charge  rather  then  a  benefitt  to  him, 
which  being  (as  'tis  reputed)  an  office  of  soe  [great]  trust,  is  fittest 
to  be  imported  to  some  man  of  eminent  greatness,  but  what  such 
person  will  accepte  this  for  a  favor  or  reward  of  his  service  from  the 
King  and  be  debarred  the  enjoyeinge  anie  other  office  which  may 
be  beneficial  to  him  ;  and  if  anie  other  may  be  joyned  with  it  in 
the  execucion  of  one  person,  the  office  of  Admiraltie  is  fittest  for 
the  reasons  aforesaid  ;  besides  that,  if  the  Lord  Admirall  have 
occasion  to  attend  the  gardeing  of  the  Coasts  in  person  the  Cinque 
Fortes  are  the  fittest  place  of  his  residence  for  him  where  he  may 
att  one  instant  oversee  and  discharge  them  both,  and  either  place 
be  more  exactly  governed  by  his  united  power. 



[In  the  fourth  article  Buckingham  was  charged  with  neglecting 
the  guard  of  the  seas.  Sir  Francis  Stewart,  whose  account  of  the 
state  of  affairs  is  here  given,  was  employed  by  the  Duke  in  the 
summer  of  1625  to  protect  English  commerce  in  the  Channel.  A 
comment  upon  some  of  his  complaints  appears  in  the  annexed  letter 
of  Sir  John  Coke,  who  was  practically  the  manager  of  the  navy 
under  Buckingham.] 

1. —  Sir  Francis  Stewart  to  the  Duke  of  Buckingham. 
[S.  P.  Dom.  Charles  I.  v.  49.] 

My  most  honored  Lord,  1625)  Aug. 

I  am  much  greived  that  theis  Westerne  gent,  and  merchantes 
should  informe  your  Grace  that  I  have  given  them  no  helpe  since 
my  coming  hither  for  securing  theis  coastes.  If  their  complaintes 
were  just  and  that  I  should  so  abuse  the  truste  your  Grace  hath 
committed  unto  mee,  I  should  judge  myselfe  fitter  for  Wapping* 
then  to  command  the  meanest  shipp  in  the  fleet.  After  I  hadd  run 
upp  the  channell  with  such  shippes  as  accompanied  mee  from  the 
Downes  and  mett  with  many  homewards  bound,  some  from  the 
Southwards,  some  from  the  Frenche  coaste,  some  from  Ireland,  and 
some  from  out  the  Severne,  who  assured  us  the  coaste  was  cleere  of 
Sally b  men  and  other  piratts,  the  weather  beeing  thicke  and 
hawsey,  the  winde  highe  and  in  our  teethe,  wee  were  forced  backe 
into  Plymouthe,  where  wee  tooke  in  victualls,  I  beeing  then  come 
to  our  iron  bound  caske,  the  last  refuge  in  a  long  voiage.  Upon 
the  first  rumor  of  the  retorne  of  the  Turkes,  as  soone  as  any  of  our 
shippes  would  either  saile,  warpe,  or  to  we  out  of  Cattwater  I  sent 

»  Where  pirates  were  hanged.  b  Salee. 



to  sea  Captaine  Boteler  in  the  Jonathan  with  foure  more  of  the 
nimblest  Newcastle  men*  in  this  Fleet,  who  after  ten  dayes  unpro- 
fitable and  dangerous  wallowing  against  winde  and  weather  were 
forced' by  stresse  into  Falmouthe  and  after  into  Plymouthe.     They 
gave  chase  to  six  sayle  of  Turkes,  who  goeing  two  foote  for  one 
faster  then  our  shippes  their  hulls  were  layed  in  one  watche.     The 
same  daye  that  Capt.  Boteler  came  in  Captaine  Edward  Harvy  in 
the  Eoyall  Exchange,  Capt.  Mervyn  Burleighe  in  the  Mary  Con- 
stance, and  three  Newcastle  men  more  putt  to  sea,  but  with  little 
better  fortune,  for  two  of  them  are  beaten  backe  with  fowle  weather 
into  the  Sounde,  the  Mary  Constance   with  such  defects  as  may 
appeare  by  "an  inclosed  certificat  under  her  Captaines  and  Masters 
hands  and  one  other  Newcastle  man  with  him.     Captaine  Bond  is 
ready  in  the  Saphire  with  six  shippes  more  with  the  first  faire  winde 
to  sett  to  sea,  who  is  to  joyne  with  Captaine  Harvye  and  to  ply 
betwixt  Ushant  and  Cape  Cleere,  but  that  they  shall  meet  with  this 
fleet  in  the  Sleeve b  I  cannot  warrant,  thoughe  I  have  given  them 
such  order,  according  to  your  Graces  direccons.     In  leiwe  of  those 
gent,  and  merchants  complaynt  who  came  upp   to  Parliament  I 
hadd  presented  them  with  an  humble  petition  that  they  would  have 
procured  an  Acte  that  wee  might  have  faire  windes  at  pleasure  to 
performe  their  service,  but  that  I  doubted  they  would  hardly -find 
any  president  for  it. 

The  Lion  hath  been  divers  tymes  loose  since  taking  in  of  our 
victualls  to  putt  to  sea,  but  the  winde  hath  ever  been  so  contrary  or 
blowen  so  highe  that  wee  could  not  saile,  and  durst  not  warpe  or 
towe  a  shipp  of  her  lengthe  out  of  this  narrowe  gutt  the  Catt 
Water.  Many  of  our  men  are  fallen  suddenly  sicke  in  my  opinion 
for  want  of  clothes  and  vineger  to  washe  between  deckes,  and  most 
of  them  of  late  since  shee  sprung  new  leakes  never  suspected  before ; 
for,  after  wee  hadd  taken  most  of  our  victualls  on  board,  shee  made 

a  Newcastle  coal-ships  pressed  into  the  King's  service. 
b  The  Channel,  La  Manche.  , 


in  six  howres  three  foote  six  inches  in  howld ;  whereupon  I  have 
caused  all  her  ordinance,  victualls,  and  sea  stores  saving  her  lower 
tyre  of  beere  (which  for  endangering  of  the  caske  I  dare  not 
venter  on  but  upon  meere  necessity)  to  bee  taken  out  of  her,  and  yet 
is  shee  still  a  very  leaky  shipp.  Further  then  to  see  her  safe  I 
dare  not  meddle,  untill  I  receave  your  Graces  commands,  which  I 
beseech  you  to  hasten.  As  for  my  private  greife  in  the  Nonsuch 
heretofore  upon  the  like  occasion,  and  now  in  the  Lyon,  I  will  not 
trouble  your  G-race.  But  this  is  too  ordinary  a  desease  of  the  old 
shippes,  which,  if  it  bee  not  cured  by  your  speciall  care,  may  bring 
with  it,  besides  dishonor,  the  losse  both  of  the  shippes  and  the  men 
that  sayle  them.  The  Raynebowe,  who  hath  been  also  leakey,  will 
bee  shortly  ready ;  but  beeing  a  shipp  of  so  greate  importance,  I 
would  willingly  knowe  your  Graces  pleasure  whether  you  would 
have  her  putt  to  sea  or  not  against  theis  Picarroones  of  Sallye,  who 
as  long  as  they  are  supplyed  by  the  Flemishe  Freebooters  with 
men,  munition,  victualls,  and  all  manner  of  sea  stores  (most  wherof 
they  have  from  our  shoare,  and  therwithall  barter  with  those  In- 
fidells  for  the  Englishe  and  other  Christians  goods).  And  that  onr 
Newfoundland  fleete,  consisting  of  300  saile  or  neere  upon,  as  I  am 
informed,  will  not  arme  themselves  for  their  defence,  choose  but 
some  few  of  their  best  shippes  and  fitting  them  accordingly  to 
attend  and  wafte  them,  nor  appointe  a  certaine  tyme  and  rendes- 
vous  when  and  where  to  meete,  and  so  proceed  securely  on  their 
voiage,  as  other  nations  doe,  but  goe  scattering  both  outwards  and 
homewards-bound  by  twoes  and  threes  and  single  to  make  the  best 
of  their  markett  as  they  terme  it.  Theis  Picaroones  I  say  will  ever 
lye  hankering  upon  our  coaste,  and  the  State  will  finde  it  both 
chargeable  and  difficult  to  cleere  it  or  secure  the  Newfoundland 
fishermen  from  them,  unlesse  it  bee  directly  resolved  to  sacke  Salley, 
a  secure  way  if  easy  to  bee  performed,  as  some  report  it  is  that  are 
lately  come  from  thence.  In  the  meane  tyme  whilst  they  are  sicke 
of  this  pannick  feare  (an  uncureable  disease  in  a  multitude  till  thev 
see  the  event)  your  Grace  must  expect  many  complayntes ;  but  by 


Gods  helpe,  as  neere  as  I  can  in  this  perticular  emploment  wherwith 
your  Grace  hath  honored  mee,  there  shall  bee  noe  just  cause.  As 
for  Monsieur  de  Soubize  his  carriage  and  those  of  Eochell,  wher- 
upon  it  would  bee  necessary  your  Grace  caste  your  eye,  I  humbly 
referre  you  to  theis  inclosed  examinacons  of  the  Englishe,  and  theis 
notes  under  his  Captaines  owne  hands,  for  feare  of  troubling  you 
with  too  much  letter.  So  with  the  best  thanckes  an  honest  heart 
can  retorne  for  your  Graces  many  and  great  favors,  and  with  my 
earnest  prayers  to  the  Almighty  for  your  healthe  and  happines,  I 
kisse  your  hands. 

Your  vowed  servant,  my  most  honored  Lord,  theis  come  from. 


On  board  the  Lion, 
16  August,  1625. 

2. — Inclosure  in  No.  1. 
[S.  P.  Dom.  Charles  I,  v.  49,  iii.J 

1625,  Aug.  13.      The  Examinacion  and  Informacon  of  Richard  Malyn,  Master  of 
the  Amity  of  Ipswich,  given  this  13th  day  of  August,  1625. 

He  saith  that  in  the  Harbore  of  Famouth  he  mett  with  the 
Master  of  a  shipp  belonging  to  Sir  Wm.  Hull,  of  Ireland,  that  latly 
came  from  Eochell,  who  complained  unto  this  Exam*  that  being 
neere  the  said  Towne  with  his  shipp  divers  of  Mons.  de  Soubizes 
his  Souldiers  came  aboord  him,  tooke  foorth  of  his  Shipp  five 
peeces  of  Ordinance  and  foure  Murderers,  with  all  his  amunition  on 
board  him,  thereunto  belonging,  And  with  unmercyfull  beating  of 
the  men  belonging  to  the  said  Shippe  constrained  them  to  hoise  out 
theire  Ordinance  themselves.  By  reason  of  this  barbarous  usage 
and  want  of  his  Ordinance,  the  said  Master  tould  this  Exam*  that 
being  homeward  bound  for  Ireland,  somewhat  of  Ushant,  a  small 
Turke  of  Sally,  full  of  men,  boorded  him,  and  for  want  of  the 
munition  so  taken  from  him.  tooke  him,  made  spoyle  of  his  goodes, 
and  caryed  13  men  and  boyes  out  of  him  to  the  great  damage  of 


the  Owner,  Sir  Wm.  Hull,  and  the  utter  undoeing  of  the  poore 
Master,  besides  the  Slavery  of  so  manny  Christianes.  The  said 
Master  also  tould  this  Emam*  that  the  Frenchmen  of  Rochell  made 
him  answere  when  he  demanded  restitucion  for  his  Ordinance  that 
he  should  be  -paid  for  them  when  the  warres  were  ended.  This 
Examinant  likewise  saith  that  the  above  saide  Master  so  taken 
reported  unto  him  that  the  Turkes  kept  a  Servant  of  Sir  Wm. 
Hulls,  being  the  Marckant  on  board  with  them,  untill  hee  hath  paid 
a  great  somme  for  the  ransome  of  4  men  sent  home  in  the  Shipp, 
who  otherwise  had  bine  carryed  to  Sally,  and  the  shipp  suncke. 


3. — Inclosure  in  No.  1. 
[S.  P.  Com.  Charles  I.  T.  49,  ii.] 

The  Examinacion  of  Robert  Cornish,  Master  of  the  Mary  and  1625,  Aug.  13. 
Anne   of   Plymouth,  taken   the    13th   of  August,   1625,   by   Sir 
Frances  Steuart  on  boarde  the  Red  Lion  in  Catwater. 

Who  saith  that  the  1 2th  day  of  July  laste,  he  beeinge  at  Rochell 
in  his  said  shipp  about  12  aclocke  at  night,  fortie  souldiers  of 
Rochell  came  armed  aboord  him  with  Pistolls,  Swords,  and  bills, 
and  most  barberously  fell  a  beating  this  examint8  men  ;  tooke  from 
them  their  Clothes  and  foure  peeces  of  Ordinance  out  of  the  shipp, 
with  powder  and  such  other  things  as  are  in  this  annexed  noate 
inserted.  This  the  Souldiers  answered  this  Examinant  that  that 
they  did  was  by  vertue  of  a  Commission  from  Mons.  de  Soubize, 
who  gave  this  Examinant  (the  next  day  when  he  besought  him  for 
reparacion)  this  answere  from  his  owne  mouth,  that  if  it  were  to  his 
father  or  brother  he  would  doe  the  like.  This  Exam1  further  saith 
that  there  are  staied  by  violence  in  Rochell  one  shipp  of  London, 
two  of  Bristowe,  one  of  Yarmouth,  and  a  Scottsman,  all  these 
shipps  being  of  good  burthen  and  full  of  Ordinance.  Hee  also  saith 
that  theire  men  are  sett  on  shore  without  any  provision  for  foode  or 


mounyes  to  buy  any,  or  to  cary  them  home,  but  are  like  to  starve 

there  if  God  provide  not  the  better  for  them. 


4. — Inclosure  in  No.  1. 
[S.  P.  Dom.  Charles  I.  v.  49,  i.] 

1625,  Aug.  15.  The  informacions  of  Captaine  Mervin  Burleighe  and  Mr.  John 
Emins,  the  Captain  and  Master  of  the  Mary  Constance,  given  the 
15th  August,  1625,  concerning  the  state  of  the  said  shipp. 

They  affirme  that  beeing  comanded  to  putt  to  Sea  in  the  com- 
pany of  the  Eoyall  Exchange,  and  three  Newcastle  men  more,  were 
driven  backe  againe  with  one  of  those  shipps  by  stresse  of  weather 
and  contrary  windes,  betwixt  the  N.  west  and  S.  west,  into  the 
sound  of  Plymouthe,  and  that  there  beere  caske  in  reguard  they 
have  been  so  long  on  board  many  of  them  fly  on  peeces,  so  that 
they  pumpe  cleere  beere,  and  therfore  cannot  suddenly  putt  to  sea 

till  the  same  bee  helped. 



5. — Sir  John  Coke  to  the  Duke  of  Buckingham. 

[S.  P.  Dom.  Charles  I.  v.  77.] 
1625,  Aug.  25.  Right  honorable, 

By  a  letter  from  Sir  Francis  Stewart,  I  understand  that  a  leake 
is  sprung  in  the  Lion  at  the  instant  when  shee  should  have  gone  to 
gward  the  coast  from  the  pirats.  But  what  order  hee  hath  taken  to 
supplie  that  service  according  to  your  Graces  late  instructions  hee 
writeth  not  a  woord.  Yet  I  dare  not  thinck  that  either  unwilling- 
ness to  that  service,  or  desire  of  a  greater  ship,  occasioned  this 
mischance,  thowgh  I  cannot  but  mervel  that  coming  so  lately  out 
of  the  dock,  and  having  been  about  three  moneths  at  sea,  and  a 
former  leake  stopped,  shee  should  thus  suddenly  prove  defective.  I 
have  therefore  required  Mr.  Burrel  to  send  presently  to  Plimouth 
an  hable  Master  shipwright  to  survey  that  and  other  ships,  and  to 


repare  what  is  amiss,  and  to  give  true  information  wher  the  fault  is 
to  bee  laid.  In  the  same  letter  Sir  Francis  also  complaineth  that 
no  apparel  is  cum  downe,  and  that  they  want  vineger.  To  which 
I  answer  that  both  are  provided  and  sent  about  by  the  ships  which 
are  lately  gone  for  Portsmouth,  and  that  it  was  not  intended  to 
cloth  the  marinars  in  harborowgh  to  make  them  handsome  to  runne 
away,  nor  that  the  vineger  should  be  spent  before  the  Land-men 
cam  aboorde,a  and  when  the  numbers  might  cawse  infection  in  the 
ships.  Further,  hee  writeth  of  want  of  chirurgeans  and  pursers, 
and  of  rotten  bread  and  il  beere,  but  nameth  not  the  ships  wher  theis 
defects  are  fownd,  nor  the  quantities  or  other  circumstances  wherby 
the  faults  may  bee  known  and  amended.  And  your  Grace  may  bee 
pleased  to  consider  that  in  so  great  a  preparation  and  quantitie  it 
wil  not  bee  possible  to  have  al  without  exception,  seing  no  man  in 
his  own  howse  can  bee  so  provident  that  no  parcel  of  il  bread  or  il 
beere  may  bee  fownd.  Yet  if  the  quantitie  bee  smale  to  raise 
theruppon  an  indefinite  clamour  is  prejudicial  to  the  service.  And 
if  it  bee  great  the  Officers  of  everie  ship  owght  to  certifie  it  under 
their  hands,  that  order  theruppon  may  bee  taken  for  supplie.  But 
this  wee  find  too  common ;  that  al  are  readie  verbally  to  find  fault, 
but  none  to  informe  us  what  or  how  to  reforrne.  Your  Grace  ther- 
fore  may  bee  pleased  for  prevention  both  of  clamor  and  danger  in 
the  fleet  to  give  direction  by  letters  to  your  Lieutenant  and  some 
principal  Commanders  to  make  choise  of  a  number  of  hable  and 
honest  masters,  and  botswains,  and  quarter  masters,  to  survey  the 
victuals  and  provisions  of  everie  shippe  in  presence  of  the  Maior 
of  Plimouth  and  of  Mr.  Jeams  Bagge,  and  the  Pursers  on  the 
Victualers  behalf,  and  theruppon  to  certifie  under  their  hands  the 
true  defects,  and  accordingly  give  order  for  supplie  to  bee  made  as 
Mr.  Lieutenant  hath  directed  ;  and  to  this  end  I  have  again  pressed 
Mr.  Lieutenant  (as  I  have  hertofore  moved  your  Grace  uppon  his 
own  intreatie)  that  hee  would  himself  go  to  Plimouth,  becawse 

•  For  the  expedition  to  Cadiz. 


otherwise  hee  can  not  possibly  satisfie  clamor,  nor  provide  for  fit 
supplies.  Besides,  it  much  concerneth  the  service  that  hee  send  a 
sufficient  Deputie  along  with  the  Fleete.  For  without  a  victualer 
the  arraie  can  not  march,  nor  anie  supplies  bee  sent  aboord  the 
ships,  nor  anie  victuals  taken  from  the  enimie  bee  orderly  preserved 
and  disposed.  This  was  doune  in  former  voyages ;  in  some  of 
which  himself  and  Sir  Marmaduke  Darrel  went  in  person.  I  have 
therefore  intreated  him  to  send  an  hable  man,  wherof  hee  wil  bee 
more  careful  if  it  may  please  Your  Grace  to  require  it  at  his 

For  the  careages  to  bee  provided  for  the  three  sorts  at  the  Downs 
with  the  monies  disbursed  by  your  Grace  to  Captain  Christian,  wee 
have  by  Mr.  Burrel  taken  such  order  as  is  required  ;  And  I  have 
written  to  the  Officers  of  the  Ordinance  both  for  their  assistance 
herin  and  also  to  supplie  those  places  with  fit  proportions  of  powder 
and  munition  when  the  ordinance  shal  bee  mounted.  I  have  also 
written  to  Mr.  Evelin  to  proceed  in  making  powder  hi  as  great 
quantities  as  hee  can,  assuring  him  that  your  Grace  wil  move  the 
Lord  Treasurer  for  his  monies,  that  the  land  may  not  bee  unfurnisht 
of  so  necessarie  a  provision  at  this  time.  But  besids  the  three  forts 
above  mentioned,  ther  is  a  place  which  I  conceave  to  bee  of  greater 
importance,  and  in  more  danger  to  bee  surprised,  namely,  Harwich, 
wher  1  understand  al  the  ordinaunce  is  dismounted,  the  platforms 
decayed,  and  the  forts  abandoned,  so  as  a  few  Dunckers  may  with- 
out interruption  enter  that  harborowgh,  and  first  burn  50  or  60  saile 
of  Newcastle  ships,  which  ther  are  laid  up,  and  then  landing  a  few 
men  may  burn  that  ritch  town  and  go  on  to  Ipswich,  if  some 
present  care  bee  not  taken  for  the  gward  of  that  place.  This  place 
then  above  others  must  bee  considered  of.  And  if  the  hast  wil  not 
effect  the  ordinarie  slow  proceeding  in  the  Office  of  the  Ordinance, 
if  300t  may  bee  allowed,  Mr.  Burrel  wil  go  thither,  and  with  the 
help  and  assistance  of  the  cheef  Magistrats  of  that  place  wil  set 
forward  the  woorke:  and  if  the  Officers  of  the  Ordinance  (to  whom 
I  have  written  to  that  end)  wil  undertake  the  business,  it  shal  forth- 


with  bee  delivered  into  their  hands,  or  els  proceeded  in  as  your 
Grace  shal  direct.  My  only  indevor  is  to  neglect  nothing  wherin 
I  may  do  his  Majeste  anie  service,  and  wherby  I  may  express 
that  I  am 

Your  Graces 

most  obedient  Servant, 



25  August,  1625. 




[The  fifth  article  of  the  Duke's  impeachment  alleged  that  a 
French  ship^  the  St.  Peter,  of  Newhaven,  or  Havre  de  Grace,  was 
brought  into  Plymouth  about  Michaelmas  1625,  England  being  at 
that  time  in  peace  with  France,  "  upon  probabilities  that  the  said 
ship  or  goods  belonged  to  the  subjects  of  the  King  of  Spain."  It 
was  further  alleged  that  goods  to  the  value  of  20,OOOZ.  were  taken 
out  of  her  and  delivered  to  the  Duke's  servant,  Gerald  Marsh ;  that 
the  ship  and  the  residue  of  its  cargo  was  brought  up  to  the  Thames ; 
that,  two  English  merchant  ships  having  been  arrested  on  reprisal  at 
Havre  de  Grace,  English  merchants  trading  with  France  petitioned 
the  Privy  Council,  in  consequence  of  which,  on  December  28,  1625, 
orders  were  given  by  Sir  John  Coke,  the  Secretary  of  State,  to  dis- 
charge the  ship  and  goods;  that,  in  consequence  it  was  decreed  on 
January  26,  162f ,  with  the  consent  of  the  King's  Advocate,  that 
both  ship  and  goods,  with  the  exception  of  a  few  parcels  named, 
should  be  released;  but  that  the  Duke,  in  spite  of  this  decree,  not 
only  retained  for  his  own  use  the  gold,  silver,  &c.,  i.e.  the  goods  to 
the  value  of  20,000?.  which  had  first  been  taken  out  of  the  ship, 
but  had  on  February  6,  I62f ,  ordered  a  fresh  detention  of  the  ship 
without  any  fresh  evidence  or  any  legal  proceeding. 

The  documents  here  given  will  afford  a  test  of  the  accuracy  of 
these  statements. 

It  will  be  seen  that  the  point  at  issue  from  the  beginning  was 
whether  the  goods  were  really  to  be  conveyed  from  Spain  to  the 
Spanish  Netherlands.  It  will  also  appear  by  No.  2  that  the  value 
of  20,000?.,  or  rather  (No.  25)  9,OOOZ.  or  10,000?.  was  taken,  not 
for  Buckingham's  private  purse,  but  for  the  King.  Of  the  re- 
seisure  on  February  6  I  have  no  documentary  evidence  to  offer. 
The  Duke,  in  his  answer  to  the  impeachment  (Rushw.  i.  383), 


stated  that  he  had  received  fresh  information  that  the  goods  in  the 
ship  were  Spanish,  and  finding  that  this  evidence  was  insufficient  he 
gave  final  orders  to  liberate  the  ship.] 

1. — The  Examination  of  Capt.  John  Malo,  Capt.  of  the  St.  Peter  of 
Harbor  de  Grace,  of  burden  90  ton. 

[S.  P.  Dom.  Charles  I.  vi.  120.] 

Hee  saies  hee  putt  to  sea  from  Harbor  de  Grace  the  26th  of  Aprill  1625>  SeP*-  29- 
laste,  laden  with  sicers,  knives,  roan  clothe,  and  other  small  comodi- 
ties,  some  rapier  blades,  ,&c. ;  hee  arrived  in  St.  Lucars  within  three 
weekes  after  hee  putt  from  Harbour  de  Grace.  Hee  saies  his  Mer- 
chants outwards  bounde  were  Mons.  Henry  Cavalier,  Mons.  John 
Paparan,  and  Mons.  Tho:  Fowell.  Hee  saies  his  shipp  and  goodes 
were  imbarqued  at  St.  Lucars,  but  discharged  (as  hee  saies)  by  the 
King  of. Spaine  upon  their  putting  in  of  caution  by  Englishe,  by 
Spanishe,  and  by  Flemings  that  were  their  friendes.  The  condicion 
of  the  caution  is  that  in  respect  the  two  Kinges  of  France  and 
Spaine  knowe  not  as  yet  whether  they  shall  have  warres  or  not, 
they  take  security  that  if  warres  fall  out  between  them,  that  then 
they  shall  paye  so  much  to  the  King  of  Spaine  as  the  goodes  are 
woorthe ;  if  noe  warres  then  the  caution  is  discharged.  Hee  saies 
that  his  Merchants  to  whom  his  goodes  were  first  consigned  unto  at 
St.  Lucars  were  Peter  le  Farishe,  Mons.  Nicholas  Blundell,  and 
Lanfrancke  David,  which  were  Frenchmen.  Hee  saieth  hee  hadd 
goodes  also  consigned  to  Flemings.  Hee  confesseth  hee  heard  of  the 
embarque  before,  but  would  not  beleeve  it.  Hee  came  from  St. 
Lucars  the  29th  of  August  last,  and  sayes  that  the  same  Merchants 
to  whom  his  goodes  were  consigned  reladed  him.  His  lading  home- 
ward bound  was  8  great  packes  of  wool,  3  small  packes  of  wool, 
2,000  West  Indian  hides,  of  which  700  were  his  owne,  8  balles  of 
Sarsaparill,  4  Searnes  of  Cana  fista,  a  drugg,  32  or  33  barrells  of 
Cochaneele,  14  or  16  barrells  of  tobacco,  8  of  them  his  owne,  23 


bales  of  Ginger,  500  peeces  of  Campeaohe  wood  of  Brasill,  32  bagges 
Mdm  He  con-  great  and  small  of  gold  and  silver,  whereof  25  bagges  in  silver  and 
fesseth  that  2  of  pjate  wag  taken  out  by  warrant  by  Sir  Samuell  Argall, 

bagges  of  gold      f  J  •,-,-,•       T\  n 

of  the  32  he      Mr.  Nicholas,  &c.    2  boxes  of  Alcumy  gold  de  groine  Dores,  3  cases 

of  bottells  of  Orenge  flower  and   Rose  water,  1  bottle   of  blacke 

bee  account-  balsamum,  a  box  of  candied  orange  flowers,  two  boxes  of  Emerades 
in  a  barell  of  Cochanelle,  one  box  of  Emerades  more  hidden  by  his 
Master,  15  Musketts. 


[Sept.  29,  1625.] 

2. —  Warrant  to  the  Commissioners  for  the  Prizes  brought  from 


[S.  P.  Dom.  Charles  I.  i.  90,  1625,  Nov.  5.] 

Charles  R. 

Charles,  by  the  grace  of  God,  &c.  To  our  trustie  and  wel- 
beloved  Sir  Allen  Apsley,  Knight,  Lieutenant  of  our  Tower  and 
Surveyor  Generall  of  our  maryne  victualls,  Sir  John  Wolstenholme 
and  Sir  Robert  Pye,  Knights,  and  the  rest  of  the  Commissioners 
for  the  Prizes  sent  from  Plymouth  and  to  all  and  every  of  them 
greeting.  Whereas  wee  have  given  order  for  the  delivery  of  the 
somme  of  seaventy  thowsand  poundes  to  our  trustie  and  welbeloved 
Phillip  Burlamachi,  merchant,  to  bee  made  over  by  him  by  bills  of 
exchange  into  the  Lowe  Countries  for  our  speciall  and  waighty 
affaires.  Wee  will  and  commaunde  you  of  such  monies  as  shall 
arrise  and  growe  due  to  us  by  the  sale  of  such  goodes  as  were  lately 
brought  in  by  prizes  from  Plymouth  forthwith  to  paie  or  cause  to 
bee  paid  to  the  said  Phillip  Burlamachi  or  hie  Assignes  the  somme 
of  twentie  thousand  poundes  in  present  money  and  in  parte  of 
payment  of  the  said  somme  of  seaventy  thowsande  poundes  to  be 
imployed  by  him  in  the  service  aforesaid.  And  theis  our  lettres, 
together  with  the  acquittance  of  the  said  Burlamachi,  shalbe  unto 


you  and  every  of  you  sufficient  warrant  and   dischardge   in  this 
behalf.     Given,  &c. 

This  conteyneth  Your  Majestes  Warrant  to  passe  the  Privy  Seale 
to  Sir  Allen  Apsley,  Sir  John  Wolstenholme,  Sir  Robert  Pye,  and 
other  the  Commissioners  for  the  Prizes  brought  from  Plymouth  to 
pay  unto  Phillip  Burlamachi  the  somme  of  £20,000  to  be  imployed 
for  Your  Majestes  speciall  affaires  in  the  Lowe  Countries,  and  is  in 
parte  of  the  somme  of  £70,000  to  be  imployed  for  the  service  afore- 
said, and  is  donne  by  order  of  the  Lord  Con  way. 


November,  1625. 

Exp[editn]r  apud  honor:  de  Hampton  Court 
qninte  die  Novembris  A°  R  K  Carol!  primo. 


3. — Minute  of  a  Letter  from  Lord  Conway*  to  Sir  Henry  Marten.  b 
[S.  P.  Dom.  James  I.  ccxyiii.  234.] 

Acquaintinge  him  with  the  instances  made  by  the  Ambassadors  1625,  NOT.  7. 
of  France  and  the  Lowe  Countries  for  the  shipps  stayed  here  and 
prayinge  him  to  send  such  reasons  as  may  bee  given  to  the  Ambas- 
sadors for  present  answeare. 

4. — Sir  Henry  Marten  to  Lord  Conway. 
[S.  P.  Dom.  Charles  I.  ix.  32.] 

My  humble  duty  remembred  to  your  Lordship  1625,  Nov.  8. 

1  receaved  your  lettre  by  this  bearer,  whereby  I  understand 
that  the   Ambassadors   of  Fraunce   and   the   Low    Countries  are 
earnest  to  make  stay  of  the  present  dispose  of  the  Prizes,  and  indeed    . 
the  like  suite  is  made  by  some  of  his  Majesties  owne  subjects  (as  I 
heare)  for  some  goods  whereunto  they  pretend. 

a  Secretary  of  State.  b  Judge  of  the  Court  of  Admiralty. 


For  my  part  I  can  professe  to  know  noe  other  disposition  yet 
intended,  but  that  all  the  goods  should  be  landed,  inventaried,  and 
praised,  and  on  Satterday  nexta  all  who  pretend  to  any  of  those 
shipps  or  goods  to  appear  and  propound  theire  claimes  at  Mayden- 
heads  in  Court  to  be  holden  there.  For  the  rest  I  shall  so  proceed 
as  not  justlie  -to  be  taxed  for  any  unnecessary  delay  or  unfitting 
hast.  As  for  the  reasons  and  proofes  how  those  became  good  prizes 
the  busines  is  not  yet  arived  to  that  ripenes  before  me  as  that  I 
should  be  able  either  to  satisfie  your  Lordship  or  myselfe  therein ; 
but  since  the  receite  of  your  Lordships  lettre  I  spake  with  Mr, 
Wyan,  who  is  Proctor  in  those  causes  for  his  Majestic  and  the  Lord 
Admirall,  to  whom  Mr.  Secretary  Cook  hath  delivered  all  such 
examinations  which  he  hath,  and  he  seemeth  to  conceive  good  hope 
to  make  sufficient  justification  for  his  Majesties  interest,  &c.,  in  a 
great  part  of  theise  prizes,  provided  that  the  Frenche  Embassador 
be  not  over  eager  in  behalfe  of  some  Callico  Marchants,  Spanishe 
and  Flanders  factors,  who,  haveinge  been  borne  and  brought  up 
subjects  to  the  King  of  Spayne,  have  since  the  end  of  the  last  truce 
betweene  the  King  of  Spayne  and  the  United  Provinces  removed 
theire  habitations  to  Callice,  with  purpose  only  to  accomodate  and 
advaunce  the  trade  betweene  Spayne  and  Flaunders. 

Better  or  fuller  advertisement  for  the  present  I   cannot  yield 
your  Lordship,  and  therefore  I  humbly  take  my  leave,  and  rest 
Your  Lordships  most  humbly  to  be  commanded, 


Bray,  this  8th  of 
9ber,  1625. 

5. — Proceedings  in  the  Court  of  Admiralty. 

[P.  R.  O.  Admiralty  Court,  Book  of  Acts  No.  159.] 

.  (525,  Dec.  i.  Crastino  die  Juridico  post  festum  sive  diem  Sancti  Andree 
Apostoli  die  Jovis  primo  viz*  die  mensis  Decembris  Anno  Domini 
Millesimo  sexcentesimo  vicesimo  quinto.  Coram  venerabili  viro  Wil- 

•  Nov.  12. 


lielmo  Saumares  Legum  Doctore  Surrogate  venerabilis  et  egregii 
viri  Domini  Henrici  Marten  Militis  et  Legum  Doctoris  Supreme 
Curie  Admiralitatis  Judicis  sive  Presidentis.  In  Aula  Collegii 
Dominorum  Advocatorum  infra  parochiam  Sancti  Bened[icti] 
prope  ripam  Paulinam  London  notorie  scituata.  In  presentia  mei 
Thome  Wyan  notarii  publici  Curie  predicte  Eegistrarii  deputati. 
*  *  *  *  * 

Super  petitione  Domini  Doctoris  Ryves.  Quo  die  (facta  pre- 
conizacione  omnium  et  singulorum  in  hac  parte  citatorum  eorum- 
que  quolibet  non  comparente)  Dominus  Doctor  Ryves  quoad  non 
comparentes  et  bona  non  vindicatata  accusavit  eorum  contumacias 
et  Dominus  ad  ejus  petitionem  pronunciavit  omnes  et  singulos  non 
comparentes  contumaces  et  in  penam  contumaciarum  suarum  hujus- 
modi,  dictus  Dominus  Doctor  Ryves  dedit  articulum  ex  primo 
decreto,  quern  Dominus  ad  ejus  petitionem  quoad  non  comparentem 
et  bona  non  vindicata  salvo  jure  comparentium  (facta  prius  fide  per 
dictum  Doctorem  Ryves  de  veritate  contentorum  in  eodem  juxta 
informationem  sibi  traditam  quam  credit  esse  veram)  admisit  et 
decrevit  prout  in  eodem  continetur,  et  decrevit  dictas  pecuniarum 
summas,  aurum,  argentum,  jocalia,  et  cetera  bona,  res,  merces,  et 
mercimonia  in  hac  parte  arrestata  et  non  vindicata  fideliter  appre- 
cianda  fore  et  (facta  appretiacione  et  edita  caucione  de  jure  in  hac 
parte  requisita)  possession!  Domini  nostri  Regis  (causa  rei  servande) 
tradenda  fore.  Et  tune  porrecta  per  dictum  Doctorem  Ryves  billa 
expensarum,  eoque  petente  easdem  taxari,  Dominus  taxavit  easdem  ad 
viginti  libras  legalis  monete  Anglie.  Et  Dominus  Doctor  Ryves  fecit 
fidem  de  earum  exposicione.  Tune  dictus  Dominus  Doctor  Ryves 
introduxit  Commissionem  pro  inspeccione  bonorum  in  dicta  nave  in 
hac  parte  seizita  unacum  relacione  Commissionariorum  in  eadem 
Commissione  nominatorum  eorum  manubus  subscripta  etinstanter  in- 
stantius  et  instantissime  primo  secundo  et  tertio  petiit  bona  in  dicto 
certificatorio  contenta,  et  ejus  generis  in  dicta  nave  existentis  tan- 
quam  peritura,  et  sic  per  dictos  Com  missionaries  inventa  appretiari, 
et  (facta  appretiacione  eorundem)  publice  vendicioni  exponi,  et  plus 


efferent!  vendi,  ac  pretium  et  pecuniarum  summas  exinde  prove  - 
nientes  in  tuto  sequestro  custodiri  in  usura  jus  in  eisdem  habentium 
j  usque  TXJ.  In  presentia  Williamson  dissentientis  et  inficiantis  alle- 
gata  per  dictum  Doctorem  Ryves  esse  vera,  et  allegantis  petita  per 
dictum  Doininum  Doctorem  Ryves a  esse  vera,  et  allegantis  petita 
per  dictum  Dominum  Doctorem  Ryves  de  jure  fieri  non  debere,  et 
petentis  Dominos  suos  in  possessionem  bonorum  suorum  in  hac 
parte  petitorum  mitti,  seu  saltern  dicta  bona  sub  sequestro  custodiri. 
et  allegantis  nonnullos  testes  fuisse  et  esse  in  hujusmodi  causa 
productos  et  examinatos  referendo[?]  se  ad  Registrum  hujus  Curie. 
Unde  Dominus  decrevit  omnia  et  singula  bona  in  hac  parte  contro- 
versa  exceptis  bonis  pro  quibus  testes  in  hac  parte  producti  jurati  et 
examinati  eorumque  dicta  et  depositiones  publicata,  omnium  et 
singulorum  specierum  in  schedula  sive  certificatorio  Commissionis 
pro  inspeccione  dictorum  bonorum  jam  introductorum  annexata, 
specificata  ex  eo  quod  peritura  sunt,  et  deterioris  et  vilioris  pretii 
futura,  fideliter  per  Commissionarios  in  dicta  Commissione  nomi- 
nates apprecianda  fore  et  (facta  dicta  appreciatione)  eadem  bona 
publice  vendicioni  exponenda,  et  plus  offerenti  vendenda,  ac  pre- 
tium exinde  redactum  in  Registrum  hujus  Curie,  in  usum  jus  haben- 
tium introducenda.  Et  quoad  bona  predicta  excepta,  Dominus 
assignavit  ad  audiendam  votemb  suam,  die  Jovis  proximo  inter  horas 
secundam  et  quartam  a  meridie  ejusdem  diei. 


Serenissimus  Dominus  noster  Rex 
contra  quascunque  pecuniarum  sum« 
mas,  aurum,  argentum,  et  jocalia,  seu 
alia  bona,  res,  merces,  et  mercimonia 
quecunque  in  nave  vocata  the  St. 
Peter  cujus  Johannes  Mallieu  est 
Magister  nuper  per  Classem  Regiam 
super  mari  seizita  ac  contra  omnes 
1,0.  Wyan  Williamson. 
•  ?  non. 

Quo  die  similiter  actum. 
fuit  in  omnibus  et  per 
omnia  prout  in  actu 
proximo  precedente  mu- 
tatis mutandis. 


Die  mercurii  octavo  die  Mensis  Februarii  Anno  Domini  1625 
stilo  Anglie  inter  horas  secundam  et  quartam  a  meridie  ejusdem 
diei  coram  Domino  Judice  %c.  in  cenaculo  Dominorum  Advoca- 
torum  de  Archubus  London  presente  Thoma  Wyan  notario 
publico,  Ic. 


Querela  Caroli  Steltius  pro  bonis 
suis  per  eum  in  navibus  per  Classem 
Regiam  seizitis  vindicatis.  William- 
son, Doctor  Ryves. 

Quo  die  comparuit  dictus 
Steltius  quern  dictus  Wyan 
super  propositis  ex  parte 
sua  produxit,  juramento 

de  fideliter  respondendo  oneravit  tain  dictis  propositis  ex  parte 
Wyan,  quam  de  fideliter  respondendo  quibusdam  interrogatoriis 
ei  ex  parte  Domini  nostri  Regis  objiciendis  dicto  Steltius  dissentientis. 

6. — Sir  John  Coke  to  Lord  Conway. 
[S.  P.  Dom.  Charles  I.  xi.  24  (extract).] 

Right  honorable, 

This  morning  I  receaved  a  letter  from  Sir  Win.  Beecher  in  the  1635,  Dec.  6. 
name  of  the  Lords  to  give  mee  knowledg  that  uppon  manie  com- 
plaincts  out  of  the  countries  of  the  great  want  of  powder,  and  the 
Lord  Treasurer's  signification  of  an  impossibilitie  to  bee  supplied 
presently  from  foren  parts :  they  had  considered  of  the  setting  free 
of  making  powder  in  ai  parts  of  the  land  and  breaking  the  contract 
betwixt  his  Majeste  and  Mr.  Evelyn.  But  before  they  would 
resolve,  their  Lordships  required  information  from  the  Lord  Carew 
and  the  Commissioners  of  the  Navie,  and  willed  mee  also  to  attend 
them  at  Hampton  Court  tomorrow  morning.  In  obedience  to  this 
order  I  have  written  to  the  Lord  Carew  to  acquaint  his  Lordship 
with  their  pleasure  and  to  desire  him  accordingly  to  send  his  advise. 
I  have  also  required  both  the  Commissioners  of  the  Navie  and  the 



officers  of  the  Ordnance  to  meet  this  afternoone  at  the  Tower  to 
consider  of  this  business,  and  of  the  overwaight  of  iron  ordinance 
which  was  formerly  referred  unto  them  from  the  boord,  and  1  doubt 
not  but  sume  of  them  wil  attend  tomorrow  at  Hampton  Court  to 
give  accompt  of  theis  matters.  For  my  excuse  I  must  acquaint 
your  Lordships  and  intreatyou  to  certifie  the  Lords  if  they  require 
it,  that  the  examination  of  al  the  Bils  of  lading,  letters  of  assigna- 
tion, commissions,  and  writings,  of  al  sort  (which  in  bulk  are  more 
than  a  strong  man  can  carie  uppon  his  back)  concerning  the  prise 
goods,  is  now  my  employment,  and  I  have  sent  for  men  from  divers 
parts  and  have  kept  some  a  week  in  my  house  to  informe  and  assist 
mee  in  the  discoverie  of  those  things  which  may  cleare  his  Majestes 
title  and  satisfie  the  world  in  our  just  and  aqual  proceedings ;  so  as 
uppon  this  woork  the  answering  of  the  clamors  of  the  Ambassadors, 
the  due  and  legal  expedition  in  the  Admiraltie  cort,  and  which  most 
importeth  the  speedie  raising  of  monies  by  the  sales  of  lawful  prises 
do  mainly  depend.  So  as  without  verie  great  prejudice  to  his 
Majestes  service  I  could  not  at  this  time  intermit  the  attendance  of 
this  woorke.  And  I  doubt  not  but  the  Lord  Carew  and  the  Com- 
missioners wil  fully  satisfie  their  Lordships  in  al  that  they  require. 
Your  lordships 

humble  servant 



6  December,  1626. 

7. — Proceedings  in  the  Coyrt  of  Admiralty. 
[P.  E.  O.  Admiralty  Court  Book  of  Acts,  No.  159.J 

1625,  Dec.  8.  Q[uerela]  nautarum  navis  the  S*  Claude  et  aliarum  navium  per 
classem  regiam  scizit[arum],  et  ad  Plymotham  et  ab  inde  ad 
Londinum  adduct[arum]. 

Quibus   die  et  loco   Dominus   Judex   ad   humilem   peticionem 


dictorum  nautarum  decrevit  prout  sequitur  viz*.  That  they,  the 
sayd  marriners  for  the  tyme  that  they  served  in  the  sayd  severall 
shipps  before  they  were  stayd  by  his  Ma^63  fleete,  shall  have  and 
be  allowed  such  wages  as  they  themselves  and  the  maister  of  each 
shippe  will  depose  to  be  due  unto  them,  by  their  agreement,  at  the 
tyme  of  their  shippinge,  and  that  since  the  sayd  shippes  were 
stayed  by  his  Ma1*68  fleete,  they  shall  have  and  be  allowed  for  the 
tyme  that  they  have  served  his  Matye  the  usuall  wages  given  by 
his  Ma*ye  to  men  of  their  severall  qualityes.  And  decreed  soe 
manye  of  the  goods  seizd  in  each  of  the  sayd  shippes  most  fittinge 
for  sale  as  will  satisfye  the  sayd  marriners  their  wages  to  be  sould, 
and  the  marriners  of  each  shippe  to  be  payd  their  wages  out  of  the 
price  of  the  goods  of  that  shippe  wherin  they  [shall  be]  soe  sould. 

8. — Proceedings  in  the  Court  of  Admiralty. 
[P.  E.  O.  Admiralty  Court  Examinations,  No.  266.] 

11°  Decembris,  1625. 

Johannes  Malleau 
pro  bonis  suis  in 
nave  the  St.  Peter 

Willielmus  Langlois  de  Newhaven  in  Regno  1625,  Dec.  11. 
Galliae  Mercator  annos  agens  26  aut  eo  circiter 
testis  in  hac  parte  productus,  juratus,  et  ex- 

aminatus  dicit  quod    partem  producentem   per   quindecem  annos 
ultimos  elapsos  bene  novit. 

Ad  Primum,  Secundunr,  et  reliquos  articulos  allegationis  ex  parte 
dicti  Malleau  in  hac  causa  datse  et  oblatse  et  schedulam  in  eisdem 
mentionatam,  dicit  et  deponit,  That  within  the  tyme  articulate  at 
S*  Lucar  in  Spaine  this  examinate  did  see  two  parcells  of  hides,  the 
one  containeinge  about  500  hides  and  the  other  200,  certeine  bales 
of  salsaperillaj  the  number  hee  knoweth  not,  and  all  other  the  goods 
and  marchantdices  sett  downe  in  the  schedule  articulate  (which  hee 
hath  now  tempore  examinationis  suse)  heard  read  over  to  him,  laden 
by  the  articulate  John  Malleau  in  the  articulate  shipp  the  S*  Peter, 
for  his  the  said  Malleau's  owne  accounte  (as  hee  said,  and  this 


examinate  verily  beleeveth),  and  those  goods  were  in  the  said  shipp 
(as  this  examinate  beleeveth)  when  shee  was  staied  by  His  Majestyes 
Fleete,  and  sawe  none  of  the  said  goods  taken  out  of  the  said  shipp 
the  S*  Peter  betweene  the  tyrae  of  the  ladeinge  thereof  at  S*  Lucar 
as  aforesaid  and  the  stay  of  the  said  shipp  the  S*  Peter  by  His 
Majestyes  Fleete,  and  therefore  verily  beleeveth  that  the  said  goods 
at  the  time  of  that  stay  were  in  her  the  said  shipp  the  Sl  Peter. 
And  this  hee  saieth  is  true,  ac  aliter  ad  hujusmodi  articulos  nescit 
deponere,  Saveinge  that  this  examinate  hath  heard  the  Master  and 
Companie  of  the  said  shipp  the  S*  Peter  say,  that  all  the  goods 
and  monies  mentioned  in  the  foresaid  schedule  excepte  the  hides 
and  salsaperilla  were  taken  from  the  said  John  Malleau  at 
Plymouth  by  the  Kinges  Officers. 

Ad  Interrogatoria  nescit  respondere,  Saveinge  that  he  this 
respondente  was  borne  at  Newhaven  in  Fraunce  and  is  subject  to 
the  French  Kinge,  and  is  a  Romishe  Catholike. 


9. — Proceedings  in  the  Court  of  Admiralty. 
[P.  K.  0.  Admiralty  Court  Examinations,  No.  266.] 

12  Decembris,  1625. 
'  Johannes  Mallew  Kichardus  Awbin  de  Haber  de  Grace  in 

pro  bonis  suis  in 
nave  the  S*  Peter 
de  Haber  de  Grace. 

Regno  Gallic  Mercator  annos  agens  25,  aut 
eo  circiter  testis  in  hac  parte  productus 
juratus  et  examinatus,  dicit  quod  partem 

producentem  per  quindecem   annos  ultimos  elapsos  bene  novit   ut 

Ad  Primum,  Secundum.,et  reliquos  articulos  allegations  ex  parte 
dicti  Mallew  in  hac  parte  datee  et  oblatse,  et  schedulam  in  eisdem 
mentionatam  dicit  et  deponit,  That  within  the  tyme  articulate  at 
Civill  in  Spaine  the  articulate  John  Mallew  did  buy  400  and  odd 


hides  of  Havana  and  the  certeine  number  hee  knoweth  not,  and 
marcked  them  with  the  firste  marcke  in  the  margent  of  the  articulate 
schedule,  200  hides  of  Mexico  and  marcked  the  same  with  the 
second  marcke  in  the  margent  of  that  schedule,  8  bales  of  salsa- 
parilla  and  marcked  them  with  the  third  marcke  in  the  margente 
of  that  schedule,  all  which  hee  boughte  for  his  owne  proper  accounte. 
And  hee  the  said  Malleau  did  alsoe  buy  the  tyme  and  place  afore- 
said all  the  reste  of  the  goods  mentioned  in  the  foresaid  schedule 
(which  hee  hath  now  tempore  examinationis  suse  heard  read  over 
to  him)  and  the  bezar  stones,  civett,  muske,  oyles,  waters  and 
sweete  meates  mentioned  in  the  said  schedule,  hee  the  said  Malleau 
boughte  for  the  Marques  de  Villiers  Governor  of  Newhaven,  and 
the  reste  of  the  said  goods  hee  boughte  for  his  owne  accounte,  and 
hee  the  said  Mallew  boughte  the  said  goods  (as  hee  said)  to  lade 
them  in  the  articulate  shipp  the  S1  Peter ;  and  as  hee  said  did  lade 
all  the  predeposed  goods,  wares  and  commodityes  mentioned  in  the 
foresaid  schedule  in  the  articulate  shipp  the  S*  Peter,  at  S*  Lucar 
to  bee  transported  to  Newhaven  aforesaid,  and  the  foresaid  hides, 
salsaparilla  and  wolls  mentioned  in  the  Schedule,  this  examinate 
sawe  laden  at  S4  Lucar  in  the  said  shipp  by  the  said  Malleau,  and 
the  hides  and  salsaparilla  hee  sawe  were  marcked  as  aforesaid  at  the 
tyrne  of  the  ladinge  of  them,  and  hee  further  saieth,  That  whileste 
the  foresaid  shipp  the  S*  Peter  was  at  Sl  Lucar  the  tyme  aforesaid 
this  examinate  was  aboard  her  and  sawe  most  of  the  foresaid  goods 
mentioned  in  the  said  schedule  in  her.  And  those  goods  hee  saieth 
were  in  the  said  shipp  (as  the  said  Malleau  told  this  examinate) 
when  shee  was  staied  by  His  Majestyes  Fleete,  And  this  hee  saieth 
hee  knoweth  to  bee  true  who  was  presente  and  in  company  with 
the  said  Malleau  when  hee  bought  moste  parte  of  the  said  goods, 
and  sawe  the  reste  of  those  goods  in  the  hands  of  Malleau  after  hee 
had  bought  them,  and  sawe  the  most  parte  of  them  aboard  the  said 
shipp  at  S1  Lucar  as  aforesaid,  and  after  the  shipp  came  to 
Plymouth  he  saieth  that  Mr  Gabriel  Marsh  and  other  gentlemen 
with  him  (as  the  said  Malleau  saieth)  tooke  from  him  the  said 


Malleau  all  the  goods  and  monies  mentioned  in  the  said  schedule 
excepting  the  hides  and  the  salsaparilla,  which  remained  in  the 
said  shippe,  and  the  said  Malleau  in  this  exarainates  presence 
required  a  receite  from  the  said  Mr  Marsh  of  what  hee  had  taken 

from  him. 



10.— Sir  John  Coke  to  Lord  Conway. 
[S.  P.  Dom.  Charles  I.  xi.  64.] 

1625,  Dec.  14.  Right  honorable 

It  pleaseth  you  to  require  my  present  coming  to  Cort  to 
attend  the  Committee  appointed  to  speake  with  the  States  Ambas- 
sador about  the  ships  and  to  settle  a  constant  order  to  bee  observed 
in  al  prises  for  the  future.  For  the  Ambassador  [the  Duke  hath] 
given  mee  leave  to  tel  you,  that  if  the  answer  alreadie  given  him 
in  writing  and  the  resolution  of  the  Lords  at  the  last  meeting  at 
Hampton  Cort,  bee  not  a  sufficient  satisfaction  at  least  to  stay  his 
clamor  til  hee  seeth  what  the  justice  of  the  Admiraltie  Cort  wil 
produce:  ther  can  bee  nothing  donne  by  the  Lords  at  this  time  to 
quiet  him  without  more  prejudice  to  his  Majeste  and  also  to  the 
Lord  Admiral  in  his  particular  jurisdiction,  then  wil  bee  convenient, 
at  least  in  his  absence  to  be  resolved  uppon :  and  to  change  the 
ancient  formes  and  proceedings  of  the  Admiraltie  Cort  and  settle  a 
new  frame  in  matters  of  reprisal  without  his  presence  and  due 
consideration  therof  taken,  I  am  confident  neither  your  Lordship 
nor  the  boord  wil  thingk  reasonable  or  just.  And  for  the  in- 
creasing of  seamens  wages  the  proposition  being  his  own  and  hee 
giving  way  (as  you  know)  to  have  it  debated  at  the  boord:  it  wil 
bee  no  less  requisite  that  his  Grace  bee  ther  also  when  it  shal  bee 
considered  of:  and  if  al  theis  important  matters  must  of  necessitie 


bee  put  of  til  his  Graces  return  my  present  coming  to  Cort  can 
have  no  other  frute  but  the  delaying  of  those  businesses  here, 
which  I  dare  say  are  of  so  great  importance  that  the  satisfaction  to 
bee  given  to  the  Ambassadors  and  the  course  to  bee  setled  for 
reprisals  wil  much  depend  uppon  it.  For  even  the  Judg  himself 
knoweth  not  yet  what  ships  are  to  bee  detained  or  releast,  nor  what 
goods  are  prise  or  not  prise  til  the  bils  and  letters  bee  al  examined 
and  the  state  therof  set  down  which  is  the  tedious  and  difficult 
woorke  which  I  have  stil  in  hand,  namely  to  peruse  al  the  letters 
written  in  Spanish,  Italian,  French,  Dutch,  and  English,  and  some 
in  Arabeck,  and  to  gather  out  of  them  what  may  discover  the 
proprietie  of  everie  peece  of  goods.  Besids  to  survey  al  the  bils  of 
lading  and  to  compare  al  the  merchants  marks,  and  by  conference 
with  merchants  and  factors  to  find  out  the  colorers  of  the  enemies 
parcels.  I  had  perused  (as  1  thought)  so  manie  as  were  recovered 
before  my  last  journey,  but  this  day  a  new  bundle  is  sent  mee  from 
the  Tower,  and  if  I  finish  this  business  by  the  end  of  this  weeke  I 
must  woorke  al  the  day  and  some  part  of  the  night :  and  yet  al  the 
day  long  some  occasion  or  other  for  the  Navie  interrupt  my 
indevors,  so  as  I  assure  your  Honor  I  need  no  other  diversion,  if 
possibly  I  may  bee  spared.  Yet,  if  you  command  mee,  I  wil  not 
faile  to  attend  you  on  Saterday  morning  uppon  your  summons  by 
the  next  post.  The  note  for  Proclamations  I  send  your  Honor 
hereinclosed  which  I  had  in  purpose  to  have  delivered  to  Mr. 
Atturney,  if  Sir  Eobt.  Pye  had  not  yesterday  informed  mee  that 
hee  is  sick.  Your  Honor  may  bee  pleased  to  consider  whether  the 
hast  of  theis  proclamations  may  effect  his  recoverie  or  whether  it 
bee  not  fitt  that  the  Lord  Keeper  give  direction  therin  to  the 
Sollicitor  of  Kings  Sergeants.  I  have  alreadie  sent  to  Plimouth  to 
stay  the  Lion.ther,  and  to  hasten  away  the  prise  and  to  restrain 
Mons.  Soubizes  companies  from  anie  attempt  to  the  offence  of  the 
French  Vice  Admiral.  The  fleet"  (as  you  see)  cometh  scateringly 

»  The  fleet  from  Cadiz. 


home  and  1  know  the  Lords  have  given  direction  for  the  relief  of 
the  sick  men  and  quartering  the  soldiers.  But  you  see  what  the 
Mayor  writeth  to  their  Lordships,  whose  letter  to  them  I  send  back 
hereinclosed :  and  further  Sir  Jearnes  Bagge  writeth  plainly  that 
the  gentlemen  of  those  parts  wil  in  no  wise  bee  drawn  to  aine 
contribution  or  to  anie  engagement  in  matter  of  monie,  and  if 
monies  bee  not  in  some  measure  supplied  the  miserie  and  clamor 
that  wil  speedily  follow  wil  bee  no  less  dangerous  then  greevous  to 
bee  born.  For  God's  sake  (my  good  Lord)  lett  us  first  see  how 
possibly  wee  can  raise  monies  to  discharge  this  unfortunate  armie 
and  fleet  that  cometh  home,  before  there  bee  anie  debate  or  mention 
of  increasing  more  charge.  The  end  of  my  attendance  here  is  to 
hasten  the  raising  of  monies  by  sales  of  prise  goods  here  which,  til 
this  woorke  bee  finished,  can  not  possibly  bee  wel  donne,  and  til 
monies  bee  made  here,  ther  wil  bee  no  possibilitie  (for  ought  I 
understand)  either  to  pay  the  fleet  that  cometh  home  [or]  to  sett 
forth  those  ships  which  are  prepared  to  attend  Captain  Penington 
to  Plimouth.  This  day  the  Masters  of  some  of  the  merchants  came 
to  mee  to  protest  that  if  monies  were  not  presently  supplied  for 
victuals  they  could  noe  longer  hold  their  companies  together.  My 
Lord  Treasurer  wil  shortly  sleep  unquietly  in  his  bed,  and  I  pray 
God  wii  see  not  greater  mischiefe  follow.  Pardon  ray  boldness 
and  retain  him  in  your  favour  who  is  Your  Lordships 

humble  servant 


Tottenham  1625 
14  December. 

11. — Sir  John  Coke  to  Lord  Conway. 
IS.  P.  Dom.  Charles  I.  xii.  i.] 

1625,  Dec.  17.  Right  honorable 

By  your  servant  I  writt  this  morning  to  the  Lord  Admiral  to 
give  him  notice  of  an  advertisement  I  had,  that  nine  Hamburghers 


went  passed  by  Dover  towards  Spaine  laden  with  cordage  and 
munition;  and  since,  I  have  heard  by  Sir  John  Wolstenholm  that 
out  of  the  Sound  about  20  ships  are  gone  by  the  North  of  Irland 
with  like  lading  for  the  enimie.  I  have  withal  written  to  Plimouth 
to  Sir  Jeams  Bagge  who  hath  charge  of  the  Lion,  that  hee  inquire 
the  best  hee  can  whether  this  contrarie  wind  hath  not  forced  the 
9  Hamburgers  into  sum  port  on  that  coast,  and  that,  with  the  Lion 
and  Swiftsure  and  such  other  ships  as  may  ther  bee  found  readie, 
hee  take  the  best  course  hee  can  to  intercept  them.  And  for  these 
Easterlings  which  are  gone  about  Irland,  that  hee  find  means  to 
advertise  our  fleet  in  their  return,  or  to  send  woord  into  Irland,  if  anie 
of  our  fleet  by  the  late  easterly  winds  have  been  carried  thither,  that 
they  do  their  best  indevor  to  make  stay  of  those  provisions :  and 
more  uppon  the  sudden  I  knew  not  what  to  do  But  because  it  may 
happen  that  the  Hamburgers  are  put  in  at  the  Cowes  in  the  Wight, 
I  thought  fit  to  desire  your  Lordship  to  write  to  your  Captans  ther 
to  do  their  indevor  also :  at  least  to  advertise  your  Honor  whether 
they  were  passed  that  way.  I  had  formerly  given  warning  of  this 
fleet  to  the  ships  in  the  Downs,  but  they  fownd  it  not  for  their 
ease  to  waigh  anchor  in  fowle  weather :  I  gave  notice  also  to  my 
Lord  Duke,  when  hee  was  in  Holland,  that  the  States  men  of  warre 
or  some  of  his  Graces  fleet  might  give  impediment  to  their  passage. 
And  to  prevent  this  mischeif  at  least  for  the  future  I  moved  his 
Majeste  and  the  Lords  for  letters  to  bee  written  to  the  King  of 
Denmarck  to  stay  al  such  ships  at  Elsenor  and  in  the  Elve  ;  and  his 
Majestes  pleasure  was  that  your  Honor  should  take  order  in  it  as  I 
formerly  writt  unto  you,  which  I  humbly  leave  to  your  care.  More 
I  heare  that  the  Ambassadors  stil  press  your  Honors  for  the  dis- 
charge of  the  ships  and  goods  now  at  London,  and  suffer  you  not 
to  give  way  to  an  ordinarie  and  judicial  proceeding,  which,  if  they 
prevaile  in,  you  must  make  accompt  that  his  Majeste  and  the  Lord 
Admiral  shal  herafter  make  no  benefit  of  the  justest  prises  that  shal 
bee  taken ;  for  some  Ambassader  wil  bee  engaged  and  those  that 
are  the  Kings  ministers,  if  they  bee  not  permitted  to  have  time  for 



a  legal  and  just  course,  wil  easily  be  discouraged  from  sifting  and 
examining  the  pretences  which  are  made  and  which  require  time  to 
be  discovered.  In  this  respect  I  hope  you  have  put  of  their  further 
hearing  til  the  Lord  Admirals  return :  and  I  labor  what  I  can  to 
have  things  readie  against  that  time,  though  in  truth  my  continual 
diversions  by  the  importunitie  of  those  that  are  sent  to  call  upon 
mee  in  theis  business  wil  hardly  give  mee  leave  to  disgest  what  I  have 
gathered.  His  Giace  sent  mee  woord  this  day  that  hee  would  bee  at 
Cort  this  weeke  that  is  coming.  If  your  Lordship  knows  the  day,  I 
beseech  you  give  mee  notice,  that  I  may  notfaile  then  to  attend  you. 
And  in  the  meane  time  permit  not  the  clamors  of  the  Ambassadors  so 
to  govern  our  councels  as  to  hinder  the  fitt  and  necessarie  cautions  in 
the  course  of  our  justice.  And  lastly  lett  mee  put  you  in  mind  of  the 
letter  promised  by  the  Lords  to  release  the  stay  of  the  sales  of  prise 
goods  which  is  not  yet  sent  unto  mee.  And  if  the  Lord  Treasurer  can 
find  no  monies  in  the  Exchequer,  and  your  Lordship  wil  suffer 
none  to  be  raised  by  the  sales  what  you  wil  do  when  the  Fleet 
cometh  home  I  know  not ;  but  that  the  Fleet  now  preparing 
hath  been  hindered  alreadie  and  that  much  charge  is  increased 
by  want  of  meanes  to  discharg  and  putt  of  the  men  aboord 
theis  ships  I  can  give  a  true  accompt :  and  if  you  shal  limit  the 
sales  to  such  goods  (as  I  heare  you  intend)  which  are  out  of 
question,  I  know  not  what  goods  can  bee  sold,  since  ther  is  neither 
ship  nor  particular  goods  therin  to  which  no  man  doth  pretend. 
Good  my  Lord,  bee  a  meanes  to  ad  honor  and  strength  to  our 
judicial  proceedings,  as  they  do  in  al  contries :  and  suffer  us  not  to 
bee  subject  to  the  clamors  and  censures  of  strangers;  but  if  you  find 
either  Judg  or  Minister  do  that  which  is  unjust  cawse  him  to  bee 
ponished,  but  give  time  to  know  the  truth.  Ther  bee  matters  of 
more  consequence  to  bee  now  considered  of,  namly  how  to  find 
meanes  to  support  the  great  warre  to  which  wee  are  ingaged,  for, 
if  wee  proceed  to  woorke  without  meanes,  and  do  not  at  this  verie 
time  consider  and  prepare  for  that  which  is  to  bee  donne  against 
the  spring  ;  wee  shal  but  expose  al  our  actions  to  the  scorn  of  the 


world,  and  shal  draw  uppon  us  more  danger  then  is  yet  taken  to 
hart.  I  wil  do  my  best  [to]  make  my  Lord  Admiral  sensible  therof 
at  his  return  ;  and  this  is  the  cawse  why  I  do  not  now  wait  uppon 
you,  as  also  for  that  I  rest  assured  you  have  put  of  the  Ambassadors 
further  answer  til  his  Graces  return.  So  I  humbly  rest  Your 

humble  servant 

Tottenham  1625 
17  December. 

Wee  heard  that  his  Majeste  purposed  to  cum  to  London  in  the 
beginning  of  the  weeke.  If  it  bee  so,  bee  pleased  to  give  notice, 
and  to  send  mee  your  commandiments  in  what  you  think  fit. 

12. — M.  de  P alloy seau  to  Sir  John  Hippesley. 
[Harl.  MSS.  1583,  fol.  171.] 


Les  marchands  de  ceste  ville  interessez  aux  navires  et  mar-  1g2l> Dec- 23- 
chandises  que  Ton  leur  retient  en  Angleterre,  apres  avoir  faict  leurs 
plain tes  tant  a  sa  Majeste  qu'a  Mrs  du  conseil  de  ladite  retenue  et 
du  desny  de  justice  que  Ton  leur  faict  audite  Angleterre  en  la 
delivrance  de  leurs  diets  vaisseaux,  ont  pour  ce  subject  obtenu  une 
sentence  a  la  table  de  marbre  et  une  Commission  en  Chancelerie, 
portant  pouvoir  de  faire  saisir  et  arrester  par  tous  les  lieux  et 
endroicts  de  ce  royaulme  les  vaisseaux  et  marchandises  quilz 
trouveront  appartenir  aux  Anglois,  lesquelles  ils  eussent  desja  faict 
mettre  a  execution ;  n'eust  este"  que  j'ay  juge"  a  propos  pour  ne 
poinct  alterer  le  commerce  et  negoce  des  marchands  les  uns  avecques 
les  autres,  qu'il  falloit  premierement  vous  en  donner  advis,  pour  s'il 
vous  plaist  le  faire  entendre  tant  au  Roy  de  la  Grand  Bretagne 
qu'a  Messieurs  de  son  conseil  afin  qu'en  estant  par  vous  advertis, 
s'ilz  reffusent  apres  cela  la  main  levee  desdites  vaisseaux  et  mar- 
chandises desdicts  marchands,  je  n'aye  plus  rien  a  dire  pour  les 


empescher  de  se  server  de  leur  pouvoir :  car,  a  la  verite,  il  n'est  pas 
raisonnable  que  les  subjects  de  Sa  Majeste  soient  traicte*s  de  la  fac.on. 
J'en  attiendray  done  votre  reponse,  et  cependant  je  vous  suplieray 
me  faire  la  faveur  de  me  croire 

Votre  bien  humble  et  aif  ne  serviteur 


Monsieur  j'ai  rec,u  la  piecce  de  boeuf  qu'il  vous  a  pleu  m'envoyer, 
de  quoy  je  vous  remercie  bien  humblement. 
De  Calais  ce  2e  Janvier  1626. 

13. — Act  of  the  Privy  Council. 
[S.  P.  Dom.  Charles  I.  xii.  72.] 

1625,  Dec.  28.  At  Hampton  Courte  the  28th  of  December  1625. 


The  King's  Majestic 

Lo :  Keeper  Earl  of  Marr 

Lo :  Treasurer  Earl  of  Melros 

Lo:  Privie  Scale  Lord  Conway 

Duke  of  Buckingham  Mr  Treasurer 

Earl  Marshall  Mr  Comptroler 

Lo:  Chamberlaine  Mr  Secretary  Coke 

Earle  of  Montgomerie  Mr  Chancellor  of  the  Exchequer 

Earl  of  Carlile  Mr  Chancellor  of  the  Duchy 

Earl  of  Holland  Sir  Dudley  Carleton 

Lo :  Chancellor  of  Scotland 

Upon  relacion  made  to  his  Majestic  by  Mr  Secretarie  Coke  of 
the  proceeding  that  had  beene  used  in  takeing  of  the  Prizes  at 
Plymouth  and  how  farr  the  same,  or  the  goods  therin  laden,  were 
discovered  to  appertaine  to  the  subjects  of  the  King  of  Spaine,  It 
was  this  day  Ordered  by  his  Majestic  with  the  advise  of  his 
Councell  that  the  Shipp  of  Newhaven  called  the  St.  Peeter  and 
such  goods  therin  laden  and  all  such  other  goods  of  the  other 


Prizes  as  shalbe  found  to  appertaine  to  his  Majestes  owne  Subjects 
or  the  Subjects  of  his  good  Brother  the  French  King  or  of  the 
States  of  the  United  Provinces  or  of  any  other  Princes  or  States  in 
frendshipp  and  alliance  with  his  Majestie  and  are  not  fraudulently 
coulored  under  theire  names  and  really  doe  belonge  unto  the 
Subjects  of  the  King  of  Spaine,  shalbe  delivered  to  such  as  shall 
reclayme  the  same.  And  for  all  other  goods  in  the  said  prizes  his 
Majestes  Advocate  in  the  Admiralty  Courte  shall  proceede  judi- 
cially as  to  justice  appertaineth  without  any  further  restrainte  of 
sale  or  other  proceeding  warrantable  by  lawe  or  the  course  of  the 
Admiralty  notwithstanding  the  former  letters  of  the  Board  which 
are  hereby  discharged. 

ExtT     WILL:  BECHER. 

14. — Proceedings  in  the  Court  of  Admiralty. 
[P.  E.  O.  Admiralty  Court  Examinations,  No.  266.] 

Alexander  Le  Grand 
pro  bonis  suis  in  nave 
the  St.  Peter  de  Haber 
de  Grace. 

Mr  Wood  debitor 

28°  Decembris,  1625. 

Johannes  Malleau  de  Haber  de  Grace  1625,  Dec.  28. 
in  Regno  Krauncise  Nauta  annos  agens  28 
aut  eo  circiter  testis  in  hac  parte  productus 
juratus  et  examinatus  dicit  quod  Alex- 
andrum  Le  Grande  partem  producentem 

per  septem  annos  ultimos  elapsos  bene  novit. 

Ad  Primum  Secundum  et  reliquos  articulos  allegations  ex  parte 
dicti  Le  Grand  in  hac  causa  datae  et  oblataB,  et  schedulam  in  eisdem 
mentionatam,  necnon  allegationem  apud  acta  Crastino  Martini  1625 
facta  et  exhibita  in  eadem  specificata  dicit  et  deponit  That  within 
the  tyme  articulate  at  S*  Lucar  in  Spaine  the  severall  goodes  sett 
downe  in  the  foresaid  Schedule  under  the  severall  marcks  and 
numbers  in  the  margent  of  that  Schedule  were  laden  aboard  the 
articulate  shipp  the  S*  Peter  to  bee  carried  to  Haber  de  Grace  and 
there  delivered  to  the  articulate  Alexander  Le  Grand  who  is  (as 


this  Exanimate  beleeveth)  a  Hollander  borne,  but  liveth  in  Roane 
in  Fraunce  where  this  exanimate  hath  known  him  livinge  these 
seaven  yeares  laste  paste,  and  is  a  naturalized  subjecte  to  the  Frenche 
Kinge,  and  soe  hath  bin  for  all  the  tyme  that  this  exanimate  hath 
knowne  him,  but  to  whom  the  said  goodes  doe  belonge,  or  for 
whose  accounte  they  were  laden,  this  examinate  knoweth  not,  but 
saieth  that  the  exhibites  mentioned  in  the  foresaid  allegation  apud 
acta,  are  the  true  and  originall  billes  of  ladeinge  of  the  said  goodes 
and  are  subscribed  with  the  proper  hande  and  writinge  of  him  this 
examinate,  And  this  hee  saieth  hee  knoweth  to  bee  true  beinge 
Master  of  the  said  shipp  the  foresaid  voyage,  Ac  aliter  ad  hujus- 
modi  articulos  nescit  deponere. 


Ad  primum  respondet,  That  hee  was  borne  at  Haberdegrace  in 
Fraunce,  and  is  a  subjecte  to  the  Frenche  Kinge,  and  his  habita- 
tion hath  alwayes  bin  in  Fraunce,  when  hee  hath  not  bin  at  sea 
upon  voyages. 

Ad  secundum  respondet,  That  hee  is  a  Eomishe  Catholike,  Ac 
aliter  respondet  negative. 

Ad  tertium  respondet,  That  hee  hath  bin  Skipper  of  the  interro- 
gate shipp  the  St.  Peter  three  yeares  laste  paste,  and  for  all  that 
tyme  shee  the  said  shipp  hath  belonged  to  Henery  Cavillere, 
Fraunces  Ramee,  and  this  respondente,  who  are  all  Frenchmen 
dwelling  at  Roan  and  Haberdegrace,  where  they  have  alwayes 

Ad  quartum  respondet,  That  the  interrogate  goodes  were  laden 
by  Michael  Celly  and  Henery  Losie,  and  Michael  Celly  this 
respondente  thinketh  to  bee  a  Frenchman  and  Henery  Losye  hee 
thinketh  to  bee  a  Hollander,  and  hee  saieth  that  they  both  dwell  at 
S*  Lucar,  but  whose  subjects  they  are  this  respondente  knoweth 

Ad  quintum  respondet,  That  hee  was  examined  touchinge  this 


business  at  Plymouth,  and  did  subscribe  to  that  examination,  and 
the  contents  thereof  are  true. 

Ad  sextum  nescit  respondere  aliter  quam  supra. 

Ad  septimum  respondet  negative  quoad  noticiam  suam. 

Ad  octavum  nescit  respondere. 

Ad  nonum  respondet,  That  hee  knoweth  none  of  the  partyes 

Ad  decimum  nescit  respondere 

Ad  undecimum  nescit  respondere. 

Ad  duodecimum  respondet  negative. 

Ad  tertium  decimum  respondet,  That  the  examination  now 
showen  and  read  unto  him  is  his  examination  taken  at  Plymouth, 
and  the  contents  thereof  hee  saieth  are  true  and  yt  is  subscribed 
with  the  proper  handewriteinge  of  him  this  respondente. 

Ad  quartumdecimum,  quintumdecimum  et  sextumdecimum  nescit 


15. — Proceedings  in  the  Court  of  Admiralty. 
[P.  E.  O.  Admiralty  Conrt  Examinations,  No.  266.] 

Franciscus  Bregault  pro  bonis 
suis  in  nave  the  S*  Peter. 

30°  Decembris,  1625. 

Idem  Johannes  Malleiu  testie  1625>  Dec.  30. 
in  hac  parte  productus,  juratus 

et  examinatus,  dicit  quod  Fran- 
ciscum  Bregault  partem  producentem  per  sexdecem  annos  ultimos 
elapsos  bene  novit  ut  dicit. 

Ad  primum,  secundum  et  reliquos  articulos  allegations  ex  parte 
dicti  Bregault  in  hac  causa  datse  et  oblatse  et  schedulam  in  eisdem 
mentionatani,  necnon  allegationem  apud  acta — Crastino  Martini 
1625  facta,  et  exhibita  in  eadem  specificata,  dicit  et  deponit, 
That  within  the  tyme  articulate  at  S1  Lucar  one  case  of  guilte 

*  Interpreter. 


graines  of  Aleumye,  marked  and  numbered  as  in  the  margente  of 
the  articulate  schedule,  was  laden  in  the  name  of  the  articulate 
Frances  Bregault  aboard  the  articulate  shipp  the  S*  Poter  to  bee 
carried  to  Haberdegrace  in  Fraunce,  and  there  delivered  to  Jonas 
Langlois,  to  followe  the  order  of  Thomas  Fovell,  as  is  expressed  in 
the  bill  of  ladeinge,  and  a  little  before  the  ladeinge  of  the  said  case 
of  graines  of  Alcumye  aboard  the  said  shipp  at  S*  Lucar,  this 
examinate,  being  at  Sivill  in  the  lodginge  of  the  articulate  Fraunces 
Brigaulte,  did  there  see  the  said  case  of  graines,  and  the  said 
Brigaulte  tolde  this  examinate  that  that  case  of  graines  was  to  bee 
laden  aboard  the  said  shipp,  the  S1  Peter,  for  the  proper  accounte 
of  him,  the  said  Fraunces  Brigaulte,  and  that  case  of  graines  of 
Alcumye  hee  saieth  was  in  the  foresaid  shipp  when  shee  was  staied 
by  His  Majestyes  Fleete,  and  the  exhibite  mentioned  in  the  fore- 
said  allegation,  apud  acta,  beeing  shewed  unto  him,  hee  saieth  is  the 
true  and  originall  bill  of  ladeinge  of  the  foresaid  case  of  graines  of 
Alcumye,  and  is  subscribed  with  the  proper  hande  writeinge  of  him 
this  Examinate,  and  this  hee  saieth  upon  his  oath  hee  knoweth  to 
bee  true,  beeinge  Master  of  the  foresaid  shipp  the  said  voyage, 
Ac  aliter  ad  hujusmodi  articulos  nescit  deponere,  saveinge  that  the 
articulate  Fraunces  Brigault  is  a  Frenchman,  borne  at  Lyons  in 
Fraunce,  and  there  hath  a  wief,  house  and  familye,  but  resideth 
now  at  Sivill  in  Spaine. 

Ad  Interrogate ria  nescit  respondere  aliter  quam  prius,  Saveinge 
that  Jerman  Belle,  who  laded  the  interrogate  goodes  is  a  French- 
man, borne  at  Paris  in  Fraunce,  but  is  a  Factor  residente  in  S* 



16. — Proceedings  in  the  Court  of  Admiralty. 

[P.  B.  O.  Admiralty  Court  Examinations,  No.  266.] 

3°  Januarii,  1625. 

Jacques  Cordier  et  Johannes 
Hormell  pro  bonis  suis  in  nave 
the  S*  Peter. 

Johannes  Malleau  testis  in  hac  I62f,  Jan.  3. 
parte  productus  juratus  et  exami- 
natus,  dicit  quod  Jaquem  Cordier 

et  Johannem  Hormell  per  duos  annos  et  ultra  respective  bene  novit 
ut  dicit. 

Ad  primum,  secundum  et  reliquos  articulos  allegationis  ex  parte 
dictorum  Cordier  et  Hormell  in  hac  causa  datse  et  oblatae,  et 
schedulam  in  eisdem  mentionatam,  necnon  allegationem  apud  acta 
Crastino  Martini  1625  facta  et  exhibita  in  eadem  mentionata,  dicit 
et  deponit,  That  within  the  tyme  articulate  at  S*  Lucar  the  severall 
goodes  sett  downe  in  the  schedule  articulate  under  the  severall 
marckes  in  the  margente  of  that  schedule  were  laden  aboard  the 
articulate  shipp  the  S4  Peter,  the  tobacco  for  the  accounte  of  the 
articulate  Jaques  Cordier  and  Company,  and  the  hides  for  the 
accounte  of  the  articulate  John  Hormell,  to  whom  the  same  goodes 
respectively  doe  belonge  of  this  examinates  knowledge,  who  was 
presente,  and  sawe  the  said  goodes  boughte  for  the  accounte  of  the 
said  partyes,  and  those  goodes  hee  saieth  were  to  bee  carried  in  the 
said  shippe  to  Haberdegrace,  and  there  the  tobacco  to  bee  delivered 
to  Jaques  Cordier  and  the  hides  to  John  Hormell,  and  those  goods 
hee  saieth  were  in  the  said  shipp  when  shee  was  staied  by  His 
Majestyes  Fleete,  and  the  exhibite  mentioned  in  the  foresaid  alle- 
gation apud  acta  beeinge  shewed  unto  him  hee  saieth  is  the  true 
and  originall  bill  of  ladeinge  of  the  predeposed  tobaccoe  and  is 
subscribed  with  the  proper  hande  writeinge  of  him  this  examinate. 
And  this  hee  saieth  hee  knoweth  to  bee  true,  beeinge  master  of  the 
said  shipp  the  foresaid  voyage,  Ac  aliter  ad  hujusmodi  allegationes, 
schedulam,  et  exhibitum  nescit  deponere,  saveinge  that  the  articu- 
late Jaques  Cordier  is  a  Frenchman  borne  at  Newhaven  and  there 



liveinge,  and  the  articulate  John  Hormell  a  Frenchman  borne  at 
Dieppe  and  there  liveinge,  and  both  subjects  to  the  French  Kinge. 
Ad  Interrogatoria  nescit  respondere  aliter  quam  prius,  saveinge 
that  Isacke  de  Ambrey,  who  laded  the  predeposed  tobaccoe  is  a 
Frenchman  dwelling  in  Sivill,  in  Spaine,  but  a  subjecte  to  the 
Frenche  Kinge,  the  name  of  the  lader  of  the  foresaid  hides  hee 
well  remembreth  not,  but  (as  hee  thinketh)  his  name  is  Peter 
Blund,  a  Frenche  merchant  of  Roane  liveinge  at  Sivill,  but  a 

subjecte  to  the  Frenche  Kinge. 



17. — Proceedings  in  the  Court  of  Admiralty. 
[P.  R.  O.  Admiralty  Court  Examinations,  No.  266.] 

3°  Jannarii,  1625. 

Richardus  Aubin  pro  bonis  j  Johannes  Mallieu  testis  in  hac 
suis  in  nave  the  Sl  Peter.  >  parte  productus  juratus  et  exami- 

natus  dicit  quod  Richardum  Aubin  partem  producentem  per 
duodecem  annos  ultimos  elapsos  bene  novit  ut  dicit. 

Ad  primum,  secundum  et  reliquos  -articulos  allegations  ex  parte 
dicti  Aubin  in  hac  causa"  datse  et  oblatae  et  schedulam  in  eisdem 
mentionatam,  necnon  allegationem  apud  acta  Crastino  Martini  1625 
facta  et  exhibita  in  eadem  mentionata  dicit  et  deponit,  That  within 
the  tyme  articulate  at  Sl  Lucar,  the  fiftye-sixe  hides  in  haire  sett 
downe  in  the  articulate  schedule  under  the  severall  marckes  in  the 
margente  of  that  schedule  were  laden  aboarde  the  articulate  shippe 
the  S1  Peter  by  the  articulate  Richard  Aubin,  who  in  this  exami- 
nates  presence  boughte  the  same  hides  at  Sivill,  in  Spaine,  for  his 
owne  accounte  out  of  the  proceed  of  linnen  cloth  and  other  mercery 
wares  which  the  said  Aubin  carried  from  Fraunce  to  Spaine  in  his 
this  examinates  shipp  the  foresaid  voyage,  and  those  56  hides  the 


said  Richarde  Aubin  consigned  to  bee  delivered  at  Haberdegrace 
to  himself  or  the  articulate  Charles  Hannon,  and  those  hides  hee 
saieth  were  in  the  foresaid  shipp  when  shee  was  staied  by  His 
Majestyes  Fleete,  and  the  exhibite  mentioned  in  the  foresaid  alle- 
gation apud  acta  beinge  she  wen  unto  him,  hee  saieth  is  the  true  and 
originall  bill  of  ladeinge  of  the  foresaid  hides,  and  is  subscribed 
with  the  proper  hande  writeinge  of  him  this  examinate.  And  this 
hee  saieth  upon  his  oath  hee  knoweth  to  bee  true,  beeinge  master 
of  the  said  shipp  the  foresaid  voiage,  Ac  aliter  ad  hujusmodi 
allegationes,  schedulam,  et  exhibitum  nescit  deponere,  saveing  that 
the  articulate  Richard  Aubin  is  a  young  man  borne  and  dwellinge 
at  Haberdegrace  aforesaid,  and  married  the  daughter  of  the  articu- 
late Charles  Hanno,  who  is  a  merchante,  and  a  cittizen  of  Haber- 

Ad  Interrogatoria  nescit  respondere  aliter  quam  prius. 


18. — Proceedings  in  the  Court  of  Admiralty. 
[P.  R.  O.  Admiralty  Court,  Book  of  Acts,  No.  159.] 

Serenissimus  Dominus  noster 
Rex  contra  navem  the  S*  Marye 
ej usque  apparatus  et  accessio.nes 
ac  contra  omnes  TXJ.  Dominus 
Doctor  Ryves,  Wyan. 

Quo    die     Dominus     Doctor  162I» Jan- 20- 
Ryves  Advocatus  Regius  intro- 
duxit  mandatum  cum  certifica- 
torio    in  dorso    ejusdem    (super 
cujus        exequucione       Solomo 

Smyth  fecit  fidem.) 
Et  (facta  preconizacione  omnium  et  singulorum  in  hac  parte 
citatorum)  comparuit  Williamson  et  exhibuit  procuratorium  suum 
pro  Petro  Raes  et  Suzanna  Vandamman  relicta  Ludovici  Vandam- 
man  def  [endentibua]  et  fecit  se  partem  pro  eisdem.  Tune  Dominus 
ad  petitionem  Wyan  pronunciavit  omnes  et  singulos  (ut  prefertur 
citatosj  et  non  comparentes  contumaces.  Tune  dictus  Dominus 


Doctor  Kyves  in  penam  contumaciorum  omnium  et  singulorum 
predictorum  ex  parte  dicti  Domini  nostri  Regis  dedit  allegationem 
in  scripto  conceptam  quam  Dominus  ad  ejus  petitionem  admisit, 
quatenus  de  jure  sit  admittendam.  Tune  idem  Dominus  Doctor 
Ryves  in  supplementum  probacionis  contentorum  in  allegacione 
predicta,  exhibuit  responsum  Magistri  Richardi  Williamson  aliter 
factum  allegation!  ex  parte  dicti  Domini  nostri  Regis  contra  bona 
in  nave  predicta  data?,  et  examinacionem  Petri  Raes  apud  Plimutham 
vigore  juramenti  sui  facti  captam,  et  aliter  per  eum  exhibitam 
et  penes  Registrum  hujus  Curie  remanentem,  etetiam  certificatorium 
quoddam  in  lingua  Hispanica  scriptum,  unacum  translacione  ejusdem 
in  linguam  Anglicanam  per  Thomam  Wilford  Xotarium  Publicum 
facta;  et  etiam  certificatorium  Vizentii  Auciondo  Officiarii  Regis  His- 
panic scilicet  Viedor  et  Contador  of  the  Armado  for  the  defence  of 
the  East[at]es  of  Flaunders  for  the  Kinge  of  Spayne,  in  pede  ejus- 
dem Certificati  etiam  subscriptum,  et  allegavit  dictum  certificatorium 
sigillatum  esse  sigillo  oppidi  de  Dunkerke,  et  signatum  per  Le 
Griffier  ejusdem  oppidi,  et  aliud  certificatorium  in  pede  ejusdem 
subscriptum  esse  manu  propria  dicti  Vizentii  Auciondo  Officiarii 
predicti,  ac  translacionem  predictam  cum  originali  fideliter  concordare 
prefatumque  Thomam  Wilford  fuisse  et  esse  Notarium  Publicum 
probum  et  legalem  proque  tali  comuniter  reputatum.  Contentaque 
in  dictis  respective  exhibita  fuisse  et  esse  vera  atque  ita  habita  gesta 
et  expedita  prout  in  dictis  certificatoriis  continetur.  Navemque 
vocatam  the  Marye  in  dictis  certificatoriis  mencionatam  fuisse  et 
esse  navem  the  Marye  in  dicta  allegacione  per  eum  data  mencionatam. 
Que  allegacionem  et  exhibita  posuit  contrariurn  et  diversum  eadem 
admitti  petens,  ac  juslc.  dicto  Williamson  dissentiente.  Unde  Domi- 
nus ad  petitionem  dicti  Domini  Doctoris  Ryves  in  penam  'tc.  et  in  pre- 
sentia  dicti  Williamson  admisit  allegacionem  et  exhibita  predicta  qua- 
tenus de  jure  sunt  admittenda.  Tune  dictus  Dominus  Doctor  Ryves 
allegavit  intencionem  suam  ex  premissis  fuisse  et  esse  sutficienter  fun- 
datam,  quare  petiit  terminum  assignari  ad  audiendam  s[ententiam]. 
Unde  Dominus  assignavit  ad  audiendam  s[ententiam]  interloquu- 


toriam  pro  parte  Domini  nostri  Kegis  juxta  morem  et  stilum 
Curie  in  proximo  et  interim  ad  informandum  dicto  Williamson 

Querela  Caroli  Steltius  pro 
bonis  suis  in  navibus  the  Saint 
Claude,  Saint  Marye,  Esperanza 
Paradice,  Saint  Anne,  Sea  Ven- 
ture, Saint  Peter  of  Lubestake, 
et  Saint  George  Williamson  Do- 
minus  Doctor  Ryves. 

Quo  die  Dominus  Doctor 
Ryves  pro  parte  Domini  nostri 
Regis  dedit  allegacionem  in 
scripto  conceptam  quam  Domi- 
nus ad  ejus  petitionem  admisit 
quatenus  de  jure  est  admitten- 
dam  In  presentia  Williamson 

dissentientis  Ic.  Tune  dictus  Doctor  Ryves  in  supplementum  pro- 
bacionis  contentorum  in  propositis  ex  parte  sua  exhibuit  certifica- 
torium  quoddam  in  lingua  Hispanica  scriptum,  et  sigillo  oppidi  de 
Dunkerke  sigillatam,  et  etiam  certificatorium  Vizentii  Auciondo 
Le  Veedor  et  Contador  of  the  Armado  for  the  defence  of  the 
Estats  of  West  Flaunders  for  the  Kinge  of  Spayne  in  pede  ejus- 
dem  unacum  translacione  eorundern  in  linguam  Anglicanam  per 
Thomam  Wilford  Notarium  Publicum  et  allegavit  dictum  exhibi- 
tum  sigillatum  esse  sigillo  in  eisdem  specificate  et  subscriptum 
manubus  personarum  in  eisdem  mencionatarum  contentaque  in 
dicto  exhibito  fuisse  et  esse  vera,  atque  ita  habita  et  gesta  prout  in 
eisdem  continentur,  dictamque  translacionem  cum  original!  fideliter 
concordare,  prefatumque  Thomam  Wilford  fuisse  et  esse  Notarium 
Publicum  probum  et  legalem,  ac  talem  cujus  scripto  plena  fides  est 
adhibenda,  et  Carolum  Steltius  in  dicto  exhibito  mentionatum  fuisse 
et  esse  Carolum  Steltius  Dominum  Williamson  partern  in  hac  causa 
querelantem.  Quam  allegacionem  posuit  contrarium  et  diversum 
eandemque  admitti  petiit  ac  jus  T;c.  In  presentia  Williamson  dis- 
sentis  T;c.  Tune  admissa  et  repetitia  dicta  allegacione,  dictus 
Dominus  Doctor  Ryves  juravit  quod  fideliter  eadem  posuit,  et  petiit 
responsum  per  Magistrum  Williamson  eisdem  dari  quern  Dominus 
monuit  ad  respondendum  eisdem  in  proximo  sub  juramento  per 
eum  prestando,  eo  sic  monito  dissentiente. 


19. — Proceedings  in  the  Court  of  Admiralty. 

[P.  R.  O.  Admiralty  Conrt,  Book  of  Acts,  No.  159.] 

Termino  Hillarii,  1625. 

I62f ,  Jan.  20.  Crastino  die  Juridico  post  Festum  sive  diem  Sancti  Wolstani 
Episcopi  die  Veneris  Vicesimo  viz1  die  mensis  Januarii  Anno 
Domini  millesimo  sexcentesimo  vicesimo  quinto  (stilo  Anglie) 
Coram  Venerabili  viro  Domino  Henrico  Marten  Milite,  Legum 
Doctore,  Supreme  Curie  Admiralitatis  Anglie  Judice.  In  Aula 
Collegii  Dominorum  Advocatorum  de  Archubus  London.  Presente 
me  Thoma  Wyan  Notario  Publico  Curie  predicte  Registrarii 


Et  deinde  premissis  omnibus  et  singulis  sic  (ut  premittitur) 
gestis  et  expeditis,  dictus  Venerabilis  vir  Judex  antedictus  de  et 
cum  consensu  omnium  et  singulorum  procuratoriuin  exercentium 
hujus  Curie  tune  presentium  continuavit  omnes  et  singulas  causas 
et  causarum  assignationes  istis  die  hora  et  loco  assignatis  et  non 
expeditis,  necnon  omnia  et  singula  certificata  istis  die  hora  et  loco 
introducenda  et  non  introducta  in  statu  quo  nunc  sunt  in  proximum 
diem  juridicum. 

I62f ,  Jan.  21.  Querela  Marie  Helott  Relicte 
Thome  Fovell  pro  trecentis  ter- 
goribus  de  Mexicoe  sexdecim 
sacculis  gingiberis  in  nave  vocata 
the  S*  Peter  de  Havre  de  Grace 
existentibus  in  schedula  per 
Williamson  exhibita  mencionatis. 

Die  Sabbathi  vicesimo  primo 
die  mensis  Januarii  Anno 
Domini  stilo  Anglie  1625°. 
Coram  Doctore  Saum[ere]s 
Surrogate  lc.  In  edibus  Phil- 
lippi  Burlamachi  in  placea 
vocata  Gratious  Streete  scituatis 
presente  Thoma  Wyan  Notario 

Publico  hujus  Curie  Registrarii  deputato,  comparuit  Williamson  et 
hixta  decretum  aliter  interpositum  produxit  in  fidejussores  Phillip- 
pum  Burlamachi  de  Gratioustreete,  London,  Mercatorem,  et 
Johannem  Kippe,  parocnie  Omnium  Sanctorum,  Barkinge,  Mer- 


catorem  extraneum,  qui  submittentes  se  jurisdiccioni  hujus  Curie, 
obligarunt  se  heredes  executores  et  administratores  suos  in  summa 
sexcentarum  librarum  pro  dicta  Maria  Helott,  Serenissimo  Domino 
nostro  Regi  de  solvendo  summam  centum  et  quinquaginta  librarum 
legalis  monete  Anglic,  pro  dictis  trecentis  tergoribus,  et  summam 
ducentarum  et  quadraginta  librarum  similis  monete  pro  dictis 
sacculis  gingiberis  eidem  Domino  nostro  Regi  casu  quo  dicta  bona 
dicto  Domino  nostro  Regi  uti  bona  Regis  Hispaniae  vel  ejus  subdi- 
torum  confiscata  fuerint.  Et  sic  per  hanc  Curiam  adjudicata 
fuerint.  Et  nisi  T;c. 

Querela  Alexandri  Le  Grande  pro  •       Die     et    loco    predicto 

una  pixide  le  guilded  beads,  et  quin- 
que  sacculis  gingiberis  in  eadem  nave 
existen.  Williamson. 

iidem  fide  jussores  pre- 
nominati  submittentes  se 
(ut  supra)  jurisdiccioni 

hujus  Curie  obligarunt  se  heredes  executores  et  administratores  suos 
pro  dicto  Alexandro  Le  Grand  in  ducentis  libris  legalis  monete 
Anglic,  serenissimo  Domino  nostro  Regi,  de  solvendo  summam 
viginti  librarum,  pro  dicta  pixide  Le  guilded  beads,  et  summam 
septuaginta  quinque  librarum  similis  monete,  pro  dictis  quinque 
sacculis  gingiberis  casu  quo  dicta  bona  dicto  Domino  nostro  Regi 
uti  bona  Regis  Hispanic  vel  ejus  subditorum  confiscata,  fuerint,  et 
sic  per  hanc  Curiam  adjudicata  fuerint.  Et  nisi  1c. 

20. — Remonstrance  of  the  Dutch  Ambassador. 
[S.  P.  Holland.] 

Remonstrance  de  1'Ambassadenr  des  Estats  sur  Parrest  qu'on  a  162§,  Jan. 
fait  de  quelques  uns  de  leurs  navires. 

§g  Janvier,  1626.  . 

C'est  encores  pour  le  faict  des  navires  et  biens  saisiz  par  les 
Officiers  de  Votre  Majeste'  sur  les  subjects  de  Messeigneurs  les 
Estatz  Generaulx  des  Provinces  Unies  du  Pays  Bas  que  je  suis 
contrainct  d'interpeller  Vostre  Majeste.  S*il  eust  pleu  aux  dits  Officiers 


de  se  tenir  a  la  Declaration  la  quelle  Vostre  Majeste  a  faicte  par  1'advis 
de  son  tres  sage  Conseil  le  xxviii  de  Decembre  et  Texecuter  selon 

O  v 

la  bonne  et  sincere  intention  de  Vostre  Majeste,  je  me  fusse  tres 
volontiers  passe  de  donner  a  Vostre  Majeste  ceste  peine,  mais 
d'aultant  que  les  procedures  qu'ils  tiennent  vont  tout  au  contraire 
de  ce  que  tous  les  interessez  se  debvoient  promettre  de  la  dicte  gra- 
tieuse  declaration  de  Vostre  Majeste  et  qu'elles  nous  vont  plonger 
au  fond  des  maulx,  lesquels  je  luy  ai  aultrefois  representez,  je  prie 
tres  humblement  Vostre  Majeste;  Sire,  qu'il  luy  plaise  de  me  per- 
rnettre  que  je  luy  puisse  succintement  proposer  ce  que  s'est  passe* 
en  cet  affaire,  afin  que  Vostre  Majeste  aiant  prinse  cognoissance  de 
1'estat  d'iceluy,  elle  daigne  d'y  applicquer  sa  main  Roiale  pour  nous 
soustenir  que  n'enfondrions  plus  profondement  et  de  regler  cet 
affaire  une  fois  pour  toutes  de  telle  sorte  que  son  service  et  1'execu- 
tion  de  ses  tres  haults  desseings  puissent  estre  advancez,  et  sincere- 
ment  et  fidelement  conservee  la  bonne  amitie  et  correspondence 
entre  Vostre  Mageste  et  Messeigneurs  les  Estatz  des  Provinces 
Unies  voz  tres  affectionez  et  plus  asseurez  alliez  et  amiis.  II  y  a  plus 
de  quattre  mois,  Sire,  que  ce  malheureux  saisissement  de  navires  et 
biens  des  quels  il  s'agist  s'est  faict,  dont  les  nouvelles  vindrent  au 
Pays  Bas  quasi  en  mesme  temps  que  les  Ambassadeurs  des  Estatz 
faisoient  leur  rapport  de  1'alliance  conclue  a  Tydischfieldt,*  les  quelies 
nouvelles  causerent  de  tres  grandes  alterations  aux  esprits  des  in- 
habitans,  mesmes  des  Magistrats  des  villes,  d'aultant  plus  grandes 
qu'ils  ne  s'attendoient  a  rein  de  semblable,  ains  s'estoient  promis  un 
singulier  repos  en  1'amitie  de  Vostre  Majeste  et  seurete  en  leur 
traficq,  regie  par  les  articles  de  1'alliance  nouvellement  faicte  au 
contraire  des  quels  ils  entendoient  leurs  navires  et  biens  estre 
arrestez.  J'ai  commence'  a  demander  restitution  des  biens  apparte- 
nants  aux  inhabitans  du  Pays  Bas  et  reparation  des  torts  et  dorn- 
mages  par  eux  soufferts,  au  mois  d'Octobre  a  Sarisbury  et  continue 
encores  en  la  poursuite.  A  Hamptincour  ai  je  remonstre  a  Vostre 
Majeste  et  a  Messeign™  de  son  Conseil  a  di verses  fois  le  praejudice 

•  Titchfield. 


qui  se  faisoit  par  la  detention  des  biens  saisis  aux  haultes  conceptions 
et  desseings  de  Vostre  Majeste  et  a  1'amitie  la  quelle  doibt  estre 
soigneusement  procuree  et  gardee  entre  Vostre  Majeste*  et  tous  les 
aultres  Eoix  Princes  Estats  et  Republicques  interessez  en  la  grandeur 
d'Espaigne,  et  represente  que  les  formalites  des  procedures  praeci- 
pitees  qu'on  tenoit  alors  sur  les  diets  biens  en  la  Cour  de  1'Adini- 
raulte  a  Maidenhead  estoit  pour  engendrer  encores  aultant  de 
mescontentement  que  la  realite*  du  saisissement  avoit  faicte,  avecq 
deduction  en  gros  des  mauvais  traictements  qu'ont  receu  les  subjects 
des  diets  Seigneurs  Estats  et  des  desordres  commis  au  diet  saisisse 
ment;  m'estant  aussi  advance  de  servir  d'advis  a  Vostre  Majeste 
qu'il  eust  e"te  tres  bon  d'evoquer  cet  affaire  au  Conseil  de  Vostre 
Majeste  comme  un  affaire  d'Estat,  et  auquel  de  faict  sont  interesse's 
quasi  touts  les  Princes  Estats  et  Kepublicques  aboutissans  a  la'mer 
depuis  le  golfe  de  Venise  jusques  au  milieu  de  la  mer  Balthicque 
et  par  consequence  tous  les  autres.  Vostre  Majeste  et  Messeign19  de 
son  Conseil  m'ont  tousjours  oui  benignement  (dont  je  les  remercie) 
et  mja  este  souventesfois  respondu  gratieusement  en  general  que 
Pintention  de  Vostre  Majeste*  n'estoit  que  les  subjects  de  Messeignrs 
les  Estatz  fussent  aulcunement  endommagez:  mesmes  il  y  a  eu  des 
Commissaires  lesquels  ont  confere  aulcunes  fois  avecq  moi  sans  que 
toutesfois  grands  effects  s'en  soient  ensuivis,  sinon  que  Messeignrs 
du  Conseil  ont  ordonne  le  xiiij  de  Decembre  que  les  Commissionaires 
des  biens  saisis  n'eussent  a  vendre  aulcuns  biens  reclamez  par  les 
subjects  des  Seigneurs  Estats,  ce  que  les  diets  Commissionaires 
s'estoient  alors  proposez  de  faire  sojabz  de  pretextes  assuz  imperti- 
nents.  Depuis  il  a  pleu  a  vostre  Majeste  de  faire  la  declaration  de 
la  quelie  j'ai  faict  mention  cy  devant,  portante  que  touts  les  biens 
des  prinses  qui  feront  trouvez  appartenir  aux  subjects  des  Estats 
des  Provinces  Unies,  pourveu  que  les  diets  biens  ne  soient  fraude- 
leusement  colorez  de  leurs  noms,  en  cas  qu'ils  n'appartinssent  aux 
subjects  du  Roy  d'Espaigne,  seront  delivrez  k  ceulx  tels  qu'ils 
appartiendront.  La  dicte  declaration  a  donnee  une  grande  conso- 
lation aux  pours uivants  qui  sont  icy  en  grand  nombre  et  a  tres 


grands  frais  et  despens,  et  entre  eulx  des  Maistres  des  navires  et 
gens  de  marine  qui  abaient  a  la  faim,  eulx  et  leurs  pouvres  femmes 
et  enfans.  J'ai  envoie  la  dicte  declaration  de  Vostre  Majeste*  au 
Pays  Bas  tout  aussy  tost  que  je  Fai  receue,  et  adjouste"  en  mes 
lettres  a  mes  Superieurs  les  tres  sages  considerations  les  quelles  ont 
esmenes  Vostre  Majeste  a  la  faire  pour  les  asseurer  de  tant  plus  de 
la  bonte*  et  justice  de  Vostre  Majeste*.  Mais  les  diets  poursuivants 
n'ont  joui  gueres  de  ce  contentement,  car  quasi  au  mesme  poinct 
qu'ils  attendoient  que  la  dicte  Roiale  declaration  de  Vostre  Majeste 
se  debvoit  mettre  en  exsecution  et  que  le  juge  de  la  haute  Court  de 
rAdmiraulte*  s'y  preparoit  aiant  ordonne  que  les  parties  eussent  a 
fournir  leurs  pieces  en  Cour,  le  xvj  de  ce  mois,  ils  ont  veu  le  xij 
plusieurs  de  leurs  biens  affichez  en  1'Eschange  pour  estre  venduz  le 
xvij  sans  praeallable  decret  du  juge,  lequel  eust  peu  des  pieces* 
avoir  decide*  grand  nombre  des  proces  meus  devant  luy  a  cause  du 
diet  saisissement  s'il  eust  pleu  aux  Officiers  de  Vostre  Majeste* 
d'exhiber  selon  le  stile  de  la  Cour,  les  papiers  qu'on  a  oste*  aux 
maistres  des  navires,  trois  ou  quattre  jours  apres  que  les  diets 
navires  ont  este*  saisis  ou  menez  a  Londres,  et  ne  les  point  retenir 
chez  eulx  quelques  mois,  au  grand  praejudice  des  proprietaires. 
Sur  les  plainctes  lesquelles  me  ont  este  faictes  le  xij  susdict,  me 
suis  je  mis  a  pourchasser  la  surceance  de  la  dicte  vente,  et  apres 
m'estre  addresse  le  xiij  et  xiiij  au  juge  de  la  Cour  de  FAdmiraulte 
et  a  aulcuns  des  Seigneurs  du  Conseil  de  Vostre  Majeste  et  le  xv  a 
FAssemblee  de  leurs  Excellences  m'a  le  diet  juge  porte  parole  le  xvj 
de  la  part  de  Monseigneur  le  Ducq  de  Buckingham  Grand  Admiral 
d'Angleterre,  que  nuls  biens  reclamez  par  les  subjects  des  Seigneurs 
Estats  pour  les  quels  probations  sont  produictes  ne  seroient  vendus. 
La  liste  de  ces  biens  dressee  par  FAdvocat  de  Vostre  Majeste  a  este 
mise  es  mains  des  Commissionaires  et  du  consentement  et  adveu 
d'iceluy  insinuation  faicte  par  le  Juge  de  FAdmiraulte  de  la  dicte 
resolution  pour  superseder  avecq  la  vente,  et  ce  neantmoins  ont  le 
diets  Commissionaires  procede  le  xviij  de  ce  mois  au  contraire  et 
vendu  notable  quantite  des  biens  qualifiez  comme  dessus,  dont  le 

a  pie§a  in  MS. 


bruict  s'espandra  bien  tost  au  long  et  au  large.  Dieu  doint  que  ce 
soit  sans  interest  de  vostre  reputation,  Sire,  la  quelle  doibt  estre  a 
voz  amys  plus  chere  que  la  leur  propre.  II  ne  poeult  estre  qu'il 
n'engendre  dela  la  mer  un  estonnement  estrange  et  singulierement 
au  Pays  Bas,  parmy  un  peuple  le  quel  a  ses  yeulx  fichez  sur  vostre 
Majeste*  attendant  d'icelle  du  support  en  la  grande  necessite  au  quel 
il  se  trouve,  a  cause  de  la  longue  guerre,  qu'il  a  soustenu  centre  un 
des  plus  puissants  Roix  de  PEurope :  estant  le  diet  peuple  compose* 
pour  une  grande  partie  de  Marchands  et  gens  de  marine  addonnez 
et  necessitez  de  traficquer  par  mer,  pour  gaigner  leur  vie  et  princi- 
palement  interessez  en  ce  saisissement  desquels  Messeign™  les  Estats 
nullement  se  peuvent  passer,  aiants  a  toutes  heures  besoin  de  s'aider 
du  credit  des  uns  et  ge  servir  des  corps  des  aultres,  mesmes  pour 
furnir  a  Vostre  Majest^  ce  qu'ils  luy  doibvent  par  le  traicte'  de 
1'Alliance  pour  augmenter  ses  armades  et  flottes. 

Je  supplie  tres  humblement  Vostre  Majeste'  qu'elle  daigne  de 
laisser  passer  par  son  tres  clairvoiant  jugement  la  consideration  du 
danger  tres  evident,  auquel  nous  serions,  et  des  grands  maux  lesquels 
sensinvroient,  si  ce  peuple  se  sentant  travaill^  et  foule  par  ceulx  des 
quels  il  n'attendoit  rien  moins  et  se  voiant  matter  et  espuiser  par 
iceulx  ses  moiens  et  soustien  centre  toute  raison  soubs  ombre  de 
droict  et  justice,  se  moustre  a  1'advenir  restif  et  revesche  a  s'emploier 
ou  ses  biens  au  service  de  Vostre  Majeste"  ou  celuy  de  Messeign18  les 
Estats  en  compagnie  de  ceulx  des  quels  eulx  ou  leur  compatriots  ont 
este,  ou  craindront  d'estre  quelque  jour  endommagez  et  mal  menez. 
Et  qu'il  plaise  a  Vostre  Majeste*  pour  prevenir  a  ces  maulx  faire 
estouffer  et  coupper  les  aisles  a  ce  bruict  des  dernieres  procedures, 
ordonnant  promtement  aux  Commissionaires  des  biens  saisiz  qu'ils 
aient  a  superseder  avecq  la  vendition  des  biens  reclamez  par  les 
subjects  des  Seigneurs  Estats  des  Provinces  Unies  ce  qu'ils  n'aient 
a  delivrer  aux  achepteurs  les  biens  qu'ils  ont  venduz  le  xvij  de  ce 
mois  et  depuis,  mais  de  les  garder  et  conserver  jusques  a  ce  que  la 
declaration  de  Vostre  Majeste  du  xxviij  de  Decembre  soit  mise  a 
execution,  comme  je  requier  encores  tres  humblement  que  la  resti- 


tution  des  biens  appartenants  aux  subjects  de  Messeign"  les  Estats 
cum  omni  causa  se  puisse  faire  sans  forme  de  proces  et  reparation 
leur  estre  faicte  des  torts  dommages  et  interests  qu'ils  ont  soufferts 
par  le  diet  saisissement,  selon  les  instances  a  diverses  fois  faictes  par 
mes  remonstrances  praecedentes.  Et  pour  ne  rechevoir  ci  apres  en 
pareils  inconveniens  qu'il  plaise  a  Vostre  Majeste  de  commander  a 
tous  ses  officiers  de  marine  et  de  ses  havres  et  ports  qu'ils  n'aient 
a  donner  mil  empeschement  a  la  libertd  du  commerce  mais  en 
laissent  jouir  les  subjects  de  Messeign"  les  Estats  plenierement  et 
que  rencontrans  en  mer  ou  trouvants  aux  ports  ou  rades  aulcuns 
navires  des  Pays  Bas  TJnis  pourveus  de  commissions  ou  lettres  de 
passeport  des  Seigneurs  Estats,  du  Prince  d'Orenge,  ou  des  villes 
dont  ils  sont  ils  les  traictent  en  amys,  les  laissant  librement  passer 
et  poursuivre  leur  route  sans  les  molester  en  facon  quelconque  quand 
les  diets  subjects  de  leurs  Seigneuries  ne  contraviennent  aux  articles 
du  traicte'  de  dalliance,  et  ce  sur  des  grosses  amendes  et  peines  aux 

Et  d'aultant  que  les  diets  officiers  de  marine  rencontrans  en  mer 
quelques  navires  tirans  la  route  de  la  mer  Mediterrane'e  pour  aller 
en  Levante  ou  en  Italic  ou  menans  leur  traficque  en  Barbaric,  tant 
de  £a  que  par  de  la  le  destroist  de  Jubaltar,  les  pourroient  arrester 
et  empescher  en  leur  voiage  soubs  pretexte  qu'ils  les  auroient  trouvez, 
comme  tirans  vers  1'Espaigne,  ou  s'excuser  qu'ils  ont  estime  que 
les  dictes  places  fussent  au  nombre  et  rang  des  interdictes,  sera 
necessaire  (soubs  tres  humble  correction  de  Vostre  Majeste")  de  leur 
faire  cette  declaration  que  le  traficq  en  Levante,  Italic  et  Barbaric 
est  libre  tant  aux  inhabitans  des  Pays  Bas  qu'aux  subjects  de  Vostre 
Majeste  et  que  les  dictes  places  sont  au  rang  des  neutres. 

Ce  servira  aussi  pour  donner  du  contentement  aux  esprits  alterez 
pour  les  procedures  precedentes,  et  encouragera  les  marchands  et 
gens  de  marine  subjects  des  Estats  pour  continuer  leur  traficq  de 
mer  et  se  rendre  par  la  plus  capables  pour  servir  a  Vostre  Majeste 
et  a  la  cause  commune,  le  diet  traficq  important  tant  au  bien  de 
1'Estat  des  Provinces  Unies  que  les  Espaignols  et  le  Marquis  Spinola 


jugent  que  le  plus  soeur  moien  pour  ruiner  le  diet  Estat  est,  d'oster 
aux    Subjects   de  Messeigneurs   les   Estats  ou   leur  empescher  et 
troubler  la  negotiation  et  hantise  de  marchandise. 
Faict  a  Londres  le  30  de  Janvier  1626.  st.  No. 
De  Vostre  Majeste 

Tres  humble  serviteur 


21. — Statement  of  the  Dutch  Agent  at  Calais. 
[S.  P.  Holland.] 

A  Remonstrance  of  Mons:  Antho:  Mibais  Agent  for  the  States  162|,  Jan.  21. 
of  the  United  Provinces  att  Callais.a 

21  January,  162§. 

That  the  shipps  which  come  from  Dantzick,  Lubeck,  Hamborrow, 
Holland,  Zeland,  and  other  places  bringing  or  being  laden  with 
municions  and  provitions  for  warre,  as  brasse  to  make  Cannons, 
lead,  hempe  to  make  cables,  and  other  cordage,  match,  mastes, 
tarr  and  pitch,  all  which  provisions  arriving  att  Callais  they  are 
carried  away  by  a  river  to  the  ennemies  att  Dunkerke  to  arme  and 
furnishe  their  shipps  of  warre.  To  hinder  that  the  Ennemy  be  not 
served  with  such  provisions  it  is  necessary  to  commaund  some 
shipps  of  warre  to  lye  in  Callais  Roade  and  thereabouts  to  serch  all 
such  shipps  for  those  kinde  of  provisions  and  to  seize  and  take 

That  there  is  carryed  to  Callais  above  30,000  hides  and  great 
quantity  of  salt  and  other  necessaries  and  commodities  every  yeare 
without  which  the  Archdutchesse  could  not  maynteyne  warre  or 
her  subjects  subsist. 

a  In  Nicholas's  hand. 

b  The  following  is  written  in  the  margin,  "  The  States  dare  not  command  your 
men  of  warre  to  meddle  with  any  shipp  of  Hamb:[orrow]  in  Callais  Koad,  because 
then  the  Hamb:  will  arrest  your  shipps  att  Hamb:  and  connive  att  those  of 
Holland,  &c.  because  they  goe  to  Callais.  If  we  could  hinder  the  trade  of  the 
Hamb:  &  Hollanders  to  Callais  and  ruyne  the  Archdutchesse  forces. " 


That  if  it  please  the  King  to  constitute  a  man  att  Dover,  Mons. 
Mibais  will  hold  good  correspondency  with  him  and  will  give  him 
advise  of  all  preparacons  of  warre  that  are  made  by  the  Enemy  in 
Dunquerque  as  well  when  they  goe  to  the  west  as  when  they  goe 
to  the  northward  and  any  other  enterprise  that  they  shall  make, 
for  they  prepare  this  yeare  to  be  very  strong  att  sea  and  to  have  40 
sayle  of  men  of  warre. 

Marquis  Spinola  (who  is  made  Admirall  and  Generall  of  the  Sea 
of  Flaunders)  is  expected  every  day  att  Dtmkerke  and  his  house  is 
alreddy  provided  att  Gravelin  whether  he  comes  to  buyld  shipps 
of  warre  &  gallies. 

When  any  Englishe  shipp  shalbe  wrecked  this  Agent  will  save 
the  Cannons  and  tackling  of  such  shipps  and  send  them  to  Dover, 
soe  as  his  Majestic  obteyne  from  the  French  King  a  command  that 
the  Commissioner  (or  Lieutenant)  of  the  Lord  Admirall  of  France 
meddle  not  with  such  thinges  nor  hinder  such  as  shalbe  therein 
Cannons  may  employed  by  the  King  of  England  which  the  States  of  the  Low 

>e  alsoe  Countries   have  obteyned  for  their  agent  and  they  have  of  late 

lelivered  with  ini-  i  i  11-11  f      i 

;he  English      caused  all   their   anchors   to    be  marked  with  the  armes  ol    the 

irmes.  Admiralty  of  the  Low  Countries. 

It  is  necessary  that  all  gentlemen  and  merchants  that  passe  from 
Callais  to  Dover,  that  they  embarque  not  untill  they  have  advised 
with  the  Kings  agent  to  know  whether  there  be  any  frigatts  or 
corevets  (which  are  small  vessells  of  about  15  ton  like  to  fisher 
botes)  to  thend  that  they  may  passe  without  danger,  for  theire  are 
many  marriners  att  Callais  which  are  enterteyned  in  service  att 
Dunkerke  who  have  correspondency  from  Callais. 

Memoriall,  that  the  Englishe  Jesuitts  in  Liege  contynue  their 
course  and  treasons  against  the  King  and  kingdome;  and  to  hinder 
the  same,  it  is  necessary  to  send  a  man  to  Liege  that  speakes  good 
French  and  knowes  the  Englishe  nobility  and  gentry,  to  the  end 
he  may  make  a  good  and  faithfull  report  to  the  King,  and  this 
agent  will  give  him  herein  advise. 

Iff  it  please  the  King  to  commande  this  Monsieur  Mibais  to 


serve  his  Majestic  in  Callais  against  the  King  of  Spayne  -and  his 
allies,  he  will  promise  to  doe  him  as  good  service  as  he  doth  to  the 
States  of  the  United  Provinces. 
21°  January,  1625. 

22. — Proceedings  in  the  Court  of  Admiralty. 
[S.  P.  Dom.  Charles  I.  xix.  52.] 

Order  of  Sir  Henry  Marten,  Judge  of  the  High  Court  of  Admiralty,  162|,  Jan.  26. 
in  the  suit  respecting  the  St.  Peter  of  Havre  de  Grace. 

26  January  162|. 

Crastino  Pauli  Apostuli  Die  Jovis  26°  Die  mensis  Januarii  Anno 
Domini  1 625  Coram  Domino  Henrico  Marten  milite  legumque 
doctore  ac  Supreme  Curie  Admirallitati  Anglie  Judice  In 
Cenaculo  Dominorum  Advocatorum  Alme  Curie  Cant'  De 
Archubus  London.  Presente  Thoma  Wyan  notario  publico. 
Querela  Johannis  Mallew  ^  Quo  die  Williamson  exhibuit 

ejusque  sociorum  pro  nave  the 
St.  Peter  de  Haberde Grace  et 
Johannis  Fermanell  ejusque 

procuratorium  suum  pro  dicto 
Johanne  Mallew  ejusque  sociis 
et  dicto  Petro  Fermanell  ejus- 

sociorum,  pro  bonis  in  eadem  I  -que  sociis  et  fecit  se  partem 
nave,  per  classem  regiam  seizit'.  I  pro  eisdem,  et  allegavit  dictos 
Williamson  Doctor  Ryves.  )  jdominus  suos  esse  subditos 

Christianissimi  Francorum  Regis  ac  navem  the  St.  Peter  ac  bona 
in  eadem  per  Classem  regiam  seizit'  tempore  dictse  seizurse  ad  dictos 
dominos  suos  proprie  et  legitime  spectasse  et  in  present!  spectare : 
quare  petiit  eadem  a  quacunque  detencione  auctoritate  hujus  curie 
relaxanda  fore  decerni,  et  dicto  Johanni  Mallew  magistro  dictae  navis 
in  usum  dictorum  eorundem  proprietariorum  tradenda.  In  presentia 
Domini  Doctoris  Ryves  Advocati  Regii  allegantis,  that  there  are 
fower  barrells  of  Cocheneale  in  the  said  shippe  marcked  with  the 
marcke  in  the  margent,8  which  doe  belonge  to  the  subjects  of  the 

•  The  mark  which  is  given  is  a  combination  of  C  and  H. 


Kinge  of  Spaine ;  Wherefore  hee  desired  that  those  fower  barrells 
of  cocheneale  might  bee  taken  oute  of  the  said  shippe,  and  that 
beinge  done  hee  consented  that  the  said  shippe  and  all  her  other 
the  goods  seized  in  her  by  his  Majesties  fleete  should  bee  discharged 
from  any  further  detencon ;  for  that  (as  hee  said)  hee  had  nothinge 
to  objecte  againest  the  said  shippe  or  any  the  goods  seized  in  her, 
but  onely  againest  three  hundred  Mexicoe  hides  and  sixtene  sacks 
of  ginger  claimed  by  Mary  Helott,  the  relicte  of  Thomas  Fovell, 
and  one  boxe  of  guilded  beads  and  five  sacks  of  ginger  claimed  by 
Alexander  Le  Grand,  to  answere  the  value  of  which  goods,  yf  they 
shallbee  adjudged  to  his  Majestic,  caution  is  formerly  given  in  this 
Courte  In  presentia  dicti  Williamson  allegand  :  That  there  was  noe 
cocheneale  in  the  said  shippe  when  she  was  seized  in  his  Majestes 
Fleete  under  the  foresaid  marcke,  neither  is  there  any  cocheneale 
now  in  the  said  shippe  under  that  marcke,  and  produced  the  said 
John  Mallew,  the  master,  whoe  beinge  sworne  did  affirme  uppon  his 
oath  that  there  neither  was  in  the  said  shippe  this  voyage,  nor  now 
is  any  cocheneale  under  the  marcke  aforesaid.  Unde  Dominus  ad 
peticionem  dicti  Williamson  et  cum  consensu  dicti  domini  Doctoris 
Ryves  eandem  navem  the  St.  Peter  et  quecunque  bona  in  eadem 
per  Classem  regiam  seizita  ab  ulteriori  detencione  relaxanda  et  dicto 
Johanni  Mallew  Magistro  dictae  navis  in  usum  eorundem  proprie- 
tariorum  tradenda  fore  decrevit;  et  commissionem  ad  eum  effec- 
tum  fieri. 

23. — Petition  of  the  Merchants  of  London  trading  to  Rouen  to  the 

Duke  of  Buckingham. 
[S.  P.  Dom.  Charles  I.  xx.  51.] 

162|,  Feb.  8.    To   the  right   honourable   the   Duke  of  Buckingham,  his   Grace 
Lord  High  Admirall  of  England. 

The  humble  peticion  of  the  Merchaunts  of  London  tradinge  to 
Roane,  in  Fraunce,  Humbly  shewing  that  it  pleased  his  Majestic 
with  advice  of  his  Highnes  most  honorable  privie  Councell  at 


Hampton  Court  the  18th  of  December  last  to  order  that  the  shipp 
of  Newhaven,  called  the  St.  Peeter,  and  all  the  goods  therin  laden, 
and  all  such  other  goods  as  should  be  found  to  appertaine  unto  the 
subjects  of  his  Majestic  of  Fraunce,  should  be  redelivered  to  such  as 
should  reclaime  them.  Since  which  time  upon  proof  made  in  the 
Court  of  Admiralty  that  the  goods  laden  in  the  said  shipp  of  New- 
haven  doe  properly  belong  unto  the  French,  it  hath  bein  sentenced 
by  the  Judge  of  that  Court  that  the  said  shipp  and  goods  should  be 
discharged,  which  was  accordingly  by  allowance  of  the  Commis- 
sioners performed,  but  the  said  shipp  and  goods  are  againe  stayed 
by  your  Honors  order  (as  the  peticoners  are  informed). 

Now  forasmuch  as  the  French  doe  not  only  detaine  your 
peticioners  shipps  and  goods  formerly  arrested  by  the  Governor  of 
Newhaven  by  way  of  reprisall,  but  beeing  impatient  of  delay  have 
lately  made  a  new  arrest  of  two  other  shipps,  and  doe  menace  that 
they  will  proceed  to  arrest  your  peticoners  factors  goods  and  debts 
in  all  parts  of  that  kingdome,  in  which  course  if  they  shall  goe  on 
not  only  the  peticoners  and  many  other  Marchants  of  the  West 
parts  wilbe  therby  utterly  ruinated  in  their  estates,  but  also  many 
thouzand  of  his  Highnes  poore  subjects  whose  livelyhoods  depend 
on  the  peticoners  trade. 

Your  Peticoners  therfore  doe  humbly  pray  Your  Grace  wilbe 
pleased,  the  premises  considered,  to  give  presente  order  for  the 
discharge  of  the  said  shipp  and  goods.  And  they  as  bound,  &c. 

24. — Extraict  des  Registres  de  la  Court  de  Parlament  \_de  Rouen]. 

[S.  P.  France.] 

Sur  al  requeste  presente  par  Charles  Boullaye,  Guillaume  Le-  i62f,  Feb. 
breton,  Charles  de  la  Bris,  Marie  Hellot,  veufve  de  Thomas  Fauvel, 
Pierre  Hellot,  Philippe  Le  Coq,  Charles  de  la  Vigne,  Pierre  Billouet, 
taut  pour  eulx  que  pour  Jehan  Roze,  Christofle  de  Nouillier,  Jean 
Paniot  le  jeune,  David  de  Beaulieu,  Henry  Cavelier,  Jehan  Papa- 



noine,  Alonce  de  Challon,  et  autres  marchands  soubz  signez  en  ladicte 
requeste,  narrative,  que  depuis  huict  mois  ou  environs,  il  a  este* 
charge  en  Espaigne  sur  divers  navires  Francois  et  Anglois  grand 
nombre  d'or  et  argent,  cuyrs,  cochenille,  layne,  gingenvre  et  autres 
effects  de  grande  et  notable  valeur,  raontant  a  plus  d'un  milion  de 
livres  pour  apporter  au  Havre  de  Grace  et  Calais,  et  iceux  delivrer 
ausdicts  marchands  ou  leurs  commis  ;  et  bien  que  toutes  les  dictes 
marchandises  appartiennent  ausdicts  marchands  ou  leurs  amis  tous 
originaires  Fra^ois,  et  que  le  tout  a  este  charge  soubz  la  seurete 
des  traites  de  paix,  ce  neantmoins  les  navires  du  Roy  d'Angleterre 
ont  pris  et  mene  tous  lesdicts  navires  et  iceux  conduicts  aux  Ports 
et  Havres  du  diet  Pays  et  faict  descharger,  et  encor  que  les  sup- 
plians  aient  envoie  leurs  cognoissements,  et  attestacions  paraffees 
devant  les  juges  de  1'Admiraulte,  Conseilliers  et  Echevins  de  ceste 
ville  pour  faire  veoir  comme  les  marchandises  et  effects  par  eulx 
reclames  leur  apartenoient  et  a  leurs  amis  originaires  Fran9ois. 
Neantmoings  ils  nont  peu  obtenir  delivrance,  ny  justice  jusques  a 
present  sur  leur  requeste  et  suplication,  et  au  contraire  ils  sont 
advertis  que  les  juges  et  officiers  du  Roy  d'Angleterre  ont  precede* 
a  la  vente  des  marchandises  et  effects  deschargez  et  adjugez  a  cer- 
tains partisans  pour  la  moitie  de  leur  juste  valeur  sans  au  preable- 
ment  avoir  donne  jugement  sur  la  delivrance  ou  confiscation  pre- 
tendue,  et  quelque  instance  que  les  proposez  ou  personnes  envoie"s 
audict  pais  d'Angleterre  aient  peu  faire  depuis  six  a  sept  mois,  ils 
n'ont  peu  obtenir  jugement  ny  acte  du  juge  de  reffus  de  justice,  et 
doubtant  que  la  saisie  de  leurs  marchandise  est  contre  la  liber te*  de 
commerce  et  quelle  emporte  1'entier  et  total  mine  desdicts  mar- 
chands et  de  leurs  families,  il  plaise  a  la  Cour  leur  accorder  et  pro- 
mettre  faire  saisir  et  arrester  tous  navires  marchandises  scedule's 
et  autres  choses  generalement  quelzconques  qui  se  trouveront  apar- 
tenir  aux  subjects  du  Roy  d'Angleterre  tant  en  ce  dicte  ville  de 
Rouen  que  par  tout  ailleurs  en  ce  Royaume  pour  le  tout  estre  mis 
et  depose"  en  bonne  et  seure  garde,  et  tenir  lieu  de  seurete"  et 
garantie  jusques  a  ce  qu'il  leur  ayt  este  prouver  sur  la  restitution  de 


leurs  biens  et  marchandises  ou  de  la  valeur  d'icelles  avec  interest  et 

Yeu  par  la  Cour  ladicte  requeste,  et  oy  le  Conseiller  Comrais- 
saire,  ladicte  Cour  ayant  esgard  a  ladicte  requeste,  oy  la  Procureur 
General  du  Koy  Jewlam[?]  et  de  son  consentement  a  permis  et 
permet  auxdicts  marchands  faire  saisir  et  arrester  a  leurs  perils, 
fortune  et  danger  les  navires,  et  marchandises,  effects,  scedulles  et 
autres  choses  generallement  quelzconques  qui  a  trouveront  estre 
prouves  appartenir  auxdicts  Anglais  et  autres  subjects  du  Roy 
d'Angleterre  et  iceux  faire  mettre  par  bon  et  fidelle  inventaire  que 
sera  faict  et  jure  de  Maistre  de  Marine  du  Procureur  du  Roy  aux 
siege  ordinaire  ou  de  1'Admiraulte  des  lieux  ou  se  feront  ladictes 
saisies  et  arrests,  en  magazins  et  lieux  de  seurete,  et  baillez  en 
garde  a  personne  solvable  pour  en  respondre  quand,  a  qui,  et  ainsy 
qu'il  appaftiendra.  Faict  a  Rouen  en  la  dicte  Cour  de  Parlement 
du  vingtiesme  jour  de  Febvrier,  millesi  ans  vingt  et  six. 


25. — Minutes  by  Edward  Nicholas  to  be  submitted  to  the  Duke  of 
Buckingham  [?  Feb.  1626]. 

[S.  P.  Dom.  xxi.  99,  Extract.] 

That  there  may  be  a  discharge  under  the  great  Scale  for  all  the     1626,  Feb. 
monnyes  which  were  receaved  or  taken  out  of  the  prizes  att  Pli-  A  discharge, 
mouth  by  your  Grace's  commaund,  and  imployed  for  his  Majestes 
service.     There  was  in  all  about  9  or  £10,000.     This  must  be  to  When  Mr. 
save  harmelesse  your  Grace  and  all  others  imployed  therein  by  you. 

26. — Petition  of  John  Geffrard  and  Rene  Chevallier. 
[S.  P.  Dom.  Charles  I.  xxii.  32.] 

To  the  Moste  Gracious  Prince,  George  Duke  of  Buckingham.         162f> 

T      j  TJ-  i.   A  j    •    w  Vi?     i     j  March  *• 

Lord  High  Admirall  ot  iLngland. 


The  humble  peticion  of  John  Geffrard  and  Kene*  Chevallier, 
French,  of  Vitre  and  S*  Mallo  in  Brittany. 

Showeing  unto  your  Grace  that  sup[plian]ts  coming  passingers 
in  the  shipps  the  S*  Claude  and  the  Hope  of  Callis,  withdraweing 
themselves  from  the  comerce  with  Spaine  because  of  the  arrest 
there  made  upon  Frenchmens  goods  for  certayne  reprisalls.  "When 
the  said  ships  were  brought  into  Plymouth  by  Sir  Francis  Steward, 
knight,  your  grace  being  then  there,  they  sup[plian]ts  presented 
unto  your  Grace  their  humble  petition  showing  their  right  in  the 
marchandises,  moneyes,  and  other  things  in  the  said  ships  and 
other  of  the  comp[ani]e.  Whereuppon  your  Grace  aunswered  them 
that  it  was  requisite  they  should  goe  to  London  to  declare  unto  the 
Judge  of  the  Admiralty  the  things  they  pretended,  which  your 
sup[plian]ts  did  almoste  5  monthes  since,  being  at  great  costs  and 
charges  as  well  in  the  sute  in  lawe  as  otherwise,  to  wete  the  said 
Geffrard  at  100U  starring],  and  the  said  Chevallier  at  120n  star- 
[ling],  and  thereby  are  hindered  in  their  comerce  and  trade,  being 
farr  from  their  affaires  and  family ;  and  were  constrained  to  borrowe 
the  said  monyes  because  that  about  8  or  10  dayes  after  your  Grace's 
departure  from  Plimouth  aforesaid,  Mr.  Gabriell  Marsh,  accom- 
panied with  the  Mayor  and  officers  at  Plimouth,  came  unto  the 
lodging  of  the  sup[plian]ts  aboute  10  and  11  aclock  at  night,  and 
tooke  from  them  that  litle  silver  and  gould,  Jewells,  chaine  of 
gould,  beazor  stone,  and  other  things  mentioned  in  the  acknow- 
ledgment, the  copy  whereof  is  hereunto  annexed.  And  the  said 
Mr.  Marsh  visiting  the  said  ship,  the  S*  Claude,  amongst  other 
things  broke  the  padlock  of  the  male  of  the  said  Chevalier,  and 
seased  and  carried  away  the  things  mentioned  in  the  note  also  here- 
unto annexed ;  yea,  the  apparell  and  other  things  belonging  to  the 
said  Geffrard  in  his  trunck  in  the  said  ship  the  Hope,  of  which  if 
neede  bee  the  sup[plian]ts  will  make  proofe. 

The  premises  considered,  may  it  please  your  Grace  to  ordaine  Sir 
Henry  Martin,  Judge  of  the  Admiralty,  that  justice  may  speedily 
bee  done  to  your  sup[plian]ts,  and  likewise  to  comand  the  said 


Mr.  Marsh  to  restore  to  the  sup  [plian]ts,  the  things  mentioned  in 
the  said  acknowledgment  and  note,  and  that  speedy  payment  may 
bee  made  unto  them,  of  the  said  22011,  to  th'end  they  sup[plian]ts 
may  make  satisfaction  unto  their  creditors  to  avoide  the  dommages 
they  suffer  for  the  said  some. 

And  the  Petitioners,  as  by  duty  bound,  shall  ever  pray,  &0* 

Inclosure  1. 
Notarial  attestation  of  a  receipt  given  by  Gabriel  Marsh. 


Whereas  Mr.  Mayor  of  Plymouth  at  a  search  made  by  vertue 
of  a  c[o]myssion  in  that  behalf  to  hym  directed  for  such  goods  as 
belonged  to  the  shipes  lately  brought  into  that  porte  by  his  Mats 
fleete,  was  present  at  the  fynding  of  theise  particulers  following, 
videlicet,  one  golde  chayne  weighing  twentie  and  two  ounces,  half 
and  half  quarter,  sixteene  ounces  to  the  pounde,  one  hatt  bande  of 
emrodes  fortie  and  two  in  it,  besydes  three  Jewells  of  emrodes  for 
the  claspes  ;  in  double  pistoletts  three  hundred  thirty-one,  in  pieces 
of  eight,  thirty  and  two  pounds;  a  little  box  of  beazer  stone,  weighing 
nyne  ounces  and  a  quarter,  moste  of  it  broken  in  pieces,  box  and 
all.  All  theise  severall  parcells  of  g6ods  I  doe  acknowledge  to  have 
receaved  in  the  presence  of  him,  the  said  Mr.  Mayor,  by  the  ap- 
poyntment  of  the  Lord  heighe  Admirall  of  England  uppon  the 
account  of  the  said  goods  belonging  to  the  shippes  above  mentioned. 
In  wittnes  hereof  I  have  hereunto  sett  my  hand  even  the  eleventh 
daye  of  October,  1625.  Subscribed 


Bee  it  remembred  that  on  the  nyneteenth  daye  of  October,  1625, 
I,  Walter  Glubb,  an  inhabitant  of  the  towne  of  Plymouth  and 
Attorney  in  the  Courte  there,  being  sent  for  to  come  before  Mr. 
Nicholas  Blake,  Maior  of  Plymouth  aforesaid,  who  then  delivered 
to  mee  a  wryting  under  the  hand  of  Gabriel  Marshe,  whereof  the 


above-written  is  a  trewe  copie  examyned,  to  be  by  mee  delivered 
over  unto  John  Giffrard,  Rene  Chevallier,  and  John  Mallewe. 
Wittnes  my  hand  and  seale,  the  daye  and  yere  aforesaid.  Sub- 
scribed per  me,  Walterum  Glubb,  and  is  sealed  "with  a  seale  in 
reade  wax,  under-printed  upon. 

I      Maior. 

The  parties  whose  names  are  under-written    ^  TT  ,     -*r 

.      .  ..  ,    .  |  Unto  Mr. 

were  at  the  delivery  of  the  monney  and 

goods  within  written. 

Sir  John  Cooke,  Knight, 
John  Richardson, 

Francis  Cock, 

T>-  i      j  T>  i  Constables. 

Richard  Palmer, 

Nicholas  Hewe, 
Richard  Madicett, 

Richard  Blake,  }    Sonne  and  servant 

Walter  Deeble,  j       to  Mr.  Mayor. 

This  indorsement  above  written  is  likewise  a  trewe  copie  of  the 
indorsement  upon  the  originall  wryting  so  as  aforesaid  subscribed 
by  the  said  Gabriell  Marshe,  witnes.  Subscribed 


Haec  copia  originalis  verbatim  inventum  est  concordare  per  me 
notarium  infrascriptura  Londini  commorantem  quod  attestor  rogatus. 

JOSUA  MAINET,  Not9  Pubctta  1625. 

Inclosure  2. 

Memorandum  of  that  which  was  taken  at  Plymouth  from  Rene 

Chevalier,  passinger  aboard  the  S'  Claude  of  Callis,  by  Mr.  Marsh, 

2  ruby  stones  cutt,  2  emerauld  stones  cut,  one  saphire  stone  faire 

and  great,  8  gould  buttons,  90  rawe  stones  of  Cartagena,  his  bills 

of  lading,  writings,  and  boocks  of  accounte. 


Since  the  arrival!  of  the  ship  at  London,  hee.  the  said  Chevallier,         1626,  ti  4 

was  not  suffered  to  have  his  clothes  and  apparell,  but  are  still  kept 
from  him,  to  wete,  one  hatt,  jurkin,  doublet,  and  breeches,  one 
paire  of  garters,  and  silke  stockings,  with  a  cloake  and  many  other 
cloathes  and  things  fitting  for  the  sea. 

Also  Mr.  Marshe  tooke  from  John  Geffrard  one  truncke  covered 
with  read  leather,  two  warlike  furnitures  and  their  bandeliers  with 
a  garnished  with  silver,  one  girdle  embroydered  with  Blank  in  MS. 

gould,  2  gould  rings. 

Indorsed  by  Nicholas  : — R.  4°  Martii,  1625.     French 
passengers  in  the  S*  Claude  ag*  Marshe. 


27. — A  Letter  to  Mr.  de  Quester  from  Calais. 
[S.  P.  France.] 


My  duty  remembered  with  hope  of  your  good  health,  &c.  Sir,  being  162|,  Mar.  $. 
at  Dover,  some  occation  fallinge  at  Callis  I  had  to  doe,  I  went  over, 
and  heare  I  found  the  bearer  heareof,  my  confrere  Carell  Decampe, 
who  hath  beene  manifested  this  14  or  15  dayes  to  my  knowledge,  and 
hee  hath  beene  divers  and  sundreye  tyrnes  before  the  Governer  of  this 
towne,  who  gave  him  no  regard  at  all  butt  gave  him  verey  froward 
and  untoward  speeches,  and  with  all  tould  him  that  hee  would  keepe 
him  tell  such  tyme  as  there  weare  a  great  manye  more  of  his 
fellowes  with  him ;  for  the  Ambassadors  man  came  over  and  made 
a  great  complaint  of  theyr  il  usidge  in  England,  wheare  uppon  hee 
vowed  to  bee  even  with  our  Inglish.  Also  there  is  an  arest  made 
per  these  Dunkerk  marctants,  which  are  heare  towne  dwellers 
which  doe  alredye  repent  theyr  bargin,  for  all  the  towne  doth  stand 
with  our  merchants  against  them,  and  doe  apose  against  them,  and 
withall  have  drawne  a  generall  protest  against  them,  and  also  the 
custom  howse  hath  protested  against  them  in  the  huyest  degree, 


afferminge  howe  they  have  nott  onlye  in  a  manner  hindred  the 
towne,  butt  that  theye  have  spoilled  and  hindred  the  Kinge  of  a 
greate  deale  of  monye  which  they  should  have  received  for  the 
customs  of  mannye  ships  laden  with  goodes,  so  that  they  have a 
protested  for  great  damage  and  interest ;  so  that  they  have  in  a 
manner  offered  to  withdraw  theyr  arest  conditioned  that  the  custom 
howse  will  withdraw  theyr  protest,  butt  that  theye  will  nott  yett 
doe  by  reasson  of  theyr  great  losse  which  they  have  sustained. 
Yesternight  in  sight  of  all  the  towne  came  over  the  Have-at-all  of 
Dover,  and  carryed  a  waye  3  of  theyr  shipes  out  of  the  road,  where 
there  was  one  amongst  them  which  had  9  peeces  of  ordinance, 
which  hath  mad  a  great  stirr  amongst  them ;  also  the  frigetts.  of 
Gravelin  are  everye  morninge  before  the  Harbar.  Newes  is  come 
from  Mr.  Eandall  that  the  Dunkerkers  have  taken  3  Inglysh 
barkes ;  one  of  them  came  out  of  Italy  laden  with  allom,  and  hath 
6  pieces  of  ordynance  ;  also  one  is  an  empty  ship  bound  for  New- 
castell,  butt  the  men  saved  themselfes  ashore  in  theyr  boat ;  the 
other  is  one,  as  I  doe  understand,  laden  with  hearinges  or  such  lyke 
kind  of  fish :  and  newe  wee  heard  this  day  that  all  is  cleare  in 
France  which  was  arested,  which  hath  caused  some  bodyes 
dischardg.  Newes  otherwise  is  none  butt  that  stale  newes  which 
came  per  the  Spanysh  ordenarye  of  an  extraordY  flud,  manye  people 
perysht  as  cattell,  and  theyr  shippinge  droven  upp  uppon  drye 
ground,  in  such  manner  as  ar  never  to  bee  recovered,  except  they 
doe  pull  them  in  peeces.  Hear  is  also  a  fresh  mann  of  warr  come 
in  the  road  this  present  about  3  aclock  in  the  afternoone  attendinge 
purchase,1"  butt  if  they  had  come  butt  3  dayes  sooner  they  had  mett 
with  five  or  six  shippes  principally  laden  with  Spaniardes  goods  ; 
our  Dover  boat,  as  I  doe  hear,  hath  purchassed  one,  which  is  one 
of  the  3,  butt  if  hee  had  had  butt  30  or  40  men  more  hee  had  caryd 
away  abov  8  or  9  savle.  Theye  came  tumblinge  in  this  daye  5  or  6 
one  uppon  anothers  backes,  butt  one  of  them  is  come  aground 
uppon  the  barr  verye  daingerouslye ;  I  feare  mee  hee  will  scarse 

*  have  had,  MS.  b  Looking  for  a  prize. 


ever  come  free  of,  except  it  prove  extroordinarye  faire  whether. 
Thus  with  my  duty  takinge  my  leave,  prayeinge  for  your  prosperous 
presseinge,  &c.  Will  Coole  is  loose,  as  Mr.  Randall  doth  write,  and 
will  bee  heare  verey  shortlye. 

Your  worships  dutyfulle  servante  to  coniand. 

28. — List  of  ships  of  the  enemy  proceeded  against  in  the  Court 
of  Admiralty  since  May  1624. 

[S.  P.  Dom.  Charles  I.  xxvii.  104.] 

A  schedule  of  such  shippes,  whether  Piraticall,  Turkishe,  or  1626,  May. 
belonginge  to  the  Enemye,  which  appeareth  by  the  Records  of 
the  Admiraltye  to  have  bene  proceeded  againste  in  that  Courte 
since  Maye  1624.  The  directe  tymes  when  those  shippes  were 
seized  doeth  not  appeare,  But  the  tymes  when  the  suites  against 
those  shippes  there  begann  were  as  followeth. 

A  shippe  called  a  Pallachra,a  recovered  by  Englishe  from  Turkishe  June  1624. 
pirattes  and  broughte  to  Weymouth. 

Three  shippes,  viz.  the  Younge    Prince,  the  Neptune,  and  the  June  1624. 
Goulden  Lyon,  seized  by  the  Kinges*  shippe  the  Charles  in  the  south 
of  Cornewall. 

A  shippe  called  the  Goulden   Faulcon,  belonginge  to  Captayne  August  1624. 
Browne,  brought  to  Portsmouth  and  there  seized. 

A  carvell,  seized  by  Sir  Richard  Bingley  in  the  Downes.  August  1624. 

A  shippe  without  name,  founde  as  a  derelicte,  broughte  to  the  Sept.  1624. 
portes  of  Cornewall  and  there  seized  by  Sir  James  Bagge. 

A  shippe   called   the  Orange   Tree,   of  Venhusen  in  Hollande,  bet.  1624. 
seized  at  Weymouth, 

A  shippe  called  the  White  Dove,  taken  by  George  Herryott  and  Oct.  1624. 
his  Ccmpanye,  broughte  to  Fowy  in  Cornewall,  and  there  [? seized] 
by  Sir  James  Bagge. 

a  ?  Polacca. 




fov.  1624. 





February  1624 



lay  1625. 


rune  1625. 



A  shippe  called  the  St.  Julyan,  broughte  to  Fowy  aforesayd  and 
there  seized  by  James  Bagge. 

A  shippe  called  the  Speedwell,  belongeinge  to  Edward  Yates, 
a  piratt,  broughte  into  Fowy  and  there  seized  by  Sir  James 

A  pincke  called  the  redd  Lyon,  broughte  by  Adrian  Marten  and 
his  Companye  into  Fowy,  and  there  seized  by  Sir  James  Bagge. 

A  carvell  belonginge  to  Turkes  pirattes,  brought  to  Plymouth 
and  their  seized. 

A  shippe  called  the  Greene  Drake,  broughte  to  London  and 
there  arrested. 

A  shippe  called  the  Flinte,  broughte  to  Appledore  in  Devon 
and  there  seized. 

A  shippe  without  name,  recovered  from  Turkes  pirattes  and 
broughte  to  Plymouthe  and  their  seized  by  Sir  James  Bagge. 

An  Irishe  shippe,  recovered  from  Dutch  pirattes  and  broughte 
to  Plymouth  and  there  seized. 

A  shippe  called  the  Flyeinge  Hart,  brought  to  Tingmouth a  in 
Devon  and  there  seized. 

A  shippe  called  the  Walthewe,  seized  by  the  Kinges  shippe 
(wherof  Christopher  Harris  was  captayne)  and  broughte  to 

A  Dutch  shippe  laden  with  sugars,  seized  by  the  Lord  George 
at  Hurst. 

A  shippe  called  the  Joshua,  belonginge  to  Robert  Hayott,  piratt, 
broughte  to  Dartmouth  and  their  seized. 

A  small  shippe  belongeinge  to  Richard  Quayle,  broughte  to 
Portsmouth  and  there  seized. 

*  This  was  recently  the  local  pronunciation  of  Teignmonth,  if  it  is  not  so  still. 



Shippes  seized  by  the  Kinges  fleet. 

The  St.  Claude. 

The  Esperanza. 

The  St.  Marye. 

The  Paradice. 

The  Sea  venture. 

The  St.  Peter  of  Lubestate. 

The  St.  Peter  of  Callice. 
Seized  as  The  St.  James  of  Dover. 

belonginge  to  <    The  St.  Andrewe  of  Amsterdam.  Novem-  1625. 

the  Enemye.        The  St.  Andrewe  of  Callice, 

The  St.  Peter  of  Haver  de  Grace. 

The  Kinge  David  of  Dover. 

The  St.  Anne. 

The  St.  George. 

The  St.  James  of  Callice. 

The  St.  Nicholas. 

The  St.  Luke  of  Lubestate. 

The  Blue  Dove  and  the  Bloome  Pott,  seized  as  Piratticall  shippes.  Novem:  1625. 

The  shippes  the  Faulcon  and  the  Starre,  seized  by  that  Fleete  NOV.  1625. 
as  Piratticall  shippes. 

The  Orange  tree,  seized  at  Weymouth.  Eodem 

The  shippe  the  St.  Peter  of  Dunkerke,  seized  and  broughte  to  Jannaryel625. 

The  shippe  the  Blessinge  of  Burnt  Hand,  seized  by  Letters  of  Eodem 
Reprizall  graunted  to  Pawson  and  others  and  broughte  to  Ports-  m 

The  Reed  Lyon,  seized  by  his  Majesties  shippes  and  broughte  to  Eodem 
Portsmouth.  mense- 

The  shippe  the  Fortune,  Jasper  Nao,  master,  seized  and  broughte  Eodem 
to  Portsmouth.  mense> 

The   shippe   the    Hope,    Robert    Lopeene,    master,   seized    and  Eodem 
broughte  to  Portsmouth. 




The  shippe  the  St.  Peter,  broughte  to  Plymouth  by  Mons. 

The  Hope  of  Roterdam,  broughte  by  pirattes  to  St.  Ives  in 
Cornewall,  and  there  seized  by  the  Vice-Admirall. 

The  Griffin,  of  Hamborowe,  seized  by  Sir  Henrye  Palmer, 
Knighte,  in  the  Downes,  and  sent  to  London. 

The  shippe  the  St.  Marye  of  Callice,  wherof  Michael  Daggobert 
was  master,  seized  by  the  Kinges  shippe,  wherof  one  Bushell  is 
captayne,  are  sent  to  London. 

The  shippes  the  St.  John  Baptiste,  the  Goulden  Rose,  and  the 
Goulden  Sunne  seized  by  Sir  James  Bagge  in  the  south  of 

The  shippe  the  St.  Peter  of  Waterford,  seized  by  Sir  Henrye 
Palmer  and  sente  to  London. 

The  shippe  the  St.  James  of  Dansicke,  seized  by  the  Kinges 
Fleete  in  Ireland  and  brought  to  Portsmouth. 

The  shippe  the  Fortune  of  Hamboroughe,  taken  by  the  Kinges 
fleete  and  broughte  to  Bristowe. 

The  shippe  the  St.  Peter  of  Roane,  seized  by  Sir  James  Bagge 
at  Plymouth  and  broughte  aboute  to  London. 

The  shippe  the  King  David  of  Hamborowe,  stayed  by  Sir  James 
Bagge  at  Plymouth. 

The  shippe  the  Gifte  of  God,  of  Wey mouth,  seized  by  Captayne 
Osborne  and  broughte  to  London. 

The  shippe  the  Anne  of  St.  Malloes,  seized  by  the  sayde 
Captayne  Osborne  and  broughte  to  London. 

A  Turkishe  shippe,  broughte  to  Plymouth  and  there  seized  by 
Sir  John  Ellyott. 

A  shippe  called  the  Greyhounde,  seized  by  the  Kinges  fleete  and 
broughte  to  London. 

A  Turkish  man  of  warre,  recovered  by  Englishe  from  Turkishe 
pirattes,  seized  by  Captayne  Mason  in  Ireland  and  since  broughte 
to  Plymouth. 


A  shippe  called  the  Fortune  of  Dunkerke,  seized  by  Captayne  Eodem 
Harris  and  Capteyne  Button  in  the  Hector  and  Alathia. 

A  shippe  called  the  Redd  Hart,  seized  by  the  Kinges  fleet  and  Eodem 
,  ,  r       j  mense. 

broughte  to  London. 

A  shippe  called  the  St.  Jacob  of  Dansicke,  seized  by  Sir  John  Eodem 
_,„.          ~    .   ,  -~  ,  mense. 

Elliott,  Knighte,  at  Dartmouth. 

A  shippe  called  the  Faulccn  of  Dundee,  taken  by  the  William  Sept.  1625. 
and  Thomas  of  London  by  vertue  of  Letters  of  Reprizall  graunted 
to  Samuell  Pawson  and  others  and  broughte  to  Portsmouth. 

A  shippe  called  the  St.  Jacob  of  Danske,  taken  by  the  saydEodem 


shippe  by  vertue  of  the  same  Commission  and  brought  to  Ports- 

A  shippe  called  the  St.   Peter  of  Lisborne,  taken  by  the  Marye  May  1626- 
Rose  of  Bristoll  by  vertue   of  Letters   of  Reprizall  graunted  to 
William  Pitt  and  others  of  Bristoll  and  broughte  to  Bristoll. 

A  shippe,  the  St.  Peter  of  Wexford,  seized  by  Sir  John  Chud-  APrin  1626- 
leigh,  Knighte,  in  the  Raynebowe  and  broughte  to  Plymouth. 

29.— Notes  by  Edward  Nicholas. 
[S.  P.  Dom.  Charles  I.  xxvii.  106.] 

The  St.  Peter. 

1.  The  first  sentence  in  the  Admiralty  Court.  1626,  Maj. 

2.  The  deposicions  of  wittnesses  taken  after  the  stay  made  after 
the  interlocutorie  sentence. 

3.  The  Coppy  of  the  Duke's  lettre  to  the  6  Advocatts. 

4.  The  Inventorie  by  which  the  goods  were  delivered  to  Mr. 

5.  The  sentence  of  discharge  after  new  proofe  examyned. 

6.  The  Article  betweene  England  and  Fraunce  touching  the 
illegalnes  of  embarguing. 

7.  The  Decree  att  Roan. 


The  £10,000  from  Indea  merchaunts.* 

1.  The  informative  Proofes,  the  Sentence  and  all  the  Acts  and 
proceedings  in  the  Admiralty  Court. 

2.  All  the  notes  of  the  Companies  booke  touching  the  con- 
ferences and  agreement. . 

3.  The  Treaties  betweene  Spaine  and  England. 

[Indorsed]   Proofes  concerning  the  St.  Peter  and  the 
East  India  Company. 

*  The  remainder  refers  to  other  articles  of  the  charge. 



[In  the  sixth  article  the  Duke  is  charged  with  extorting  10,OOOZ. 
from  the  East  India  Company,  "hearing  some  good  success  that  those 
merchants  had  at  Ormuz."  On  March  1,  162|,  he  moved  the 
Lords  then  assembled  in  Parliament,  whether  he  might  not  stay 
the  ships  of  the  Company  then  going  out.  Upon  their  assent  he 
stayed  them  on  March  5.  He  followed  up  this  step, — which,  though 
it  is  not  stated  in  the  article,  was  ostensibly  taken  on  the  ground 
that  the  services  of  ,the  ships  might  be  needed  in  the  impending 
war, — by  bringing  an  action  in  the  Admiralty  Court  against  the 
Company  for  15,OOOZ.,  said  to  have  been  piratically  taken  by  some 
of  the  Company's  captains.  It  was  only  upon  their  giving  him 
10,000/.  that  he  allowed  the  ships  to  sail.  The  course  of  the  affair 
may  be  traced  in  the  following  documents.] 

Court  Minutes  of  the  East  India  Company. 
[Court  Minnie  Book,  yi.  24.] 

Mr.  Deputee  reported  further  that  it  pleased  his  Matie  to  summon  1523,  July  23. 
by  an  express  messenger  Mr.  Governor  and  himself  with  some 
others  of  the  Companie  to  attend  him  att  Whitehall  uppon  Sunday 
last*  in  the  morning,  and  for  as  much  as  Mr.  Governor's  health  did 
not  then  permitt  him,  Mr.  Deputie,  accompanied  with  some  of  the 
Committees,  went  to  Whitehall,  where,  uppon  notice  given  to  his 
Matie  of  their  beeing  there,  he  sent  for  them  in,  and,  commaunding 
the  Chamber  to  be  voyded  of  all  other  company,  he  tould  them  that 
he  had  understood  from  the  Duke  of  Buckingham  that  the  com- 
panie  had  before  his  going  promised  to  grattifie  him,  the  said  Duke, 

"  July  20.     At  this  time  Buckingham  was  still  in  Spain. 


that  promise  also  confirmed  since  att  a  Courte;  he  therefore  advised 
them  to  do  it  now  in  his  absence,  and  that  in   so   doing  the  guift 
will  come  the  more  acceptably,  because  thereby  it  would  appeere 
they  had  bene  mindfull  of  him;  he  said  further  (and  spake  it  cheere- 
fully)  that  the  grattifficacion  to  the  Duke  had  bene  staid  untill  the 
busines  of  Ormuz  a  were  cleered ;  the  King  tould  them  their  shippes 
were  now  come  from  thence,  so  as  he  doubted  not  but  they  would 
answere  it  well  enough  ;  and,  therefore,  now  they  might  perfourme 
what  they  intended.     Mr.  Deputy  made   answeare  that  they  their 
present  were  but  a  few,  and  could  not  do  anie  such  thing  alone; 
but  he  would  moove  it  to  the  Company,  and  his  Matie  should  have 
an  accompt  thereof;  the  King  willed  him   so  to   doe,  and  that  in 
anie  case  they  should  send  him  their  answere  wheresoever  he  should 
be  in  progress.     The    Courte  considered  of  the   favours  formerly 
done  to  the  Companie  by  the  said  Lo:  Admirall,  and  the  continuall 
use  they  shall  have  of  his  favor  ;  and  that  this  business  of  Ormuz 
(how  well  soever  to  be  answeared   of  the  Companies  parte)  maie 
find  a  strong  opposicion.     Also,  howsoever  it  had  pleased  the  King 
formerly  to  saie  that  the  Lo:  Admirall  should  have  nothing  from 
the  Companie  for  the  busines  with  the  Dutch, b  yet  it  is  both  fitt  to 
gratiffie  him,  and  it  appeares  to  be  expected  att  their  handes.     It 
was  also  remembred  that  att  such  time  as  the  rest  of  the  Lordes 
were  grattiffied,  it  was  resolved  to  grattiffie  him  also,  that  the  same 
resolucion  had  been  confirmed  att  anoather  Court,  but  no  somme 
sett  downe.     It  was  therefore  now  propounded  what  somme  wilbe 
fitt  to  be  geven  to  the  Lo :  Admirall  as  well  for  his  favors  shewen 
the  Corapanie  in  the  last  treaty  with  the  Dutch  as  to  sweeten  him 
for  their  future  occasions,  and  particularly  for  that  of  Ormuz.     The 

n  The  East  India  Company's  ships  had  in  1622  taken  Ormuz  from  the  Portuguese 
for  the  Shah.  The  Portuguese  were  the  subjects  of  the  King  of  Spain,  who  had 
complained.  (See  Egerton  MSS.  1131,  fol.  169.)  James  however  took  no  further 
notice  of  the  Spanish  complaint,  except  to  use  it  to  obtain  money  for  Buckingham. 

b  The  difficulties  with  the  Dutch  East  India  Company,  which  had  been  temporarily 
settled  by  the  Treaty  of  1619.  The  Lords  who  had  supported  the  East  India  Com- 
pany in  the  negotiation  had  been  gratified  with  presents. 


Courte  with  one  consent  agreed  and  ordered  that  he  shall  have  two 
thousand  poundes :  and  Mr.  Deputie  and  Mr.  Munnes  were  en- 
treated to  acquaint  his  Matie  with  the  Courtes  resolucion. 

2. — Examinations  in  the  Court  of  Admiralty  about  the  taking 
of  a  Portuguese  ship. 

[S.  P.  East  Indies,  ii.  84.] 

11°  Decembris,  1623. 

John  Weddall,  of  Ratcliffe,  in  the  Countie  of  Middlesex,  gent.,  1623,  Dec.  11. 
aged  forty  yeares  or  thereabouts,  examined  before  the  right  wor11 
Sr  Henry  Marten,   Knighte,  Judge  of  His  Mats  Highe  Courte  of 
Admiraltie,  uppon  certeine  Articles  ministred  on  the  behalfe  of  the 
Lord  Highe  Admirall  of  England.* 

To  the  firste  hee  aunswereth  and  saieth,  That  hee  went  out  of 
the  Downes  bound  for  the  East  Indyes  in  Aprill  nexte  shalbee 
three  yeares,  in  the  shippe  the  Jonas,  whereof  hee  was  Captaine 
and  Commaunder,  and  was  Admirall  to  and  had  alsoe  the  comaunde 
of  three  other  shippes,  viz*,  the  Whale,  the  Dolphin,  and  the  Lyon, 
and  was  in  that  voyage  xxix  moneths,  and  arrived  againe  in  the 
Downes  from  that  voyage  in  July  laste. 

To  the  second  hee  saieth,  That  at  the  Cape,  bound  out  uppon  that 
voiage,  hee  overtooke  twoe  other  of  the  companies  shippes,  viz1, 
the  Rose  and  the  Dicke,  and  those  twoe  shippes  hee  alsoe  to6ke 
into  his  Fleete,  and  commaunded  them  as  the  reste,  and  sailinge 
in  companie  togeather  betwixte  the  Islandes  of  Comero  and  the 
Hand  of  Saccatra,  the  little  Dicke,  by  misty  and  foggy  weather, 
loste  the  companie  of  the  rest  of  the  Fleete,  and  the  next  day  she 
mett  with  a  Portugall  shippe  there  that  shott  at  her  (as  her 
companie  have  tolde  this  Examinate),  and  then  the  Dicke  entered 
into  fighte  with  her  and  surprised  her,  and  afterwards  broughte 

»  The  object  of  these  examinations  was  to  show  the  large  value  of  prizes  taken  in 
the  East  Indies,  in  order  to  claim  either  the  whole  value  if  they  were  piratically 
taken,  or  the  Lord  High  Admiral's  tenths  if  they  were  legally  taken. 



her  the  said  Portugall  to  Surrat  to  this  Examinate  and  the  rest  of 
the  Fleete ;  and  afterwards  nere  Ormous,  when  the  Castle  was  take- 
inge  there,  some  Portugalls  runninge  away  in  a  smalle  friggott,  this 
Examinates  companie  in  their  barges  tooke  her  and  seized  her,  And 
these  were  all  the  shippes,  or  other  vessells,  that  this  Examinate 
or  any  of  his  Fleete  tooke  the  said  voyage. 

To  the  third  hee  saieth,  That  the  Portugall  shippe  that  the  Dicke 
tooke  as  aforesaid  had  then  in  her  waxe,  and  elephants  teeth,  and 
some  few  other  trifles,  but  the  quantity  thereof  he  knoweth  not, 
wch  were  altogeather  seen  and  veiwed  by  certeine  merchants,  on 
the  East  Indya  Companies  behalfe,  and  certeine  pursers  on  the 
marriners  behalfe,  that  were  chosen  as  indifferent  men  to  make  an 
estimacion  thereof,  which  valued  the  same  altogeather  at  sixe 
thousand  pounds  and  noe  more.  And  in  that  shippe  there  was 
neither  moneyes  nor  Jewells  that  ever  hee  sawe,  or  heard  of,  and 
the  friggott  taken  as  aforesaid  was  empty  and  had  nothinge  in  her 
wherein  the  Portugalls  were  runninge  away  as  aforesaid. 

To  the  fowerth  hee  saieth,  That  whatsoever  was  taken  in  the 
said  Portugall  shippe  to  this  Examinates  knowledge  was  all 
delivered  into  the  hands  of  Thomas  Rasdell,  president  for  the 
companie  at  Surratt,  for  the  companies  use,  but  how  hee  disposed 
thereof,  or  where  the  same  now  remaineth,  hee  knoweth  not, 
Savinge  the  said  Rasdell  devided  a  sixte  parte  of  the  same 
amongest  the  companie  of  this  Examinates  Fleete,  and  the  shippe 
was  restored  againe  to  the  Portugalls. 

To  the  fifte  hee  saieth,  That  hee  was  at  the  takeinge  of  Ormous 
in  the  Jonas  aforesaid,  whereof  hee  was  then  commaunder,  and  there 
were  present  at  that  action  besides  the  Jonas  these  shippes,  viz*, 
the  Whale,  the  Dolphin,  and  the  Robert,  wch  were  all  under  this 
Examinates  commaund,  and  the  London  and  the  Shillinge,  whereof 
Captaine  Richard  Blith  was  commaunder,  and  this  was  in  Aprill 
last  was  a  twelve  moneth. 

To  the  sixte  hee  saieth,  That  the  Englishe  at  the  takeinge  of 
Ormous  had  and  gained  there  aboute  fiftye  smalle  sparcks  of 


diamonds,  some  chaines  of  golde,  and  other  Jewells,  some  plate, 
monies,  bullion,  panthathoes,  callicoes  and  other  Indyan  goods, 
but  the  quantityes  thereof  hee  cannott  declare.  All  wch  diamonds. 
Jewells,  money,  goods,  and  whatsoever  ells  to  this  Examinates 
knowledge  that  were  had  or  gained  at  the  taking  of  Ormous  as 
aforesaid  by  any  of  the  Englishe  were  put  togeather,  and  received 
by  the  President  of  Zurratt  and  his  assistants  for  the  merchants, 
and  Captaine  Blith,  and  this  Exanimate  and  others  for  the 
marriners,  and  by  them  valued  all  togeather  at  twoe  and  twenty  25>°oou- 
thousand  pounds  as  hee  remembreth,  but  hee  beleeveth  the  same 
were  worth  five  and  twenty  thousand  pounds,  arid  not  above  at  the 
utmost,  as  he  beleeveth. 

To  the  seaventh  hee  saieth,  That  all  the  monies,  Jewells,  goods, 
or  other  thinges  that  to  his  knowledge  were  had  or  gained  by  any 
of  the  Englishe  at  Ormous  were  delivered  into  the  handes  of  the 
said  Thomas  Rasdell,  President  of  the  Englishe  at  Zurratt,  and 
Giles  James,  the  booke  keeper  there,  whoe  received  the  same  for 
the  companies  use,  and  a  sixte  parte  thereof  they  delivered 
amoungest  the  companies  of  the  foresaid  shippes. 

16°  Decembris,  1623. 

Richard  Blith,  of  Gravesend,  gent.,  aged  45  yeares  or  there- 
abouts, examined  before^the  right  Wor11  Sr  Henry  Marten,  Knighte, 
Judge  of  his  Mata  Highe  Courte  of  Admiralty  uppon  certeine 
Articles  ministred  on  the  behalfe  of  the  Lord  Highe  Admirall  of 

To  the  first  of  the  said  Articles  hee  answereth  and  saieth,  That 
in  Anno  1619  hee  went  from  England,  bound  for  the  East  Indyes 
in  the  shippe  the  Hart,  whereof  hee  was  captaine  and  commaunder, 
beinge  vice-admirall  to  Captaine  Shillinge  in  the  London,  that  was 
Admirall  of  the  Fleete,  and  hee  returned  from  that  voyage  in 
July  last. 

To  the  second  he  saieth,  That  in  the  said  voyage  Captaine 
Shillinge  first  tooke  a  Portugall  ship  uppon  the  quoaste  of  Indya, 


afterwards  bound  for  the  Redd  sea,  this  Examinate  being  then 
Admirall  of  that  Fleete  (Captaine  Shillinge  beinge  slaine),  tooke 
an  Tndyan  shippe  belonginge  to  the  Portugalls,  and  in  the  same 
passage  hee  tooke  a  friggot  of  about  threescore  tonns,  alsoe 
belongeinge  to  the  Portugalls,  and  returninge  from  Indya  againe 
hee  tooke  another  smalle  shippe  (as  this  Examinant  remembreth)  to 
the  Portugalls;  and  those  were  all  the  shipps,  friggots,  or  other 
vessells,  that  this  Examinate  or  the  Fleete  that  hee  was  of  tooke 
that  voyage,  which  were  all  taken  within  the  yeares  1620  and  1621. 
But  hee  saieth  that  afterwards  at  Ormous,  this  Examinate  and 
Captaine  Weddall,  with  their  two  fleetes,  suncke  and  burnt  five 
gallyoons,  and  a  great  galley  belcnginge  to  the  Portugalls. 

To  the  third  he  saieth,  That  in  the  first  shippe  taken  by 
Captaine  Shillinge  as  aforesaid,  there  was  nothinge  but  twoe 
and  forty  Arabian  horses,  and  (as  this  Examinate  hath  heard) 
aboute  a  hundred  pounds  in  coyned  golde,  and  that  money  was 
delivered  unto  Mr.  Kerridge  then  president  for  the  companie  at 
Zurratt,  and  the  shippe  and  all  the  horses  were  afterwards  burnt  in 
the  firste  fighte  with  the  Portugalls  at  Jasques.  In  the  second 
shippe  taken  as  aforesaid  were  onely  provision  of  victualls,  as  ryce, 
wheate,  and  other  kindes  of  graines,  which  the  Englishe,  wantinge 
victualls,  were  forced  to  make  use,  but  noe  Jewells,  money,  goods,  or 
other  merchandices  were  then  in  her,  and  that  ship  was  soe  leake 
that  the  Englishe  broke  her  upp  for  fyer  wood  as  old  and  unusefull. 
In  the  third  vessell  taken  as  aforesaid  beeing  a  friggott  was  taken 
onely  some  certeine  ingotts  and  chaines  of  golde,  the  number  or 
value  thereof  hee  knoweth  not  nor  can  remember,  and  some  baggs 
of  white  money,  but  how  many  they  were  or  the  contents  of  any  of 
them  he  remembreth  not,  with  some  certeine  parcells  of  wett  cloth, 
the  number  whereof  hee  remembreth  not,  which  ingotts  and  chaines 
of  golde,  white  money,  and  cloth  was  all  delivered  to  one  Mr. 
Rastell,  then  and  now  President  of  Zurratt,  and  the  friggott  was 
old  and  rotten,  and  therefore  layed  upp  at  Zurratt  aforesaid,  and 
in  the  fowerth  shippe  taken  as  aforesaid  there  was  onely  twenty 


thousand  or  thereabouts  of  lawrees,  beinge  peeces  of  silver,  every 
peece  worth e  aboute  tenn  pence,  which  belonged  to  a  Guzzeratt, 
and  were  afterwards  restored  to  him,  and  nothinge  ells,  and  the 
shippe  was  afterwards  given  to  the  Portugalls;  and  those  were  all 
the  Jewells,  moneys,  or  goods,  that  were  taken  in  the  said  shipps 
and  other  vessells,  which  were  disposed  of  as  aforesaid,  onely  a 
sixte  parte  thereof  was  devided  amoungeste  the  companie  of  the 
Englishe  Fleete. 

To  the  fifte,  sixte,  and  seaventh  hee  saieth,  That  hee  was  at  the 
takeinge  of  Ormous  in  the  London,  whereof  hee  was  then  corn- 
maunder,  and  at  that  action  there  was  a  pinnace  called  the  Andrew 
under  this  Examinates  commaund,  arid  under  the  commaund  of 
Captaine  Weddall  the  shipps  the  Jonas,  the  Whale,  and  the 
Dolphin,  which  was  aboute  April  1621,  and  there  was  delivered  by 
the  Persians  at  that  action  to  the  Englishe  certeine  Jewells,  golde, 
plate,  and  other  goods,  the  quantityes  or  kindes  whereof  hee 
cannott  now  remember,  which  were  all  put  together  and  estimated 
by  certeine  people  of  the  country  appointed  thereunto  by  the 
president  and  factors  at  Zurratt  at  twenty  thousand  pounds  or  Persians  gave 
thereabouts  as  this  Examinate  remembreth,  which  were  soe  equally  abont°r 
estimated  that  any  man  might  have  boughte  the  same  as  twas  20'00°li- 
valued  as  aforesaid,  and  this  was  all  that  the  Englishe  had  at 
Ormous,  which  was  all  delivered  to  the  said  Mr  Rastall  president 
for  the  Englishe  at  Zurratt,  and  hee  devided  a  sixte  parte  thereof 
amoungeste  the  marrieners,  and  kepte  the  rest  for  the  companies 
behalfe  Savinge  that  the  Persians  gave  the  Englishe  there,  which 
are  now  in  India,  for  the  companies  use,  tenn  peeces  of  ordenance 
in  regard  e  the  Englishe  complained  that  their  shipps  were  unfur- 
nished of  ordenance  by  reason  of  some  of  their  Ordenance  that 
were  formerly  broken  in  fighte  with  the  Portugalls. 

22°  Decembris,  1623. 

Charles  Clevenger  of  London,  gent,  aged  46  yeares  or  thereabouts, 
examined  as  aforesaid,  saieth  as  followeth. 


To  the  firste  Article  hee  saieth,  That  hee  departed  out  of  the 
Downes  bound  forth  for  the  East  Indyes,  uppon  the  sixtenth  day 
of  March  1618  in  the  shippe  the  Paulsgrave  whereof  hee  was 
comaunder  and  was  admirall  and  had  the  commaund  of  the 
Elsabeth  and  Hope  that  were  of  the  Paulsgraves  Fleete,  and 
arrived  in  the  Downes  from  that  voyage  in  Auguste  laste. 

To  the  seconde,  third,  and  fowerth  Articles  hee  saieth,  That  in 
the  yeare  1620,  betwene  the  Maneloies  and  China  this  Examinate 
and  his  foresaid  Fleete  that  was  under  his  commaunde,  togeather 
with  five  shippes  of  the  Dutch  in  his  companie,  tooke  seaven  juncks 
belonging  to  the  Chiness,  wherein  they  tooke  some  silkes,  taffaty, 
and  satten  callicoes,  and  linnen  cloth,  and  other  such  like  com- 
modityes  (the  quantityes  whereof  hee  cannott  specefye),  which 
were  all  put  togeather  and  at  Japan  valued  by  fower  Englishe  and 
fower  Dutch  merchants  at  fourescore  thousand  peeces  of  8  :  and 
then  one  halfe  thereof  was  delivered  to  one  Captaine  Specke,  chiefe 
factor  there,  for  the  Dutch,  and  the  other  halfe  to  one  Captaine 
Coxe,  the  president  there  for  the  Englishe,  to  the  use  of  each 
companie,  but  how  they  have  disposed  thereof  hee  cannott  declare, 
and  more  then  the  foresaid  goods  there  was  not  any  thinge  taken 
in  the  said  junckes  to  his  knowledge,  and  the  nexte  yeare  folio w- 
inge  in  the  same  place  this  Examinate  with  his  Fleete,  and  five 
Dutch  shippes  then  alsoe  in  his  companie,  tooke  twoe  other  junckes 
then  belonginge  alsoe  to  the  Chiness,  wherein  they  tooke  good  store 
of  rawe  silke,  twisted  silke,  damaske  tafiatyes,  and  sattens,  with 
many  other  commodityes,  but  noe  Jewells,  pretious  stones,  gold,  or 
silver  whatsoever  (the  quantityes  whereof  hee  cannott  declare),  but 
the  same  were  all  delivered,  the  one  halfe  to  the  foresaid  Captaine 
Coxe,  for  the  Englishe  companies  behalfe;  and  the  other  to  the 
foresaid  Captaine  Specke,  for  the  Dutch  Companies  behalfe,  but 
00,000  ryalls  were  not  estimated  when  this  Examinate  came  from  Japan,  but 
tieeCMnes°m  this  Examinate  and  others,  at  large,  estimated  the  same  to  bee 
worth  aboute  twoe  hundred  thousand  ryalis  of  8 :  and  these  were 
all  the  vessells,  shippes,  or  goods  that  this  Examinate  or  any  of  his 


Fleete  tookc  the  said  voyage,  save  onely  twoe  smalle  friggotts 
belonginge  to  the  Portugall,  in  the  one  beeinge  nothinge  but  a  few 
deares  hides,  a  little  sugar,  and  three  or  fower  bayles  of  silke  worth 
aboute  three  hundred  pounds  sterlinge,  and  in  the  other  good  store 
of  silke  and  taffatyes  and  other  commodityes  to  the  value  of  aboute 
fower  thousand  pounds,  which  were  all  delivered  to  the  said  Coxe 
and  Specke  at  Japan,  but  there  was  noe  monies,  Jewells,  or  any- 
thinge  ells  in  those  Iriggotts  to  this  Examinates  knowledge. 

To  the  5,  6,  and  7th  Articles  hee  can  saye  nothinge  because  hee 
was  not  at  the  takeinge  of  Ormous. 

3°  Januarii,  1623. 

Gamaliel  Embrey  chirurgeon,  lyeinge  in  greate  Eastcheape, 
London,  at  the  signe  of  the  Christopher,  aged  thirty  yeares  or  there- 
abouts, sworne  and  examined  before  the  right  wor11  Sr  Henry 
Marten,  Knighte,  Judge  of  his  Mat8  highe  Courte  of  Admiraltye, 
uppon  certeine  Articles  ministred  on  his  Majestyes  behalfe,  saieth 
thereto  as  followeth. 

1.  Hee  saieth,  That  in  the  shippe  the  London  whereof  hee  was 
chirurgeons  mate,  hee  went  out  of  the  Downes  bound  for  the 
East  Indyes  the  25th  day  of  March  1619  and  he  saith  that  the  21st 
day  of  November  1620  the  shipp  London,  in  companie  of  the 
Robucke  betwixte  Indya  and  Persia,  mett  with  a  Portugalle  shippe 
laden  with  dates  racens  and  horses,  which  after  a  shott  or  twoe 
yeelded  to  them,  whereupon  they  putt  ashore  the  men,  but  the 
shippe  and  ladinge  they  kepte  about  a  moneth,  after  which  time 
the  Hart  and  Eagle  returninge  from  Persia,  for  feare  of  fower 
Portugall  shippes  that  laye  there  in  wayte  for  them,  and  joyneinge 
companie  with  the  London  and  Robucke,  went  all  fower  togeather 
to  Jasques  roade,  where  the  said  Portugall  men  of  war  laye,  to 
keepe  them  out  of  the  harbour,  and  there  the  nexte  day  after  their 
comeinge  thither  the  Portugall  men  of  warr  sett  upon  them,  and 
in  that  fighte  their  foresaid  prize  with  all  the  horses  and  dates  then 
in  her  were  burnt,  but  some  parte  of  the  dates,  as  alsoe  some 


quantitye  of  racens  taken  in  her,  were  taken  out  of  her  by  the 
Englishe,  which  they  eate,  and  spente  for  their  provision,  and 
besides  they  had  pilladged  the  Portugalls  of  such  silver  and  other 
goods  as  they  had  aboute  them,  but  to  what  value  hee  knoweth 

2.  Further  hee  saith,  That  the  Hart  and  the  Eagle  before  they 
mett  with  the   London  and   Roebucke  had  taken  twoe  Portugall 
prizes,  the  one  laden  with  stuffe,  and  the  other  with  dates,  which 
after  they  had  somewhat  pillaged  they  dismiste,  because  the  Por- 
tugall men  of  warr  were  then  ceere  them  and  chased  them,  but  what 
the  value  of  that  pilladge  was  hee  cannot  tell. 

3.  Further  hee  saieth,  That  on  the  27th  day  of  January   1620, 
the  foresaid  foure  Englishe  shippes  tooke  another  Portugall  man  of 
warr  by  Duehead,  and  called  her  the  Andrew,  in  which  shippe 
was  noe  other  goods  but  municion. 

4.  More  hee  saith,  That  uppon   the   firste   of  May,   1621,  the 
foresaid   three   shippes,  the    London,    Hart,   and  Roebucke,  tooke 
another  Portugall  prize  betwixte  Indya  and  the  Redd  Sea,  laden 
with  ryce,  pepper,  and  China  ware,  which  prize  they  named  the 
May  Flower,  but  the  value  of  that  which  they  tooke  in  her  hee 
knoweth  not,  but  what  was  in  her  they  tooke  into  the   London  all 
but  the  ryce,  which  was  solde  in  Arabia,  and  suncke  the  shippe. 

5.  Hee  further  saith,  That  May  the  seaventh  folio winge  the  said 
three  shippes  tooke  another  Portugalle  prize,  which  they  termed  a 
golden  prize,  but  she  was  afterwards   named   the    Primrose,  the 
ladeinge   was   golde,    silver,    and   ebonywood,   which    wood     the 
Roebucke  broughte  for  Englande,  but  the  golde  and  silver  was 
disposed  of  by  the  merchant  factors  in  Indya,  the  value   whereof 
hee  knoweth  not. 

6.  Hee  alsoe  saieth,  That  the  thirtenth  day  of  October  followeinge 
the  said  three  shipps  tooke  a  fifte  Portugal!  prize  which  they  called 
the  Shillinge,  but  in  the  chase  the  Portugalls  ran  her  ashoare,  and 
gott  out  of  her,  and  carryed  away  with  them  most  of  her  ladinge 
of  value,  soe  that  there  was  onely  a  little  smalle  pilladge   left  in 



her  for  the  Englishe,  And  aboute  that  time  one  of  the  Portugall 
prizes  called  the  Andrew  manned  with  the  Englishe,  beinge  sente 
before  to  Zurratt  by  the  way  tooke  a  Chawle  juncke  with  greate 
store  of  treasure  in  her,  and  carryed  her  to  Swaley  roade,  where 
was  the  Jonas  and  her  fleete  come  from  England,  and  they  had 
carryed  the  treasure  aboard  the  Jonas,  before  the  London,  Hart, 
and  Roebucke  could  come  thither,  soe  as  this  Examinate  did  not 
see  the  same  but  heard  of  that  as  a  notorious  thinge,  and  that  was 
disposed  of,  by  the  captain  and  merchaunts  there,  but  the  value 
thereof  hee  knoweth  not. 

7.  Hee  alsoe  further  saith,  That  Aprill  the  23th  1622  (one  which 
day  the  Caslle  of  Ormous  was  yeelded  upp),  a  country   boate  putt 
of  from  the  Castle,  with  Portugalls  in  her,  and  fell  into  the  hands 
of  the  Englishe  with  forty  thousand  pounds  of  treasure  in  her,  40  QOO"  att 
which  hee  the  rather  is  induced  to  affirme,  because  the  24th  of  Or 
September  1622,  when  the  shipps  returned  to  Zurratt  againe,  the 
merchaunts  there  spent  some  good  time  in  tellinge  and  weighinge 
of  the  gold  that  came  from  Ormous. 

Besides  hee  saieth,  That  the  twoe  captaines,  viz4,  Richard  Blith, 
captaine  of  the  London,  and  John  Weddal,  captaine  of  the  Jonas, 
had  each  of  them  houses  in  Ormous  to  share  the  pillage  in. 

9°  Januarii  1623  stilo  Anglie. 

James  Beaversham  of  Ipswich,  in  the  county  of  Suffolcke  marriner, 
aged  44  yeares  or  thereabouts,  examined  before  the  right  wor11  Sr 
Henry  Marten,  Knighte,  Judge  of  his  Majestyes  highe  Courte  of 
Admiralty,  uppon  certeine  Articles  ministred  on  the  behalfe  of  the 
Lord  highe  Admirall  of  England,  aunswereth  thereto  as  followeth. 

To  the  firste  hee  saieth,  That  hee  departed  out  of  the  Downes 
bounde  for  the  East  Indyes  the  firste  daye  of  Aprill  1621,  in  the 
shippe  the  Lyon,  whereof  this  Examinate  was  then  commaunder,  and 
there  were  then  in  her  companie,  and  of  her  fleete,  the  shipps  the 
Jonas,  the  Whale,  and  the  Dolphin,  and  hee  arrived  here  in  England 
from  that  voyage  in  July  last. 



To  the  seconde,  third,  and  fowerth  Articles  hee  saieth,  That  the 
said  shipps  saylinge  togeather  for  the  Indyes  to  the  eastward  of  the 
Cape  overtooke  twoe  other  of  the  companies  shipps  called  the  Rose 
and  Richard,  bound  alsoe  for  the  Indyes,  and  those  shipps  then 
sailed  alonge  in  companie  of  the  rest  aforesaid,  and  sailinge  soe 
togeather  in  Auguste  1621,  in  an  eveninge,  the  Richard  beinge 
aboute  a  league  ahead  of  the  rest  of  the  Fleete,  to  the  westward  of 
the  Island  of  Soccatore  discovered  a  Portugal!  shippe,  and  chased 
and  tooke  her,  and  carryed  her  to  Zurratt  in  Indya:  and  that 
Portugall  was  laden  with  elephants  teeth,  gum,  and  the  like,  but 
the  quantityes  or  values  hee  knoweth  not,  which  was  all  delivered 
over  to  Mr.  Rasdell,  the  President  at  Zurratt,  for  the  Companies  use, 
and  more  then  that  shippe  and  goods  to  his  knowledge  the  fleete 
that  hee  was  of  did  not  take  anythinge,  savinge  a  smalle  friggott 
that  they  tooke  from  the  Arabians  uppon  the  quoaste  of  Arabia 
which  had  noe  merchandize  in  her  nor  anythinge  ells,  savinge 
some  money  in  Cheekeens  a  and  Spannishe  money  (the  juste  some 
whereof  hee  doth  not  now  remember),  but  hee  saieth  yt  was  not 
above  seaven  hundred  pounds,  which  was  alsoe  delivered  to  the 
foresaid  Rasdell  for  the  companies  use. 

To  the  5,  6,  and  7th  Articles  hee  can  say  nothinge,  because  hee 
was  not  at  the  takeing  of  Ormous,  but  was  gone  for  the  Redd  Sea, 
twoe  moneths  before  the  castle  was  taken. 

96,000"  &  240,000  peeces  or  ryalls  of  8. 

3. — Notes  of  prizes  taken  in  the  East  Indies. 
[S.  P.  East  Indies,  iii.  2.] 

L62|,  Jan.  20.      Concerning  the  spoiles  &  depradations  made  in  the  Indies. 
It  appeareth  by  the  depositions,  That  the  companie  is  ~) 
possessed  of  goods  taken  from  the  Portugalls  at  Ormous   >   26,000U 
&  at  sea,  which  are  valued  by  themselves  at  ) 

•  Sequins. 




The  Golden  prise 
Stuff  prise 

Besides    j     Date  prise  unvalued. 

Ryce  prise 

1 7  peeces  of  Ordinance 

And  of  goods  taken  from  the  Chineses  valued  also  by   "l 

themselves  at  j 

Besides  the  Chalow  jounck  rich  in  treasore  unvalued. 

Total  valued  54,000U 

which  with  the  prizes  unvalued  can  not  bee    ^      _    nnnw 
so  litle  as  } 

Theis  goods  were  taken  either  by  piracie  from  frends  or  by 
reprisal  from  enimies. 

That  they  were  piraticallie  taken  may  appeare :  because 
The  Portugalls  are  in  his  Mts  confederacie,  &  though  by  treatie 
with  the  Hollanders,  the  Companie  is  allowed  to  maintaine   shipps 
of  warre   for  defence   of  theire  trade  yet  they  are    not  therby 
warranted  to  assaile,  or  to  use  depredation  or  spoile. 

The  Chineses  and  other  infidels,  though  they  bee  no  confederats, 
yet  ther  is  no  hostilitie  betwixt  his  M^  &  them :  &  having  enter- 
course  of  trade  with  his  subjects  in  those  parts,  are  thereby  in  his 

If  for  theis  reasons  the  goods  were  piratically  taken  then 
both  the  goods  and  the  ships  that  tooke  them  are  forfeated 
to  your  Grace :  &  the  takers  and  their  estats  are  at  his  Mts 

But  if  in  a  more  favorable  construction  our  confederacie  with 
Spaine  extendeth  not  so  farre,  and  the  Chineses  forbidding  other 
nations  to  trade  in  their  contrie  bee  esteemed  common  enimies,  & 
so  the  goods  bee  lawfully  taken  as  by  reprisal  from  both,  then  by 
the  ancient  clame  of  the  Admiraltie  a  tenth  thereof  is  due  to  your 
Grace:  which  the  late  Lord  Admiral  enjoyed  by  way  of  composition: 
&  which  amounteth  to  more  than  ten  thousand  pounds. 

The  true 
value  wil 
appeare  by  the 


To  question  the  Companie  for  piracie 

1.  Would  dishonor  our  nation  abroade. 

2.  Wil  be  doubtful  against  so  great  a  Companie,  so  ritch  a 

stock,  &  so  settled  a  government. 

3.  It  tendeth  to  the  overthrow  of  the  Companie  stock  and 


4.  It  wil  prejudice  his  Majesty,  who  besides  the  main  support 

of  his  Customs,  hath  by  this  Companie  a  considerable 
strength   by  sea   against  anie  enemie,  &   readie   servise 
otherwise  uppon  al  occasions. 
To  compound  with  them  as  for  tenths 

1.  Is  easier  to  obtaine,  specially  uppon  ouverturs  made  from 

them  selvs. 

2.  Besides  the  present  convenient  summe  may  settle  a  constant 

revenue  lor  time  to  cum. 

3.  By  incourageing  the  seamen  in  those  parts,  may  weaken 

&  happily  expel  the  Portugall:  &  in  short  time   gett  the 
whole  trade  of  the  East  into  our  hands. 

4. —  Court  Minutes  of  the  East  India  Company. 
[Court  Minute  Book,  yi.  412.] 

162|,  Feb.  18.  Mr.  Bell  and  Mr.  Abdy  haveing  bene  intreated  to  take  advice 
both  of  civill  lawyers  and  common,  Mr.  Bell  reported  that  accord- 
ingly they  had  attended  Doctor  Steward,  with  whome  at  first 
they  conferred  in  generall  tearmes  representing  the  Companies 
case,  that  marchants,  immediately  from  the  King,  do  sett 
forth  voyages  into  remote  countrys,  to  discover  trade,  both  for 
the  honner  and  benefitt  of  their  country,  in  prosecucion  of  which 
voyages,  the  marchantes,  being  by  hostile  accions  interupted, 
indeavour  to  right  themselves  and  take  reprisalls,  in  which  case 
they  desired  wherein  theise  merchantes  being  by  hostile  accions 
interrupted  indeavour  to  right  themselves  and  take  reprisalls,  in 
which  cases  they  desired  to  understand  whether  the  Admirall  of 


the  country  wherein  theise  marchants  dwelt  could  by  lawe  pretend 
any  right  to  anie  parte  of  such  reprisalls  ;  the  doctor  answered  that 
the  tenth  parte  of  custom e  belonges  to  the  Lord  Admirall,  if  he 
give  any  commission ;  and  said  there  was  no  written  lawe  for  it, 
neither  sawe  he  any  reason  why  the  Admirall  should  pretend  any 
right  where  he  gives  no  letters  of  marte ;  but  uppon  further  con- 
ference Doctor  Steward  declared  himself  when  he  understood  the 
busines  had  relacion  to  the  Lord  Admirall  of  England,  that  he 
would  neither  be  of  the  Companies  counsell  in  this  cause  nor 
deliver  his  opinion  against  the  Lord  Admirall,  pretending  he  had 
bene  of  counsell  with  the  last  Lo:  Admirall  and  this  theise  foure 
yeares,  and  therefore  advised  Mr.  Bell  and  Mr.  Abdy  not  to  pro- 
ceede  to  disclose  the  seacretls  of  their  cause,  least  it  should  turne  to 
the  Companies  disadvantage  ;  the  Committees  they  made  knowen 
that  the  Company  had  no  purpose  to  wage  lawe  with  the  Lord 
Admirall,  but  onely  to  certify  their  owne  judgements,  that  when 
the  matter  shalbe  handled  before  his  Lp,  the  better  satisfaccion  of 
whose  noble  disposition  and  love  to  the  Company  they  made  no 
question  and  used  other  motives  to  induce  the  delivery  [?]  a  of  the 
Doctors  opinion  ;  but  all  would  not  avayle,  only  he  said  there  was 
no  written  lawe  for  the  Lord  Admirall's  pretences  in  cases  where 
he  gives  no  commission.  He  was  then  demaunded  concerning  the 
jurisdiccion  of  the  Admiralty,  how  farr  it  extended,  he  said  every 
where  uppon  the  maine  ocean,  and  in  fine  was  intreated  and 
promised  to  keep  seacrett  the  conference ;  and  that,  in  any  other 
cause  for  the  Company,  he  would  afTorde  them  his  best  advice. 

The  said  Committees  then  proceeded  and  went  to  Doctor  Zouch, 
to  whome  they  ingeniously  declared  the  Companies  case,  and  shewed 
him  the  patent  whereby  they  are  warranted  to  perfourme  what 
they  have  done,  and  desired  his  opinion,  and  upon  perusall  of  theise 
wordes  of  the  pattent,  he  declared  there  was  no  law  for  the 
Admiralls  demaund  of  tenths,  but  said  that  tenthes  had  bene  given 

*  "  dd  "  in  MS.,  the  usual  abbreviation  for  "  delivered." 


of  custome,  where  lettres  of  marte  had  bene  by  him  graunted,  and 
that  was  grounded  upon  the  custome  of  Normandy,  where  the 
Admirall,  as  appeares  by  the  la  we  of  that  country,  is  at  greate 
charge  in  such  expediccions,  where  he  demaundeth  tenthes.  Here 
Mr.  Deputy  tooke  occasion  to  relate  a  passage  concerning  the 
jurisdiccion  of  the  Admirallty  in  a  case  tryed  here  for  goodes  taken 
and  carried  away  from  a  to  Syvett  a  Vech,b  in  which 

case  the  principall  was  executed  because  it  appeared  the  fact  com- 
mitted uppon  the  Mediterrean  sea,  but  one  Barker  who  was  also 
questioned  for  the  same  busines  as  an  accessary  was  discharged,  for 
that  he  was  at  shoare  and  not  uppon  the  sea  when  the  depredacion 
was  committed ;  then  the  said  Committees  made  further  reporte  of 
Doctor  Zouch  his  opinion  in  the  busines  propounded,  as  that  the 
King  may  make  divers  Admiralls,  and  so  that  one  shall  not  have 
jurisdiccion  over  another,  as  the  Admirall  of  England,  and  the 
Admirall  of  the  Cinque  Fortes,  instanceing  in  a  late  case  concerning 
a  Lubecker  taken  by  Sir  Richard  Bingley  neere  Sandoune,  as  a 
wrack,  wherein  both  Admiralls  pretended  interest,  but  uppon 
examination  it  appeared  shee  was  no  wracke  and  was  discharged, 
and  uppon  representation  to  him  that  the  Company  intend  not  to 
contend  with  the  Lord  Admirall  but  to  certify  their  owne  judge- 
ments, that  this  was  a  single  case  without  president,  that  what  was 
taken  was  expended  in  charge  of  victuall  and  wages,  in  which  case 
the  doctor  said,  if  anything  due.  yet  the  Lord  Admirall  could  onely 
challenge  the  tenth  of  what  came  cleere  to  the  Company,  all  charges 
deducted,  and  lastly  that  some  of  theise  reprisalls  had  bene  taken 
uppon  the  coast  of  China  by  joinct  commission  from  English  and 
Dutch  by  virtue  of  the  late  treaty.  This  discourse  haveing  passed 
thus,  the  doctor  desired  he  might  have  a  coppy  of  the  wordes  of 
the  pattent,  and  he  would  informe  himself  with  reasons  uppon  the 
groundes  aforesaid  to  exempt  the  Company  from  this  demaund, 
and  would  sett  downe  his  opinion  in  writing. 

•  Blank  in  MS.  b  Civita  Vecchia. 


Mr  Bell  observed  further  that  he  had  allso  conferred  with  Sir 
John  Watts,  whose  opinion  was  to  delay  the  giveing  of  an  answere, 
and  that  the  fleete  now  bound  forth  should  proceede  with  com- 
mission as  formerly.  The  Courte  then  tooke  into  consideration  what 
was  to  be  done,  some  mooved  that  after  they  were  armed  with 
reasons  from  Doctor  Zouch  some  three  or  foure  might  be  aucthorised 
to  give  answere  to  the  party  employed  by  my  Lord  Admirall,  the 
Courte  remembring  that  the  former  Lord  Admirall  by  Sir  John 
Trevor  had  made  the  like  pretence,  but  the  Company  had  given 
him  nothing  to  any  purpose,  and  it  was  observed  that  when  letters 
of  marte  are  granted  the  party  payeing  a  tenth  is  free  from  all 
further  trouble,  which  cannot  be  in  this  busines,  that  uppon  lettres 
of  marte  men  go  purposely  to  take  spoilss  but  theise  shippes  sett 
out  to  pursue  trade  quietly  without  any  such  intencion.  Further 
debate  was  uppon  this  busines,  and  it  was  in  conclusion  held  meete 
to  give  answere  at  present  to  Mr.  Cooke  that  the  Company  desire 
the  contynuance  of  my  Lordes  favour,  that  they  had  formerly  in 
my  Lordes  absence  uppon  this  occasion  given  2000U,  hopeing  the 
accompt  of  Ormuz  would  have  borne  it,  that  they  are  not  willing 
to  contend  with  my  Lord,  that  they  hope  to  give  reasones  to  his 
L°  when  he  shal  be  pleased  to  call  the  Company  before  him  that, 
of  right  in  the  Companies  case,  no  tenths  are  due  to  his  Lp.  This 
busines  beeing  thus  debated  at  large,  Mr.  Deputy  recommended 
it  as  a  seacrett,  and  not  divulged  abroad. 

[Court  Minute  Book,  vi.  425.] 


They a  proceeding  allso  went  and  conferred  with  the  gentleman  162f,  Feb.  23. 
employed  by  the  Lord  Admirall  aboute  his  demaundes,  whoe 
beeing  tould  the  reason  of  giveing  the  gratificacion  of  twoe 
thowsand  poundes  seemed  nothing  satisfied  therewith,  neither  would 
be  though  he  were  requested  signifie  so  much  to  the  Lord  Admirall, 
nor  lett  his  LP  knowe  that  the  Company  desired  his  noble  favour  to 

a  i.  e.  The  Committee. 


lay  aside  all  pretence  of  right,  the  gentleman  refusesing  to  inter- 
ceade  on  the  Companye's  behaulfe,  but  left  it  to  the  Company  to 
make  their  owne  request.  The  question  then  grew  howe  to  moove 
my  Lord  whether  by  peticion  or  by  word  of  mouth,  some  approving 
th'one  course,  some  th'other,  and  reasons  were  alleadged  on  both 
sides,  but  the  resolution  of  the  Court  was  by  peticion  to  signifie  the 
Companies  desire,  it  being  conceived  that  a  peticion  may  be  so 
cautiousely  contested  that  it  may  neither  give  his  Lp  hope  to 
obteyne  any  thing  of  right,  nor  yet  be  subject  to  doubtfull  con- 
struccions,  and  to  that  purpose  a  draught  to  be  conceived  which 
may  be  received  and  reviewed  but  not  exhibited  untill  Doctor 
Zouch  have  delivered  his  opinion;  and  to  parte  as  fayerly  with  his 
LP  as  may  be  without  giving  any  distaste,  and  though  it  be  likely 
that  this  man  will  reporte  the  whole  busines  to  my  Lord,  yet  it  is 
held  necessary  to  attend  his  Lp  to  prevent  anie  conceite  of  neglecte 
that  might  ensue  therein. 

[Court  Minute  Book,  vi.  430.] 

52f ,  Feb.  27.  The  Court  haveing  formerly  given  direccion  to  the  Companyes 
secretory  for  the  draught  of  a  peticion  to  the  Lord  Admirall,  the 
same  was  now  read  unto  them,  and  thereuppon  the  Courte  fell  into 
deliberacion  what  to  determine  in  that  busines.  It  was  considered 
that  the  case  growes  daungerous  to  the  Company,  for  the  Portugall 
armes  in  earnest,  and  is  filled  with  anger  and  revenge  by  the  late 
defeates  they  received  in  the  Indies,  so  as  if  the  English  shalbe 
subject  to  question  for  what  they  do  in  their  just  defence,  it  will 
disharten  all  seafring  men  from  doing  service  -to  the  Company.  It 
was  considered  that  the  custom  in  theise  cases]  [is]  to  grauntlettres  of 
marte,  and  if  it  please  the  Duke  as  he  is  Admirall  of  England  to 
graunt  lettres  of  marte,  the  Company  will  willingly  allowe  him  his 
right,  and  thereby  will  redound  a  double  good  to  the  Company,  for 
they  shall  knowe  what  is  theirs,  and  be  free  from  question,  and  the 
marryner  shalbe  freed  from  feare  of  beeing  brought  to  his  answere 


for  what  is  taken  in  the  Indies,  some  thought  it  fitt  not  to  go  so 
far  as  yet,  first,  for  that  there  is  no  plaine  demaund  of  a  tenth, 
secondly,  because  if  it  were  in  plaine  tearmes  demaunded,  the 
accion  will  not  beare  it  ;  but  the  generall  opinion  was  to  give  a 
faire  answere  to  the  Duke,  and  not  to  forgett  to  lett  him  knowe 
that  the  Portugall  hath  armed  a  forte  against  the  English,  and  the 
accion  yieldes  not  the  principall. 

It  was  allso  reported  to  the  Court  that  civillians  were  of  opinion 
that  for  goodes  taken  beyond  the  lyne  the  Lord  Admirall  hath  no 
jurisdiccion,  and  therefore  can  require  no  tenth  ;  but  the  Court 
thought  it  no  fitt  course  to  dispute  the  Companies  right,  but  to 
deale  with  the  Duke  by  way  of  rnediacion,  and  therein  to  use  some 
such  person  as  hath  interest  in  him,  whoe  may  perswade  him  to 
wayve  his  pretence  of  interest,  and  to  lett  him  knowe  that  the  Com- 
pany shall  have  continuall  use  of  his  favour.  In  thend,  nothing 
was  resolved,  but  left  to  further  consideracion. 

[Court  Minute  Book,  vi.  435.] 

The  Companies'  Secretary  had  received  a  former  direccion  from  i62|,  Feb.  28. 
this  Court  to  draw  a  peticion  to- the  Lord  Admirall  concerning  the 
pretence  of  right  for  goodes  taken  from  the  Portugalls  in  th' 
Indies  ;  the  draught  beeing  read,  the  Courte  thought  it  fitt  to  alter 
the  forme  of  that  peticion,  but  haveing  further  advised  of  the 
matter  of  the  peticion,  they  conceyved  that  it  was  a  hard  matter  so 
to  couch  any  thing  in  writing  but  that  it  would  give  advantage 
against  the  Company.  It  was  therefore  resolved  that  Mr.  Deputy, 
Mr.  Bell,  Mr.  Stile,  Mr.  Abdy,  and  Mr.  Munnes  shall  consult  of 
some  fitt  body  that  hath  interest  in  the  Lord  Admirall,  and  may 
by  way  of  discourse  infourme  his  LP  of  the  true  state  of  the  busines, 
togeather  with  his  opinion  concerning  the  same. 

[Court  Minute  Book,  vi.  439.] 

Mr.  Deputy  acquainted  the  Court  that  a  mocion  had  bene  in  162|,  March  6. 
Parliament  for  stay  of  the  Companies  shippes  now  bound  for  th' 
Indies,  and  thereuppon  a  stay  made  of  them  accordingly,  that  for 



his  parte  he  had  not  slept  in  the  busines,  but  had  done  what  lay  in 
him  to  further  their  proceedinges  in  the  voyage,  and  while  himself, 
with  some  others  of  the  Company,  were  devising  of  some  way 
for  their  release,  they  mett  with  such  meanes  as  they  would 
have  wished ;  a  gentleman  whoe  not  in  the  Companies  behaulf 
(haveing  no  interest  in  this  adventure),  but  for  virtue's  sake, 
had  broke  the  yce,  so  as  when  himself  accompanied  with  two  or 
three  others  of  the  Committees  had  sought  the  Lord  Admirall  at 
Yorke  house,  and  found  him  not,  they  went  the  next  morning  to 
Theobaldes,  where,  finding  the  Lord  Duke  newely  to  have  taken 
horse  to  wayte  uppoii  the  King,  they  attended  his  returne,  and  then 
haveing  made  knowen  to  his  LP  the  cause  of  their  comeing, 
namely,  to  be  humble  sutors  for  the  release  of  their  shippes,  his 
Lp  was  pleased  to  make  them  answere  that  he  had  not  bene  the 
occasion  of  their  stay,  but  haveing  heard  the  mocion  with  much 
earnestnes  in  the  upper  house  of  Parliament,  he  could  do  no  lesse 
then  give  the  order  theya  had  done,  but  tould  them  he  had  some- 
thing in  his  pockett  would  do  them  good,  and  willed  them  to  sett 
downe  what  reasons  they  could,  and  he  would  acquaint  the  house 
there  with.  In  the  meane  time,  uppon  their  humble  request  his  Lp 
was  pleased  to  give  way  that  their  shippes  might  fall  downe  as 
lowe  as  Tilbury,  there  to  attend  such  further  direccion  as  should  be 
given,  which  order  his  Lp  gave  them  leave  to  signifie  unto  Mr. 
Pexall,  sargant  of  the  Admiralty,  by  word  of  mouth,  for  that  his 
Lp  had  no  secretary  present  to  sett  the  same  downe  in  writing. 

5. — Examinations  in  the  Court  of  Admiralty. 

[Admiralty  Court,  Book  of  Acts.} 

4°  Martii,  1623. 

162f,March4.  Thomas  Watts,  of  Radcliffe,  in  the  County  of  Midd[le]s[ex], 
marriner,  aged  30  yeares  or  thereabouts,  sworne  and  examined 
before  the  right  worshipfull  Sir  Henry  Marten,  K*,  Judge  of  his 
Majesty's  highe  Courte  of  Admiralty  uppon  certein  Articles  ministred 

•  Sic. 


on  the  behalfe  of  James  Bevershara,  gent,  saieth  and  deposeth  therto 
as  followeth: 

To  the  firste  of  the  said  articles  hee  saieth,  That  he  was  boatswaine 
of  the  shippe  the  Lyon,  belonging  to  the  English  Bast  India  Com- 
pany, and  was  in  her  at  Kishmey  Castle  in  Persia  in  January  1621. 

To  the  seconde  hee  saieth,  That  hee  well  knoweth  the  articulate 
James  Beversham,  who  was  co maunder  of  the  Lyon  the  tyme 
aforesaid,  and  at  the  takinge  of  the  castle  of  Kishmey  and  dueringe 
the  whole  voyage  for  aughte  this  exanimate  (who  was  his  boats- 
waine all  that  voyage)  could  see  or  heare,  hee  the  said  Beversham 
did  behave  himself  honestlie  and  comtnenablie  and  deserved  well  at 
his  ymployers  handes.  And  this  hee  saieth  uppon  his  oath  is 
most  true. 

To  the  thirde  hee  saieth,  That  the  articulate  Rufreroe,a  general! 
of  the  Portugalls  in  Kishmey  Castle  aforesaid,  did  yeeld  himself  to 
the  Englishe  conditionally^  that  all  his  souldiers  excepte  five  or 
sixe  should  bee  safelye  sett  on  shoare  in  Arabia  with  bagg  and 
baggage,  And  Rufreroe  himself  and  the  other  five  or  sixe  shoulde 
bee  carried  to  India  and  there  uppon  their  firste  arrivall  putt  on 
shoare  and  sett  at  liberty.  And  this  hee  knoweth  to  bee  true  who 
was  at  that  service,  beeing  boatswaine  of  the  Lyon  as  aforesaid. 

To  the  fowrth  hee  saieth,  That  by  the  order  of  Capt.  Weddell 
the  said  James  Beaversham  did  carrye  the  articulate  Rufreroe  from 
Kishmee  Castle  to  Surratt  in  the  Lyon,  where  hee  comaunded,  and 
all  that  tyme  the  said  Beaversham  did  cause  the  said  Rufreroe  as 
a  prisoner  to  bee  safelye  kepte  in  the  Roundhouse  of  the  Lyon, 
and  with  a  barr  uppon  the  doore  of  the  Roundhouse  barred  him 
upp  every  nighte,  and  gave  charge  to  this  examinate  beeing  his 
boatswaine  and  others  to  keepe  a  good  guard  uppon  him.  And  this 
hee  knoweth  to  bee  true  beeing  boatswaine  of  the  Lyon  as  aforesaid. 

To  the  5th  and  6th  hee  saieth,  That  in  this  examinate's  sighte  the 
articulate  Beaversham  within  certeine  days  after  his  arrivall  at 
Zurratt  did  deliver  the  said  Rufreroe  to  the  articulate  Rastell,  the 

•  Bay  Frero. 


Englishe  Presidente  there,  and  Rufreroe  did  then  deliver  a  letter  to 
the  said  Presidente  from  Capt.  Weddell,  and  theruppon  the  said 
Beaversham  (as  this  examinate  hath  heard  from  some  of  the 
Englishe  Counsell  then  there  who  as  they  said  heard  the  same)  did 
wishe  the  said  Eastell  not  to  release  him  the  said  Rufreroe  leaste 
hee  should  go  to  Ormous  and  there  attempte  some  mischief  against 
the  English.  And  this  hee  saieth  uppon  his  oath  is  moost  true, 
and  otherwise  to  these  articles  he  cannott  depose. 

To  the  seaventh  hee  saieth,  That  shortly  after  the  receite  of  the 
said  letter,  and  five  or  sixe  dayes  before  Rufreroe  escaped,  the  fore- 
said  Presidente  did  release  two  Portugall  cavalleires  of  Rufreroe's 
traine,  and  brought  as  prisoners  from  Kishmey,  with  a  slave  of 
theirs.  And  this  hee  sawe  and  knoweth  to  bee  true. 

To  the  8th  hee  saieth,  That  the  said  Rufreroe  at  his  arrivall  at 
Surratt  did  often  complaine  that  hee  had  the  fiuxe,  and  in  that 
respect  did  by  this  examinate's  interpretacion  request  Beaversham 
that  hee  might  have  the  Roundhouse  doore  noe  longer  barred  uppon 
him,  but  tha't  hee  might  bee  permitted  to  walke  forwarde  in  the 
shippe  as  his  occasion  shoulde  urge  him,  but  the  said  Beaversham 
thernnto  aunswered  that  hee  durste  not  yeeld  to  his  requeste  with- 
out license  from  the  Presidente,  and  theruppon  the  said  Rufreroe 
to  this  examinate's  knowledge  wrott  a  letter  to  the  said  Presidente 
and  sente  yt  to  him  by  a  blacke,  and  the  nexte  day  the  said 
Presidente  sente  a  letter  to  the  said  Beaversham  whereby  hee 
willed  him  (as  the  said  Beaversham  saide)  to  use  the  saide  Rufreroe 
like  a  gentleman,  and  not  to  keepe  the  Roundhouse  doore  anie 
longer  barrd  uppon  him,  but  to  lett  him  have  the  ayre  of  the  doore, 
and  to  keepe  a  carefull  watch  over  him.  And  this  hee  saieth 
uppon  his  oath  is  most  true. 

To  the  9th  hee  saieth,  That  the  said  Beaversham,  after  the  receite 
of  this  letter  from  the  Presidente,  did  give  expresse  order  to  this 
examinate  beeing  his  boatswaine  and  the  reste  of  his  companie  in 
this  examinate's  heareinge,  in  their  severall  watches  to  keepe  a 
good  guard  over  the  said  Rufreroe,  and  to  moore  boate  and  skiffe 


asterne  the  shippe  every  nighte,  and  to  take  speciall  care  that  the 
said  Rufreroe  might  not  escape. 

To  the  10th,  llth  and  12th  articles  hee  saieth,  That  hee  believeth 
that  the  said  Beaversham  was  asleepe  when  the  said  Rufreroe 
escaped,  for  presently  soe  soone  as  the  said  Rufreroe  was  miste  hee 
the  said  Beaversham,  hearinge  his  companie  make  a  noise,  did  rise 
and  came  out  of  his  cabon  and  asked  what  the  matter  was,  and 
seemed  to  bee  much  amazed,  and  as  hee  beleeveth  in  his  conscience 
was  not  privy  to  the  escape  of  the  said  Rufreroe,  but  altogether 
ignorante  thereof  and  free  from  anie  bribery,  corruption  or  faulte 
therein,  and  when  the  said  Beaversham  wente  to  sleepe  that  nighte 
hee,  findeinge  the  skiffe  moored  neere  the  ladder,  did  finde  faulte 
therwith  and  commaunded  this  examinate  to  see  her  moored 
asterne  the  shippe.  And  (as  this  examinate  hath -heard)  the  said 
Rufreroe  in  his  escape  had  like  to  have  been  drowned  swimminge 
over  a  ryver  had  not  one  of  his  negroes  saved  him,  and  one  his 
companie  was  drowned  (as  this  examinate  hath  heard),  and  soe 
soone  as  ever  the  articulate  Beaversham  had  notice  of  the  said 
Rufreroe's  escape,  hee  did  cause  his  companie  every  way  to  pursue 
him.  And  this  hee  saieth  uppon  his  oath  is  most  true. 

To  the  laste  hee  saieth,  That  hee  verily  beleeveth  that  the  said 
Beaversham  came  honestlie  by  all  such  goods  as  hee  brought  from 
India,  and  bought  the  same  there  with  his  owne  money  and  como- 
ditie,  and  the  same  were  all  marcked  ashoare  with  his  owne  marcke 
before  they  came  into  the  Lyon,  and  he  borrowed  some  money  in 
India  to  buy  those  goods  besides  his  adventure.  And  this  hee 
knoweth  to  bee  true  who  was  the  said  Beaversham 's  boatswaine  as 
aforesaid,  and  more  to  this  article  hee  cannott  depose. 

To  the  cross  Interrogatories  ministred  on  the  behalf  of  the 
East  India  Companie. 

To  the  firste  he  cannott  answere  otherwise  then  before  is  con- 
tained in  his  depositions. 

To  the  seconde  hee  saieth,  That  hee  hath  heard  that  the  Interro- 


gate  Rufreroe  was  sente  out  of  Spaine  with  comission  to  surprize 
the  Englishe  shipps,  and  to  destroy  and  beat  away  the  Englishe 
nation  from  trade  in.  the  East  Indyes  as  is  interrogated.  Et  aliter 
nescit  respondere. 

To  the  thirde  hee  saieth,  That  hee  hath  heard  and  yt  was  gene- 
rally received  for  truth  in  the  East  Indyes  that  the  Interrogate 
Rufreroe  with  his  forces  did  assaulte  the  Englishe  shipps  the 
London,  the  Harte,  the  Roebucke,  and  the  Eagle  two  severall  dayes 
in  the  yeare  1620  or  1621. 

To  the  4th  and  5th  hee  cannott  aunswere  more  then  is  contained 
in  his  former  deposicions. 

To  the  6th  hee  aunswereth  negatively,  so  farr  as  hee  knoweth, 
beleeveth,  or  hath  heard. 

To  the  7th  hee  saieth,  That  the  Interrogate  Rufreroe  escaped  by 
the  negligence  of  those  that  were  appointed  to  garde  him  that 
nighte  that  hee  made  his  escape,  who  fell  asleepe,  and  soe  hee 
stoale  away  which  was  contrarie  to  the  directions  of  the  said 
Beaversham,  who  when  hee  wente  to  bedd  that  nighte  (as  hee  had 
done  all  the  tyme  that  Rufreroe  had  been  in  his  charge  before)  did 
give  speciall  comaunde  to  those  watchmen  in  this  respondent's 
heareing  to  looke  carefully  to  him  the  said  Rufreroe  that  hee  might 
not  escape. 

To  the  8th  hee  saieth,  That  the  said  Rufreroe  after  his  escape 
did  write  back  a  letter  to  the  Englishe  President  at  Zurratt,  and 
therein  (as  this  examinate  hath  heard)  wrott  that  by  the  wyne  that 
the  master  had  drunke  and  the  hard  labor  of  the  poore  men  hee 
did  excuse  theire  negligence.  And  more  to  this  interrogatory  hee 
cannott  aunswere. 

To  the  9th  hee  aunswereth,  That  this  respondent  knoweth,  That 
the  Interrogate  Rufreroe  hath  bin  two  voyages  in  the  East  Indyes 
out  of  Portugal).,  and  did  at  his  laste  beeing  in  Spaine  (as  this 
respondent  hath  heard)  receive  the  sacrament  to  surprise  and  take 
the  Englishe  shipps,  and  beate  the  Englishe  from  all  trade  in  the 
Indyes,  and  more  to  this  interrogatory  hee  cannott  aunswere. 


To  the  10th  hee  aunswereth,  That  the  shipps  before  expressed 
were  those  that  Captain  Shillinge  comaunded,  and  Captain  Shillinge 
was  slaine  in  the  aforesaid  assault  made  by  Eufreroe. 

To  the  llth  he  aunswereth,  That  Rufreroe  and  Beaversham 
dueringe  the  tyme  interrogate  seemed  to  bee  very  kinde  the  one  to 
the  other,  but  could  not  understande  one  the  other  but  by  inter- 
pretacion  of  some  other,  and  never  privately  conferred  togeather  for 
ought  hee  knoweth  or  hath  heard. 

To  the  laste  hee  saieth,  That  after  the  President  at  Zurratt  had 
discharged  the  foresaid  cavalleires  of  Rufreroe's  traine  there  was 
continually  a  small  friggott  dryveinge  upp  with  the  flood  and 
downe  with  the  ebb  within  sighte  of  the  Lyon,  but  out  of  shott  of 
her,  which  (as  this  respondent  since  hath  heard)  had  the  said 
cavalleires  in  her,  and  staied  to  receive  the  said  Eufreroe  yf  hee 
could  escape. 


5°  Martii,  1623. 

Thomas  Winterborne  of  London,  haberdasher,  aged  41  yeares  or 
thereabouts,  sworne  and  examined  as  aforesaid  saieth  and  deposeth 
as  followeth. 

To  the  firste  and  seconde  articles  hee  saieth,  That  hee  was  at 
Kishmey  Castle,  in  Persia,  in  January,  1621,  in  the  Lyon,  whereof 
hee  was  steward  then  and  all  the  voyage,  and  whereof  the  articu- 
late James  Beaversham  was  comaunder,  and  then  and  dueringe  all 
the  voyage  for  ought  this  examinate  ever  sawe  or  heard,  hee,  the 
said  Beaversham,  behaved  himself  well  and  honestly,  and  did  his 
ymployers  good  and  honest  service.  And  this  hee  saieth  uppon 
his  oath  is  true. 

To  the  thirde  and  fowerth  articles  hee  saieth,  That  the  articulate 
Rufreroe  (as  himself  sayde,  and  as  yt  was  generally  spoken  and 
received  for  truth  amoungst  the  Englishe)  did  yeeld  himself  to  the 
Englishe  uppon  condicion  that  all  his  souldiers  except  5  or  6  should 
bee  safely  sett  on  shoare  with  bagg  and  baggage  in  Arabia.  And 


that  hee  himself  and  those  5  or  6  with  him  should  bee  carried  to 
India,  and  there  uppon  their  firste  arrivall  alsoe  sett  ashoare,  and  at 
libertye,  and  the  said  Beaversham,  by  the  order  of  Captain  Weddell, 
did  carry  the  said  Rufreroe  in  the  Lyon  from  Kishmey  to  Surratt, 
and  all  that  tyme  the  said  Beaversham  caused  the  said  Rufreroe  to 
bee  kepte  safely  as  a  prisoner  in  the  Roundhouse  of  the  Lyon,  and 
caused  the  doore  thereof  with  barr  to  bee  barred  upp  every  nighte, 
and  gave  charge  to  his  boatswaine  and  others  to  keepe  a  good  guard 
uppon  him,  and  within  certeine  dayes  after  his  arrivall  at  Surratt 
the  said  Beaversham  did  presente  the  said  Rufreroe  to  the  articulate 
Mr.  Rastell,  the  Englishe  Presidente  there.  And  this  hee  saieth 
uppon  his  oath  hee  knoweth  to  bee  true  beeinge  steward  of  the 
Lyon  as  aforesaid,  and  otherwise  to  these  articles  hee  cannott 

To  the  6th  hee  cannott  depose. 

To  the  7th  hee  saieth,  That  after  their  arrivall  at  Zurratt,  and 
before  Rufreroe  escaped,  the  Presidente  there  sett  at  libertie  two 
Portugall  cavalleires  of  Rufreroe's  traine,  and  brought  as  prisoners 
from  Kismey  by  Beaversham.  And  this  hee  knoweth  to  bee  true, 
beeing  steward  of  the  Lyon  as  aforesaid. 

To  the  8th  hee  saieth,  That  Rufreroe,  at  his  arrivall  at  Zurratt, 
did  much  complaine  that  hee  had  the  fluxe,  and  in  that  respecte  (as 
yt  was  generally  said  and  beleeved  in  the  Lyon)  did  make  requeste 
to  the  foresaid  Presidente  that  the  Roundhouse  doore  mighte  noe 
longer  bee  bard  uppon  him,  and  that  hee  mighte  bee  permitted  to 
walke  forward  in  the  shippe  as  his  occasion  should  urge  him,  and 
theruppon  the  Presidente  gave  order  to  Beaversham  that  hee,  the 
said  Rufreroe,  should  bee  noe  longer  barred  upp.  And  this  hee 
saieth  uppon  his  oath  is  true. 

To  the  9th  hee  saieth,  That  the  said  Beaversham,  after  hee  had 
order  (as  'twas  said)  from  the  Presidente  not  to  barr  the  said 
Rufreroe  upp  anie  longer,  did  give  expresse  order  and  stricte 
comaunde  to  his  boatswaine  and  the  reste  of  his  companie  in  their 
severall  watches,  to  looke  carefully  to  the  said  Rufreroe,  that  hee 


might  not  escape,  and  to  moore  boate  and  skiffe  asterne  the  shippe 
every  night.  And  this  hee  saieth  hee  heard  and  knoweth  to  be  true. 

To  the  10th  hee  saieth,  That  hee  was  asleepe  in  the  Lyou  when 
Rufreroe  escaped,  and  hath  heard  that  Mr.  Beaversham  was  alsoe 
then  asleepe,  and  'twas  generally  said  in  the  shippe,  that  that 
night  that  Rufreroe  escaped,  Mr.  Beaversham,  before  hee  wente  to 
sleepe,  did_  finde  faulte  with  the  skiffe  lyeinge  moored  nere  the 
ladder,  and  comaunded  the  boatswaine  to  cause  her  to  bee  moored 
asterne  the  shippe. 

To  the  llth  hee  saieth,  That  hee  beleeveth  in  his  conscience 
that  the  articulate  Beaversham  did  noe  wayes  consente  to  the  escape 
of  the  said  Rufreroe,  and  was  free  from  anie  bribery  or  corruption 

To  the  12th  hee  saieth,  That  he  knoweth  that  the  articulate 
Beaversham  soe  soone  as  Rufreroe  was  miste  caused  his  companie  to 
pursue  him.  And  hee  hath  heard  that  one  of  Rufreroe's  companie 
in  the  escape  was  drowned,  and  he  himself  had  like  to  have  bin 

To  the  13th  he  cann  say  nothinge. 

To  the  Companie's  Interrogatories. 

To  the  firste  hee  saieth,  That  hee  hath  heard  that  Rufreroe  was 
generall  and  chief  comaunder  of  the  Portingall  sea  forces  in  the 
East  Indyes. 

To  the  2nd  hee  cannott  aunswere. 

To  the  3rd  hee  saieth,  That  hee  knoweth  that  the  said  Rufreroe 
with  his  forces  did  assault  the  shipps  the  London,  the  Harte,  the 
Roebucke,  and  the  Eagle,  whereof  Captaine  Shillinge  was  Admirall 
and  in  that  assault  Captaine  Shillinge  and  divers  other  of  the 
Englishe  were  slaine. 

To  the  4th  and  5th  hee  cannott  aunswere  more  then  is  contained 
in  his  former  deposicions. 

To  the  6th  hee  cannott  aunswere. 



To  the  7th  hee  cannott  aunswere  otherwise  then  is  before  con- 
tained in  his  deposicions. 

To  the  8th  hee  saieth,  That  hee  hath  heard  that  Rufreroe  after 
his  escape  did  sende  backe  a  letter  to  the  Presidente  of  the  effecte 

To  the  9th  hee  cannott  aunswere. 

To  the  10th  hee  cannott  aunswere  otherwise  then  before. 

To  the  llth  hee  saieth,  That  Rufreroe  and  Beaversham  dueringe 
the  time  interrogate  dyned  and  supped  togeather,  but  understood 
not  one  the  other  without  the  interpretacion  of  some  other. 

To  the  12th  hee  saieth,  That  there  was  a  boate  that  some  tyme 
before  Rufreroe's  escape  continually  attended  the  Lyon  uppon  the 
tide  of  flood  and  ebb  that  after  Rufreroe  escape  was  suspected  to 
watch  for  his  escape. 


John  Weddell  of  London,  gent.,  sworne  and  examined  as  afore 
said,  saieth  and  deposeth  as  followeth. 

To  the  1,  2,  3  and  4th  articles  hee  saieth,  That  this  examinate 
was  comaunder  of  the  Jonas,  and  in  her  at  Kismey  Castle  in 
Jauuary,  1621,  and  in  that  service,  and  all  the  tyme  that  hee  was 
in  this  exaininate's  companie  this  examinate  never  sawe  but  that 
the  articulate  James  Beaversham  behaved  himself  well  and  honestly, 
and  meritted  well  at  his  ymployer's  handes.  And  the  articulate 
Rufreroe  at  Kishmey  Castle  did  yeeld  himself  to  the  Englishe  uppon 
these  condicions,  viz.,  That  all  his  souldiers  excepte  himself  and 
eleaven  more  should  bee  suflfred  to  goe  ashoare  in  their  o\vne  frig- 
gotts  at  Muscat,  in  Arabia,  and  with  bagg  and  baggage,  but  not  to 
returne  for  Ormous  in  sixe  weekes,  and  that  himself  and  those 
eleaven  more  should  bee  carried  to  India  there  to  bee  disposed  of 
by  the  Presidente  and  Counsell  of  Zurratt,  and  that  when  hee  had 
caused  those  Englishe  captains  at  Goa,  or  ells  where  under  the 
comaunde  of  the  Portugalls,  to  be  sett  at  libertye,  he  himself  and 


those  eleaven  more  shoulde  bee  also  sett  at  libertie,  and  havinge 
thus  yeelded  himself,  this  examinate  beeing  Admirall  of  the  Fleete 
at  Kismey,  comitted  him,  the  said  Rufreroe,  to  the  charge  and 
keeping  of  the  articulate  James  Beaversham  to  carrye  him  to 
Zurratt,  and  there  to  deliver  him  to  the  Presidente,  and  comaunded 
him  to  keepe  a  safe  garde  uppon  him.  And  this  hee  saieth  uppon 
his  oath  hee  knoweth  to  bee  true,  beeing  Admirall  of  the  Fleete  at 
Kismey  aforesaid,  and  more  to  these  articles  he  cannot  depose. 

To  the  8th  hee  saieth,  That  this  examinate  hath  heard  by  manie 
of  the  ship  the  Lyon's  companie  that  the  Presidente  of  Zurratt  did 
at  the  requeste  of  the  said  Rufreroe  give  order  to  the  said  Beavers- 
ham  to  use  him,  the  said  Rufreroe,  kindlye,  and  to  give  him 
libertye  to  walke  too  and  againe  in  the  shipp,  but  to  have  a  speciall 
care  and  to  keepe  a  good  watch  that  he  might  not  escape,  and  this 
hee  saieth  is  true,  and  more  to  this  article  hee  cannott  depose. 

To  the  9th  and  10th  hee  cannott  depose  of  his  knowledge,  but 
hee  hath  heard  that  the  said  Beaversham  after  he  had  order  from 
the  President  of  Zurratt  to  give  Rufreroe  leave  to  walke  aforesaid 
did  give  charge  to  his  boatswaine  and  others  of  his  companie  to 
keepe  a  carefull  watch  uppon  him,  the  said  Rufreroe,  that  hee 
might  not  escape,  and  to  moore  boate  and  skiffe  asterne  as  ys 
articulate,  and  that  when  Rufreroe  escaped  Beaversham  was  asleepe 
and  not  privy  therto,  and  about  two  hours  before  his  escape  was 
uppon  the  shipp's  decke,  and  findeinge  the  skiffe  moored  neere  the 
ladder  did  finde  faulte  with  yt  and  comaunded  his  boatswaine  to 
cause  her  to  be  moored  asterne  the  shippe  as  is  articulate. 

To  the  llth  hee  saieth,  That  he  beleeveth  in  his  conscience  that 
the  articulate  Rufreroe  escaped  contrary  to  the  will  of  the  said 
Beaversham,  and  that  hee  was  free  from  anie  bribery  or  corruption 

To  the  12th  hee  saieth,  That  he  hath  heard  that  Beaversham  soe 
soone  as  he  miste  the  said  Rufreroe  sente  his  companie  after  him, 
who  pursued  him  soe  hard  that  he  was  faine  to  swym  over  the 
ryver  of  Zurratt,  and  had  like  to  have  bin  drowned  had  not  his 


negroe  helped  him,  and  that  one  of  his  companie,  which  were  but 
two  besides  himself,  was  drowned,  and  this  hee  heard  at  Ormous  by 
the  Arabian  boates  that  came  from  Muscatt  to  fetche  the  sick  and 
maimed  persons  from  thence  that  sawe  him  there  before  they  came 
from  Muscatt. 

To  the  laste  hee  saieth,  That  hee  beleeveth  that  Beaversham 
came  honestly  by  and  bought  with  his  owne  money  and  comoditye 
all  such  goods  as  hee  brought  home  from  India,  and  hee  knoweth 
that  Beaversham  borrowed  a  C1;  in  India,  which  he  hath  repaide 
againe  in  England. 

To  the  Companies  Interrogatories. 

To  the  firste  hee  answereth,  That  hee  knoweth  That  the  interro- 
gate Rufreroe  was  cheef  Comaunder  of  the  Portugall  Sea  forces  in 
East  Indias. 

To  the  2  and  3  hee  saieth,  That  hee  hath  heard  by  divers 
Portugalls  that  were  his  Prisoners  That  the  interrogate  Rufreroe 
was  sente  out  of  Spaine  with  Comission  to  surprize  the  Englishe 
shippes  and  to  destroy  and  beate  the  Englishe  away  from  all  trade 
in  the  Indyes.  And  hee  did  three  severall  tymes  in  the  Porte  of 
Jasques  aboute  three  yeares  since  assault  the  Englishe  shippes  the 
London,  the  Lyon,  the  Roebucke,  and  the  Eagle,  and  at  that 
assaulte  Capt.  Shillinge,  the  comaunder  of  that  fleete,  and  others 
of  the  Englishe  were  slaine. 

To  the  4th  and  5th  hee  hath  before  aunswered. 

To  the  6th  hee  saieth,  That  two  of  the  Clergie  of  Ormouse  came 
aboard  this  examinate  at  Kismey  and  offred  him  4000  royalls  of  8 
for  the  libertye  of  the  said  Rufreroe,  but  Rufreroe  himself  sayde  hee 
had  noe  money  but  that  his  meanes  was  at  Ormous,  and  more  to 
this  interrogatory  hee  cannott  aunswere. 

To  the  7th  hee  cannot  aunswere  otherwise  then  before. 

To  the  8th  hee  aunswereth,  That  the  Presidente  of  Zurratt  tolde 
this  Examinate  that  Rufreroe  after  his  escape  wrott  backc  a  letter 
to  him  to  Zurratt  from  Damon,  wherein  hee  intimated  to  him, 


That  the  harde  labor  of  the  Lyon's  men  by  day,. and  the  wyne  at 
nights,  gave  him  oportunitye  to  make  an  escape  in  hope  to  doe  his 
Kinge  better  service,  and  more  to  this  interrogatory  hee  cannott 

To  the  9th  hee  saieth,  That  hee  hath  heard  the  contents  of  this 
interrogatory  to  bee  true. 

To  the  I  Oth  hee  hath  before  aunswered. 

To  the  llth  hee  cannott  aunswere. 

To  the  12th  hee  saieth,  That  hee  hath  heard  by  the  Lyon's  men 
that  a  friggott  or  two  attended  the  Lyon  uppon  the  tide  of  flood 
and  ebbe  to  receive  Rufreroe  yf  hee  should  escape. 


6°  Martii,  1623. 

Henry  Wheatley  of  London,  merchant,  sworne  and  examined  as 
aforesaid,  saieth  and  deposeth  as  followeth. 

To  the  firste  and  seconde  articles  hee  saieth,  That  hee  was  in  the 
Lyon  (whereof  hee  was  purser  and  the  articulate  James  Beaver- 
sham  comaunder)  in  January  1621  at  Kismey  Castle,  and  in  that 
service  and  duringe  the  whole  voyage  the  said  Beaversham,  for 
ought  this  examinate  ever  sawe  or  heard,  did  demeane  and  behave 
himself  honestly  and  Well.  And  this  hee  saieth  uppon  his  oath  is  true. 

To  the  thirde  and  4th  hee  saieth,  That  hee  was  not  privy  to 
what  conditions  the  said  Rufreroe  yeelded  to  the  Englishe  uppon, 
but  heard  that  the  condiccions  were  that  all  his  souldiers  excepte 
himselfe  and  halr'e  a  dozen  more  should  bee  safely  sett  on  shoare  in 
Arabia  with  bagg  and  baggage,  and  those  half  dozen  with  him 
should  bee  carried  to  India  and  there  hee  and  they  should  be  sett 
at  libertie  at  their  first,  arrivall  there,  and  hee  knoweth  That  by  the 
order  of  Capt.  Blide  and  Capt.  Weddell  and  the  reste  of  the  consul- 
tation the  articulate  Beaversham  in  the  Lyon  did  carry  the  said 
Rufreroe  from  Kismey  to  Surratt,  and  all  that  tyme  the  said 
Beaversham  kepte  him  in  the  roundhouse  with  the  doore  barred 
every  nighte,  and  gave  charge  unto  his  mates  to  see  a  good  guard 


kepte  uppon  him.     And  this  he  saieth  hee  knoweth  to  bee  true, 
who  was  purser  of  the  Lyon  all  that  voyage. 

To  the  5th  and  6th  hee  saieth,  That  within  certaine  dayes  after 
their  arrivall  at  Zurratt  the  articulate  Mr.  Rastall,  the  Englishe 
Presidente  there,  came  aboard  the  Lyon,  and  there  the  said  Beaver- 
sham  presented  the  said  Rufreroe  to  him  the  said  Rastell,  from 
Capt.  Weddall.  And  this  hee  saieth  uppon  his  oath  hee  knoweth 
to  bee  true,  and  more  to  these  articles  hee  cannott  depose. 

To  the  7th  hee  saieth,  That  the  said  Presidente,  within  shorte 
tyme  after  the  recite  of  the  said  letter,  did  release  two  Portugall 
Cavalleires  of  Rufreroe's  traine,  and  brought  by  Beaversham 
prisoners  from  Kismey  with  a  servant  of  theirs. 

To  the  8th  hee  saieth,  That  at  the  requeste  of  the  said  Rufreroe 
hee  complaineinge  that  hee  had  a  looseness  and  paine  in  his  belly, 
and  that  hee  was  almost  stifled  with  heate,  the  roundhouse  doore 
beeinge  shutt  uppon  him,  the  said  President  in  this  examinates 
hearinge  gave  order  to  the  said  Beaversham  not  to  keepe  the  doore 
anie  longer  barred  uppon  him,  but  to  keepe  a  carefull  watch  uppon 
him,  and  to  permitt  him  to  walke  free  a  lofte  the  shippe.  And  this 
hee  saieth  uppon  his  oath  is  most  true. 

To  the  9th  hee  saieth,  That  after  the  said  Beaversham  receaved 
order  from  the  Presidente  to  suffer  Rufreroe  to  have  the  libertie  of 
the  shippe  as  aforesaid,  hee  the  said  Beaversham  to  this  examinates 
knowledge  did  give  expresse  charge  and  comaunde  to  his  mates, 
boatswaine,  and  others  of  his  companie  in  their  severall  watches 
to  keepe  a  good  guarde  over  the  said  Rufreroe  that  hee  might  not 
escape,  because  they  rodd  soe  neere  the  shoare,  and  comaunded  his 
boatswaine  to  moore  boate  and  skiffe  asterne  the  shippe  every 
nighte.  And  this  hee  saieth  uppon  his  oath  is  most  true. 

To  the  10th  and  llth  hee  saieth,  That  hee  knoweth  that  wher 
Rufreroe  escaped  Beaversham  was  in  his  cabin,  and  aoe  waye? 
privy  to  his  escape,  nor  as  he  beleeveth  in  his  conscience  any  wayes 
bribed  or  corrupted,  and  presently  after  Rufreroe  had  escaped  thif 
examinate  heard  the  said  Beaversham  tell  his  boatswaine  that  hee 


had  not  moored  the  boate  asterne  that  nighte  accordeinge  to  his 
order,  but  lett  her  lye  bye  by  the  shipp  side  under  the  galleryes, 
which  Eufreroe  perceivinge  gott  into  the  said  boate  and  soe  escaped, 
sayinge  thus  to  his  boatswaine  (did  not  I  finde  faulte  with  you 
that  you  had  not  moored  her  astarne  as  shee  used  to  bee  two  severall 
tymes,  and  you  aunswered  mee  that  you  had  done  yt).  And  this 
hee  saieth  hee  heard  and  knoweth  to  bee  true. 

To  the  12th  hee  saieth,  That  hee  hath  heard  that  Rufreroe  had 
lyke  to  have  bin  drowned  in  his  escape,  and  hee  knoweth  that 
Beaversham  soe  soone  as  hee  mist  him  caused  his  companie  to 
pursue  him  with  all  earnestness  they  coulde. 

To  the  13th  hee  cannott  depose,  saveinge  hee  verily  beleeveth 
that  Beaversham  came  honestly  by  all  such  goods  as  hee  brought 
home  from  India. 

To  the  Companies  Interrogatories. 

To  the  firste  hee  hath  before  aunswered. 

To  the  2nd  and  3rd  hee  saieth,  That  hee  hath  credibly  heard  that 
the  interrogate  Rufreroe  was  sente  out  of  Spaine  with  commission 
to  surprize  the  Englishe  shippes  and  to  destroy  and  beate  away  the 
Englishe  nation  from  all  trade  in  the  East  Indies,  and  hee  with  his 
forces  did  assault  Capt.  Shillinges  Fleete  severall  tymes,  and  in 
those  assaults  Capt.  Shillinge  and  divers  more  of  his  company 
were  slaine. 

To  the  4  and  5  hee  cannot  aunswere  otherwise  then  before. 

To  the  6  hee  cannot  aunswere. 

To  the  7th  hee  cannott  answere  otherwise  then  before. 

To  the  8th  hee  saieth,  That  hee  knoweth  that  the  said  Rufreroe 
after  his  escape  wrott  backe  a  letter  to  the  foresaid  Presidente 
eignefieinge  to  him  that  by  the  overworckeinge  of  some  and  over 
drinckeinge  of  others  hee  had  gotten  opportunity  to  escape,  and 
that  letter  this  exanimate  hath  scene. 

To  the  9th  hee  cannot  aunswere,  saveinge  hee  hath  heard  that 


the  interrogate  Rufreroe  at  his  laste  beinge  in  Spaine  did  receive 
the  sacrament  to  surprize  and  take  the  Englishe,  and  to  expulse 
and  beate  away  the  Englishe  from  all  trade  in  the  Indyes. 

To  the  10th  hee  hath  before  aunswered. 

To  the  llth  hee  saieth,  That  Mr.  Beaversham  and  Rufreroe 
could  not  privately  conferr  togeather,  because  they  understood  not 
one  the  other,  but  were  kinde  one  to  the  other  and  eate  and  drancke 

To  the  12th  hee  saieth,  That  there  were  some  boates  that  con- 
tinually attended  the  Lyon,  and  did  hange  of  and  on  as  yt  was 
supposed  to  receive  Rufreroe  yf  hee  could  escape,  which  boates  as 
they  since  understood  were  procured  by  the  two  prisoners  that  the 
President  had  formerly  released  as  aforesaid. 


6°  Martii,  1623. 

Richard  Blyth,  of  Gravesend,  in  the  county  of  Kente,  gent., 
sworne  and  examined  as  aforesaid,  saieth  and  deposeth  as  followeth. 

To  the  firste  and  seconde  articles  hee  saieth,  That  hee  was  at 
Kishmey  Castle  in  January  1624  beeinge  comaunder  of  two  shippes 
there,  and  the  articulate  James  Beaversham  in  that  service,  and  all 
the  tyme  hee  was  with  this  examinate  did  demeane  and  behave 
himself  very  well  and  honestly,  and  in  such  sorte  as  hee  deserved 
well  at  his  ymployers  handes.  And  this  hee  saieth  uppon  his  oath 
is  most  true. 

To  the  thirde  hee  saieth,  That  this  examinate  was  not  privy  to 
the  condicons  that  Rufreroe  yeelded  himself  to  the  Englishe  uppon, 
but  heard  by  Capt.  Weddell  and  others  that  the  condicons  were, 
That  all  Rufreroes  souldiers  excepte  himself  and  half  a  dozen  more 
with  bagg  and  baggage  should  bee  safely  sett  ashoare  in  Arabia, 
and  hee  and  those  half  dozen  should  be  carried  to  India  and  there 
sett  at  liberty e  at  the  pleasure  of  the  Presidente,  haveinge  firste 
performed  his  promise,  which  was  to  sett  at  libertye  some  of  the 


Englishe  which  were  in  captivitye  under  the  Portugals.     And  this 
hee  saieth  is  true,  and  more  to  this  article  he  cannott  depose. 

To  the  5,  6,  7,  3  and  9  articles  hee  cannott  depose  any  thinge  of 
his  certeine  knowledge,  but  hath  heard  generally,  That  the  articu- 
late Beaversham  did  safely  carry  the  articulate  Rufreroe  in  the 
Lyon  from  Kismey  to  Surratt;  and  all  that  tyme  kepte  him  in  the 
roundhouse  with  the  doore  barred  every  nighte,  and  gave  charge 
to  his  boatswaine  and  others  of  his  companie  to  keepe  a  stricte 
guarde  uppon  him,  and  that  at  Surratt  the  said  Beaversham 
presented  the  said  Kufreroe  to  the  Englishe,  Presidente  there,  and 
Rufreroe  delivered  a  letter  from  Capt.  Weddell  to  the  said  Presi- 
dente, and  that  uppon  the  receite  of  that  letter  the  Presidente 
would  have  sett  the  said  Rufreroe  at  libertye,  and  Beaversham  did 
diswade  him  from  yt  least  Rufreroe  should  gather  some  forces  and 
goe  against  the  Englishe  at  Ormous,  and  that  after  the  receite  of 
that  letter  the  Presidente  did  sett  at  libertie  two  cavalleires  of 
Rufreroes  traine,  and  that  Rufreroe  had  the  fluxe,  and  in  that 
respecte  uppon  his  requeste  to  the  Presidente  hee  the  said  Presidente 
gave  order  to  the  said  Beaversham  to  lett  the  said  Rufreroe  have 
the  libertye  of  the  shippe,  and  that  hereuppon  Beaversham  gave 
order  to  his  companie  to  keepe  a  good  guard  uppon  him  the  said 
Rufreroe,  and  to  moore  boate  and  skiffe  asterne  the  shippe  that  hee 
might  not  escape,  as  ys  articulate.  And  this  hee  saieth  uppon  his 
oath  is  most  true. 

To  the  10,  11,  12  and  13th  hee  cannott  depose  of  his  certeine 
knowledge,  but  hath  heard  generally  that  the  contents  of  these 
articles  are  true,  and  beleeveth  in  his  conscience  that  Mr.  Beaver- 
sham was  ignorant  of  the  escape  of  the  said  Rufreroe,  and  free 
from  any  bribery  or  corruption  therein,  and  that  hee  came  honestly 
by  those  goods  that  hee  brought  home  from  India,  and  knoweth 
that  hee  borrowed  some  money  there. 

To  the  Companie's  Interrogatoryes. 

To  the  firste  hee  saieth,  That  Rufreroe  was  chiefe  comaunder  of 
Portugall  sea  forces  in  India. 



To  the  seconde  and  thirde  hee  saieth,  That  he  hath  heard  that 
the  said  Kufreroe  was  sente  out  of  Spaine  with  comission  to  surprize 
the  Englishe  shippes,  and  to  destroy  and  beate  away  the  Englishe 
nation  from  trade  in  the  Indyes,  and  had  received  the  sacrament  in 
Spaine  to  performe  the  same,  and  hee  knoweth  that  the  said 
Rufreroe  in  the  yeare  1620  twice  assaulted  the  Harte  and  the  Eagle 
which  this  examinate  comaunded,  and  afterwards  assaulted  them 
againe,  being  joyned  with  the  London  and  the  Roebucke,  Capt. 
Shillinge  beeing  Admirall,  and  in  that  assaulte  Capt.  Shillinge  and 
divers  others  were  slaine. 

To  the  4  and  5th  hee  cannott  aunswere  otherwise  then  before. 

To  the  6th  hee  hath  heard  that  Rufreroe  offered  2000  dollers  to 
Capt.  Weddell  for  his  release,  and  otherwise  to  this  interrogatory 
hee  cannott  aunswere. 

To  the  7th  hee  cannott  answere  otherwise  then  before. 

To  the  8th  hee  saieth,  That  hee  hath  heard  that  Rufreroe  after  his 
escape  wrott  backe  a  letter  to  the  Presidente  at  Zurratt,  that  by  the 
harde  labor  of  the  men  with  the  strength  of  their  wyne  hee  had 
gotten  opportunitie  to  escape. 

To  the  9th  hee  cannott  aunswere  otherwise  then  before. 

To  the  1  Oth  hee  cannott  aunswere  otherwise  then  before. 

To  the  llth  hee  cannott  aunswere. 

To  the  laste  hee  cannott  aunswere. 

Ri.  BLYTH. 

6°  Martii,  1623. 

Robert  Smith  of  London,  mercer,  sworne  and  examined  as  afore- 
said, saieth  and  deposeth  as  followeth. 

To  the  firste  interrogatory  hee  saieth,  That  he  hath  heard  that 
the  interogate  Rufreroe  was  -generall  and  chiefe  comaunder  of  the 
Portugall  sea  forces  in  the  East  Indyes. 

To  the  seconde  and  3d,  That  hee  hath  heard  that  the  interrogate 
Rufreroe  was  sente  out  of  Spaine  with  commission  to  surprize  the 
Englishe  shippes  and  to  destroye  the  Englishe,  and  beate  them 


from  all  trade  in  the  East  Indyes,  and  that  hee,  the  said  Rufreroe, 
and  his  forces,  in  the  year  1621,  at  Jasques,  did  firste  assaulte  the 
Harte  and  the  Eagle,  and  afterwards  the  London,  the  Harte,  the 
Roebucke,  and  the  Eagle,  they  beeinge  then  joyned  togeather,  and 
Capt.  Shillinge  comaundinge  them,  and  in  that  laste  assault  the 
said  Captain  Shillinge  and  divers  others  of  the  Englishe  were 
slaine,  and  this  hee  heard  in  the  East  Indyes,  beeing  purser  of  the 

To  the  fowerth  hee  saieth,  That  hee.  knoweth  that  the  interro- 
gate Rufreroe,  at  the  takeinge  of  the  castle  of  Kismey  did  yeeld 
himselfe  a  prisoner  to  the  Englishe  (as  'twas  said  uppon  composi- 
tion), but  what  that  composition  was  hee  neither  knoweth  nor  hath 
heard  any  certeintye  thereof.  And  this  hee  saieth  is  true  of  his 
knowledge,  who  was  in  the  Jonas  at  the  takeinge  of  the  said 

To  the  5th  hee  saieth,  That  hee  knoweth  that  the  said  Rufreroe 
was  comited  by  Capt.  Weddell  to  the  custodye  of  the  interrogate 
Mr.  Beaversham  to  bee  carried  by  him  from  Kismey  to  Surratt,  and 
there  deliver  to  the  Presidente  to  bee  disposed  of  as  the  Presidente 
and  his  Counsell  should  thinck  fitt,  and  (as  he  hath  heard)  the  said 
Capt.  Weddell  gave  Beaversham  charge  to  keepe  the  said  Rufreroe 
safe,  and  more  to  this  interrogatory  he  cannot  aunswere. 

To  the  6th  hee  saieth,  That  hee  hath  heard  Capt.  Weddell  say 
that  the  value  of  800h  sterl.  was  offred  to  him  by  Rufreroe  and  his 
friends  to  sett  the  said  Rufreroe  at  libertye,  and  more  to  this  inter- 
rogatory he  cannott  aunswere. 

To  the  7th  hee  can  say  nothinge  of  his  knowledge,  but  hath 
heard  that  there  was  some  negligence  in  the  said  Beaversham  in  not 
keepinge  the  said  Rufreroe  in  his  cabon,  and  suffringe  the  skiffe  to 
lye  by  the  shippes'  side  that  should  have  been  moored  asterne. 

To  the  8th  hee  saieth,  That  he  heard  the  Presidente  of  Surratt 
say  that  Rufreroe,  after  he  escaped,  wrott  backe  a  letter  to  him, 
signefieinge  that  by  the  over  laboureinge  of  the  men  in  the  day  and 
their  over  drinckeinge  in  the  night,  hee  had  escaped  to  doe  his 


King  and  countrye  better  service,  and  more  to  this  interrogatory 
hee  cannot  aunswere. 

To  the  9th  hee  saieth,  That  hee  hath  heard  that  the  interrogate 
Rufreroe  hath  bin  two  voyages  from  Spaine  in  the  East  Indyes,  and 
before  hee  went  out  of  Spaine  the  laste  voyage  did  receive  the  sacra- 
ment to  surprize  and  take  the  Englishe  shippes,  and  to  beate  them 
from  all  trade  in  the  Indies,  and  at  Mossambique,  in  his  passage 
from  Spaine  to  the  Indies,  did  make  proclamacon  to  the  effecte 
interrogate,  and  theruppon  4  or  5  hundred  men  more  then  hee 
brought  out  of  Spaine  with  him  uppon  that  occasion  ingaged  them- 
selves to  serve,  and  did  serve,  in  the  warres  against  the  Englishe. 
And  this  he  saieth  is  true. 

To  the  10th  hee  cannot  aunswere  otherwise  then  before. 

To  the  1 1th  hee  cannott  aunswere. 

To  the  12th  hee  saieth,  That  hee  hath  heard  that  a  boate  did 
continually  attende  uppon  the  Lyon  uppon  the  flood  and  ebb  for  two 
or  three  dayes  before  Rufreroe  escaped  (as  yt  is  supposed)  to  receive 
him  yf  hee  could  escape. 


8°  Martii,  1623. 

John  Grante,  of  Wappinge,  in  the  county  of  Middlesex,  mar- 
riner,  and  26  yeares  or  therabouts,  sworne  and  examined  as  afore- 
said, saieth  and  deposeth  as  folio weth. 

To  the  1  and  2d  articles  hee  saieth  and  deposeth  uppon  his  oath, 
That  hee  was  in  the  shippe  the  Lyon  (whereof  hee  was  then 
master's  mate,  and  the  articulate  James  Beaversham,  commaunder) 
at  Kismey  Castle  in  January,  1621,  and  in  that  service  and 
dueringe  the  whole  voyage  for  ought  this  examinate  ever  sawe  or  hath 
heard,  the  said  Beaversham  did  demeane  himselfe  well  and  honestly 
and  deserved  well  of  his  ymployers  And  this  hee  saieth  uppon 
his  oath  is  true. 

To  the  thirde  hee  cannot  depose  of  his  certeine  knowledge,  but 
yt  was  generally  said  amongst  the  Englishe  that  the  articulate 


Rufreroe  did  yeeld  himself  to  the  Englishe  uppon  the  condicons 

To  the  fowerth  and  5th  hee  saieth,  That  the  articulate  Beavers- 
ham  in  the  Lyon,  -where  hee  commaunded  by  the  order  of  Capt. 
Weddell,  did  carry  the  said  Rufreroe  from  Kismey  to  Surratt,  and 
all  that  tyme  in  the  nighte  kepte  him  in  the  roundhouse  with  the 
doore  shutt  uppon  him,  and  caused  a  barre  to  be  made  for  the 
doore,  and  gave  charge  to  his  boatswaine  and  others  to  keepe  a 
good  guard  uppon  him,  and  at  Zurratt  the  articulate  Mr.  Rastell, 
the  Englishe  Presidente  there,  came  aboard  the  Lyon,  and  there 
the  said  Beaversham  presented  the  said  Rufreroe  to  him,  the  said 
Presidente,  and  then  Rufreroe  (as  this  examinate  hath  heard)  deli- 
vered a  letter  from  the  said  Capt.  Weddell  to  the  said  Rastell,  the 
Presidente.  And  this  hee  saieth  uppon  his  oath  is  true,  geveinge  a 
reason  of  his  knowledge  for  that  hee  was  all  this  tyme  master's 
mate  of  the  Lyon  as  aforesaid. 

To  the  6th  and  7th  articles  he  saieth,  That  in  his  heareing  the 
articulate  Beaversham,  when  the  Presidente  came  firste  aboard  the 
Lyon  at  Zurratt,  did  tell  the  said  Presidente,  that  yf  he  should  sett 
the  said  Rufreroe  at  libertye  questionles,  .hee  would  gather  some 
forces  togeather  and  atternpte  some  mischief  uppon  the  Englishe. 
And  hee  knoweth  that  before  Rufreroe  escaped  the  said  President 
did  sett  at  libertye  two  Portugall  cavalleires  of  Rufreroe's  traine, 
and  brought  by  Beaversham  prisoners  from  Kismey  to  Zurratt. 
And  this  hee  saieth  uppon  his  oath  is  most  true,  and  more  to  these 
articles  hee  cannott  depose. 

To  the  8th  and  9th  hee  saieth,  That  hee  hath  heard  That  the 
said  Rufreroe  did  make  requeste  to  the  Presidente  to  have  the 
libertye  of  the  shippe,  and  hee  knoweth  that  the  said  Rastell  the 
Presidente  did  write  a  letter  to  the  articulate  Beaversham,  and 
therin  willed  him  to  use  the  said  Rufreroe  kindly  and  to  suffer  him 
to  walke  freely  two  and  againe  in  the  shipp,  but  to  keepe  a  good 
guarde  uppon  him,  and  that  letter  this  examinate  hath  scene  and 
reade,  and  the  said  Beaversham  both  before  and  after  hee  received 


the  said  letter  did  give  stricte  order  and  comaund  to  his  boatswaine 
and  the  reste  of  his  companie  in  their  severall  watches  to  looke 
narrowly  to  the  said  Rufreroe  that  hee  might  not  escape,  and  to  see 
that  the  boate  and  skiffe  should  bee  moored  asterne  the  shippe  every 
night  as  ys  articulate.  And  this  hee  knoweth  to  bee  true,  beeing 
masters  mate  of  the  Lyon  as  aforesaid.  And  more  to  these  articles 
hee  cannot  depose. 

To  the  10,  11,  and  1 2th  articles  hee  cannot  depose  of  his  certeine 
knowledge,  beeinge  ashoare  at  the  tyme  that  Rufreroe  escaped,  but 
hath  heard  that  the  contents  therof  are  true,  and  verily  beleeveth 
in  his  conscience  that  the  said  Rufreroe  escaped  contrary  to  the  will 
and  without  the  consente  of  the  said  Beaversham,  and  that  the  said 
Beaversham  is  free  from  any  bribery,  corruption,  willfulnes,  or  faulte 
in  the  escape  of  the  said  Rufreroe. 

To  the  laste  hee  saieth,  That  hee  verily  beleeveth  that  the  said 
Beaversham,  with  his  owne  money  and  comoditye,  bought  and  came 
honestly  by  all  such  goods  as  hee  brought  home  from  India,  and 
hee  knoweth  that  the  said  Beaversham  in  the  Indyes  did  borrowe  a 
hundred  poundes  of  Capt.  Weddell,  and  this  hee  saieth  is  true. 

To  the  Companies  Interrogatoryes. 

To  the  1,  2,  and  thirde  interrogatoryes  hee  sayeth,  That  hee  hath 
heard  that  the  interrogate  Rufreroe  was  generall  and  chiefe 
comaunder  of  the  Portugall  sea  forces  for  the  coaste  of  Persia,  and 
that  the  said  Rufreroe  was  sente  out  of  Spaine  with  comission  to 
surprize  the  Englishe  shippes  and  to  destroy  and  beate  away  the 
Englishe  nation  from  trade  in  the  Indyes,  and  did  receave  the 
sacrament  to  doe  the  same  before  hee  wente  out  of  Spaine,  and  hee 
knoweth  that  the  said  Rufreroe,  with  his  forces  at  Jasques  in  the 
yeare  1620  (as  he  remembreth)  did  assaulte  the  Englishe  shippes 
the  London,  the  Harte,  the  Roebucke,  and  the  Eagle,  Capt.  Shil- 
linge  beeinge  Admirall  of  them,  and  in  that  assaulte  Capt.  Shillinge 
and  divers  others  of  the  Euglishe  were  slaine. 

To  the  4  and  5th  interrogatoryes  hee  cannot  aunswere  more  then 
is  contained  in  his  former  depositions. 


To  the  6  and  7th  interrogatoryes  he  cannott  aunswere  more  then 
hee  hath  before  deposed. 

To  the  8th  interrogatory  hee  aunswereth,  That  hee  hath  heard 
that  the  said  Rufreroe,  after  hee  escaped,  wrott  backe  a  letter  to  the 
President,  That  what  with  the  muche  worke  of  some,  and  muche 
drincke  of  others,  hee  had  gotten  oportunitye  to  escape. 

To  the  9  and  1  Oth  interrogatoryes  hee  cannott  aunswere  more 
then  before. 

To  the  llth  hee  saieth,  That  the  said  Beaversham  and  Rufreroe 
did  not  understande  one  the  other  but  by  interpretacon,  and  were 
not  very  familiar  more  then  at  meales. 

To  the  laste  hee  saieth,  That  there  was  a  small  boate  lay  uppon 
the  tide  of  flood  and  ebb  about  a  sacre  shott  and  more  from  the 
Lyon  for  some  tyme  before  Rufreroe  escaped,  which  after  Rufreroe 
escaped  was  supposed  to  lye  there  to  receive  him  when  hee  should 



6. — Proceedings  in  the  Court  of  Admiralty. 
[Admiralty  Court,  Book  of  Acts,  clviii.  fol.  204.] 

Serenissimus  Dominus  Rex  et  Do- 
minus  Magnus  Admirallus  Anglise 
contra  quindecem  mille  libras  Regalis 
monetse  Angliaa  per  Johannem  Wed- 
dell,  Richardum  Blith  aliosque  eorum 
socios  et  complices  prope  Ormous  intra 
jurisdiccionem  Admirallitatis  Angliae 
captas  et  in  manibus  Thesaurarorum 
Societatis  mercatorum  comercium  in 
partibus  India  Orientalis  exercentium 

Die  Mercurii  decimo  die 

.      A.     ...     .  -p. 

mensis  Martii  Anno  L>o- 

mini  1623,  stilo  Angliae 
coram  Domino  Henrico 
Marten  milite  Legumque 
Doctore,  Judice,  &c.,  in 
cdibus  suisj  &c. 

Presente  me  Thomas 
Wyan,  Notario  Publico, 
&c.,comparavit  venerabilis 
vir  Thomas  Ryves,  Legum 

March  10. 

Doctor,  serenissimi  Domini  nostri  Regis  et  etiam  honorendi  viri 
Domini  Magni  Admiralli  Angliae  Advocatus,  et  allegavit  constare 



ex  quibusdam  examinacionibus  coram  dicto  Domino  Judice  captis, 
et  penes  Registrum  hujus  Curiae  remanentibus,  sumraam  quindecim 
mille  librarum  sterlingarum  et  ultra  in  pecuniis  numerates  per 
Capitaneos  Richardum  Blith,  Johannem  Weddell  aliosque  eorum 
complices  super  alto  mari  prope  oppidum  de  Ormous,  et  in  aliis 
partibus  infra  jurisdiccionem  Admirallitatis  Anglise  piratice  captam, 
ad  manus  et  possessionem  Thesaurarorium  Societatis  mercatorum 
Anglorum  comertium  in  partibus  Indiae  Orientalis  exercentium  per- 
venisse,  et  in  eorum  manibus  existere.  Quare  petiit  easdem  pecu- 
nias  vigore  warranti  hujus  Curiae  attachiandas,  et  dictos  Thesaur- 
arios,  in  quorum  manibus  dicta  pecuniamm  summa  remanent, 
monendas  fore  ad  comparendam  coram  dicte  Domino  Judice  apud 
Pretorium  in  Burgo  de  South  war  ke  die  Mercurii  proximo*  inter 
horas  secundam  et  quartam  a  meridie  ejusdam  diei  dictam  summam 
quindecim  mille  librarum  penes  Registrum  hujus  Curiae  deposi- 
tarum,  quod  Dominus  ad  ejus  peticionem  decrevit. 

7.  —  Court  Minutes  of  the  East  India  Company. 
[Court  Minute  Book,  yi.  454.] 

There  was  ommitted  a  dispatch  concerning  the  Lord  Admirall, 
jjut  Jg  to  be  seene. 

8.  —  Notes  of  Proceedings  in  the  Court  of  Admiralty. 
[S.  P.  East  Indies,  ii.  83.    Nicholas's  Notes.] 

162*  ">  ^623.  —  Serjaunt  of  the  Admiralty  in  the  East  Ind: 

March  'l6.     Courtb  procured  in  his  Mats  name  and  his  use  an  attachment  of 
15,000U  for  goods  taken  piratically  by  the  Company. 

*  i.e.  March  17.  b  Admiralty  Court. 



9. —  Court  Minutes  of  the  East  India  Company. 
[Court  Minute  Book,  vi,  460.] 

Mr.  Deputy  declared  to  the  Court  that  he  was  to  moove  them  in 
a  private  busines  neerely  concerning  the  Company,  and  which  will 
light  heavy  uppon  them,  but  the  greater  parts  understanding  well 
what  was  ment  did  adveise  rather  to  call  some  of  the  generality  of 
the  greatest  adventurers  unto  Mr.  Deputy  and  committees,  and  to 
treate  privately  of  that  busines,  the  publishing  whereof  might  much 
wrong  the  Company. 

March  17. 

10. — Proceedings  of  the  Court  of  Admiralty. 

[P.  R.  O.  Admiralty  Court,  Act  Book,  158.] 
Quo  die  Mercurii  decimo  septimo,  viz1  die  mensis  Martii  predicto, 
horis  et  loco  assignatis,  coram   dicto  Domino  Judice,  presente  me 
Willelmo  Hareward    Registrario  <fec.  comparuit  Dominus    Doctor 
Ryves  Advocatus  dicti  Domini  nostri  Regis  et  Domini  Magni  Ad- 
miralli  Angliae  predicti  et  introduxit  mandatum  originale  cum  cer- 
[tificatorijo   in    dorso    ejusdem   super   cujus   executione   Johannes 
Peckstall  hujus  Curiae  Marescallus  fidem  fecit,  et  allegavit  dictam 
summam  quindecim  mille  librarum  in  dicto  mandato  jam  introducto 
mentionatam,  arrestatam   et  attachiatam   fuisse   et    esse,   prout   in 
certificatorio  ejusdem  mandati  continetur,  ac  magistrum  Stone  unum 
Thesaurariorum  Societatis  predicts  aliosque  ejusdem  Societatis  Offi- 
ciarios  monitos  fuisse  ad  introducendam  dictam  summam  quindecim 
mille  librarum  istis  die,  horis,  et  loco  juxta  tenorem  dicti  cer[tifica- 
to]rii   introducti,  et  (facta  preconizatione  dicti  Stone  et  omnium 
aliorum  jus,  titulum  sive  interesse  in  pecuniarum  summam  predictam 
habentium  sen  habere  pretendentium  eisque  nee  eorum  quolibet  com- 
parent[ibus],)  dictus  Dominus  Ryves  accusavit  eorum  contumacias 
et  petiit  eos  pronunciari  contumaces  et  in  penam,  &c.,  arrestandos  et 
detinendos  fore  decerni  donee  dictam  summam  quindecem  mille  libra- 


March  17. 


rum  juxta  tenorem  dicti  mandati  in  eos  (ut  prefertur)  executi  in  Regis- 
trum  hujus  Curias  introducant.  In  presentia  W  [illia]mson  excusatorie 
nomine  dictae  societatis  petentis  dictam  societatem  et  dictum  Stone 
expectandos  fore  in  aliquod  tempus  competens  per  Dominum  assig- 
nandum  ;  unde  Dominus  pronunciavit  dictum  Stone,  et  omnes 
alios  in  hac  parte  citatos  preconizatos  et  non  comparentes  contu- 
maces,  sed  ex  gratia  reservavit  eorum  peccas  in  diem  Veneris  proxi- 
mama  inter  horas  praedictas  et  con[tinuavi]t  cer[tificatoriu]m  man- 
dati predicti  in  eundem  diem  inter  easdem  horas.  Quo  die  Veneris 
decimo  nono,  viz*  die  mensis  Martii  predicti,  horis  et  loco  assignatis, 
coram  dicto  Domino  Judice  presente  me  Registrario  (facta  preconi- 
zacione)  comparuerunt  Will[elm]us  Stone,  unas  Thesaurariorum 
dictae  societatis,  Anthonius  Abdey,  Humphridus  Browne,  et  Thomas 
Bonnist,  Officiarii  ejusdem  societatis ;  and  alleadged  that  their 
governour  is  lately  dead  and  yesterday  was  buried,  and  uppon 
Tuesday  nexteb  they  have  appointed  a  courte  for  the  elleccion  of  a 
new  governour,  and  that  untill  they  have  another  governour  ap- 
pointed they  are  not  able  to  call  a  courte  or  resolve  any  thinge 
touchinge  this  busines  ;  wherefore  they  desiered  to  bee  respitted 
untill  some  conveniente  tyme  after  Tuesday  nexte.  In  presentia 
dicti  Domini  Eyves  acceptantis  gesta  predicta  quatenus  faciant  pro 
parte  sua,  et  quatenus  contra,  &c.,  dissentientis,  &c.,  et  petentis 
dictum  Stone  Theosaurarirum  conimitti  custodies  Marescalli  donee 
dictam  summam  quindeceni  inille  librarum  in  Registrum  hujus  Curiae 
introducant.  Unde  Dominus  duxit  ad  ulterius  deliberandum  in  hac 
causa  die  Mercurii  proximo0  in  Cenaculo  Dominorum  Advoca- 
torum,  &c.,  inter  horas  secundam  et  quintam  a  meridie  ejusdem 
diei,  et  casu  quo  aliquod  tune  non  decernat  ass[isti]t  ad  ulterius 
procedendum  in  hac  causa  proximo  [termino]. 

•  March  19.  b  March  23.  c  March  24. 


1 1 . — Notes  of  Proceedings  in  the  Court  of  Admiralty. 
[S.  P.  East  Indies,  ii.  83.   Notes  by  Nicholas  of  Proceedings  in  the  Admiralty  Court.] 

18  Martii    1623.     Sir   H   Martin   about   X™*  past   findeth   on     „  162f > 

rt      TIT  f    i  •  i         i/-tiii        •         March  18. 

examinacion  of  the  Masters  or  shipps  that  the  Comp.  hath  taken  in 

vallue  100,000li  in  severall  partes  of  the  Indies  (fol.  14).  The 
Dutch  in  such  cases  give  5  per  cent,  to  the  States,  and  as  much 
to  the  Prince  of  Orenge.  The  Lo :  Admirall  protests  the  Companies 
shipps  shall  not  goe  except  they  compound  with  him  ;  but  would 
make  noe  demaund  till  he  had  spoken  with  the  King.  The  King 
protested  the  late  Governor  promised  him  10,000U,  but  the  deputy 
protested  he  never  understood  of  any  such  offer  (fol.  15).  The  King 
called  the  Company  piratts,  and  said  he  would  question  them  for 
his  rights,  which  he  did  in  the  Admiralty,  and  the  serjaunt  had  * 
arrested  the  Company  uppon  an  accion  of  15,000"  att  his  Mats  suyte. 
The  King  would  not  propound  a  lesse  somme  then  10,000U  (fol.  16). 
The  Court  is  unwilling  to  try  any  thing  with  the  King  in  point  of 
lawe,  and  therefore  besought  my  Lo :  Admirall  to  mediat  for  them 
to  his  Matie,  which  his  LP  promised  to  doe  (fol.  17).  The  King 
being  attended  another  tyme  tould  the  Committee  that  the  Com- 
pany promised  him  100011  att  Royston  for  the  busines  of  Ormouz, 
and  to  the  Lo:  Admirall  20,000U  more  (fol.  17).  When  the 
Deputy  tould  his  Matie  that  the  late  Governor  might  perhapps  speake 
something  in  generall  words  on  the  expectacion  and  rumour  of 
some  great  matters  taken  att  Ormouz,  but  that  he  spake  nothing  to 
binde  the  Company,  the  King  said  he  was  noe  tyrant  King.  He 
allowes  his  subjects  the  benefitt  of  lawe,  and  would  have  it  soe  tryed. 
My  Lord,  being  requested  by  the  Company,  refuse th  to  release  the 
shipps  till  the  parliament  were  moved  (fol.  18).  That  in  the  treaty 
with  the  Dutch  the  King  challenged  the  more,  because  (his  Matie 
said)  the  Duke  should  have  nothing.  But  the  Duke  was  very  round 
with  the  Governor  att  Whitehall,  expostulating  his  being  neglected 
by  the  Company ;  when  the  Governor  lett  fall  words  that  might 
give  expectacion  from  the  busines  att  Ormouz,  and  his  LoP  was 


entreated  to  stay  till  their  shipps  came  (fol.  19).  The  King  said  to 
the  Committee:  "Did  I  deliver  you  from  the  complaint  of  the 
Spaniard,  and  doe  you  returne  me  nothing"  (fol.  19).  The  King 
said  that  if  it  had  bene  followed  all  the  Company  brought  home  in 
their  best  shipps  had  belonged  to  the  Lo:  Admirall  (fol.  20).  The 
King's  Advocatt  moved  in  the  Admiralty  Court  that  the  Threr 
of  the  East  India  Company  might  be  comitted,  because  he  brought 
not  the  16,000"  attached  for  the  King;  but  the  Judge  in  favour 
gives  a  further  day.  After  this  report  it  was  ordered  that  5000U 
shalbe  offred,  and  if  that  content  not  to  be  moved  again  (fol.  21). 

[Nicholas's  Notes.] 

1624,  22°  Martii  1623.     It  is  prooved  that  there  was  100,000"  taken 

in  the  Indies,  and  the  King  demaunds  10,000U  for.  himself  and  as 
much  for  my  Lo:  Admirall  (fol.  21).  Nothing  is  demaunded  but 
for  what  hath  bene  taken  besides  trade.  The  King  proposeth  it 
thus,  that  the  100,000"  vallue  is  taken  justly  or  unjustly ;  if 
unjustly  all  is  lost,  if  justly  yet  they  must  pay  a  x1;  and  the  King 
declared  that  he  would  not  suffer  the  Lo:  Admirall  to  compounde, 
and  dislikes  the  Companie  should  fall  uppon  the  Chenoises.  The 
King  will  not  aunswere  their  suyte  for  release  of  their  shipps,  but 
sends  them  to  the  Lo:  Admirall>  who  promiseth  to  move  the 
Parliament  for  them  (fol.  22  and  23).  My  Lo:  Admirall  stoode  on 
it  that  great  promises  were  made,  and  (the  Deputy  sayes)  gave  faire 
words,  but  withall  gave  orders  to  arrest  the  Company  (fol.  23). 

It  was  observed  that  the  shipps  staid  uppon  pretence  of  State 
may  be  released  for  monny.  Uppon  debate  it  was  resolved  that 
10,000"  should  be  offred  for  the  King  to  shutt  upp  all  busi- 
nesses (fol.  24). 

[Nicholas's  Notes.] 

1624,  23°  Martii  1623.     The  King  insists  on  10,000" •  for  himself,  and 

March  23.     ag  mucn  for  the  Lo :  Admirall,  because  the  Company  had  taken 

a  100,000"  in  MS. 


100,000".  And  the  10,000U  offered  for  the  King  gives  noe  content 
to  his  Matie,  who  sends  the  Company  to  the  Lo:  Admirall.  The 
Company,  debating  what  to  doe,  it  was  said  they  finde  the  King 
and  the  Duke  very  stiffe  (fol.  24  and  25).  It  is  affermed  that  an 
end  must  be  made  with  the  King  and  Duke  before  the  shipps  wilbe 
released.  It  is  att  length  ordered  to  peticion  that  the  10,000H 
might  be  accepted;  if  it  would  not,  then  to  conclude  in  the  best 
manner  that  might,  before  it  was  resolved  the  Company  would  not 
contest  with  the  King. 

It  is  expressed  on  a  marginall  note  that  att  the  humble  sute  of 
the  Company  their  shipps  had  leave  to  departe  the  -23rd  of  March 

12. —  Court  Minutes  of  the  East  India  Company. 
[Court  Minutes,  vi.  466.] 

Mr.  Governour  reported  that  himself,  with  the  rest  that  had  bene  1624, 
named  and  desired  to  attend  the  King,  had  offered  themselves,  and 
could  not  come  to  a  full  speech  with  him  concerning  the  somme  of 
money  required,  but  his  Maty  is  pleased  to  give  way  that  the 
Companies  shippes  may  departe,  whereuppon  Mr.  Governour  said 
that  he  had  sent  away  an  expresse  to  the  Downes,  wherein  he  had 
given  some  touch  of  the  occasion  of  their  stay.  He  said  that  the 
messenger,  Thomas  Chancy,  made  good  hast,  but  Mr.  Kerridge,  the 
man  extraordinarily  trusted,  notwithstanding  his  promise  to  make 
like  speed,  is  very  slowe,  and  staid  one  whole  day  in  London. 

[Court  Minutes,  vi.  471.] 

Mr.  Governor  reported  to  the  Court  that  himself,  accompanied  1624,  April  2. 
with  Mr.  Deputy,  Mr.  Westroe,  and  Mr.  Bell  had  attended  his 
Matie  concerning  the  demaund  for  goods  taken  in  the  Indies,  where 
at  the  first,  having  laid  open  the  necessity  of  the  Company,  and 
humbly  praying  a  mitigation  of  the  demaund  of  20,000H.  They 
made  offer  of  10,000h,  as  had  bene  agreed  at  a  meeteing  of  the 


Company ;  the  rest  of  this  dispute  was  for  some  speciall  reason 
omitted,  but  remaynes  to  be  seen  in  the  originall,  etc. 

13. — Notes  of  Proceedings  in  the  Court  of  Admiralty. 
[S.  P.  East  Indies,  ii.  83.    Nicholas's  Notes.] 

1624,  April  2.  The  King  and  Lord  Admirall  tooke  it  ill  that  the  Company 
peticioned  to  have  10,000U  accepted,  the  King  building  on  a 
promise  made  to  him  and  the  Duke  on  his  right  of  tenthes ;  and  the 
Governor  and  Company  were  dismissed  with  noe  countenance  from 
his  Matle  or  the  Duke. 

April  3.  The  next  day  the  King  sent  for  the  Company,  and  propounded 

to  them  to  give  now  15,000U,  and  5000U  att  the  returne  of  the 
fleete  from  Zuratt,  and  promised  the  Company  what  grace  and 
favour  they  would.  The  Governor,  having  the  time  of  payment 
appointed  to  him,  maketh  noe  denyall,  but  prayed  he  might 
acquaint  the  Company  therewith. 

14. —  Court  Minutes  of  the  East  India  Company. 

[Court  Minutes,  vi,  475.] 

1624,  April  7.  Mr.  Govern  our  acquainted  the  Court  what  monies  they  are  to 
-pay  to  his  Matie  and  to  the  Lord  Admirall ;  in  the  whole  the  summe 
of  20,000U,  which,  being  a  greate  somme,  he  desired  the  Courte  to 
consider  what  discharge  it  wilbe  fitt  the  Company  require  for  the 
same.  The  Court  thought  fitt  that  some  principall  men,  both 
Common  Lawyers  and  Civillians,  be  consulted  withall  concerning 
that  discharge.  It  was  conceived  that  Sir  John  Waulter  wilbe  a 
very  fitt  man  to  be  used  in  the  busines,  and  accordingly  it  was 
resolved  to  entreate  his  puines  therein,  and  that  he  wilbe  pleased  to 
call  unto  him  some  other  lawyers  of  his  owne  choice,  and  that  Mr. 
Stone  shalbe  entreated  to  attend  him  as  beeing  of  counsell  with 
the  Company;  and  it  was  presumed  that  such  Civillians  as  they 
shall  have  cause  to  use  wilbe  entreated  to  repaire  unto  Sir  John 


Waulter's  chamber  in  the  Temple.  And  for  a  foundacion  to  this 
worke  it  was  remembred  that  it  hath  pleased  the  King  to  promise 
that  the  Company  shall  have  any  discharge  they  will  advise,  but 
first  to  consult  with  lawyers  and  to  frame  their  requests  accord- 

[Court  Minutes,  vi.  485.] 

Mr.  Governor  having  understood  that  neither  Sir  John  Waulter  1624,  April  14. 
and  Mr.  Noy  for  the  Councell  at  Common  Lawe,  nor  Doctor  Duck 
and  Doctor  Zouch  could  as  yet  be  procured  to  meete  concerning 
the  Companies  discharg  from  his  Maty  and  the  Lord  Admirall,  and 
to  consider  what  may  be  required  of  the  Company,  partly  to 
strengthen  their  pattent  concerning  goodes  taken  or  to  be  taken  in 
the  Indies,  and  finding  that  the  principall  cause  of  their  not  meeting 
growes  from  their  continuall  attendance  in  Parliament ;  it  was  pro- 
pounded to  hasten  their  meeting,  and  the  rather  for  the  time 
runnes  on,  and  his  Mats  occasions  will  require  the  rest  of  the 
monney.  It  was  therefore  desired  by  the  Courte  that  those  Com- 
mittees that  had  allready  dealt  in  the  business  would  presse  the 
lawyers  to  a  speedy  meeteing  that  the  time  overtake  them  not. 

Mr.  Governor  said  that  he  hath  bene  earnestly  pressed  to  pay 
100011  more8  to  Mr.  Allen  Apsley  for  the  provision  of  victuall  now 
presently  required  for  his  Mats  shipps  to  be  sett  out,  which  he  wished 
might  be  paid  to  furnish  that  occasion,  but  no  more  untill  all  were 
agreed  and  perfected,  whereto  the  Court  gave  consent  and  ordered 
that  Mr.  Threor  shall  pay  it  accordingly. 

[Court  Minutes,  yi.  501.] 

Mr.  Governour  acquainted  the  Court  that  he  hath  bene  tyred  1624,  April  28. 
with  solicitacions  for  the  4000"  residue  of  the  10,000"  to  the  Lord 
Admirall.     He  said  he  had  bene  with  others  of  the  Committees  on 
Munday  last  to  attend  the  Lord  Admirall  but  he  was  gone  to  the 

•  From  this  and  the  next  entry  it  would  seem  that  5,000?.  had  been  already  paid. 


King,  but  Mr.  Alesbury  hath  brought  a  proxy  for  a  full  discharge 
to  the  Company.  Allso  order  is  taken  that  the  Company  shall 
have  a  sentence  under  seale  for  their  discharge,  and  all  shalbe  done 
att  afternoone  by  a  proxy  authentike.  It  was  therefore  moved  that 
considering  this  reall  forwardnes  in  the  Duke  some  parte  of  the 
400011  might  be  paid  in.  The  Courte  was  contented  100011  more 
shalbe  paid  when  it  is  called  for,  and  Mr.  Deputy,  Mr.  Bell,  Mr. 
Styles,  and  Mr.  Abdy  were  entreated  to  be  at  the  Courte  of 
Admiralty  at  afternoone  to  see  that  all  thinges  passe  freely ;  for  the 
Company  and  the  release  to  be  signed  by  the  Lord  Admirall  beeing 
ready  engrossed  was  read,  and  allowed  by  the  Court. 

For  the  10,000U  to  the  King,  it  was  conceyved  it  wilbe  called 
for  and  the  Company  pressed  to  payment,  but  the  resolucion  was  to 
pay  onely  5000U,  as  had  bene  promised  and  accepted,  and  thother 
500011  in  his  due  tyme  ;  and  in  the  meane  season  uppon  the  pay- 
ment of  the  first  500011  to  advise  what  discharge  wilbe  fitt  for  the 
Company  from  his  Maty,  wherein  it  was  said  that  some  had  advised 
with  Counsell,  and  do  find  the  King  may  discharge  the  Company 
against  the  Spaniard  by  way  of  covenant,  but  not  otherwise. 

15. — Proceedings  of  the  Court  of  Admiralty. 
[P.  R.  O.  Admiralty  Court,  Act  Book,  158.] 

1624,  April  28.  Postea  die  Mercurii  vicesimo  octavo  die  mensis  Aprilis,  Anno 
Domino  1624,  coram  Domino  Judice  in  camera  sua  infra  collegium 
Dominorum  Advocatorum,  etc.,  presente  me  Will[el]mo  HarewaroT, 
dictse  curiae  Registrario,  comparuit  Williamson  et  exhibuit  procu- 
ratorium  unum  pro  gubernatore  et  societate  mercatorum  Anglorum 
commentium  in  partibus  Indiae  Orientalis  exercentium  et  fecit  se 
partem  pro  eisdem,  in  presentia  Wyan  exhibentis  procuratorium 
speciale  pro  prenobile  et  honorando  viro  Georgio  Duce  Bucking- 
ham, Domino  Magno  Admirallo  Anglse  sub  ejus  manu  et  sigillo 
gerens  datum  vicesimo  septimo  die  mensis  Aprilis,  cujus  verus 
tenor  de  verbo  in  verbum  sequitur,  viz*  Whereas  there  have  beene 


heretofore  divers  shippes,  goodes,  monies,  wares,  and  marchandizes 
of  greate  value  surprized,  seized  and  taken  in  the  partes  of  Ash  and 
Affrica  by  the  shippes,  captaines,  officers,  ministers,  and  servaunts 
of  the  Companie  of  Englishe  merchants  tradinge  to  East  India  ;  in 
regard  whereof  I,  George  Duke  and  Marquis  of  Bucks,  Lord  Highe 
Admirall  of  England,  conceave  my  selfe  to  bee  interessed  in  some 
good  parte  or  portion  therof  in  righte  and  by  vertue  of  my  said 
office  of  Lord  Admirall ;  and  wheras  uppon  the  tenthe  day  of 
March  last  past  there  was  and  is  an  action  commenced  in  the 
Courte  of  Admiraltie  in  the  name  of  his  Majestic  and  my  self  (as 
Admirall)  against  the  said  Company,  for  goods  taken  as  aforesaidj 
in  fifteene  thousande  poundes,  with  intencion  and  purpose  after- 
wardes  to  sue  and  prosecute  them  for  more  sommes  uppon  the  pre- 
tenses and  interests  aforesaide.  These  are  now  to  authorize,  will, 
and  require  you  for  mee  and  in  my  name,  and  as  my  procter  to 
appeare  before  the  Judge  of  the  Admiraltie,  and  to  acknowledge 
and  confesse  that  I  have  received  of  the  Governour  and  Companie 
of  Englishe  merchants  aforesaid  the  some  of  ten  thousand  poundes 
lawfull  money  of  England  in  full  satisfaction  as  well  of  all  such 
parte  or  portion  as  I,  the  said  Lord  Admirall,  may  or  might  claime 
or  pretend  as  well  to  or  in  the  said  summe  of  fifteene  thousand 
poundes,  as  alsoe  to  all  or  any  other  shippes,  goodes,  monies,  wares, 
and  merchandizes  surprized,  seized  and  taken  by  any  the  shippes, 
captaines,  officers,  ministers,  and  servants  of  the  said  Companie  in  any 
the  partes  aforesaid  since  the  tyme  of  my  comeinge  to  the  office  of  Lord 
Admirall  aforesaid  unto  the  day  of  the  date  of  these  presents.  And 
moreover  to  consente  that  the  said  Governour  and  Companie  and  their 
captaines,  officers,  ministers,  and  servaunts  and  every  of  them,  bee  in 
forme  of  lawe  in  the  said  Courte  of  Admiralty  released,  acquited,  and 
absolutely  dischardged  of  and  from  any  parte,  righte,  title,  and  interest 
of,  in,  and  to  the  said  shippes,  monies, goodes,  wares  and  marchandizes, 
or  any  parte  or  parcell  therof,  in  such  sorte  as  shalbee  by  the  Councell 
learned  in  lawe  of  the  said  Governour  and  Companie  reasonably 
advised  or  devised;  and  for  your  soe  doinge  this  shalbee  your 


sufficient  warrant.  Geven  under  my  hand  and  scale  at  armes  the 
seaven  and  twentieth  day  of  Aprill  Anno  Domini  1624.  G. 
Buckingham.  Directed  to  Sir  Kichard  Wyan,  my  Procurator  in 
the  Courte  of  Admiraltye.  Ac  tune  Williamson  nomine  procura- 
torio  quo  supra  allegavit  decimo  die  mensis  Martii  ultimo  prseterito 
litem  seu  actionem  fuisse  et  esse  intentatain  in  hac  Curia  nomine 
serenissimi  Domini  Jacobi  Dei  gratia  Anglise,  Scotise,  Frauncise, 
et  Hiberniae  Regis,  &c.,  et  nomine  Georgii  Ducis  et  Admiralli 
antedicti,  contra  dictum  gubernatorem  et  societatem  pro  diversis 
navibus  pecuniis  bonis  et  mercibus  ad  valorem  quindecem  mille 
librarum  captis  et  ablatis  in  partibus  Asiae  et  African  par  naves 
capitaneos,  officiarios,  ministros,  et  inservitores  gubernatoris  et 
societatis  predicti,  et  porro  antea  et  citra  diem  predicundum  in 
hac  civitate  London  et  in  aliis  locis  vicinis  dicundis,  enuntiatum 
declaratum  et  propalatum  ex  parte  et  per  partem  dictam  Domini 
Magni  Admiralli  antidicti  eundem  D.  Admirallum  intentaturum  et 
prosecuturum  diversus  alias  actiones  pro  diversis  alii  bonis  et 
navibus  magni  valoris  captis  seizitis  et  subactis  in  partibus  predictis 
per  partes  predictas  citra  tempus  officii  Admiralli  Anglise,  &cv  col- 
lad  in  se  a  Domino  Rege  predicto,  usque  ad  hanc  diem.  Et  in- 
super  dictus  Williamson  allegavit  dominos  suos  citra  dictum  diem 
decimum  Martii  et  intentacionem  litis  predictse  ad  satisfaciendum 
Domino  Admirallo  predicto  pro  omni  jure  titulo  et  interesse  suis  in 
dictis  navibus  bonis  mercibus  in  dicta  lite  sive  actione  comprehensis 
et  quibuscunque  aliis  navibus  bonis  et  mercibus  in  partibus  Asiae  et 
Affricae  per  totum  tempus  predictum  modo  quo  supra  prefertur  et 
pretenditur  captis  seizitis  et  subactis,  aut  in  quacunque  parte  sive 
portione  navium  bonorum  pecuniarum  et  mercium  predictarum 
realiter  obtulisse  dicto  Domino  Admirallo  summam  decem  mille 
librarum  legalis  monetae  Angliae,  dictumque  Dominum  Admirallum 
in  plena  satisfaccione  pro  quocunque  jure,  titulo  et  interesse  suis 
in  dictis  bonis  navibus  et  mercibus  aut  qualibet  earum  parte  aut 
quibuscumque  aliis  navibus  mercibus  et  bonis  per  totum  tempus 
predictum  in  partibus  Asiae  et  African  captis  eeizitis  et  subactis  per 


dominos   suos   eorumque   naves,    capitaneos,   officiarios,   ministros, 
et   servos,    eandem    sumraara    recepesse    et    acceptasse.      Ideoque 
Williamson  petiit  dominos  suos  demitti,  relaxavi  et  acquietari  a  lite 
predicta  et  ab  omni  ulteriore  lite,  prosecutione  et  irapeticione  per 
dictum  dominum  Magnum  Admirallum  intentatum  et  motum  seu 
intentandum  et  movendum,  seu  qua  per  dictum  Dominum.  Admi- 
rallum intentari  seu  moveri  potuerint  aut  poterint  contra  dominos 
suos   eorumve   naves,  capitaneos,  officiarios,  ministros,  aut  servos 
quoscunque  pro  quacunque  parte  jure,  titulo  sive  interesse  suis  in 
navibus,  bonis  et  mercibus  per  totum  tempus  predictum  modo  quo 
supra   pretenditur  captis   seizitis   et  ablatis.      In  presentia  Wyan 
juxta  dictum  suum    procuratorium   et  vigore  ejusdem  fatentis  et 
agnoscentis    dictum    Dominum    Admirallum,    dominum    suum   a 
Gubernatore  et  societate  mercatorum  predictorum,  summam  decem 
mille  librarum  legalis  monetae  Angliae  in  plenam  satisfaccionem  et 
solucionem  cujuscunque  partis  vel  portionis  sive  interesse  ejusdem 
Domini  Admiralli  tarn  in  dictam  summam  quindecem  mille  librarum 
(pro  qu&   lis  in  dicta  Curia  Admiralitatis  uti   superius  allegatur 
intentatur)  quam  quarumcunque  aliarum  navium,  bonorum,  pecuni- 
arum,  summarum  rerum,  et  merchandizarum  subactarum  seizitarum 
et  captarum  in  aliquibus   partibus  Asiae  et   Affricae  predictis  per 
aliquas   naves,  Capitaneos,  Officiarios,   Ministros   sive    inservitores 
eocietatis  mercatorum   predictorum;    a  tempore  collationis  Officii 
Magni  Admiralli  in  eundem  dominum  suum  usque  ad  et  in  originum 
septimum  diem  mensis  Aprilis  jam  terminantis  Anni  Domini  1624. 
Et  preterea  Wyan  nomine  dicti  Domini  Admiralii  consensit  ut  Gu- 
bernator  et  societas  mercatorum  predictorum,  eorumque  Capitanei, 
Officiarii,  Ministri,  et  inservitores  eorumque  quilibet  a  quacunque 
parte  sive  portione  et  a  quocumque  jure,  titulo,  et  interesse  antedicti 
Domini   Magni   Admiralli   Domini    sui  in    dictis    respective    [?] 
navibus  pecuniarum  summis,  bonis,  mercibus,  et  merchandizis,  aut 
in  aliqua  parte  sive  parcella  eorundem  relaxentur,  acquietentur,  et 
absolute    exonerentur  juxta    dictam    peticionem   ex   parte    dictae 
Societatis  ut  prefertur  factam.     Unde  Dominus  cum  consensu  dicti 


Wyan,  dictum  Gubernatorem  et  Societatera  eorumque  naves  Capi- 
taneos,  Officiarios,  Ministros  et  servos  quoscunque  relaxavit  et 
acquietavit  ex  omnibus  et  per  omnia  prout  per  Williamson  petitur, 
dicto  Williamson  acceptante  quatenus  faciat  pro  parte  sua. 

16. — Coppy  of  my  Lord  Admirall' s  Acquittance  for  £10,000 
received  of  the  East  India  Company  for  his  Lordship's 
rights  due  to  him  from  them. 

[S.  P.  East  Indies,  TO!,  iii.  15.] 

.624,  April  28.  George  Duke  and  Marques  of  Buckingham,  Earle  of  Coventrie, 
Viscount  Villers,  Barron  of  Whaddon,  knight  of  the  most  noble 
Order  of  the  Garteire,  Lord  Highe  Admirall  of  England,  Ireland, 
and  Wales,  and  the  dominions  and  isles  thereof,  and  of  the  towne 
of  Callys,  and  the  Marches  thereof,  of  Normandy,  Gascony,  and 
Guynes,  and  Captaine  Generall  of  his  Majesty's  seas  and  navy  royall. 
To  all  to  whom  these  presentes  shall  come  greeteing,  Whereas  the 
Governor  and  Company  of  merchants  of  London,  trading  to  the 
East  Indies,  theire  agents,  captaines,  factors,  souldiers,  marriners, 
ministers,  and  servants,  or  some  of  them,  have  taken,  seized,  and 
made  prize  of  divers  shipps,  gold,  silver,  Jewells,  wares,  merchan- 
dizes, goods,  and  comodities  in  the  parts  of  Asia  and  Africa  beyond 
the  lyne  and  beyonde  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope,  and  in  or  uppon  the 
seas  over  against  the  shoares  of  Asia  or  Africa  aforesaid,  and  in  or 
uppon  any  the  sea  shoares,  havens,  creekes,  portes,  harbours,  or 
islands  in  the  parts  aforesaid,  of  or  from  some  princes,  states, 
nacions,  and  theire  subjects  respectively,  or  from  any  of  them  in 
those  parts,  and  have  disposed  and  converted  the  same  to  the  use 
of  the  said  Governour  and  Com  panic  :  Now  knowe  ye  that  I,  the 
said  George,  Duke  of  Buckingham,  Lord  Highe  Admirall  of 
England  aforesaid,  haveing  taken  consideracion,  with  the  advise  of 
Sir  Henry  Marteine,  knight,  Judge  of  the  Highe  Court  of  Admi- 
ralltie,  of  his  Majesty's  letters  pattents  under  the  great  Scale  of 
England,  beareing  date  the  foureteenth  day  of  December,  in  the 
yeares  of  the  raigne  of  our  Soverraigne  Lord  King  James  of 


England,  France,  and  Ireland  the  thirteenth,  and  of  Scotland  the 
nyne  and  fortith,  graunted  to  the  said  Governour  and  Company,  and 
of  other  allegacions  made  by  the  said  Governour  and  Company,  and 
on  theire  behalfe,  have  receaved  and  accepted  the  some  of  ten 
thowsand  pounds  of  lawfull  monney  of  England,  to  me  paid  by  the 
said  Governour  and  Company,  before  the  date  of  these  presentes,  as 
a  full  satisfaccion  of  all  such  somes  of  money,  tenths,  duties,  fees, 
proffitts,  or  other  rights  whatsoever  any  way  due  or  belonging  unto 
me,  by  virtue  of  the  office  of  Lord  Highe  Admirall  of  England,  for 
or  in  respect  of  the  premisses,  of  and  with  which  some  I  acknow- 
ledge my  selfe  fully  satisfied  and  contented,  and  therefore  doe 
acquitt  and  dischardge  the  said  Governour  and  Company  against 
me,  my  executors  and  administrators,  by  these  presentes,  and  there- 
upon allso  have  remised,  released,  and  quite*  claimed,  and  by  these 
presentes  doe  remise,  release,  and  quite  claime,  to  the  said  Gover- 
nour and  Company  and  their  successors,  theire  agents,  captaines, 
factors,  souldiers,  marriners,  ministers,  and  servants  aforesaid,  all 
sommes  of  money,  tenths,  duties,  proffitts,  fees,  and  all  and  every 
other  rights  or  right  any  way  due  or  belonging  unto  me,  or  which 
I  may  any  way  claim  by  virtue  of  the  said  office  of  Lord  Highe 
Admirall  of  England  from  the  said  Governour  and  Company,  theire 
agents,  captaines,  factors,  souldiers,  marriners,  ministers,  and  ser- 
vants aforesaid,  at  any  tyme  heeretofore  from  the  xxviiith  day  of 
Jannuary,  in  the  xvith  yeare  of  his  Majesty's  raigne  over  England, 
untill  the  date  of  these  presentes  for  or  by  reason  of  the  takeing,  seize- 
ing,  and  makeing  prize  of  the  said  shipps,  gould,  silver,  Jewells, 
wares,  merchandizes,  goods,  and  commodities,  and  allso  all  accions, 
suites,  impetitiones,  claimes,  and  demaunds  which  I,  the  said  George 
Duke  of  Buck.,  as  Lord  Highe  Admirall  aforesaid,  had,  have,  or 
may  have,  for  all  and  every  the  said  somes  of  monney,  tenths, 
duties,  proffitts,  and  rights  whatsoever,  or  any  part  thereof,  against 
the  said  Governour  and  Company,  and  theire  successors,  theire 
agents,  captaines,  factors,  souldiers,  marriners,  ministers,  or  servants 

•  i.e.  quit 


aforesaid,  or  any  of  them.  In  wittnes  whereof  I,  the  said  George 
Duke  of  Buck.,  Lord  Highe  Admirall  of  England,  have  hereunto 
sett  my  hand  and  seale,  the  xxviiith  day  of  Aprill,  anno  Domini 
1624,  and  in  the  yeares  of  the  raigne  of  our  Soveraigne  Lord 
James,  by  the  grace  of  God  Kinge  of  England,  France,  and  Ire- 
land, defender  of  the  faith,  &e.,  the  xxiith,  and  of  Scottland  the 



17. — Court  Minutes  of  the  East  India  Company. 
[Court  Minute  Book,  vi.  506.] 

524,  April  30.  The  Court  called  to  mind  that  howsoever  there  were  a  sentence 
in  the  Admiralty  and  release  from  the  Lord  Admirall  promised  for 
the  discharge  of  the  10,000U,  yet  because  this  money  was  paid  to 
Mr.  Oliver  it  were  not  amisse  to  have  a  receyete  of  his  hand  for 
the  same,  which  they  resolved  to  require. 

[Court  Minute  Book,  vi.  509.] 

The  Court  fell  againe  uppon  the  consideracion  of  what  discharge 
wilbe  fitting  the  Company  have  from  my  Lord  Admirall  for  the 
IC^OOO11.  It  was  conceived,  and  it  seems  had  bene  so  advised  by 
Counsell,  that  the  Company  shall  take  our  discharge  under  the  seale 
of  office,  and  anoather  under  the  hand  of  the  Lord  Admirall.  It 
was  allso  said  that  Sir  Henry  Martynn  had  viewed  the  release  and 
differs  in  opinion  from  the  common  lawyers  in  some  few  particulars, 
viz*,  where  the  acquittance  runnes  for  goodes,  Jewells,  etc.,  taken  in 
the  portes  of  Asia,  or  Africa,  or  the  portes,  creekes,  etc.,  where  he 
houldes  the  portes,  creekes,  and  the  rest  followeing  to  be  unneces- 
sary, as  beeing  all  included  in  the  former  generall  wordes,  etc.,  but 
the  Courte  beeing  informed  that  Sir  John  Waulter  doth  confidently 
affirme  that  the  wordes  are  necessary  as  the  wordes  are  penned  by 
the  common  lawyers,  resolved  therein  to  follow  their  direccion. 
It  was  allso  infourmed  that  Sir  John  Waulter  doth  confidently 
affirm  Sir  Henry  Martynn  expectes  some  direccion  from  the  Lord 


Admirall  for  signing  and  sealeing  the  release.  It  was  therefore 
mooved  that  Mr.  Alesbury  be  entreated  to  receive  the  Lord 
Admirall's  order  in  that  particular,  and  to  deliver  the  same  to  Sir 
Henry  Martynn,  whoe  thereuppon  will  forthwith  signe  the  same. 

The  Courte  was  further  infourmed  that  the  Company  wilbe 
exceedingly  pressed  to  the  payment  of  5000U  to  his  Matie,  and  the 
rather  because  att  this  time  the  Exchequer  is  shutt  upp,  notwith- 
standing there  is  a  warrant  for  the  presse  of  30  marchauntes  shippes 
besides  those  of  his  Matles  appointed  to  be  made  ready.  The  Courte 
resolved  to  hasten  what  they  could  a  discharge  from  his  Maty,  to- 
geather  with  such  articles  as  may  best  availe  the  Company  for  the 
future,  wherein  Mr.  Governour  advised  the  Company  to  take  hould 
of  the  present  occasion,  for  that  as  the  state  of  the  Exchequer  and 
the  King's  occasions  now  stand,  they  shall  more  easily  procure 
satisfaccion  concerning  the  future  then  they  can  hereafter,  but 
advised  them  to  parte  with  no  monney  untill  all  were  finished.  It 
was  considered  that  the  business  cann  have  no  present  despatch, 
because  when  the  assurances  or  covenantes  shalbe  drawen,  his 
Ma*8  Counsell  must  have  a  sight  of  them,  whoe  perhapps  will  allter 
some  thinges,  and  so  drive  the  Companyes  Counsell  to  a  second 
consultaccion,  which  will  aske  tyme.  It  was  said  that  those  Com- 
mittees unto  whome  had  been  committed  the  care  of  this  busines 
had  not  slept  in  it,  and  that  there  is  a  draught  ready  wherein  was 
inserted  that  the  Company  should  be  defended  from  the  Spaniard, 
but  those  wordes  held  not  fitt  to  be  offered  to  his  Matyes  signature, 
or  to  single  out  the  Spaniard  in  that  kind,  but  it  was  advised  by 
Sir  John  Waulter  to  be  thus  expressed,  that  his  Ma^  will  protect 
in  case  of  question,  and  so  leave  it  to  gennerall  interpretacion.  It 
was  therefore  thought  fitt  to  entreate  Sir  John  Waulter  to  propose 
it,  and  that  Mr.  Noy  shall  drawe  a  covenant  to  that  purpose.  The 
Courte  was  further  informed  that  the  opinion  of  Counsell  is  (con- 
sidering the  latitude  of  the  former  grauntes)  that  anouther  covenant 
be,  that  for  the  tyme  to  come  the  Company  shall  enjoye  the  benefitt 
of  any  their  former  graunt  or  pattent. 


The  Court  was  made  acquainted  by  Mr.  Deputy  that  howesoever 
the  paines  and  travell  of  Mr.  Governour  and  others  in  this  busines 
were  well  knowen  to  this  Courte,  as  allso  with  what  difficulty  they 
were  singled  out  and  drawen  into  it,  which  was  with  much  relucta- 
cion  and  desire  to  be  freed  of  the  imployement  as  well  in  reguard  of 
their  owne  particular  occasions  as  to  avoid  the  common  censures 
which  commonly  wayte  uppon  these  employments,  yet  as  he  con- 
ceiveth  by  some  informacion  they  had  not  escaped  uncensured  as 
men  ready  to  yield  unto  the  companies  losse,  for  it  is  said  that  if 
there  had  not  been  some  false  brothers  amongst  us  the  Company 
needed  not  to  have  paid  the  monney  to  the  King  and  the  Lord 
Admirall,  wherefore  Mr.  Deputy  mooved  that  the  party  may  be 
called  hereafter  to  discover  those  false  brethren  if  there  be  any  such. 
The  Courte  tooke  it  to  harte,  and  resolved  to  question  any  such 
parson  as  shall  have  wronged  them  in  that  nature,  whoe  did  all  by 
direccion  of  the  Courte,  and  commaunded  an  entry  to  be  made  of 
the  mocion  to  thend  it  be  not  forgotten. 

[Court  Minutes,  vi.  516.] 

624,  May  7.  Mr.  Cappur  acquainted  the  Courte  that  he  had  been  appointed 
to  attend  Sir  John  Waulter  and  Mr.  Noye  concerning  such  discharge 
for  matters  past  and  warrant  to  the  Company  from  his  Matie  for  the 
future  as  may  best  stand  with  his  Maw  honnor  and  the  Companies 
safety,  those  twoe  particulars  beeing  the  somme  of  all  that  cann  or 
may  be  required.  He  said  he  found  much  difficulty  in  bringing 
them  togeather,  but  in  thend  had  done  it.  He  said  there  is  a 
draught  but  not  yet  perfited,  whereof  they  have  conferred  togeather 
and  agreed  of  the  substance  onely  but  yet  wanted  fourme.  The 
Courte  willed  him  to  foliowe  it  with  diiligence,  because  the  Com- 
panies performance  wilbe  expected  sodainely,  and  it  wilbe  very 
necessary  they  go  togeather. 


[Court  Minutes,  vi.  526.] 


Mr.  Deputy  acquainted  the  Court  that  a  messenger  had  bene  1624>  Ma7  19- 
with  him  to  attend  Mr.  Secretary  Connoway  ;  that  he  received  the 
Commons  in  the  morning,  and  was  to  attend  him  within  twoe 
howres;  that  himself  and  Mr.  Bell  went  to  Greenewich,  where  Mr. 
Secretary  declared  the  present  necessity  for  monies,  and  required 
not  onely  the  500011,  which  is  to  be  paid  to  his  Ma^  uppon  the 
sealing  of  the  writinges  by  his  Ma^,  but  likewise  the  other  500011 
which  was  not  to  be  paid  till  after  the  arrivall  of  their  next  shippes 
from  Zuratt,  alleadgeing  the  urgancy  of  the  present  service,  and  that 
the  victualling  of  the  shippes  intended  to  be  sett  out  stayed  onely 
for  those  monies.  Mr.  Deputy  made  answere  that  for  the  first 
500011  it  shalbe  ready  so  soone  as  his  Ma1*  hath  perfourmed  to  the 
Company  what  he  was  pleased  gratiousely  to  promise  them,  whereof 
there  is  as  much  hast  as  is  possible,  and  wilbe  ready  so  soone  as  the 
writinges  shalbe  approoved  by  his  Mats  Counsell  learned ;  for  the 
other  500011  they  humbly  prayed  to  be  excused  untill  the  retourne 
of  the  Zuratt  shippes  according  to  their  humble  promise  to  his 
Ma*y :  Mr.  Secretary  notwithstanding  pressed  the  payment  of  the 
latter  500011,  and  for  the  writinges,  willed  them  to  make  all 
possible  speed  to  perfect  them.  Mr.  Deputy  tould  him  that,  this 
beeing  Whitson  weeke,  and  most  of  the  Committees  out  of  towne, 
there  was  no  expectacion  of  their  retourne  till  Tuesday  night  att 
soonest,  and  that  upon  the  Wednesday  they  would  consider  of  all. 
Mr.  Secretary  added  further  that  if  any  thing  were  yet  depending 
betweene  the  Dutch  and  them  undecided,  he  would  willingly  inter- 
pose to  the  States  Embassadors  here  present  for  the  composeing 
thereof,  wherein  his  labour  should  be  to  make  upp  all  breaches 
betweene  both  Companies.  Mr.  Deputy  and  the  rest  gave  his 
Honour  humble  thankes  for  the  mocion,  affirming  it  should  be  a 
greate  favour  to  the  Company  if  a  setled  and  firme  amity  might  by 
his  meanes  be  broughte  betweene  them. 



[Court  Minutes,  ri.  628.] 

Mr>  Munnes  then  signified  to  the  Courte  that  in  Mr.  Governors 
absence  Mr.  Bell  and  himself  had  bene  sent  for  to  Secretary 
Connoway,  whoe  with  much  importunity  requires  payment  of  the 
10,000",  whereto  they  had  answered  that  for  the  first  5000U 
promised,  the  Company  were  resolved  to  make  payement  thereof 
uppon  passing  the  release  and  warrant  for  the  tyme  to  come  ;  and 
thother  5000U  was  not  yet  due.  The  Courte  was  further  made 
acquainted  that  the  draught  of  the  writing  had  bene  delivered  to 
Mr.  Attorney,  whoe  could  do  nothing  therein  untill  he  had  a  warrant 
signifying  the  Kinges  pleasure.  It  was  further  made  knoune  that 
Mr.  Governor  and  Committees  had  attended  and  indeavoured  to 
have  spoken  with  Mr.  Secretary  at  the  Parliament  House  and  att 
the  Counsell  of  Warr,  but  fayleing  of  him,  had  sent  to  him  a  coppy 
of  the  writing  desired  by  Mr.  Bacon  and  Cappur,  of  whome  he 
demaunded  the  Companyes  resolucion  concerning  the  10,000U,  but 
they  haveing  no  direccion  to  say  anything  therein,  Mr.  Secretary 
had  appointed  the  Companies  attendance  yesterday  morning,  where 
Mr.  Governour,  Mr.  Deputy,  Mr.  Bell,  and  Mr.  Abdy  had  accord- 
ingly attended,  and  in  conference  with  Mr.  Secretary  he  earnestly 
insisted  uppon  payment  of  the  10,000li,  useing  many  perswadeing 
arguments  to  induce  the  Company  thereunto,  as  that  it  would  do 
my  Lord  Duke  an  eapetiall  favour,  that  it  would  be  a  good  service 
to  the  State;  that  the  King  should  thanck  them,  and  that  the 
presente  payment  would  be  good  for  the  Company;  and  gave  some 
hope  of  passeing  the  writeing.  But  when  the  Company  pressed  the 
perfourmance  thereof  he  refused  to  give  any  direct  answer  unlesse 
they  would  directly  promise  payment  forthwith,  wherein  they  had 
excused  themselves  as  haveing  no  warrant  from  the  Company  so  to 
doe,  whereuppon,  the  busines  beeing  taken  into  consideracion,  much 
debate  there  was  concerneing  payment  thereof.  Some  thought  the 
Company  should  deale  royally  to  pay,  as  was  promised,  the  King 
graunteing  the  writeing  which  he  had  promised,  and  not  sooner ; 
others  were  of  a  contrary  opinion,  and  observed  that  this  writeing 


will  not  onely  acquitt  the  Company  of  all  past  untill  this  daye,  but 
warrant  their  proceedeings  for  the  future,  and  that  the  time  in 
difference  is  not  past  3  moneths,  it  may  be  not  3  weekes;  for  it  was 
conceived  that  uppon  arrivall  of  the  first  shippes,  payment  of  the 
monney  would  be  required,  and  could  not  be  avoyded,  and  therefore 
it  was  wished  not  to  give  distaste,  but  to  conclude  fay  rely,  and  to 
give  way,  useinge  the  best  meanes  that  might  be  to  lengthen  the 
payments  with  Sir  William  Russell,  or  any  other  that  should  be 
assigned  to  receive  the  same;  but  it  was  objected  that  evill  newes 
may  come  out  of  the  Indies,  and  then  the  King  in  honnor  will  not 
take  the  latter  5000U;  but  it  was  answeared  that  there  was  no 
reason  to  expect  it,  and  the  Courte  was  advised  not  to  be  too 
spareing  in  this  particular,  if  the  writeing  may  passe.  Some  avowed 
if  it  must  be  paid  yet  to  take  defacacion  of  interest,  but  that  mocion 
was  not  approved  of.  Here  it  was  observed  that  it  is  one  of  the 
worst  paynes  belonging  to  a  Committee  to  go  betweene  the  King 
and  the  Company,  and  therefore  it  was  desired  that  the  Committees 
imployed  in  this  or  any  other  busines  of  the  like  nature  may  not, 
howesoever  the  busines  goe,  be  wronged  in  their  reputacions,  or 
scandalized,  seeing  they  faithfully  and  honestly  discharge  the  trust 
reposed  in  them,  and  use  their  best  endeavours  for  the  good  of  the 
Company,  whereto  answere  was  made  that  all  agree  but  one,  and 
he  fayrely  objectes,  but  opposeth  not  the  payement:  and  in  con- 
clusion it  was  gennerally  conceived  that  the  monney  would  be  well 
given,  if  the  writeing  might  be  confirmed,  and  the  resolucion  of  the 
Courte  was  uppon  passeing  of  the  writing  to  pay  the  first  500011; 
and  for  the  other  5000U,  to  make  it  a  certeyne  debt  at  reasonable 
tyme,  which  was  hoped  would  give  content. 

Mr.  Governor  also  reported  Mr.  Secretary  Connowayes  readynes 
and  desire  to  perfourme  any  good  office  for  the  Company  in  the 
accomodacion  of  differences  betweene  us  and  the  Dutch,  to  which 
purpose  it  was  thought  meet  that  the  business  be  drawne  upp  the 
beginning  of  the  next  weeke,  and  presented  in  writeing  to  Mr. 


[Court  Minutes,  vi.  531.] 

24,  May  26.  Mr.  Governour  made  the  Courte  acquainted  that  himself  with 
Mr.  Deputy  and  some  committees,  haveing  bene  therto  summouned 
attended  his  Maty  uppon  Satturday,*  whoe  gave  them  gracyous 
heareing,  beeing  in  his  coach  ready  to  go  abroad,  there  beeing  in 
the  coach  with  him  the  Lord  of  Annand,  by  whose  direccion  they 
presented  themselves  to  his  Ma^,  whoe  in  much  earnestnes  deeire- 
ing  to  have  the  latter  500011,  which  should  not  have  bene  paid 
untill  the  retourne  of  their  next  Zuratt  shippes,  they  did  in  thend 
yield  to.  pay  unto  him  as  had  bene  agreed  at  a  Courte  of  Com- 
mittees houlden  the  same  forenoone  the  said  latter  500011,  provided 
that  in  respect  thereof  his  Maty  would  be  pleased  to  graunte  unto 
them,  as  had  bene  promised,  a  discharge  for  all  thinges  past  be- 
tweene  the  Company  and  others  in  the  Indies,  and  that  some  good 
rule  be  sett  for  their  further  direccion,  whereto  his  Ma^  gave 
ready  consent,  and  Mr.  Governour  acquainted  him  that  the  draught 
is  with  Mr.  Secretary  Conoway,  and  humbly  prayed  the  same 
might  be  viewed  and  passed  accordingly  ;  whereto  his  Maty  gave 
ready  consent,  and  promised  the  same  should  be  perfourmed  the 
next  day,  whereuppon  Mr.  Munnes  and  Mr.  Bell  attended  Mr. 
Secretary  the  next  day,b  and  acquainted  him  how  by  my  Lord  of 
Annandes  meanes  they  had  spoke  with  his  Maty,  and  what  earnest- 
nes he  had  bene  pleased  to  presse  the  payment  of  the  first  and 
second  500011  in  respect  of  his  urgent  occasions;  that  Mr.  Atturney 
then  attending  att  Court,  Mr.  Secretary  had  made  him  acquainted 
with  the  Kinge's  pleasure,  and  that  the  draught  for  all  that  is  past 
was  well  liked,  but  for  the  other  concerning  the  future,  Mr.  At- 
turney desired  to  see  the  wordes  of  the  Companie's  pattent,  which 
haveing  bene  by  order  of  the  Lower  Howse  of  Parliament  delivered 
in  cannot  yet  be  had  out,  but  the  wordes  of  the  pattent  were  said 
to  be  recited  verbatim  in  the  draught  delivered  to  Mr.  Atturney, 
which  notwithstanding  is  no  warrant  for  him  to  ground  uppon,  and 

•  May  22.  b  May  23. 


therefore  the  originall  must  be  had  ;  which  the  Courte  appointed 
should  be  called  for  to  the  Clarke  of  the  House  of  Parliament, 
with  significacion  of  the  reason  why  the  Company  desire  it  It 
was  allso  affirmed  that  when  the  writinges  shalbe  perfyted  the  latter 
5000U  shall  not  be  over  sodainely  urged  out  of  the  Companie's 
handes,  but  it  may  be  100011  a  moneth,  the  same  beeing  for  the 
use  of  the  Navy ;  and  the  Thresuror  thereof  beeing  contented  to 
receive  it  by  monethly  payments. 

[Court  Minutes,  vi.  545.] 

Mr.  Governour  ....  acquainted  the  Courte  that  they  had  bene  1624>  June  16- 
much  troubled  with  the  busines  of  monney  to  be  paid  to  his  Matle 
and  the  Lord  Admirall,  as  if  they  had  bene  slack  in  perfoureming 
of  the  5000U  to  be  paid  to  his  Lp,  and  that  the  complaint  was  allso 
backt  by  one  in  greate  place  aboute  his  Ma^;  whereuppon  Mr. 
Governour  gave  true  informacion  to  his  Ma1?  that  the  busines 
stuck  not  att  them,  but  the  faulte  was  in  those  that  should  have 
procured  for  the  Company  a  legall  discharge  according  to  agree- 
ment, whereuppon  order  was  given  by  his  Maty  that  a  warrant  and 
direccion  of  his  Mats  pleasure  should  be  given  by  Mr.  Secretory 
Conwey  to  Sir  Hary  Martynn  for  the  peruseing  of  the  draught  of 
that  assurance  that  so  it  might  go  to  the  Kinge's  Counsell  learned 
to  be  considered  by  them,  to  which  purpose  Mr.  Secretory  wrote, 
and  his  lettre  was  carryed  by  Mr.  Governour  and  Mr.  Deputy  to 
Sir  Henry  Martynn ;  whoe  thereuppon  resolved  to  do  that  which 
apperteyneth  to  his  parte,  which,  as  he  conceyved,  was  to  over- 
looke  onely  so  much  as  concerned  the  Lord  Admirall,  and  for  the 
rest  that  concerned  his  Maty,  to  leave  the  same  to  Mr.  Atturney, 
and  beeing  more  propper  to  him,  for  which  end  the  draught  was 
this  morning  left  with  Sir  Henry  Martynn. 

[Court  Minutes,  vi.  548.] 

Att  this  Courte  it  was  ordered  that  the  Company  shall  frame  a  1624,  Jnne  18. 
warrant  to  be  signed  according  to  custome  directed  to  Mr.  Thre- 
suror for  the  payment  of  10,000^  to  the  Lord  Admiral . 


[Court  Minutes,  ri.  551.] 

24,  June  23.  Mr.  Governour  acquainted  the  Court  that  after  many  attendances 
uppon  the  Lordes  att  severall  places  both  by  himself  and  Mr. 
Deputy  with  those  Committees  that  have  usually  assisted  in  this 
busines,  as  allso  haveing  understood  from  Mr.  Atturney  that  the 
clause  of  offending  the  Portugalls  in  the  Indies  would  not  be 
graunted,  they  attended  his  Matie  att  Wansted,  whoe,  haveing  ob- 
teyned  audeence,  they  were  required  to  make  payment  of  those 
monneyes  required  by  his  Matle,  whereto  Mr.  Governour  replyed 
that  uppon  receipte  of  the  release  promised  for  the  time  past,  and 
the  warrant  and  direccion  for  the  future,  were  ready  to  pay  the 
monney.  His  Ma*3  answere  was  that  this  was  to  give  them  leave  to 
be  pyrates.  The  answer  was, — the  Company  delighted  neither  in 
blood  nor  rapine,  and  therefore  humbly  besought  his  Maty  would  be  a 
meanes  that  peace  might  be  betweene  the  English  and  Portugalls, 
and  then  there  should  be  no  cause  of  complaint  on  either  side  ;  or 
else  that  his  Maty  would  be  pleased  to  explane  in  what  cases  the 
English  might  defend  themselves  by  offending  others,  if  there  were 
cause.  His  Maty  declared  that  his  meaneing  was  that  the  English 
beeing  assalted  by  the  Portugalls  may  wreke  himselfe  uppon  the 
same  shipp  that  assail  ted  him,  but  uppon  no  other  ;  nor  uppon  that 
shipp  longer  then  till  complaint  may  be  made  hither,  and  order 
from  hence.  Mr.  Governour  made  answere  that  there  is  no  safety 
to  the  English  by  this  limitacion,  and  so  came  away  from  his  Mats 
presence.  After  this,  Mr.  Governour  and  the  rest  were  called  in 
againe,  and  then  his  Ma1*  made  demaund  againe  both  of  the  first 
and  second  500011  affirming  that  he  would  have  both,  and  it 
pleased  a  greate  person  then  present  to  expound  the  not  payment 
of  the  monney  to  be  of  purpose  to  drawe  some  greater  privilidges 
from  his  Ma*7  which  they  should  never  obteyne;  whereto  was 
replyed  that  the  uttermost  ayme  of  the  Company  was  but  to  be  dis- 
charged for  the  time  past  and  allowed  their  just  defence  for  the 
future.  In  conclusion,  his  Ma18  expresse  pleasure  was  that  the 


whole  10,000^  shalbe  paid,  and  Mr.  Governour  haveing  humbly 
desired  respite  for  answere  to  that  latter  500011  untill  after  a 
Courte,  did  therefore  now  desire  to  knowe  the  pleasure  of  the 
Courte  what  answere  he  should  make.  The  Court,  unwilling  to 
oppose  his  Mate  pleasure  signified  as  before,  did  by  ereccion  of 
hands  condescend  and  ordered  that  uppon  the  signing  of  the  Com- 
panie's  discharg  for  that  which  is  past,  the  whole  10,000U  shalbe 
paid,  and  that  the  Company  shall  rest  uppon  his  Mate  grace  and 
favour  for  the  future,  wherein  he  hath  bene  pleased  to  promise  that 
if  they  rest  uppon  him  he  will  deale  gratiously  with  them,  and  that 
he  did  not  deny  any  thing  the  Company  had  a 

Moreover,  Mr.  Governour  acquainted  the  Courte  that  in  con- 
formity to  his  Mate  pleasure  signified  as  before,  Mr.  Atturney  had 
bene  attended  by  himself  and  the  rest  employed  in  that  service,  and 
had  drawen  upp  the  release  for  the  time  past  fitt  for  his  Mats  signa- 
ture, but  had  done  it  without  a  preamble  reciting  the  former  graunt 
in  that  particulars,  which  he  had  caused  to  be  alltered,  and  that  the 
same  was  sent  by  the  Companie's  Secretory  to  the  Courte  then 
resideing  att  Wansted  for  the  procureing  his  Mats  handes  ther- 
unto,  who,  findeing  not  Mr.  Secretory  Conoway  there,  whome  his 
Matie  had  formerly  used  in  the  busines,  entreated  Mr.  Packer  to 
procure  his  Mate  hand  thereunto.  But,  there  beeing  none  present 
but  his  Matte  and  the  Prince  and  the  Duke  of  Buckingham,  the 
penning  of  the  said  warrant  of  discharge  seemed  unto  them  to 
extract  further  then  his  Mats  purpose  was  to  graunt,  and  so  it 
rested  unsigned  att  that  time. 

[Court  Minutes,  vi.  654.] 

Mr.  Governour  reported  to  the  Court  that  the  release  which  was  1624,  June  25 
carried  by  the  Companie's  Secretory  to  Wansted  uppon  Wednesday 
last,b  and  which  his  Maty  was  pleased  to  forbeare  to  signe  att  that 
time,  that  Sir  Henry   Martynn  hath  now  perused  the  same,  and 

•  Left  so  in  MS.  b  June  23. 


findes  it  to  be  fitt  for  the  Kinge's  signature.  The  Courte  therefore 
thought  fitt,  and  so  ordered,  that  their  Secretory  should  attend  Sir 
Edward  Connoway  att  afternoone,  and  acquaint  him  that,  according 
as  had  bene  agreed  att  the  last  Courte,  the  whole  10,000U  is  now 
ready  to  be  paid  so  soone  as  the  said  release  for  thinges  past  shalbe 
signed,  and  that  for  the  future  the  Company  will  rest  uppon  his 
Mats  gratious  goodnes ;  not  doubteing  but  he  wilbe  gratiously 
pleased  to  affoord  the  Company  his  Royall  favour  in  that  particuler: 
allso  to  entreate  of  Mr.  Secretory  Connoway  that  the  Company  may 
have  a  few  wordes  in  writing  under  his  hand  expressing  the  receipte 
of  the  said  10,000U  by  expresse  order  from  his  Ma*?,  and  for  his 
use.  But  while  these  thinges  were  in  agitacion,  Mr.  Oliver,  a  sei- 
vaunte  of  the  Duke  of  Buckingham,  came  into  the  Court,  and 
delivered  unto  Mr.  Governour  the  said  release  for  matters  past 
framed  by  his  Ma%  and  he  undertcoke  tha't  Mr.  Secretory  Conno- 
way shall  give  under  his  hand  a  warrant  to  pay  the  said  10,000"  to 
him,  the  said  Mr.  Oliver,  whoe  being  departed  the  Courte,  informa- 
ciou  was  given  that  divers  of  the  gennerallity  were  of  opinion  that 
this  Court  had  bene  over  forward  in  condiscending  to  give  so 
greate  sommes,  and  that  it  would  come  in  question  att  the  generall 
Courte,  wherefore  it  was  given  in  charge  to  the  Companie's  Secre- 
tory to  looke  upp  those  Courtes  that  were  forborne  to  be  entred, 
because  they  continued81  the  particular  employments  of  Mr.  Gover- 
nour, Mr.  Deputy,  and  others  of  the  Committees  to  his  Maty  for  the 
service  fitt  to  be  inserted  into  the  ordinary  bookes  of  entries. 

[Court  Minutes,  yi.  555.] 

24,  June  25.  The  Courte  entred  into  consideration  what  foarmes  of  warrante 
wilbe  fit  to  be  given  to  the  Thresurors  of  the  Company  for  the  two 
severall  sommes  of  10,000li  apeece  ;  for  the  first  10,000U  allready 
paid  to  the  Lord  Admirall,  it  was  thought  fitt  the  acquittance 
runnes  in  these  wordes,  viz ,  for  10,000U  to  the  Lord  Admirall  in 

*  Sic.  but  perhaps  it  should  be  "  contained." 


full  satisfaction  for  all  pretences  of  right  as  Lord  Admirall  for  all 
accions  past  in  the  Indies  by  sea  or  land  to  the  30  of  Aprill  last  ; 
the  other  warrant  for  10,000U  now  to  be  paid  to  the  King  much 
challenged*  by  his  Matie  for  freeing  the  Company's  servauntes  out  of 
prison,  and  the  Company  from  the  complaint  of  the  Spanish  Em- 
bassador,  and  the  Companie's  shippes  outward  bound  released, 
which  were  secured  by  order  of  the  Parliament,  untill  uppon  pro- 
mise thereof  they  were  after  released. 

18. — Proceedings  of  the  Court  of  the  East  India  Company. 
[Court  Minutes,  vii.  10.     (JExtract^\ 

A  Court  of  Committees  houlden  the  9th  of  July  1624.  1624,  July. 

Mr.  Morris  Abbott,  Govr.  Mr.  Abdy. 

Mr.  Christopher  Clethrow,  Deputy.  Mr.  Browne. 

Mr.  Alderman  Cambell.  Mr.  Mennes. 

Mr.  Alderman  Allen.  Mr.  Smith. 

Mr.  Alderman  Ducy.  Mr.  Crispe. 

Mr.  Treasurer  Stone.  Mr.  Henry  Garroway. 

Mr.  Treasurer  Bateman.  Mr.  William  Garroway. 

Mr.  Westrow.  Mr.  Leate. 

Mr.  Offiey.  Mr.  Cartwright. 

Mr.  Bell.  Mr.  Kirby. 

Mr.  Styles.  Mr.  Eyers. 

Mr.  Venn.  Mr.  Martynn. 

Mr.  Hurby.  Mr.  Keeghtly. 

The  Courte  was  made  acquainted  that  £2000,  part  of  the  £10,000  £2000  partof 

ordered  to  be  paid  to  the  Lord  Admirall  for  his  Maiestes  use,  is  yet  ^  £10,000 
.  ••      lett  unpaid, 

unpaid,  by  reason  there  is  not  come  to  the  Company  that  discharge 

*  In  MS.  "  to  be  much  challenged."  The  sentence  has  been  altered,  and  it  was 
evidently  intended  to  erase  "to  be  "  with  the  words  "for  so  "  which  immediately 
followed  as  it  was  originally  written. 



•which  they  expected  and  was  promised,  viz.  that  Mr.  Secretary 
Connoway  should  signify  in  writing  under  his  hand  the  Kinges 
pleasure  that  it  shalbe  paid  unto  Mr.  Olliver,  and  then  Mr.  Olliver 
to  give  his  acquittance  to  the  Company,  which  is  not  yet  done,  but 

rill  the  receipt  there  ig  £2000  residue  of  the  said  £10,000  tould  out  and  sealed 
be  delivered.  _  » 

upp  by  Mr.  Oliver's  man  ready  to  be  delivered  uppon  receipt  of  the 

said  acquittance  the  monney  be  not  delivered.3  And  they  well 
remembered  that  the  £10,000  after  the  last  treaty  with  the  Dutch 
was  paid  to  the  Lord  of  Annand  for  his  Majestes  use  and  his 
receipte  for  the  same. 

19. — Lord  Conway  to  the  East  India  Company. 

[S.  P.  East  Indies,  vol.  iii.  23.] 

15  July,  1624. 
1624,  July  15.  May  it  please  you, 

His  Majesty  seemes  to  marvell  a  little  that  the  remainder  of 
the  mony  which  was  to  bee  had  from  you  is  not  yett  received. 
His  Majesty  hath  therefore  commaunded  mee  to  signify  his  pleasure 
unto  you,  that  you  deliver  unto  Mr.  Kichard  Oliver  the  ten 
thousand  pounds,  to  bee  employed  in  some  secrett  service  for  his 
Majesty  without  accompt  or  imprest,  And  that  you  receive  an 
acquittance  from  him  to  that  purpose,  wherein  you  may  bee  pleased 
to  give  a  speedy  dispatch,  the  money  being  presently  to  bee 
disposed  according  to  his  Majesty's  direccions.  I  have  noe  more 
in  charge,  and  I  will  add  no  more  but  give  you  this  assurance,  that 

I  am, 

Your  assured  loving  friend, 

Theobalds,  15  Jnly  1624. 

Concordatum  cum  originali. 
EDW.  SHERBURNE,  Secretary  to  the  said 
East  India  Comp. 

To  my  yery  loring  friends  the  Governonr, 
Deputy,  and  Assistants  of  the  East 
India  Company. 

•  Sic. 



[In  the  seventh  article  Buckingham  was  charged  with  procuring 
the  Vanguard,  a  ship  of  the  King's  navy,  and  six  merchant  ships  to 
be  conveyed  to  France,  and  with  compelling  the  delivery  of  the  ships 
to  the  King  of  France  without  sufficient  security  for  re-delivery. 

In  the  eighth  article  he  is  charged  with  knowing  that  the  ships 
surrendered  would  be  used  against  the  protestants  of  Rochelle,  and 
with  falsely  declaring  to  the  Parliament  at  Oxford,  that  they  should 
not  be  so  used. 

The  whole  story  is  an  exceedingly  intricate  one,  and  can  only 
be  understood  with  the  help  of  the  documents  which  are  now 

1 — The  Marquis  of  Effiat*  to  Louis  XII  f, 
[Harl.  MSS.  4596,  fol.  258.] 


Je  ne  croyois  pas  escrire  a  vostre  Majeste  pour  ce  coup  de  peur  1625> 
de  1'importuner,  ayant  faict  une  grande  lettre  a  Monsieur  de  la  Ville 
aux  Clercs  sur  le  sujet  de  ce  courier,  mais  depuis  ayant  este  adverty. 
par  quelques  Huguenots  de   France    que    Soubise  s'estoit  saisy  la 
veille  des  Roys b  de  1'Isle  de  R£  et  qu'il  y  faisoit  un  sort  et  qu'il 
avoit  en  mesme  temps  prins  une  place  en  Xaintonge,  j'ay  voulu 
prevenir  le  Koy  de  la  Grande  Bretagne,  et  luy  ay  faict  connoistre  en 
cette  conjoncture  de  quelle  importance  estoit  cette  damnable  action 

*  Ambassador  of  Louis  XIII.  in  England. 

„  Qn    December  26    Jn        Sistory  Of  ^fc^,  1603-1642,  vol.  v.  p.  304, 1  hare 

January  5. 

erroneously  assigned  to  this  date  Soobise's  capture  of  the  six  French  war-ships  at 
Blavet.  Soubise  did  not  attack  Blavet  till  January  fa,  and  only  succeeded  in  carrying 
off  four  of  the  ships  on  January  £§. 


dont  il  est  tres  facillement  deraeure  d'accord,  et  m'a  dit  avec  des 
marques  d'une  pleine  bonne  volonte  envers  vostre  Majeste  qu'il 
improuvoit  tellement  cette  action,  bien  que  Soubise  fust  son  parent, 
qu'il  1'abandonnoit  absolument,  et  si  luy  ou  quelque  autre  se  mee- 
loient  de  faire  des  folies  en  vos  Estats  il  vous  offroit  toute  sorte 
d'assistance  d'hommes,  vaisseaux  et  de  tout  ce  qui  estoit  en  sa 
puissance.  Je  croy  que  vostre  Majeste  luy  en  doit  faire  remercie- 
ment  tout  entier,  car  cela  1'engagera  tousjours  davantage  en  la 
bonne  volonte  qui  luy  va  croissant  a  veue  d'oeil  et  pour  cet  effect 
luy  en  escrire.  II  m'a  aussy  dit  en  suite  quil  craignoit  quil  n'y  eust 
quelque  chose  d'Espagne,  car  Dom  Carles  Colombo  a  Ambassadeur 
extraordinaire  luy  dist  sur  ce  qu'il  couroit  un  bruit  que  vostre 
Majeste  vouloit  assieger  la  Rochelle  ;  que  si  vous  vous  attachiez  le 
Roy  d'Espagne,  son  Maistre  assisteroit  les  Huguenots  de  France,  et 
qu'il  se  falloit  garder  de  vous  laisser  ainsy  nettoyer  vostre  Estat,  ce 
qu'il  luy  dist  en  grande  confiance  se  voulant  en  cela  servir  de  ces 
intelligences  pensant  luy  faire  un  grand  compliment  estant  lors  en 
grande  intelligence  avec  luy,  voila  comme  il  est  a  present  bien 
guary  de  la  maladie  Espagnolle,  et  si  1'on  ne  laisse  d'avoir  advis  du 
huictiesme  que  Gpndomar  vient,  j'espere  qu'il  ne  fera  pas  grand  mal. 
Je  ne  craindray  point  de  luiter  avec  luy,  1'auctorite  de  vostre 
Majeste  m'asseure  qu'il  y  recevra  un  affront.  Dieu  me  fasse  la 
grace  d'y  estre  aussy  utile  que  mon  devoir  m'y  oblige  estant  de 
vostre  Majeste,  Sire, 

Tres  humble  tres  obeissant  et  tres 

fidelle  sujet  et  serviteur, 

De  Londres  ce  21  Janvier  1625. 

2 — Louis  XIII.  to  the  Duke  of  Buckingham. 

[Harl.  MSS.  4596,  fol.  244  b.] 
Mon  Cousin, 

Vous  recevrez  cette  lettre  par  le  Marquis  d'Effiat  a  mesme  temps 
mille  remerciemens  des  bons  offices  que  je  re9ois  journellement  de 
a  Don  Carlos  Coloma. 


vous  qui  m'ont  este  tesmoignez  par  la  Yille  aux  Clercs,  et  tout  a 
1'heure  nouveaux  moyens  de  me  faire  voir  la  continuation  de  vostre 
affection.  Je  desire  en  ce  recontre  estre  assiste  de  mon  bon  frere 
le  Roy  de  la  Grande  Bretagne  afin  que  toute  la  chrestiente  con- 
noisse  1'union  qui  est  entre  nous,  et  comme  le  mauvais  precede  et 
la  temerite  du  Sieur  de  Soubise  luy  desplaist,  qui  ayant  ose  attaquer 
des  vaisseaux  dans  mes  paisn  et  en  arraer  sans  ma  permission  s'est 
rendu  coulpable  et  va  establissant  dans  1'opinion  de  plusieurs  que 
tous  mes  desseins  au  dehors  seront  eschouez  par  ses  menees  et 
traverses,  ainsy  le  bien  general  de  tous  et  le  contentement  de  mon 
dit  bon  frere,  nostre  commune  gloire  et  la  vostre  ;  je  dis  la  vostre 
et  vous  adjoincts  a  nous.  Nous  tenons  qu'une  bonne  partie  du  succes 
sera  deub  a  vostre  generosite  et  a  vostre  conduite,  laquelle  me 
promet  que  vous  ne  manquerez  pas  de  me  faire  ressentir  les  effets 
de  vostre  amitie,  et  selon  les  demandes  du  dit  marquis  de  me  faire 
avoir  six  ou  huict  navires  de  guerre  les  unes  appartenants  au  dit 
Roy  et  les  autres  aux  marchans  Anglois,  desquels  d'autant  plus  je 
desire  estre  servy  qu'estans  sous  vostre  charge  je  m'asseure  qu'ils 
seront  vaillamment  et  fidellement.  Je  me  remets  au  dit  Marquis  a 
s'estendre  plus  au  long  sur  ce  discours  et  a  vous  faire  sgavoir 
1'impacience  que  j'ay  de  vous  voir  laquelle  augmente  par  le  recit 
qui  m'est  faict  de  vostre  vertu  sur  laquelle  pouvant  establir  une 
amitie  certaine,  je  vous  asseure  que  la  mienne  sera  a  1'espreuve  du 
temps  et  qu'il  vous  fera  quel  est  le  zele  que  j'ay  a  prier  Dieu  qu'il 
vous  ait,  mon  Cousin,  en  sa  saincte  et  digne  garde. 

3—  The  Marquis  of  EJiat  to  Louis  XI IL 
[Harl.  MSS.  4596,  fol.  277  b.] 


Je  receuz  hier  un  pacquet  de  vostre  Majeste  qui  ma  fort  resjouy  1625,  Jan. 
car  elle  me  parle  selon  sa  boiite  ordinaire  qui  me  faict  croire  que  je 
ne  suis  pas  en  si  mauvais  estat  que  1'on  m'a  voulu  faire  croire  puis- 

a  i.e.  in  the  harbour  of  Blavet  on  Jan.  -. 


qu'il  luy  plaist  m'honorer  de  ses  commandemens  que  j'executeray 
de  sorte  quelle  en  aura  contentement  et  les  choses  seront  prestes  au 
plustost,  non  pas  qu'elles  puissent  estre  prestes  pour  la  fin  de  ce 
mois  comme  vostre  Majeste  me  mande,  car  je  n'ay  receu  sa  lettre 
que  le  vingt  cinquiesrne  du  mois  courant  et  lors  tous  les  vaisseaux 
estoient  empeschez  au  passage  du  Sieur  Comte  de  Mansfeld  et  non 
equipez  pour  un  grand  sejour  n'estant  question  que  passage,  et  si  le 
Roy  de  la  Grande  Bretagne  est  a  Neumarquet  qui  est  a  cinquante 
mille  d'icy,  ce  nest  pas  qu'il  y  ait  aucune  difficulte  en  quelque  fa£on 
et  maniere  que  ce  soit  a  1'affaire,  car  vostre  Majeste*  aura  conneu  par 
ma  precedente  comme  sur  le  bruit  que  couroit  j'avois  prevenu  le 
diet  Roy  de  la  Grande  Bretagne.  C'est  pourquoy  il  ne  faul  pas  mettre 
vostre  demande  en  question,  mais  faire  un  compliment  sur  Foffre 
qu'ii  a  faicte  a  vostre  Majeste  par  moy;  1'acceptant  vous  le  priez  de 
vous  ayder  non  des  six  vaisseaux  de  guerre  mais  de  ce  que  vostre 
Majeste  pourra  avoir  quelque  besoin  et  necessite  aux  occasions  que 
jugerez  convenables  pour  vostre  service  speciallement  centre  vos 
rebelles  Rochellois  et  Soubise,  et  vostre  Majeste  se  pourra  asseurer 
qu'elle  sera  bien  et  promptement  servie;  car  pour  ne  perdre  point 
de  temps,  j'en  ay  parle  a  Monsieur  le  Due  de  Bouquinquam  comme 
cela  le  quel  en  est  veritablement  demeure  d'accord  et  cela  estant  de 
sa  charge  particulierement  je  crois  que  tout  cela  ira  comme  il  se 
peut  desirer,  et  m'en  tesmoignant  journellement  un  extreme  desir 
pour  contenter  vostre  Majeste  me  faict  esperer  de  luy  un  parfaict 
acheminement  de  cette  affaire.  II  sera  aussy  besoin  de  faire  quelque 
lettre  de  remerciement  au  Prince  et  se  souvenir  de  ce  qui  le  regard e 
dont  j'ay  donne  advis  par  ma  precedente  et  faire  aussy  compliment 
au  Due. 

$  $  •*  4c  $ 

4 — The  Marquis  of  Effiat  to  Louis  XI II. 

[Harl.  MSS.  4596,  fol.  292.] 

Quant   aux   vaisseaux  que  vostre  Majest^  demande  des  que  le 
Lievrea  est  arrive  j'ay  este  trouver  le  diet  Due  afin  de  depescher  au 

*  A  courier. 


Roy  de  la  Grande  Bretagne  qui  est  a  soixante  mil  d'icy  un  courrier 
par  le  quel  le  diet  Due  luy  escrit  que  suivant  les  offres  qu'elle 
m'avoit  charge  de  faire  a  vostre  Majeste,  elle  les  avoit  acceptees  avec 
Joye  et  le  siipplie  de  luy  aider  de  huict  vaisseaux  de  guerre  et  sans 
attendre  le  commandement,  qu'il  ne  doubte  pouit  d'avoir,  il  a  a 
1'instant  envoye  querir  les  Vice  Admiraux  pour  donner  crdre  que 
les  Roberges  et  les  vaisseaux  que  vostre  Majeste  demande  fussent  en 
estat  pour  faire  voile  au  premier  commandement,  et  demain  il  fera 
dresser  Pestat  des  hommes  et  de  la  despence  des  dits  vaisseaux  par 
rnois,  je  croy  que  vostre  Majeste  scait  qu'en  ces  ehoses  la  1'on  advance 
tousjours  le  mois,  cest  pourquoy  elle  ordonnera  que  1'argent  soit  icy 
a  poinct  nomme  au  jour  de  leur  departement,  je  croy  que  lemeilleur 
est  par  lettres  de  change,  car  elle  perderoit  trop  sur  les  especes. 
II  y  a  un  nomme  Vanelle  qui  m'a  tousjours  faict  tenir  le  mien  a 
deux  pour  cent  pour  1'interest  et  le  change.  II  a  correspondance 
avec  un  nomme  Bierlamakea  qui  est  un  homme  de  grand  credit.  II 
faut  aussy  scavoir  de  voste  Majeste  pour  combien  de  temps  elle 
veut  tenir  les  dits  vaisseaux  afin  de  ne  faire  point  de  despenses 
inutiles.  Je  supplie  aussy  vostre  Majeste  de  me  faire  scavoir 
comment  elle  entend  que  je  me  retire  avec  Mons.  le  Due  de  Bou- 
quinquam  et  quel  service  elle  desire  que  je  luy  rende  par  le  chemin 
afin  que  j'obeisse  comme  je  dois  a  toutes  ses  volontez.  Je  supplie 
tres  humblement  vostre  Majeste"  de  me  les  faire  connoistre  et  avoir 
consideration  sur  mes  precedentes  suppliant  tres  humblement  vostre 
Majeste  de  croire  que  je  ne  pretends  autres  bienfaicts  que  d'estre 
asseure  qu'elle  a  mon  tres  humble  service  agreable  et  qu'elle  croit 
ma  fidelite  au  degre  que  je  1'exerce  priant  tous  les  jours  Dieu  comme 
pour  mon  propre  salut  qu'il  maintienne  et  conserve  vostre  Majeste, 
estant,  Sire, 

Vostre  tres  humble  tres  obeissant 

et  tres  fidel  sujet  et  serviteur, 


A  Londres  ce  28  Jour  de  Janvier  1625. 

a  Bnrlamacchi. 


5 — Louis  XIII.  to  the  Marquis  of  Ejfiat. 
[Harl.  MSS.  4596,  fol.  283  b.] 

J5    Jan.  22  Monsieur  le  Marquis  d'Effiat, 

Feb.  l.  Bien  que  je  vous  aye  desja  envoye  les  lettres  de  remerciement 
que  vous  jugez  necessaires  pour  le  roy  de  la  Grande  Bretagne  raon 
frere  telles  que  j 'ay  creu  convenables  sur  les  ad  vis  que  vous  m'avez 
donnez,  ayant  receu  vos  lettres  du  vingt  septiesme  du  passe  a  j'ay 
resolu  d'en  joindre  une  nouvelle  a  cette  cy,  et  ayant  de  1'advantage 
sur  les  occasions  qui  se  presentent  de  son  affection  m'en  prevaloir, 
si  doncques  vous  ne  luy  avez  rendu  mes  precedentes,  ce  courrier 
arrive  vous  irez  le  trouver,  et  par  Pentremise  du  Due  vous  presserez 
qu'il  m'envoye  des  vaisseaux,  le  f'rais  desquels  ainsy  que  je  vous 
ay  mande  je  payeray  que  je  ne  desire  estre  en  plus  de  nombre  de 
huict  pour  les  joindre  a  d'autres  qui  me  sont  asseurez  pour  composer 
mon  armement  d'un  nombre  regie  de  voiles  qui  fortiiie  de  ceux  Ih, 
et  bien  equipez  sera  suffisant  non  pour  faire  fuir  1'equipage  du 
Sieur  de  Soubise,  mais  pour  donner  de  la  peur  au  plus  puissant 
prince  de  la  terre:  mais  quant  a  1'autre  chef  qui  concern e  le  Prince 
je  ne  scaurois  luy  escrire,  me  rendant  coulpable  par  l'excluse,b  mais  je 
veux  bien  que  vous  n'obmettiez  aucun  office  pour  le  destromper,  et 
pour  ce  regard  je  me  remets  a  ma  derniere  depesche  a  laquelle 
vous  vous  conformerez  entierement  et  estant  enquis  des  raisons  qui 
me  destiennent  d'escrire  vous  direz  celle  la,  adjoustant  qu'il  estoit 
inutile  d'agiter  cette  question  le  Prince  n'ayant  point  eu  de  pensee 
de  passer  la  mer  et  le  Due  vous  1'ayant  dit  et  a  la  Ville  aux  Clercs 
que  seuls  en  m'escrivant  pouviez  donner  lieu  a  ce  discours. 

6 — The  Marquis  of  Effiat  to  Louis  XIII. 
[Harl.  MSS.  4596,  fol.  295  b.] 

Jan.  23   Sir6' 
25)  Feb. 2.    Suivant  ce  que  j'ay  mande  a  Vostre  Majeste"  que  Mons.  de  Bouquin- 

»  No.  3.  i>  ?  Excuse. 


quam  avoit  depesche*  a  la  cour  pour  faire  entre  au  Roy  de  la  Grande 
Bretagne  comme  vostre  Majeste  acceptant  les  offres  qu'il  luy  avoit 
faictes  le  prioit  de  luy  aider  de  huict  vaisseaux  de  guerre,  ce  qu'il  a 
accorde"  et  command^  a  Monsieur  son  Grand  Admiral  si  les  siens 
estoient  tous  occupez  au  passage  de  Monsieur  Mansfeld  ou  n'estoient 
en  estat  de  marcher,  que  1'on  en  prist  huict  des  meilleurs  que  se 
trouveroient  mesme  de  marchands  de  la  compagnie  des  Indes  qui 
sont  les  plus  grands  de  ses  mers  et  les  plus  privilegiez  et  les  mieux 
artillez  et  garnis  de  toutes  choses  necessaires  et  les  plus  promps  a 
marcher  et  qui  sont  tels  Monsieur  de  Bouquinquam  y  ayant  donne 
ordre  de  sorte  que  vostre  Majeste  en  sera  bien  servie  et  prompte- 
ment,  car  ils  sont  prests  au  premier  jour,  et  si  elle  en  avoit  tres 
bon  marche  comme  elle  pourra  voir  par  1'estat  que  je  luy  envoy e 
que  m'a  donne  Monsieur  de  Bouquinquam. 

7 — Marquis  of  JEffiat  to  Mons.  de  la  Ville  aux  Clercs* 

[Harl.  MSS.  4596,  fol  298  b.] 

Vous  verrez  par  celle  du  Roy  a  quoy  nous  en  somnes  touchant 
les  vaisseaux,  et  sans  attendre  les  Icttres  de  complimens  que  je  vous 
demande  qui  seront  tousjours  necessaires,  j'en  ay  use  ainsy,  pour  ne  1625,  a°' 
perdre  point  temps.  Les  huict  vaisseaux  de  cinq  a  six  cens  ton- 
neaux  comme  le  Roy  les  demande  seront  prests  dans  quinze  jours,  . 
et  si  le  Roy  en  a  encore  affaire  d'un  ou  deux  de  huict  a  ne»f  cens 
ou  mille  tonneaux  pour  en  faire  un  Admiral  ou  Vis  Admiral,  nous 
les  pourrons  avoir  mesmes  de  ceux  du  Roy  qui  seront  en  estat 
dans  ce  temps  la.  L'entretien  en  coustera  un  peu  davantage,  mais 
le  service  en  sera  plus  signale.  Quant  a  ceux-cy  je  pense  que  le 
Roy  ne  les  trouvera  pas  chers,  puis  qu'ils  m'ont  faict  voir  par  un 
extraict  de  la  despense,  tant  pour  la  solde  de  deux  cens  cinquante 
hommes  sur  chaque  vaisseau  qui  seront  equipez  et  armez  de  tout  ce 
qui  leur  faut,  et  vivres  pour  six  mois  sans  qu'ils  ayent  besoin  de 

•  Secretary  of  State  to  Louis  XIII. 


mettre  pied  a  terre,  ny  qu'on  leur  fournisse  chose  du  monde ;  tous 
les  boullets  poudres  et  toutes  choses  necessaires  ausdits  vaisseaux, 
et  pour  le  loiiage  du  diet  vaisseau  du  port  de  cinq  a  six  cens 
tonneaux  et  pour  toutes  choses  generallement  quelconques  ils 
reviendront  environ  a  deux  mil  escus  par  mois  chaque  vaisseau  ou 
peu  s'en  fault,  parceque  ce  qu'ils  m'ont  donne  ne  contenoit  que 
ce  que  je  vous  mande,  je  1'ay  trouve  un  peu  trop  general,  Mon- 
sieur de  Bouquinquam  me  1'ayant  promis  par  le  menu,  je  ne  1'ay 
voulu  receuoir  ainsy  Payant  demande  par  le  menu,  de  sorte  que 
nous  verrons  jusqu'a  un  sold  la  despense  en  detail,  et  scaurons 
combien  faut  pour  le  Capitaine,  Lieutenant,  soldat  et  matelot,  quelle 
quantite  de  vivres  et  munitions  y  sont  de  canons  et  toutes  sortes 
d'armes,  mais  cela  estant  un  peu  long  ils  m'ont  diet  que  je  ne  le 
scaurois  avoir  de  trois  ou  quatre  jours:  des  que  je  1'auray  receu  je 
vous  1'envoyeray.  Cependant  je  vous  escris  ce  qui  est  a  ma  con- 
noissance  afin  que  vous  fassiez  tenir  preste  la  monstre  d'un  mois 
estant  le  moins  que  Ton  advance  parce  qu'ils  fournissent  tousjours 
leurs  navires  pour  six  mois  devant  que  de  les  mettre  en  mer.  II  y  a 
les  principaux  officiers  de  la  marine  ausquels  il  est  necessaire  de 
faire  quelque  petit  present  de  la  part  du  Roy  entr'autres  au  Secre- 
taire de  I'Admiraute*  qui  travaille  avec  beaucoup  de  soin.  II 
faudroit  me  faire  scavoir  pour  combien  de  temps  on  les  veut  louer 
et  s'il  ny  aura  point  quelqu'  homme  de  commaundement  francois 
et  ce  que  je  dois  faire  la  dessus.  Vous  ne  m'avez  point  aussy  rendu 
de  response  touchant  MasueP  de  la  chambre  du  lict,  Monsieur  de 
Bouquinquam  dit  que  vous  avez  oublie'  a  luy  rendre  response  tou- 
chant les  vingt  vaisseaux  que  Monsieur  le  Connestable  luy  avoit 
demandez  ****** 
*  ****** 

Vostre  tres  humble  et  obeissant 
et  oblige'  serviteur 

A  Londres  ce  dienxiesme  de  Febvrier  1625. 

Edward  Nicholas.  b  Maxwell. 


8 — Louis  XIII.  to  the  Marquis  of  Ejfiat. 
[Harl.  MSS.  45%,  fol.  306.] 

Monsieur  le  Marquis  d'Effiat.  1625,  Jan-  29 

Vos  lettres  du  deux  de  ce  mois  ra'ayant  este  rendues  hier  sur  le 
midy,  j 'employe  la  mesme  journe'e  a  les  considerer,  et  y  ay  ant  re- 
marque*  de  1' affection  du  Koy  de  la  Grande  Bretagne  et  du  Due  de 
Bouquinquam,  c'est  une  peine  extreme  au  dernier,  je  ne  puis  moins 
que  satisfaire  tous  les  deux,  user  de  remerciement  envers  le  diet  Roy 
pour  les  vaisseaux  qu'il  me  prest,a  vous  ordonner  de  le  luy  faire 
entendre  et  au  diet  Due  des  offices  duquel  je  tiens  cet  advantage,  et 
voulant  m'en  prevaloir  vous  dire  de  haster  Pembarquement  asseure" 
qu'au  premier  jour  et  avant  qu'ils  soient  equippez  vous  aurez  receu 
de  quoy  leur  advancer  la  premier  mois,  ayant  desja  commande  qu'on 
vous  en  envoye  des  lettres  de  change  ainsy  que  par  ma  precedente 
depesche  vous  aurez  peu  apprendre  ce  qui  sera  execute  dans  aujourd 
huy  ou  demain  et  ce  par  la  voye  de  Vanelly  avec  lequel  on  traicte 
la  mesme  lettre  vous  aura  faict  connoistre  que  je  desire  un  vaisseau 
pour  server  d' Admiral  a  ma  flotte  ce  que  vous  ayant  este  offert 
ainsy  que  vous  Pavez  mande  a  la  Ville  aux  Clercs  j'ay  a  desirer  que 
vous  1'acceptiez  sous  condition  que  celuy  la  portera  mon  pavilion  ce 
qui  ne  me  peut  estre  refuse. 

9. — James  I.  to  Louis  XIII. 

[Harl.  MSS.  4596,  fol.  334b.] 

Treshault  ties  puissant  et  tres  excellent  Prince  nostre  ties  cher  et  Ig25  F  b  _«_ 
tres  ame  bon  frere  cousin  et  ancien  aliie.     Encore  que  le  feu  Roy 
vostre  pere  d'heureuse  memoire  ait  este  justement  appelle'  Henry  le 

•  Something  seems  to  have  been  altered  or  omitted  in  the  preceding  lines. 


Grand  pour  avoir  en  effect  reconquis  par  armes  son  Royaume  de 
France,  bien  qu'il  luy  appartenoit  comme  son  propre  heritage, 
neantmoins  vous  avez  raaintenant  faict  une  plus  grande  conqueste, 
car  le  Royaume  de  France  encore  qu'il  estoit  reconquis  par  les 
armes  victorieuses  du  Roy  vostre  dit  pere,  il  luy  appartenoit  de 
droit,  et  par  ce  moyen  il  ne  subjugua  rien  que  ce  qui  estoit  a  luy, 
mais  vous  avez  maintenant  faict  une  plus  grande  conqueste,  uyant 
vaincu  par  vos  deux  dernieres  lettres  si  pleines  de  courtoisie  vraye- 
ment  cordiale  vostre  bon  frere  et  ancien  allie*  et  tous  les  Royaumes 
apartenans  a  luy,  car  nous  nous  confessons  tellement  vaincus  par 
vostre  affection  plus  que  fraternelle  que  nous  ne  vous  pouvons 
rendre  la  pareille  sen  tern  ent  nous  pouvons  vous  promettre  et  asseurer 
en  foy  d'homme  de  bien  que  vous  aurez  le  pouvoir  tousjours  non 
seulement  de  disposer  de  nos  forces  et  royaume  mais  de  nostre 
coeur  de  nostre  personne  et  de  la  personne  de  nostre  fils  si  vous  en 
avez  affaire  (que  Dieu  ne  vueille),  vous  priant  de  vous  asseurer  que 
nous  serons  tousjours  si  loin  de  penser  a  cherir  ou  donner  aucune 
contenance  a  aucun  de  vos  sujets  de  quelconque  profession  de 
religion  qui  oublieront  leur  devoir  naturel  envers  vous,  que  si 
mesmes  nous  pouvons  sur  aucune  occasion  en  avoir  le  vent,  vous  en 
serez  aussy  tost  fidellement  adverty,  et  vous  pouvez  promettre 
qu'en  pareille  occasion  ou  aucune  chose  qui  porroit  tendre  a  1'hon- 
neur  de  vostre  couronne  vous  aurez  tousjours  le  pouvoir  de  disposer 
librement  de  nostre  assistance  comme  si  cettoit  nostre  propre  cause, 
et  sur  cette  verite"  que  nos  interests  seront  tousjours  communs  nous 
prions  Dieu  tres  haut  tres  excellent  et  tres  puissant  prince,  nostre 
tres  cher  et  tres  ame  bon  frere  cousin  et  ancien  allie"  de  vous  avoir 
tousjours  en  sa  tres  saincte  garde.  De  Neumarquet  le  neufiesme  jour 
de  Fevrier  mil  six  cent  vingt  quarte. 

Vostre  tres  affectionne  frere  Cousin  et  ancien  allid, 



10. —  The  Duke  of  Buckingham  to  the  Marquis  of  Effiat. 
[Harl.  MSS.  4596,  fol.  349.] 

Monsieur,  1625,  Feb. 

II  est  advenu  depuis  vostre  partement  qu'en  ouvrant  un  pacquet 
de  lettres  en  presence  du  Roy  mon  maistre  qui  m'avoit  este  adresse* 
non  de  la  part  de  Messieurs  les  Ambassadeurs  mais  d'un  autre,  j'y 
ay  trouve'  un  advertissement  comme  Monsieur  le  Connestable  avoit 
este  rappelle  avec  ses  forces  pour  venir  fondre  sur  la  Rochelle:  ce 
qui  je  n'eusse  pas  volontiers  communique  a  Sa  Majeste,  n'estant 
autrement  fonde  sinon  que  j'ay  este  ainsy  soudoinement  surpris, 
mais  Sa  Majeste  ayant  veu  et  mettant  en  balance  cet  advertisse- 
ment avec  le  retardement  des  trouppes  qui  devoient  joindre  le 
Comte  de  Mansfeld  s'en  est  forte  estonne  et  n'en  peut  faire 
autre  argument  sinon  que  c,a  estoit  un  dessein  de  longue  main 
projette  de  faire  pretexte  de  lever  des  gens  pour  une  si  belle 
entreprise  et  puis  tout  a  coup  de  les  detourner  contre  ceux  de 
la  religion  parquoy  je  vous  prie  de  prendre  cette  occasion  de  re- 
in onstrer  au  Roy  vostre  Maistre  le  danger  qu'il  y  a  de  rallumer  la 
guerre  en  ses  propres  pays  au  lieu  de  la  porter  ailleurs  tant  en  son 
propre  advantage  et  au  bien  commun  de  toute  la  chrestiente  les 
affaires  estans  desja  si  bien  acheminees  et  avec  combien  plus  de 
facilit^  il  pourra  ranger  Monsr  de  Soubize  a  raison  par  1'offre  et  . 
assistance  de  Sa  Majeste  qu'en  divertissant  Monsieur  le  Connestable 
qui  est  bien  advance'  pour  1'employer  contre  luy  outre  le  destourbier 
qui  en  pourroit  survenir  au  traicte'  qu  s'en  va  si  heureusement  ac- 
comply,  enquoy  vous  ne  vous  estes  employe  avec  moindre  affection 
que  Monsieur 

Votre  tres  humble  et  affectionne  serviteur, 


De  Nenmarqnet  le  onzieme  Fevrier,  1624. 


11  —  The  Marquis  of  Effiat  to  Louis 
[Harl.  MSS.  4596,  fol.  327.] 


J'ay  receu  le  quinziesme  du  courant  la  derniere  dont  vostre 
Majest^  m'a  honofe  par  laquelle  elle  me  commande  de  faire  haster 
les  vaisseaux  que  le  Roy  de  la  Grande  Bretagne  luy  preste  au 
plustost,  et  que  j'essaye  d'avoir  un  de  ceux  du  dit  Roy  pour  servir 
d'  Admiral  a  condition  qu'il  portera  le  pavilion  de  vostre  Majeste 
quand  vostre  grand  Admiral  sera  dessous  ce  que  j'ay  obtenu  de  sorte 
que  vostre  Majest^  en  disposera  comme  il  luy  plaira  et  pour  le 
temps  qu'elle  voudra  et  ou  elle  trouvera  bon  de  les  employer.  De 
Borte  que  je  pense  avoir  satisfaict  a  tout  ce  qu'il  avoit  pleu  a  vostre 
Majeste  m'ordonner,  mais  si  elle  veut  estre  promptement  service  il 
faut  envoyer  de  1'argent,  car  jay  faict  advancer  ^out  ce  que  j'ay  peu, 
mais  1'on  ne  scauroit  faire  davantage  si  vostre  Majeste  n'en  envoye, 
car  1'on  a  accoustume'  de  fournir  aux  marchands  tousjours  deux 
mois  pour  le  moins  par  ce  quil  faut  garnir  les  vaisseaux  de  toutes 
sortes  de  munitions  de  yivres  et  de  guerre  pour  tout  le  voyage;  je  ne 
laisseray  de  les  faire  contenterdu  mois  etleur  faire  fournir  d'asseurances 
pour  les  solder  du  temps  qu'ils  seront  au  service  de  vostre  Majeste,  qui 
ordonnera  a  loisir  de  leur  payement  selon  1'estat  qu'elle  en  aura,  car 
elle  ne  le  peut  avoir  au  juste  qu'en  ce  temps  !£,  car  les  marchands  ne 
peuvent  envitailler  les  dits  vaisseaux  qu'ils  ne  sachent  le  nombre 
d'hommes  que  Ton  veut  mettre  dessus,  et  ne  veullent  louer  des 
raattelots  n'y  arrester  des  soldats  qu'ils  ne  soient  bien  asseurez  de 
1'employ  et  du  temps  que  1'on  les  veut  tenir,  a  quoy  je  n'ay  sceu 
donner  ordre  que  vostre  Majeste"  m'aye  mande  pour  combien  elle  les 
veut,  ce  qui  est  besoin  de  me  faire  scavoir  au  plustost  et  m  'envoyer 
la  lettre  de  change,  car  tout  ce  que  j'ay  peu  faire  par  mon  credit  c'a 
este  de  faire  mettre  tous  les  dits  vaisseaux  en  estat  d'aller  a  la  mer 
estants  bien  equipez  et  cordaigez,  voilez  et  garnis  de  canons  et  de 
tout  ce  qui  est  le  plus  long  a  mettre  en  estat,  car  le  reste  va  viste 
allant  comme  Ton  veut  quand  on  a  1'argent.  II  n'y  faut  plus  perdre 
de  temps  car  voicy  le  printemps  ou  chacun  se  garnit  de  tout  ce 


qu'il  pent  avoir  affaire  de  ce  coste  la.  J'ay  aussy  &  faire  ressouvenir 
vostre  Majeste*  que  des  cet  Est£  elle  m'a  command^  d'asseurer  tous 
ceux  ausquels  elle  veut  departir  ses  bienfaicts  et  qui  en  auroient 
satisfaction,  et  que  je  croy  qu'il  faut  donner  aux  Sieurs  de  Sainct 
Antoine,  Du  Thier,  Boislaure,  et  Maxuel  un  homme  de  service  de 
la  chambre  du  lict,  comme  Monsieur  de  la  Ville  aux  Clercs  scait  et 
ce  commencement  ne  peut  donner  les  esperances  que  Ton  desire 
persuader  ceux  qui  en  recoivent  les  bienfaicts  qui  cautionnent  par 
leur  sourd  bruit  ce  que  1'on  en  doit  faire  esperer,  et  neantmoins 
depuis  je  n'en  ay  pas  ouy  parler,  il  n'y  en  a  pas  beaucoup,  c'est 
pourquoy  je  pense  que  le  service  de  vostre  Majeste  veut  que  1'on  y 
donne,  en  ce  temps  ou  il  est  question  de  desraciner  absolument  les 
Espagnols  qui  songent  tousjours  a  cette  cour  y  envoyans  le  Comte 
de  Gondomar  pour  cet  estat;  on  le  croit  a  present  sur  son  partemcnt 
ce  n'est  pas  que  je  le  craigne  beaucoup,  car  1'auotorite  de  vostre 
Majestd  est  trop  forte,  et  si  je  pense  qu'il  vient  a  tard,  car  ie  Roy  de 
la  Grand  Bretagne  este  tellement  prevenu  qu'il  a  diet  a  mon 
arrivee  a  Neumarquet  tout  hault  devant  tout  le  monde  qu'il  estoit 
Fran9ois,  que  ses  Royaumes  et  tout  ce  qui  en  deppendoit  estoit  au 
service  de  vostre  Majeste",  qu'icy  ces  coquins  de  Huguenots  de 
France  (usant  de  ces  termes)  vouloient  faire  quelque  rebellion  qu'il 
iroit  en  personne  pour  les  exterminer  et  tous  ceux  quy  voudroient 
resister  a  vostre  service  et  qu'il  donneroit  ou  vostre  Majeste  vou- 
droit,  a  quoy  je  n'ay  sceu  respondre  que  des  complimens  acceptant 
cet  offre  si  1' occasion  s'en  presentoit  pour  monstrer  1'estime  que  je 
scavoys  que  vostre  Majeste  en  feroit,  et  qu'il  faict  tousjours  bon  de 
Her  taut  que  1'on  peut ;  il  escrit  une  lettre  a  vostre  Majeste  qu'il  a 
dictee  luy  mesme  la  plus  civile  qui  se  peut  imaginer  * 

*  *  *  *  * 

estant  de  vostre  Majeste  Sire 

Tres  humble  tres  obeissant  et 

tres  fidelle  sujet  et  serviteur 


A  Londres  ce  vingtquatriesme  de  Fevrier  1625. 


12. — Louis  XIII  to  the  Marquis  of  Efat. 
[Harl.  MSS.  4596,  foL  336  b.] 

Feb.  21    Monsieur  le  Marquis  d'Effiat, 

'  March  3.  j)&^  rcceu  par  je  §ieur  de  la  Kiviere  le  premier  de  ce  mois  vos 
lettres  du  vingt  quatre  du  passe",  et  avec  elles  une  qui  me  contente 
bien  davantage,  car  quoy  que  les  autres  m'asseurassent  del'affection 
du  Roy  de  la  Grand  Bretagne  et  que  tout  ce  que  j'avois  peu  desirer 
pour  des  vaisseaux  estoit  effectue,  sa  lettre  porte  ce  que  vous  en 
pouviez  dire :  aussy  non  content  de  la  dire  a  ses  Ambassadeurs  et  de 
vous  ordonner  de  1'en  remercier  je  luy  escris  moy  mesme,  jugeant 
que  com  me  il  falloit  estre  Roy  pour  si  bien  parler,  il  faut  1'estre 
aussy  pour  s'exprimer  sur  le  remerciement,  vous  avez  done  a  luy 
rendre  ma  depesche  et  en  ce  rencontre  choisir  les  plus  expresses 
parolles  que  vous  scavez  pour  exp rimer  mon  contentement  et  faire 
valoir  mes  sentimens  que  je  vous  asseure  estre  tous  tels  que  les 
mouvemens  que  vous  avez  remarquez  en  mon  frere  le  Roy  de  la 
Grand  Bretagne  a  qui  je  souhaitte  et  au  prince  son  fils  toutes  les 
vertus  qui  sont  deuz  a  de  si  bons  princes  qu'eux,  et  pour  revenir 
au  contenu  de  vostre  dite  depesche  pour  les  vaisseaux  apres  les 
remerciemens  que  vous  avez  a  en  faire  aussy  au  Due  de  Bouquin- 
quam,  j'ay  a  vouloir  que  vous  les  arrestiez  pour  quatre  mois  de 
service  et  que  vous  conveniez  avec  les  proprietaires  du  fret  les 
autres  despenses  y  attachees,  voulant  qu'ils  soient  tres  bien  artillez 
et  envitaillez  munis  de  voiles  et  autres  choses  necessaires  a  la  navi- 
gation et  fburnis  de  nombre  de  bons  pilottes,  matelots,  canonniers, 
et  autres  officiers,  reservant  seulement  ainsy  que  je  le  vous  ay  mande 
d'y  mettre  les  capitaines  et  les  soldats  ce  qui  ne  peut  estre  refuse, 
1'exemple  des  Hollandois  tres  jaloux  de  la  conservation  de  leurs  bords 
y  conviantles  Anglois;  mais  pour  le  vaisseau  qui  m'est  accorde  pour 
servir  d'Admiral  avec  ordre  de  porter  mon  pavilion,  mon  cousin  de 
Montmorency  montant  sur  la  flotte  je  craindrois  qu'ils  y  feroieDt 
phis  de  difficult^,  et  toutesfois  la  raison  veut  que  les  soldats  qui 
seront  avec  luy  soient  francois  et  qui  entendent  les  commandemens 


qu'il  aura  a  leura  de  dessus  le  quel  je  n'entends  pas  oster  le  capitaine 
particulier  pourveu  qu'il  soit  tel  que  je  m'asseure  qu'on  1'envoye  et 
avec  les  autres  conditions,  et  ayant  a  estre  promptement  servy  de 
cette  flotte  sans  attendre  response  a  mes  precedentes  je  vous  envoye 
cette  lettre  de  change  dont  desja  vous  avez  ouy  parler,  et  ne  man- 
queray  de  donner  ordre  pour  le  payement  de  cette  despense  des 
Theure  qu'elle  sera  certaine,  ce  que  je  ne  puis  scavoir  que  sur  ce 
que  vous  m'en  escrivez,  ayant  resolu  le  nombre  des  mariniers  et 
autres  officiers  qui  seront  sur  chaque  vaisseau.  Pour  ce  que  vous  me 
rnandez  du  Gondomar,  j'ay  mesme  sentiment  que  vous  et  ne  puis 
croire  qu'on  1'envoye  d'Espagne,  si  ce  n'est  pour  faire  des  ouver- 
tures  pour  la  restitution  du  Palatinat,  desquelles  je  m'asseure  qu'on 
se  gardast  bien,  aussy  ne  vous  en  escris-je  qu'en  passant  et  pour  vous 
advertir  d'en  faire  sentir  quelque  chose  au  Due  et  remarquer  son 
sentiment,  lequel  ayant  escrit  a  la  Ville  aux  Clercs  de  quatre  choses 
je  luy  ay  permis  de  vous  faire  entendre  ce  qui  est  des  trois  et  pour 
1'autre  vous  avez  a  dire  que  luy  Due  estant  de  deca  fera  ses  ouver- 
tures  qui  seront  tousjours  tres  bien  receues  et  verra  ce  qui  se  peut 
et  doit  faire  dessus  ou  je  le  desire  avec  impatience,  soit  pour  con- 
clure  le  mariage  de  rna  sceur  et  du  Prince,  luy  tesmoigner  combien 
je  I'ayme  et  pour  faire  mener  au  Roy  son  Maistre  celuy  de  mes 
sujets  qui  recelle  ce  que  le  Prince  vouloit  envoyer  a  ma  soeur,  la 
quelle  certes  et  moy  aussy  somnes  estes  tres  satisfaicts  de  ce  que  le 
Sieur  Cherry  luy  a  apporte,  le  quel  s'en  allant  s'est  charge*  de  faire 
entendre  cela  au  dit  Prince.  Je  ne  manqueray  aussy  envers  les 
Ambassadeurs  d'observer  ce  que  vous  me  marquez  bien  qui  leur 
conduite  en  mon  endroit  m'en  deust  empescher,  estimant  que  c'est 
h,  moy  a  estre  le  plus  sage,  et  sur  ce  je  prie  Dieu  &ca. 

13 — Louis  XI I L  to  the  Marquis  d'  Effiat. 

[Harl.  MSS.  4596,  fol.  356.] 

Reste  maintenant  a  vous  dire  que  j 'attends  les  vaisseaux  de  dela      (    Feb.  25 
avec  impatience  aux  conditions  mentionnes  dans  mes  precedentes        '  M^rcS^T. 
que  j'estime  d'autantplus  iustes  que  moyennant  que  les  soldats  soient 


11  ?  lenr  donner. 


Frangois  je  seray  inaistre  de  1'equipage  et  donneray  preuve  de 
confiance  aux  Anglois  eta  laissant  les  matelots,  canonniers  et  autres 
officiers  de  leur  nation. 

14.  —  The  Marquis  of  Effiat  to  Louis  XIII. 

[Haxl.  MSS,  4596,  fol.  350.] 

Je  receushier  les  lettres  que  le  Sieur  de  Seton  m'a  apportees  de  la 
part  de  vostre  Majeste  et  me  rendray  a  Thiboldz  a  1'arrivee  du  Roy 
de  la  Grande  Bretagne  qui  est  party  de  Neumarquet  pour  y  venir, 
et  essayeray  de  le  disposer  a  tout  ce  que  vostre  Majeste  me  commande  ; 
cependant  je  fais  cette  depesche  pour  supplier  vostre  Majeste  de  con- 
siderer  ce  que  je  luy  escris  par  ma  precedente  et  ce  qui  regarde 
Monsieur  de  Bouquingham,  car  je  croy  qu'il  ne  luy  faut  refuser 
aucune  ceremonie  pour  luy  donner  contentement  leb  service  de  vostre 
Majeste  le  voulant  ainsy  selon  ce  qui  est  a  ma  connoissance. 

Quant  aux  vaisseaux  j'en  ay  escrit  parquoy  je  ne  1'importuneray 
pas  d'une  redite,  attendant  ses  commandemens  la  dessus  et  de  me 
faire  scavoir  resolument  si  elle  veut  que  ce  soient  des  soldats  francois 
dessus,  car  pour  les  matelots  ils  ne  peuvent  estre  que  Angloisj 
quant  aux  soldats  je  ne  fais  point  de  difficulte  que  nous  ne  puissions 
avoir  la  liberte  d'en  mettre  de  Fra^ois,  mais  je  ne  scay  si  c'est  le 
meilleur  par  ce  que  Monsieur  de  Bouquinquam  est  tant  picque 
d'honneur  en  ce  service  y  mettra  des  hommes  tels  que  j'ose  dire  que 
Ton  n'y  en  pourra  avoir  de  meilleurs,  toutesfois  on  les  pourra  mesler  en 
mettant  tant  de  Francois  que  d'autres,  et  1'envie  qui  est  naturelle  aux 
nations  les  portera  a  mieux  faire,  oubientous  Francois;  comme  il  plaira 
a  vostre  Majeste  me  1'ordonner  j'essayeray  de  1'obtenir  le  scachant 
promptement,  je  ne  laisseray  cependant  de  preparer  les  voyes. 

estant  de  vostre  Majeste,  Sire 

Vostre  tres  humble  tres  obeissant  et  tres  fidel  sujet  et  serviteur 


A  Londres  le  11  Mars  1625. 

*  ?  en.  *•  Sic. 


15. — Tlie  Marquis  of  Ejji'it  to  M.  de  la  Villa  aux  Glercs. 
[Harl.  MSS.  4597,  fol.  9  b.] 

Monsieur,  ^ 

Je  n'ay  point  eu  de  response  dessus  ce  qui  est  de  mettre  des  March  fj. 
soldats  Francois  sur  les  navires,  le  Due  asseurant  que  si  on  le  laisse 
faire  qu'il  respondra  au  Roy  de  cette  petite  flotte  la,  de  sorte  qu'il 
en  aura  contentement,  ce  qui  m'a  semble  fort  considerable  afin  de  le 
rendre  comme  garant  de  Pevenment,  ayant  tousjours  a  passer  par 
les  mains  des  mariniers  Anglois,  il  semble  qu'il  suffiroit  que  Mon- 
sieur  1' Admiral    de    Montmorency,  qui    aura,   tousjours   avec   luy 
cinquante  on  soixante  gent'lhommes  de  commandement  et  plusieurs 
homines  de  mer  estant  luy  mesme  a  la  flotte  pourra  faire  monter  sur 
les  vaisseaux  avec  de  ses  gens  de  commandement  tels  hommes  qu'il 
advisera  extraordinaires  et  qui  ne  seront  a  la  solde  ordinaire  n'y 
estans  que  par  occasion,  car  autrement  il  y  auroit  grande  difficult^ 
pour  le  deffray  des  soldats,  et  les  maistres  des  Navires  en  demande- 
ront  beaucoup  plus  qu'ils  ne  valient,  et  feront  monter  la  despense  de 
leur  nourriture  quasi  autant  que  devroit  faire  toute  la  solde,  et  si  il 
est  a  craindre  que  leur  naturel  ne  s'accommode  pas  aucunement  a  la 
facon  de  vivre  des  Anglois  et  qu'ils  ne  portent  pas  si  bien  le  travail 
de  la  mer  qu'eux  pour  ne  1'avoir  habitue  comme  vous  le  pouvez 
scavoir,  qu'il  est  grandement  difficitle  a  la  pluspart  de  ceux  qui 
m'ont  este  jamais  en  guerre  sur  mer  que  la  fatigue  et  la  difference 
de  celle  de  la  terre  faict  que  la  pluspart  ne  pouvant  supporter  cette 
incommodite,  tournant  plustost  a  charge  a  une  armee  navalle  que 
non  pas  au  soulagement  d'icelle,  tant  par  la  foiblesse  dont  ils  sont 
surpris  que  la  pluspart  demeurans  malades  incommode  grandement 
par  ce  moyen  tous  ceux  qui  demeurent  ave  ceux,  et  nonobstant 
tout  cela  je  me  suis  tousjours  tenu  au  commandement  que  le  Eoy 
m'a  faict  jusques  a  temps  que  j'eusse  ordre  de  changer,  cedant  a 
cette  proposition  qui  me  paroist  tres  considerable,  c'est  pourquoy  j'en 
avois  cy  devant  escrit,  et  voyant  que  je  n'ay  point  de  response  j'ay 


ereu  qu'il  estoit  a  propos  de  renvoyer  ce  courrier  pour  en  avoir 
resolution  aussy  qu'il  y  a  une  grande  difficulte  que  je  ne  scaurois 
vaincre,  et  si  je  n'y  puis  ceder  sans  en  avoir  pouvoir,  ayant  mesme 
commandement  au  contraire,  le  Roy  m'ordonnant  de  ne  loiier  les 
vaisseaux  que  pour  quatre  mois,  et  Ton  ne  les  loue  jamais  a  moins  de 
six,  car  les  livrant  environ  le  mois  d'Aoust  les  Marchands  se 
trouveroient  leurs  vaisseaux  sur  leurs  bras  inutillement  tout  le  reste 
de  1'annee,  tellement  que  quand  je  les  feray  contraindre  com  roe  je 
le  pourray  faire,  ils  nous  les  feront  bien  plus  chers,  nous  faisans  quasi 
monter  ces  quatre  mois  a  six  pour  se  recompenser  de  la  perte  de  ce 
temps  la,  ce  qui  semble  estre  neantmoins  raisonnable  les  exemples 
nous  y  condamnans,  neantmoins  auparavant  que  de  passer  plus 
avant  j'ay  estime  qu'il  m 'estoit  necessaire  d'avoir  un  commandement, 
et  afin  d'estre  bien  instruict,  et  que  le  Roy  puisse  former  sa  resolu- 
tion avec  certitude,  j'ay  recouvert  avec  un  peu  de  soin  un  Traite  qui 
a  este*  faict  par  un  Ambassadeur  extraordinaire  de  Venise  que  1'on 
m'a  dit  estre  advantageux,  ayant  lors  interest  qu'il  fust  gratifie,  ce 
qu'il  ma  faict  croire  que  le  modelle  en  estoit  bon,  et  ne  voulant  pas 
adjouster  foy  aux  copies  j'en  eu  mesme  1'original  que  je  vous 
envoye  afin  que  s'il  est  trouve  bon,  soit  en  total  ou  en  partie,  je 
m'asseure  que  je  le  feray  passer,  quoy  qu'ils  veulent  dire  que  les 
temps  ne  se  rapportent  pas;  faictes  moy  done  s'il  vous  plaist  prompt- 
ement  S9avoir  la  volonte  du  Roy  afin  que  je  la  suive,  et  qu'il 
soit  aussy  promptement  servy,  ce  n'est  pas  que  les  vaisseaux  ne 
soient  prests,  1'on  travaille  de  tous  costes  pour  les  provisions  et 
munitions  de  guerre,  mais  la  chose  ne  pent  estre  faicte  au  juste  que 
1'on  ne  scache  le  nombre  d'hommes  que  1'on  veut  mettre  dessus,  et 
lors  je  vous  envoyeray  un  estat  exact  de  toute  la  despense,  et  afin 
que  je  sois  promptement  adverty  par  ce  que  le  Liepvre  se  marie,  je 
vous  prie  de  donner  la  response  a  un  gentilhomme  qui  est  a  moy, 
duquel  j'ay  necessairement  affaire  qui  s'appelle  Ferrand,  et  qui 
partira  des  le  lendemain  que  celle  cy  vous  sera  rendue,  s'il  vous 
plaist  luy  faire  1'honneur  de  le  depescher  ;  excusez  ma  liberte*  puis 


que  vous  le  trouvez  bon  me  Fayant  ainsy  donne  et  que  je  suis  oblige 
de  demeurer  et  estre  tousjours  jusques  au  tornbeau. 

Monsieur  Vostre  tres  humble  tres  obeissant  et  oblige  serviteur, 


Depuis  ma  lettre  escrite  les  marchands  des  Navires  me  sont 
venuz  trouver,  et  m'ont  faict  connoistre  resolument  qu'ils  ne  pou- 
voient  marcher  a  moins  de  trois  inois  d'avance,  et  pour  le  louage  de  six 
mois  je  croy  que  pour  tirer  les  advantages  du  diet  Traite  de  Venise 
qui  sont  grands  a  la  saison  ou  nous  sommes,  et  qui  nous  donneront 
liberte  de  mettre  des  soldats  fran9ois,  il  y  a  necessite  de  passer  par  la; 
ce  qui  me  fasche  grandement  est  qu'ils  m'ont  dit  que  si  je  ne  traictois 
dans  deux  jours,  qui'ils  prendroient  party,  d'autant  qu'ils  craignent  de 
perdre  1'occasion  si  je  venois  a  ne  les  asseurer  quia  ft.ut  que  je  suis 
irresolu  de  ce  que  je  dois  faire :  je  ne  laisseray  neantmoins  dereculer  le 
plus  que  je  pourray  jusques  a  ce  que  j'aye  de  vos  nouvelles  et/  prompte- 
ment  afin  que  scachant  vostre  resolution  j'acheve  d'acheminer  cette 
affaire  a  sa  dernier  fin :  pour  ce  qui  est  des  deux  autres  mois  je  me 
donneray  bien  tousjours  quinze  jours  de  temps  pour  les  faire  tenir  a 
Burlamats,  sinon  je  me  serviray  de  mon  credit,  puisque  nous  sommes 
embarquez,  ayant  desja  donne  1'argent  pour  faire  advancer  le  tout  et 
gaigner  par  ce  moyen  le  temps  qui  nous  est  tellement  si  cherque  leper- 
dant  nous  perdons  beaucoup  qui  ne  se  pourra  de  long  temps  recouvrer. 

Monsieur,  je  vous  diray  que  nonobstant  la  grande  maladie  du 
Roy  de  la  Grande  Bretagne  je  n'ay  laisse'  de  le  voir,  il  a  eu  jusques 
a  sept  acces  de  fievre  dont  le  sixiesme  et  septiesme  sont  aucunement 
diminuez,  de  sorte  que  1'on  croit  qu'elle  cessera  tout  a  faict, 
Monsieur  de  Bouquinquam  persiste  en  la  resolution  qui  je  sois  de 
la  partie  ce  a  quoy  je  vous  prie  de  contribuer.  Quantal'Ambassade 
ordinaire  je  vous  remercie,  et  si  je  me  puis  tirer  sans  visage  de  mal 
content  je  n'y  voudrois  demeurer  pour  rien  du  monde  si  ce  n'estoit 
pour  vostre  service;  je  croy  que  vous  m'entendez  bien  demeurant 

*  Sic. 


pour  ce  faict  dans  les  termes  que  vouc  scavez  qui  est  a  dire  voir 
Madame  en  Angleterre. 

16 — Articles  of  Agreement  made,  concluded,  and  agreed  uppon  the 
25th  day  of  March,  1625.  Betweene  the  Embassador  to  the 
French  King  on  thone  part,  and  the  owners  of  the  shipp  called  the 
G\iff\  of  London  on  tfwther  part,  concerninge  the  fraightinge 
of  the  said  shipp. 

[State  Papers,  France.] 

1.  First  that  the  said  Owners  on  or  before  the  thirteenth  day  of 
the  moneth  of  ApriJl  next  cominge  after  the  date  hereof  stilo 
Anglie  shall  provide  and  deliver  the  said  shipp  well  furnished  and 
armed  with  eighteene  peeces  of  ordinance  and  all  provisions  and 
things  necessary  in  very  good  and  due  manner  that  nothinge  be 
wantinge  to  render  unto  his  most  Christian  Majestic  the  service 
which  he  taketh  her,  and  that  the  C.iptaine  of  the  said  shipp  shall 
duringe  the  tyme  that  she  shall  be  in  service  of  his  said  most 
Christian  Majestic  have  forty  and  seaven  mariners  and  two  boyes 
sufficient  and  able  for  the  guidinge  and  governinge  of  such  a  shipp, 
of  which  nomber  there  shall  be  tenn  gonners  with  Captaine  and 
Mariners  shall  bee  ready  in  the  said  service  and  employment,  and 
shall  be  at  the  direccion  and  appointment  of  such  comaunder 
(beinge  a  French  Gentleman)  as  shall  be  therefore  ordeyned  by  his 
said  most  Christian  Majestic  or  his  said  Embassador.  And  that  the 
said  shippe  shall  serve  his  said  most  Christian  Majestic,  and  shall 
carry  warlike  municion  and  als  other  thinges  which  shall  be  fittinge 
for  the  service  of  the  said  shipp  against  whomescever  except  the 
King  of  Great  Brittaine:  and  that  it  shall  be  lawfull  for  the 
comaunder  or  generall  if  they  or  either  of  them  shall  soe  think 
fittinge  to  putt  more  ordinance  into  the  said  shipp  or  to  change  the 
same  during  the  tyme  of  the  said  shipps  service  for  brasse  ordinance 
soc  as  the  same  exceed  not  the  weight  of  those  ordinance  of  Iron 
which  shalbe  displaced. 


!  And  it  is  agreed  that  all  such  powder  shott  and  match  or  any 
other  thing  as  shall  be  given  or  delivered  to  the  said  shipp  by  order 
of  his  said  most  Christian  Majestic  and  not  spent  in  the  said  service 
shall  bee  by  the  said  Captaine  of  the  said  shipp  redelivered  to  the 
publique  Comaunder.  And  if  the  said  owners  shall  spend  any  of 
the  said  shipp's  provision  in  the  said  service  that  then  his  said 
Majestic  shall  pay  for  soe  much  as  shall  be  soe  spent,  savinge  and 
excepte  the  ordinary  expence  which  shall  concerne  the  said  shippe. 
And  it  is  likewise  agreed  that  if  any  of  the  mariners  of  the  said 
shipp  shall  be  slayne  in  the  said  service  then,  if  the  said  Captaine  shall 
not  within  thirty  dayes  next  after  the  death  of  such  person  provide 
another  in  his  roome,  that  then  his  said  most  Christian  Majestic  or 
his  officers  may  after  the  said  first  thirtie  dayes  expired  deduct 
three  pounds  sterling  per  moneth  for  every  one  soe  slayne  or  that 
shall  be  wantinge  of  the  nombre  of  fiftie  persons  as  well  at  the  first 
shew  or  muster  which  shall  be  taken  of  them  as  alsoe  of  all  other 
musters  when  they  doe  not  supplie  such  wants  with  other  sufficient 
men  as  aforesid,  and  this  is  to  be  understood  when  there  shall  want 
but  one  or  two  but  if  there  be  more  wantinge  the  said  owners 
shall  be  found  to  fill  up  the  nomber  presently  or  els  the  Comaunder 
may  put  men  into  their  places  soe  as  the  shipp  may  be  allwayes 
able  to  serve  haveing  the  nomber  of  mariners. 

In  consideracion  whereof  it  is  agreed  that  that  the  said  Embassa- 
dor  or  his  assignes  shall  pay  or  cause  to  be  paid  unto  the  said 
Owners  or  their  assignes  for  and  in  respect  of  the  fraight  of  the 
said  shipp  for  every  severall  moneth  the  somme  of  x8  per  monetha 
and  that  the  said  owner  shall  have  three  moneths  pay  before  hand 
at  the  rate  aforesaid:  that  is  to  say  at  then-sealeinge  of  theis 
presentes  one  monethes  pay  at  thend  of  fifteene  dayes  nextensuinge 
the  date  of  theis  presentes  thother  two  moneths  pay  provided 
that  if  the  said  other  two  monethes  pay  shall  not  be  paid 
and  performed  on  or  before  thend  of  the  said  fifteene  dayes 

a  Sic.  ?  x8  per  ton. 


next  after  the  date  hereof  and  that  this  presente  agreement  doe  not 
take  effect  then  the  costes,  damages,  interestes  which  the  said 
owners  may  demaund  against  his  most  Christian  Majestic  or  his 
said  Embassador  shall  be  taken  uppon  the  firste  monethes  pay 
which  is  now  advanced  and  paid  beforehand  unto  them,  with  which 
advancement  the  said  Owners  doe  content  themselves  for  all 
damages  in  case  the  said  Embassador  shall  leave  them  and  pro- 
ceed no  further  in  this  agreement.  And  that  the  said  three  monethes 
being  expired  the  said  owners  are  to  have  a  monethes  pay  before 
hand  and  soe  from  thenceforth  to  be  paid  from  moneth  to  moneth 
before  hand  during  the  said  service  and  entertaynement,  which  said 
monethly  pay  is  to  begin  and  to  be  accompted  from  the  eight  and 
twentieth  day  of  this  presente  moneth  of  March,  Old  Stile  of  Eng- 
land :  all  which  said  monethly  payments  shall  be  from  tyme  to  tyme 
made  at  or  within  the  now  dwellinge  house  of  Francis  Mosse 
Notary  sett  and  being  in  Cornehill  in  London. 

And  the  said  owners  doe  agree  for  the  fraight  aforesaid  to  main- 
teyne  the  said  shipp  at  their  owne  charges  with  victualls  apparell 
and  all  other  furniture  fitting,  and  to  pay  and  discharge  the  cap- 
taine  mariners  and  companies  wages  of  the  said  shipp,  and  thereof 
to  acquite  and  discharge  his  said  most  Christian  Majestic,  and  that 
they  will  receave  and  take  into  the  said  shipp  as  many  soldiers  and 
whatsoever  other  minister  officer  or  publique  comaunder  with  all 
their  goodes  as  shall  be  put  aboard  the  said  shipp  for  the  said  soldiers' 
uses,  soe  as  she  may  reasonablie  carry  and  stow  the  same  in  her  over 
and  above  her  own  vitle,  tackle,  and  apparrell,  and  that  the  publique 
comaunder  which  shalbe  put  aboard  the  said  shipp  (being  no  other 
then  a  French  Gentleman)  to  be  named  by  his  -most  Christian 
Majestic  or  his  said  Embassador  shall  at  his  libertie  and  pleasure 
have  and  use  the  greate  cabbin  of  the  said  shipp. 

And  moreover  the  said  Embassador  doth  agree  that  the  said 
owners  and  captaine  may  put  aboard  the  said  shipp  any  goods  pro- 
vision and  other  things  that  shall  be  any  wise  needfull  for  the  use 
and  service  of  the  said  shipp  without  payinge  of  any  custome  for  the 


same  within  the  dominions  of  his  most  Christian  Majestie  and  with- 
out payinge  any  port  charges  duringe  the  said  employment  and  that 
the  said  Embassador  shall  thereof  discharge  the  said  owners  and 
shipp  aforesaid  and  that  all  booties  and  prises  that  shall  be  taken  by 
the  said  Company  and  shipp  thone  halfe  thereof  shall  be  to  and  for 
the  use  of  the  said  owners  captaine  and  maryners  and  thother  halfe 
to  the  disposicion  of  his  said  most 'Christian  Majestie: 

And  it  is  further  agreed  that  the  said  shipp  and  company  shall 
rernaine  in  the  service  aforesaid  by  the  space  of  six  monethes  firme 
accompting  the  monethes  as  they  shall  fall  out  from  the  tyme 
aforesaid  and  at  the  rate  and  price  before  agreed  uppon ;  and  after 
the  said  six  monethes  expired  for  soe  long  tyme  more  as  his  said 
most  Christian  Majestie  shall  please  not  exceeding  in  the  whole 
eighteene  monethes  at  the  rate  aforesaid ;  and  that  the  said  Comaunder 
or  Generall  shall  give  notice  to  the  Captaine  of  the  said  shipp  by 
the  space  of  one  whole  moneth  before  shee  shall  be  dismissed  of  her 
service:  and  if  the  said  shipp  shall  be  dismissed  of  her  service 
within  the  said  first  six  monethes,  that  yet  his  said  most  Christian 
Majestie  or  his  assignes  shall  pay  the  saide  owners  or  their  assignes 
fraight  for  full  six  monethes. 

And  the  said  Embassador  doth  further  agree  that  the  publique 
Comaunder  shall  be  a  French  gentleman  which  shall  have 
the '  absolute  comaund  of  the  said  shipp:  provided  allwayes  that 
the  Captaine  shall  have  the  governernent  of  the  mariners,  dis- 
posinge  of  the  victuall  and  other  furniture  of  her,  and  the  said 
Comaunder  shall  not  alter  or  ordeyne  any  thing  therein,  but  shall 
comaund  the  said  captayne  that  which  he  shall  find  good  for  the 
direccion  of  the  fightes  and  voyages  which  the  said  captaine  shall 
be  bound  to  cause  to  be  executed  by  his  Mariners :  and  that  the  said 
Comaunder  shall  provide  victualls  for  all  such  soldiers  as  shall  be 
put  aboard  the  said  shipp  and  take  order  for  their  quiett  lyveinge 
that  they  disturbe  not  the  said  shipp's  company  in  their  perticuler 
affayres  and  that  the  said  soldiers  or  any  others  which  shall  be  put 
into  the  said  shipp  by  the  Comaunder  or  others  shall  not  without 



the  consent  of  the  said  captaine  spend  any  of  the  victualls  put  in  by 
the  said  owners,  nor  shall  take  or  carry  awaye  the  said  shipp  from 
her  captaine  and  mariners  thereof  but  shall  at  thend  of  her  employ- 
ment deliver  upp  the  said  shipp  with  all  municion,  furniture  and 
other  thinges  now  belonginge  unto  her,  savinge  and  except  that 
which  shall  be  found  to  have  bin  consumed  in  the  ordinary  expence 
and  the  casualties  of  the  seas. 

And  lastly  the  said  owners  doe  agree  that  the  said  shipp  shall 
proceed  according  to  the  Embassadors  direccions,  and  shall  not 
touch  at  any  other  place  to  lade  any  merchandizes  aboard  her.  In 
witnes,  &c.  prout 

This  is  a  copie  of  the  originall  agreement  and  was  examined  by 

KOBT.  NORTON  /  servauntes  to 

No™  pubci 

[Indorsed]   A  Coppy  of  the  Contract  for  the  Merchantes  Shipes. 

17. —  Contract  for  the  Loan  of  the  Vanguard.* 

[State  Papers,  France.J 

Articles  of  Agreement  indented,  made,  concluded  and  agreed  upon 
March  28.  *^e  y8  day  of  March  1625  stilo  Anglie  And  in  the  first  yere 

of  the  raigne  of  our  soveraigne  Lord  Charles  by  the  Grace  of 
God  King  of  England  Scotland  France  and  Ireland,  Defender 
of  the  Faith  &c.  Betweene  the  right  honoble  the  Lord  Anthony 
Kuze  Marquis  d'Effiat  Councellor  of  the  most  Christian  King 
in  his  Councell  of  Estate,  Great  Master  of  the  Mines  of  France 
&c.  of  the  other  parte.  And 

First  whereas  the  Kinges  Majesty  of  Great  Brittaine  in  regard 
of  the  good  correspondance  and  for  the  brotherly  respect  hee 

»  Incorrectly  indorsed  :  *  Contract  made  with  the  French  King's  Ambassador  for 
the  English  shippes  lent  that  Kinge. 

THE  LOAN  OF  SHIPS  TO  THE  FRENCH.        ,   163 

beareth  to  the  most  Christian  King  is  contented  to  lend  and  ymploy 
in  the  service  of  the  said  Kinge  his  said  good  ship  called  the 
Vantguard  beeing  in  burden  about  860  touns  and  tonnage  ;  by 
commaundement  of  his  said  Majesty  of  Great  Brittaine,  the  Com- 
missioners of  his  Navie  undertake  and  promise  before  the  last  day 
of  this  moneth  of  Aprill  next  comeinge  stilo  Awglice  to  deliver  the 
said  ship  furnished  and  armed  with  40  peeces  of  brasse  ordinance  and 
all  provisions  and  things  necessarie  in  good  and  due  manner  fit  for 
the  service  of  the  said  most  Christian  Kinge :  and  that  the  Captein 
of  the  said  ship  shall  during  the  tyme  of  that  service  have  250 
able  men  for  the  guiding  and  governing  of  the  said  ship.  Of  which 
nomber  there  shalbee  30  hable  gonners,  which  Captaine  and  com- 
panie  shalbee  readie  in  the  said  service  and  imploymente  and  shal- 
bee at  the  direccion  and  imploymente  of  such  Coinmaunder  being 
a  principall  nobleman  of  Fraunce  as  shalbee  Admirall  of  the  Fleete, 
thereto  ordeined  by  his  said  most  Christian  Majesty  or  his  said 
Ambassador.  And  that  the  said  ship  shall  serve  his  said  most 
Christian  Majesty  and  shall  carry  warlike  municon  and  all  other 
things  fittinge  the  service  of  the  said  ship  against  whomsoever, 
except  the  Kinge  of  Great  Brittaine. 

Further  it  is  agreed  that  all  such  powder  shott  and  matche  or 
anie  other  thinge  which  shalbee  given  or  delivered  to  the  said  ship 
by  order  of  his  said  most  Christian  Majestic  and  not  spent  in  the 
said  service  shalbe  by  the  Captaine  of  the  said  ship  delivered  to  the 
Admirall  of  the  Fleete,  and  that  if  the  said  Captaine  shall  spend 
anie  of  the  said  ship's  provision  in  the  said  service,  that  then  his 
said  most  Christian  Majestic  shall  paie  for  so  much  as  shalbee  soe 
spente  saving  and  except  the  ordinary  expence,  which  shall  con- 
cerne  the  said  ship. 

It  is  likewise  agreed  that  if  any  of  the  mariners  of  the  said  ship 
shalbee  slaine  in  the  said  service  then,  if  the  Captein  shall  not  within 
thirtie  dayes  nexte  after  the  death  of  such  person  provide  another 
in  his  roome,  that  then  his  said  most  Christian  Majestic  or  his  officers 
maie  after  the  said  first  thirtie  daies  expired  deduct  three  pounds 


sterling  por  moneth  for  every  one  soe  slaine  or  that  shalbee  want- 
inge  of  the  nomber  of  250  persons  as  well  at  the  first  shewe  and 
muster  which  shalbee  taken  of  them  as  alsoe  of  all  other  musters 
when  they  doe  not  supply  all  such  wants  with  other  sufficiente  men 
as  aforesaid.  And  this  is  to  bee  understood  when  they  shall  wante 
but  one  or  twoe,  but  if  there  bee  more  wantinge  the  said  Captaine 
shalbee  bound  to  fill  up  the  number  presently  out  of  the  other 
English  ships  which  are  againe  otherwise  to  bee  supplyed  ;  or  else 
the  Admirall  shall  put  men  into  their  places  soe  as  the  said  shippe 
may  bee  alwayes  able  to  serve  having  her  number  of  mariners  and. 
gonners  convenientes. 

And  on  the  said  ambassador's  behalf,  it  is  agreed  that  the  said 
Ambassador  or  his  assignes  shall  paie  or  cause  to  bee  paid  to  the 
Treasurer  of  the  Kinges  Majestes  Navie  of  England  or  to  his 
assignes  for  and  in  respect  of  the  victualls  and  wages  of  the  said 
Captaine,  Master,  Officers,  and  Companie  of  the  said  shippe  for  everie 
severall  moneth  accompting  calendarie  monethes  the  somme  of  eight 
hundred  poundes  sterlinge  and  cf  lawfull  money  of  England  per 
mensem.  And  that  the  said  Commissioners  shall  have  foure  moneths 
paie  at  the  ensealling  of  these  presents  And  at  the  end  of  the  said 
foure  months  the  said  Commissioners  are  to  have  a  moneths  paie 
before  hand  to  bee  paid  to  the  said  Treasurer,  and  soe  from  thence- 
forth to  bee  paid  from  moneth  to  moneth  before  hand  duringe  the 
said  service  and  entertainemente  ;  which  said  monethlie  paie  is  to 
beginne  and  to  bee  accompted  from  the  daye  of  the  date  of  theis 
presentes  being  the  28th  daye  of  this  instant  moneth  of  March  old 
stile  of  England,  all  which  monethlie  paiementes  shalbee  from 
tyme-to  tyme  made  at  or  within  the  now  dwelling  house  of  Sir 
William  Eussell  Knight,  Treasurer  of  his  Majestes  Navie  scituate 
in  Tower  Streete  London. 

And  the  said  Commissioners  doe  agree  for  the  said  monethly 
paymentes  to  maintaine  the  said  shippe  at  his  Majestes  charge  of 
England  with  victuals  and  wages  and  to  discharge  the  Captaine, 
Mariners  and  Companies  wages  of  the  said  shipp  and  thereof 


to  acquite  and  discharge  the  said  most  Christian  Majestic:  and 
that  they  will  receive  and  take  into  the  said  shipp  as  rnanie 
souldiers  and  such  a  publique  Commaunder  being  Admirall  of  the 
Fleete  with  all  such  goods  as  shalbee  put  aboard  the  said  ship  for 
the  said  Admirall  and  souldiers  uses  soe  as  shee  may  reasonably 
carrie  and  stow  the  same  in  her  over  and  above  her  owne  victualls 
tacle  and  apparell ;  and  that  the  said  Admirall  which  shalbee  put 
aboard  the  said  ship  (being  noe  other  then  a  principall  nobleman  of 
Fraunce  as  aforesaid  to  bee  named  by  his  most  Christian  Majestic 
or  his  said  Ambassador,  shall  at  his  libertie  and  pleasure  have  and 
use  the  great  cabin  of  the  said  shippe  and  during  his  service  rriay 
advance  in  the  said  ship  the  Banner  of  Fraunce:  and  the  Ambas- 
sador doth  agree  that  the  said  Captaine  or  Officers  of  the  said 
shippe  maie  put  aboard  the  said  shippe  aine  goods  provisions  or 
other  thinges  that  shalbee  anie  way  needful  for  the  use  and  service 
of  the  said  shipp  without  paieng  anie  Custome  for  the  same  within 
the  Dominions  of  his  most  Christian  Majestic  and  without  paieing 
anie  porte  charges  during  the  said  ymploymente  ;  and  that  the  said 
Ambassador  shall  thereof  discharge  the  said  Captaine  and  shippe 
aforesaid ;  and  that  all  booties  and  prizes  that  shalbee  taken  by  the 
said  Companie  and  ship,  the  one  half  thereof  shalbee  to  and  for 
the  use  of  the  said  Commissioners,  Capten,  and  Companie  of  the 
said  shippe,  and  the  other  half  to  the  disposicion  of  his  said  most 
Christian  Majestic.  And  further  it  is  agreed  that  the  said  ship  and 
.  Companie  shall  remaine  in  the  service  aforesaid  by  the  space  of  6 
moneths  firme  acoompting  calendary  moneths  from  the  time  afore- 
said and  at  the  rate  and  prize  before  agreed  upon;  and  that  at 
thend  of  the  6  moneths  shee  shall  have  leave  to  retire  herself  and 
retorne  towards  England  free  and  in  a  place  where  shee  maie  set 
saile  without  hindrance  and  that  from  the  place  where  shee  shalbee 
set  at  libertie  and  discharg'd  by  computacion  of  distance  shee  maie 
with  good  winde  and  weather  retorne  in  one  moneth  to  the  coast 
of  this  Realme  of  England :  and  if  in  case  the  ship  cannot  be  dis- 
discharged  at  the  end  of  six  monethes  and  that  the  service  of  his 


most  Christian  Majesty  should  require  to  keepe  her  longer,  it  is 
agreed  that  at  the  place  where  shee  shall  serve  shee  shall  be  fur- 
nished by  his  Christian  Majestic  with  victualls  and  all  other 
necessary  reparacions  and  furniture  as  is  fitting  such  a  ship  for  such 
an  imployment  and  for  her  safe  returne  to  the  Coast  of  England ;  as 
allso  that  the  said  most  Christian  King  shall  allow  for  the  wages  of 
the  Captaine  and  Company  after  the  rate  of  £425  per  mensem  to  be 
paid  as  aforesaid. 

And  the  said  Ambassador  doth  further  agree  that  the  publique 
Commaunder  or  Admirall  shalbe  a  principle  nobleman  of  Fraunce 
who  shall  have  principall  commaund  of  the  ship :  provided  alwayes 
that  the  Englishe  Captaine  shall  have  the  government  of  the 
Mariners  and  Company  and  the  disposeing  of  the  victuals  and 
other  furniture  of  her;  and  the  said  publique  Commaunder  or 
Admirall  shall  not  alter  or  ordeine  anythinge  therein;  but  shall 
commaund  the  said  Captaine  that  which  he  shall  find  good  for  the 
direction  of  the  fights  and  voyages  which  the  said  Captaine  shalbe 
bound  to  cause  to  be  executed  by  his  Marriners  and  Company;  and 
that  the  said  Admirall  shall  provide  victualls  for  all  such  souldiers 
as  shalbe  put  aboard  the  said  ship  and  take  order  for  their  quiet 
liveing  that  they  disturbe  not  the  said  ships  Company  in  their 
particular  affaires  And  that  the  said  souldiers  or  any  others  which 
shalbe  put  into  the  said  ship  by  the  Admirall  shall  not  without  the 
consent  of  the  said  Captaine  spend  any  of  the  victualls  put  in  by 
the  said  Commissioners  ;  nor  shall  take  or  carry  away  the  said  ship 
from  her  Captaine  and  Marriners  thereof,  but  shal  at  the  end  of 
her  employment  deliver  up  the  said  ship  with  all  municion,  furniture 
and  other  things  now  belonging  to  her  saveing  and  excepte  that 
which  shalbee  found  to  have  been  consumed  in  the  extraordinary 
expencc.  In  witness  &c. 


18. — The  Marquis  of  Effiat  to  M.  de  la  Ville  aux  Clercs. 
[Harl.  MSS.  4597,  fol.  43  b.] 


Ce  mot  est  pour  vous  dire  que  j'ay  traicte*  pour  les  vaisseaux,  et  1625,  April  ,^. 
ay  obtenu  toutes  les  conditions  que  le  Roy  demande,  car  tous  les 
soldats  et  capitaines  seront  Francois  et  non  autres,  n'y  ay  ant  que 
les  mathelots  et  canonniers  d'Anglois  qui'  seront  tenuz  de  faire  tout 
ce  qui  leur  sera  commande  par  le  Gentilhomme  Fran9ois  qui  sera  « 
nomme  par  sa  Majeste  ou  par  son  Ambassadeur :  c'est  pourquoy  il  faut 
envoyer  les  noms  de  ceux  que  le  Roy  y  veut  commettre,  car  ils 
auront  le  commandement  absolu  tant  sur  le  Maistre  du  Navire  que 
sur  tout  ce  qui  sera  dedans  le  dit  vaisseau,  qui  est  tout  ce  que  le 
Roy  a  desire,  y  ayant  mesme  adjouste  que  sa  Majeste  a  pouvoir  de 
les  retenir  au  mesme  prix  et  aux  mesmes  conditions  pour  dix  huict 
mois,  et  si  sa  dicte  Majeste  les  peut  licentier  au  bout  des  six  mois 
sans  pouvoir  pretendre  aucun  autre  desdornmagement  que  ce  qu'ils 
ont  receu  leur  ayant  retranche'  avec  beaucoup  de  peine  un  septiesme 
mois  pour  leur  retour  et  qui  neantmoins  leur  est  accorde*  par  le  con- 
tract des  Venitiens  comme  vous  aurez  peu  voir,  en  somme  quej'ose 
dire  que  vous  trouverez  que  le  Roy  n'aura  pas  este  mal  servy  quant 
vous  verrez  les  contracts  que  Monsieur  des  Koches  vous  portera,  car 
ils  ne  sont  pas  encore  tous  au  net,  j'ay  creu  qu'il  estoit  a  propos  de 
1'en  faire  porteur  estant  homme  de  qualite  qui  ne  seroit  pas  bien 
aise  de  s'en  aller  les  main  vuides,  par  la  vous  vourrez  jusques  a  un 
sol  la  despense,  cependant  il  faut  m'envoyer  promptement  des 
lettres  de  change  pour  les  deux  autres  mois  ou  nous  perdrons  non 
seulement  le  temps  mais  aussy  ce  qui  est  advance  estant  ainsy 
stipule  par  necessite  pour  le  desdommagement  des  marchands  qui 
ne  veulent  pas  perdre  temps  et  se  sont  mis  en  advance,  pour 
servir  autant  qu'on  a  este  demande*  et  pour  faciliter  le 
moyen  de  le  faire  tenir  a  Finstant  comme  il  faut.  Je  vous  en- 
voye  une  lettre  de  celuy  qui  a  fourny  les  cinquante  mil  livres  qui 
n'y  a  pas  manque  &  poinct  nomme  et  Fa  bailie  aux  marchand  aussy 


tost  qu'il  a  este  demande.  II  escrit  un  mot  a  Monsieur  de  Rembouillet 
qu'il  fournira  le  reste  ausdits  marchands  pourveu  que  le  dit  Sieur 
de  Rembouillet  luy  en  escrive  et  afin  que  le  Roy  aye  plus  de  com- 
modite  a  se  faire  servir ;  je  vous  envoye  aussy  une  lettre  du  Sieur 
Burlamaccky  escrite  a  Monsieur  Vanelly  par  la  quelle  il  mande 
qu'il  fournira  le  reste  aus  dits  marchands  de  sorte  qu'il  ne  faudroit 
tirer  qu'un  mot  du  diet  Vanelly  adressant  a  Burlamacky,  et  le  Roy 
seroit  seruy  sur  le  champ.  Je  croy  que  le  dernier  seroit  le  meilleur 
par  ce  que  Burlamacky  est  celuy  qui  traiete  et  que  faict  toutes  les 
affaires  des  marchands  de  cette  cour,  et  aussy  qu'il  faut  que  ce  soyt 
luy  qui  responde  des  trois  derniers  rnois,  ce  qu'il  feroit  avec  difficulte 
si  1'on  na  se  servoit  de  luy,  je  croy  qu'il  ne  faut  pas  du  tout  cent 
mils  francs  comme  il  mande  et  que  ce  sera  assez  de  quatre  vingts 
quinze  ou  seize  mil  livres  encore  ne  trouvay  je  pas  qu'il  faut  tant 
pour  la  somme  des  diets  contracts,  mais  il  y  a  quelques  petits  frais 
a  payer  et  quelques  petits  presens  a  faire  aux  Officers  de  la  Marine 
comme  j'ay  desja  mande  qui  certes  y  ont  travaille  avec  tout  soin  et 
diligence,  et  le  dit  Sieur  Burlamacky  y  a  aussy  bien  pris  de  la  peine; 
je  rapporte  le  tout  avec  verite  sans  affecter  rien  que  le  service  du 
Roy  qui  ne  permet  pas  que  Ton  use  de  delay  en  cctte  affaire.  C'est 
pourquoy  je  vous  conjure  au  nom  de  Dieu  de  me  faire  une  prompte 
response  aussy  si  le  Roy  trouve  bon  que  je  fasse  le  voyage  que  je 
lay  ay  mande  il  fault  que  je  fasse  partir  cette  flotte  et  1'envoye  a  la 
mer  au  paravant.  Quant  a  mon  affaire  vous  me  defendez  de  vous 
remercier,  aussy  ne  Pentreprendray  je  pas,  me  trouvant  trop  surmonte 
par  1'obligation  que  je  vous  ay  de  la  quelle  je  ne  me  detacheray 
jamais,  et  espere  avoir  1'honneur  de  vous  faire  connoistre  quelque 
jour  que  je  suis  Monsieur, 

Vostre  tres  humble  tres  obeissant  et 

oblige  Serviteur 


A  Londres  ce  17  Avril  1625. 


Monsieur,  Monsieur  Goring  a  diet  au  Roy  qu'il  croyoit  que  1'ordre 
fust  a  cette  heure  a  Calais.  Je  ne  crains  point  de  dire  le  contentement 
qu'il  en  sera  asseure  il  le  tesmoignera  par  homme  expres,  et  quand  il 
sera  la  il  me  faudra  envoyer  un  mot  de  lettre  par  laquelle  le  Roy  me 
permette  d'aller  a  Calais.  S'il  ne  trouve  bon  que  je  passe  outre.  Le 
gentilhomme  qui  vous  rendra  la  presente  est  Escossois  et  que  le  Roj 
affectionne,  ce  que  j'ay  bien  voulu  vous  tesmoigner  ce  que  je  vous 
supplie  luy  faire  connoistre  que  je  vous  en  ay  escrit  vous  recom- 
mandant  son  affaire  en  general  en  ignorant  le  particulier. 

Monsieur  Herbert  que  vous  connoissez  s'est  offert  de  servir  en 
cette  flotte,  et  quoy  que  je  ne  trouve  pas  a  propos,  neantmoins  je  me 
suis  engage  de  le  tesmoigner  n'estimant  en  cela  que  son  affection,  je 
vous  supplie  done  de  m'en  vouloir  faire  un  mot  de  response  pour 
luy  faire  voir  que  je  ne  1'ay  pas  oublie. 

1 9. — M.  de  la  Ville  aux  Clercs  to  the  Marquis  of  Effiat. 
[Harl.  MSS.  4597,  fol.  5b.] 


Hier  sur  les  huict  lieures  du  soir  Biliault  me  rendit  vostre  lettre  1625,  April  £f. 
du  vingt-uniesme  de  ce  mois,  la  quelle  eust  deub  avoir  une  response 
du  Roy,  mesmement  sur  1'occasion  de  1'envoy  de  Monsieur  le  Che- 
valier de  Rasily ;  mais  il  ne  s'est  peu,  son  absence  de  cette  ville  1'em- 
peschant,  et  le  bien  de  son  service  desirant  que  toutes  choses  post-  ' 
posees,  les  vaisseaux  que  vous  avez  pretez  viennent  sur  nos  costes; 
le  mesme  Biliaut  m'asseure  avoir  laisse  Monsieur  de  la  Riviere  a 
Boulogne  et  prest  a  s'embarquer,  ainsy  crois-je  qu'estant  arrive" 
aupres  de  vous  avec  la  lettre  de  Vanelly  a  Bourlamacky,  il  n'y 
aura  plus  rien  qui  retarde  les  vaisseaux  de  venir,  ce  que  ay  ant  este 
juge  par  Messieurs  du  Conseil,  le  partement  du  dit  Chevalier  a  este 
resolu.  II  ne  fera  pas  sernblant  de  les  visiter,  et  toutesfbis  comme 
homme  bien  entendu,  il  considerera  en  Festat  ou  ils  sent,  et  vous  en 
donnera  advis  sous  main,  afin  que  y  ayant  des  defaults  vous  les  fassiez 



reparer  et  tout  d'un  temps  mettre  a  la  mer,  avec  ordre  d&  luy  obeir 
qui  a  charge  de  les  mener  a  la  rade  de  Dieppe  ou  les  Capitaines  et 
soldats  qui  ont  a  y  estre  dessus  se  trouveront  pour  y  estre  embarquez, 
ce  qui  desormais  ne  se  fera  que  trop  tard,  n'y  ay  ant  plus  d'apparence 
de  paix  avec  les  Rochelois  qui  osent  demander  la  demolition  du  fort, 
et  que  pour  leur  seurete  Monsieur  de  Soubise  demeure  avec  1'equi- 
page  de  mer  qu'il  a  aupres  de  luy,  consentant  a  la  verite  qu'il  passe 
sur  le  mer  de  Levant,  et  demandant  pour  son  frere  une  armee  entiere 
a  sa  devotion  pour  aller  en  Italic,  mais  de  laquelle  on  n'auroit  autre 
asseurance  que  celle  de  leurs  parolles,  sur  la  quelle  je  pense  que  vous 
ne  conseillerez  rien  ;  le  dit  Soubise  ayant  escrit  aux  Ambassadeurs 
je  me  double  qu'ils  ne  manqueiont  d'en  donner  part  a  leur  Maistre 
ainsy  qu'ils  le  doivent,  et  que  de  dela  Ton  vous  parler  a  d'accom- 
moder  cette  affaire  de  quoy  aurez  a  vous  gardez  d'entrer  en  traicte', 
et  vous  consenterez  de  leur  remonstrer  de  quelle  importance  est  cet 
exemple,  et  qu'ils  ne  doivent  f'avoriser  une  rebellion  au  contraire  y 
courre(VJ  sus,  et  ce  par  les  raisons  de  leur  propre  interest:  et  pour  con- 
clusion que  vous  advertirez  Sa  Majeste  de  ce  qu'ils  vous  disent,  leur 
levant  toute  esperance  que  cela  puisse  estre  bien  receu  de  dela  ou 
1'on  attend  les  procurations  que  vous  dites  devoir  estre  envoyees  au 
nom  de  Monsieur  ou  de  Monsieur  de  Chevreuse,  estant  tout  un  que 
1'on  prie  d'espouser  Madame,  pourveu  que  cela  se  fasse  promptement, 
mais  je  croy  quoi  que  vous  ayez  apris  que  cela  se  trouvera  change 
et  que  de  deca  1'on  n'en  veut  qu'une  qui  sera  adressee  au  diet  Due 
de  Chevreuse,  celuy  de  Bouquinquam  continue  a  favor iser  la  France, 
et  le  Roy  en  a  sentiment,  auquel  presentant  le  diet  de  Kasilly,  vous 
aurez  a  dire  que  Sa  Majeste  ayant  est.e  informee  du  Soin  qu'il  a 
pris  a  cet  armement  s'en  tient  son  oblige  et  qu'il  ne  manquera  de 
luy  en  escrire.  Lorsque  les  dits  vaisseaux  estans  sur  les  costes  il  en 
remerciera  la  Roy  son  Maistre  et  vous;  cependant  vous  prevallant  de 
1'amine  qu'il  vous  porte  faictes  en  sorte  que  les  dits  vaisseaux  soient 
bien  artillez.  ***** 


20. — The  Marquis  of  JEffiat  to  M.  de  la  Ville  aux  Clercs. 

[Harl.  MSS.  4597,  fol.  57.] 
Monsieur,  1625,  April 

Je  vous  renvoye  Biliaut  sur  le  champ  pour  vous  dire  qu'avec  bien 
de  la  peine  j'ay  faict  passer  le  navire  du  Roy  qui  est  de  pres  de  neuf 
cens  tonneaux  par  le  mesme  chemin  que  les  autres,  comme  je  vous 
ay  mande'  et  que  la  flotte  des  huict  vaisseaux  est  aussy  belle  que  1'on 
la  scauroit  desirer,  et  m'asseure  que  la  Roy  s'en  trouvera  tres  bien 
servy,  elle  est  toute  preste  et  partira  au  premier  commandement  et 
devant  que  de  m'en  aller  je  la  verray  sortir  du  Havre  pour  aller  ou 
il  plaira  a  Sa  Majeste  1'ordonner,  et  pour  aller  querir  les  capitaines 
et  soldats  Francois  qui  doivent  monter  dessus  n'y  ayant  que  les 
maistres  des  navires,  qui  doivent  rendre  toute  obeissance  aux 
Capitaines  et  gentishommes  Fra^ois,  ensemble  les  matelots  et 
canonniers  qui  font  en  tout  quelques  huit  cens  hommes  qui  mener- 
ont  un  equipage  tres  leste,  ayant  mesme  obtenu  une  courtoisie  du 
Due  de  Bouquinquam  sur  ce  que  je  luy  ay  raporte  apres  avoir  este 
visiter  les  navires  et  ayant  este  adverty  par  quelques  capitaines  de 
mes  amis  que  j'avois  mene  avec  moy  pour  faire  la  visite  plus  exacte, 
qu'ils  trouvoient  dans  quelques  vaisseaux  des  marchands  les  canons 
trop  petits,  il  m'a  promis  d'en  faire  prendre  dans  les  magasins  du 
Roy  de  tel  calibre  que  1'on  jugera  estre  necessaire  pour  les  faire 
mettre  en  leur  place.  De  sorte  qu'il  n'y  aura  rien  qui  empesche  , 
que  le  Roy  soit  servy  a  poinct  nomme  envoyant  de  1'argent  pour 
achever  de  payer  les  deux  derniers  mois  comme  je  vous  ay 
rnande  par  mes  precedentes  ou  nous  perdrions  toutes  nos  advances, 
estant  une  clause  que  je  n'ay  sceu  vaincre  et  a  la  quelie  le  Roy  me 
commande  de  ceder,  c'est  pourquoy  je  vous  supplie  de  me  mander 
une  prompte  resolution  la  dessus,  car  cela  m'arresteroit  tout  court. 
S'il  vous  plaist  d'en  donner  le  voyage  a  Monsieur  de  Pradines  il 
fera  bonne  diligence,  et  en  aurois  bien  affaire  pourveu  toutesfois  que 
ce  fust  sans  importunite*  car  autrement  je  ne  vous  en  oserois  prier. 



21.— TJie  Marquis  of  Efat  to  Louis  XIII. 

[Harl.  MSS.  4597,  fol.  79b.] 
1625,  Sire, 

Incontinent  que  j'ay  receu  la  lettre  de  change,  je  n'ay  manque  de 
fairc  mettre  les  vaisseaux  en  estat  de  partir  au  premier  commande- 
ment  que  je  recevrois  de  vostre  Majeste  pour  les  faire  aller  ou  elle 
ordonneroit,  et  Monsieur  de  Razilly  venant  derriere  j'ay  envoye 
querir  les  capitaines  de  navires  afin  de  faire  demain  une  reveue  et 
voir  s'il  y  avoit  quelque  chose  a  redire  pour  1'accommoder  et  de  les 
mettre  a  la  voile.  Monsieur  des  Roches  porte  tous  les  contracts  de 
vostre  Majeste  et  un  extraict  par  lequel  elle  verra  netteinent  1'estat 
de  cette  despense.  Monsieur  le  Chevallier  de  Razilly  les  a  veuz 
qui  en  estime  les  conditions  et  admire  le  bon  marche.  j'espere  que 
vostre  Majeste  en  aura  contentement  nous  avons  eu  quelques  disputes 
pour  celuy  du  Roy  et  y  a  eu  peine  de  le  faire  passer  par  les  clauses 
de  ceux  des  marchands,  neantmoins  je  1'ay  emporte'  et  mesme  oste  la 
demande  d'un  mois  de  retour  qu'ils  pretendoient,  suivantla  coustume 
des  mariniers  a  ce  qu'ils  disent,  a  quoy  j'ay  dautant  plus  resiste  que 
cela  eust  tire  a  consequence  et  eust  couste  un  mois  de  monstre  a 
toute  la  flotte.  II  a  fallu  employer  cinq  ou  six  jours  a  ce  debat, 
I'affaire  s'estant  vuidee  au  Conseil,  ou  j'ose  asseurer  que  vostre 
Majeste  a  des  serviteurs,  entr'autres  Le  Garde  des  Seaux,  Le  Grand 
Tresorier,  Le  Chancellier  de  1'Eschiquier,  Monsieur  le  Grand  Cham- 
bellan,  et  Monsieur  son  frere.  Le  petit  Edmonda  qui  est  tout  fran9ois 
supplie  vostre  Majeste  de  dire  un  mot  a  Messieurs  les  Ambassadeurs 
a  ce  qu'il  puisse  estre  faict  Baron,  c'est  une  chose  qui  ne  couste  rien 
et  que  1'on  estime  beaucoup  en  ce  pais,  car  ils  sont  pairs  du  Royaume. 
Je  suis  aussy  oblige*  de  tesmoigner  que  le  pere  de  Monsieur  de 
Montaigu  President  au  Conseil  se  porte  a  tout  ce  qu'il  croit  estre 
utile  au  service  de  vostre  Majeste,  ainsy  tous  Messieurs  du  Conseil 
firent  passer  I'affaire  com  me  je  la  demandois,  le  succes  fust  accom- 
pagne  d'une  civilite  tres  grande,  car  voyans  que  les  Commissaires  de 
1'Admiraute'  avoient  employe  pres  de  dix  mil  francs  par  mois  pour 

•  Sir  Thomas  Edmondes. 


le  seul  louage  du  navire,  ce  qu'ils  trouverent  tres  mauvais  et  en 
firent  rapport  a  Monsieur  de  Bouquinquam  qui  ne  manqua  de  le 
representer  au  Roy,  comme  il  le  ialloit,  ce  qui  le  toucha  de  telle 
sorte  que  tout  en  fougue  il  ]es  envoya  querir,  et  les  menaga  de  les 
chasser,  et  qu'il  n'estoit  point  marchand,  et  commanda  que  1'on 
deschargeast  le  louage  de  dix  mil  francs  par  mois,  a  quoy  il  se  mon- 
toit;  de  sorte  que  vostre  Majeste  ne  payera  que  les  deux  cens  cinquante 
hommes  mariniers  et  canonniers  qui  sont  dessus  et  les  poudres  de 
dix  huict  mil  francs  que  se  montoit:  la  despense  de  ce  navire  par 
mois  elle  ne  revient  qu'a  huict,  qui  sont  vingt  mil  escus  d'espargne 
pour  les  six  mois  et  soixante  sur  dix  huict  si  vostre  Majeste  les 
retient  tant  comme  elle  a  la  liberte,  et  le  mois  de  retour  que  nous 
avons  espargne  qui  se  fust  monte  apres  de  cinquante  mil  francs,  et 
cette  despense  estant  ainsy  racourcie,  j'espere  qu'au  lieu  que  je 
craignois  n'avoir  pas  assez  pour  payer  les  trois  mois  d'avance  et  tous 
les  frais  qu'il  fault  faire  devant  Vembarquement,  nous  aurons  de 
quoy  payer  quatre  ou  peu  s'en  faudra,  et  au  lieu  de  cinquante  mil 
escus  et  plus  qu'il  eust  fallu  pour  achever  ces  six  mois  il  n'en  fault 
qu'environ  vingt  deux  mil  pour  toute  la  despense  de  cette  flotte, 
comme  vostre  Majeste  verra  par  1'estat  et  quitances  que  je  luy 
envoieray  au  premier  jour,  ne  les  pouvant  retirer  que  les  vaisseaux 
ne  soient  prests.  Je  croy  que  vostre  Majeste  doit  faire  quelque 
remerciement  de  cette  generosite  au  Roy  de  la  Grande  Bretagne  par 
ses  Ambassadeurs  et  luy  en  escrire  et  a  Monsieur  de  Bouquinquam, 
car  la  courtoisie  est  toute  entiere:  mesme  a  cette  heure  que  je  loue 
des  vaisseaux  de  tous  costez  et  en  ay  mesme  loue  vingt,  il  y  a 
£355  st.  C'est  pourquoyj'ay  combatu  cette  courtoisie  ne  la  voullant 
accepter,  disant  que  ce  n'estoit  point  de  louange  du  vaisseaux  du 
Roy  qu'ils  tiroient,  mais  celuy  de  ceux  qu'ils  louoient  en  sa  place. 
Neantmoins  apres  tout  il  a  fallu  passer  par  leur  civilite,  k  la  quelle 
le  Roy  de  sa  bouche  a  adjouste  qu'il  estoit  au  service  de  vostre 
Majeste",  et  tout  ce  qui  dependoit  de  luy,  ce  qui  rapporte  tres  bien  a 
ce  commencement  et  premier  advis  que  j'avois  donne  a  vostre  Majeste. 
Monsieur  Des  Roches  est  parfaictement  instruict  de  toute  cette  flotte 


et  entretiendra  voste  Majeste,  il  a  contribue  de  son  coste  tout  ce  qui 
se  peut  pour  son  service  et  confesse  avec  verite  qu'il  y  a  grandement 
servy,  et  encore  que  le  sujet  de  son  voyage  fust  cesse  a  son  arrivee, 
il  n'a  laisse  de  le  rendre  utile,  ce  que  je  suis  oblige  de  tesmoigner, 
car  nous  avons  travaille  ensemble  avec  tout  le  soin  qui  nous  a  este 
possible,  estant  de  vostre  Majeste" 

Tres  humble  tres  obsissant  et  tres  fidel  sujet  et  serviteur 


Si  je  n'estois  extraordinairement  asseure  de  la  bonte  de  vostre 
Majeste  je  n'oserois  luy  represcnter  qu'il  y  a  tantosfc  un  an  que  je 
suis  en  ce  pais  sans  avoir  receu  un  sol  tant  a  cause  de  la  charge  que 
j'exerce  en  ce  lieu  que  pour  celle  de  domestique  que  j'ay  1'honneur 
d'estre  pres  de  vostre  Majeste  n'ayant  rien  eu  de  mes  appointemens 
en  toute  1'annee  passee  et  n'oserois  en  parler  n'estoit  la  necessite  de 
mes  miserables  affaires,  et  les  grandes  despenses  qu'il  m'a  fallu  faire 
mesme  si  la  mort  du  Roy,  ou  j'ay  faict  revestir  de  dueil  tous  ceux 
de  ma  maison,  et  1'arrivee  de  Madame  qui  me  donnera  sujet  de  les 
redoubler,  estant  question  d'autres  nouvelles  livrees,  ce  que  je  luy 
represente  avec  le  moins  d'importunite  qu'il  me  sera  possible,  neant- 
moins  suppliant  vostre  Majeste  de  n'y  avoir  esgard  que  selon  que 
sa  bonte  et  liberalite  accoustume  luy  pourra  persuader  a  que  je 
demande  de  tout  mon  coeur  tres  humblement  pardon  de  la  liberte  que 
j'ay  prise  par  1'importunite  que  je  vous  faicts  en  vous  demandant 
toutes  choses  qui  sont  veritablement  pour  mon  utilite  particuliere, 
mais  aussy  qui  regarde  vostre  service. 
A  Londres  ce  sixiesme  jour  de  May  1625. 

22 — A  Warrant  from  my  Lord  Admirall  for  our  departure  with 

the  fleet  for  the  French  Service. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  ii.  37.] 

Whereas  his  Majestic  aswell  for  his  brotherly  respecte  and  cor- 
1625,  May  8.  ,  .  ,      , 

respondency  with  the  b  rench  King  as  for  other  reasons  to  him 


knowne  hath  beene  pleased,  at  the  motion  of  his  Ambassador  to  sett 
out  for  his  service  the  Vanguarde  (a  principall  shipp  of  his  owne 
Navy  royall)  and  further  to  permitt  an  agreement  to  be  made  with 
you,  the  captaines  masters  and  owners  of  the  good  shipps  called 
the  Neptune,  the  Industrie,  the  Perle,  the  Marygold,  the  Loyaltie, 
the  Guifte,  the  Peter  and  John  for  the  like  employment  in  the  said 
King's  service,  upon  such  articles  as  are  interchangeably  sealed 
betwixt  the  said  Ambassador  and  the  Commissioners  for  the  Navy 
on  his  Majestes  behalf  and  you  (the  said  masters  and  owners)  for 
yourselves  ;  and  his  Majestes  pleasure  hath  been  sufficiently 
signifyed  for  the  putting  in  readines  of  all  the  said  shipps  which  I 
doubt  not  is  accordingly  performed,  the  occasion  of  the  said  King's 
service  requiring  all  convenient  expedicion.  Theis  are  therefore  to 
will  and  require  you  and  every  of  you  forthwith  to  call  the  com- 
panies aboarde  which  have  beene  raised  and  fitted  to  every  shipp 
according  to  former  instructions  on  that  behalf ;  and  then  to  take 
the  first  oportunitie  of  winde  and  weather  to  proceede  in  your  voyage 
to  such  a  porte  in  the  dominions  of  Fraunce  as  the  Ambassador 
shall  direct,  and  there  to  attend  the  further  directions  of  such  prin- 
cipall person  as  shalbe  appointed  Admirall  of  the  Fleete  prepared 
for  the  service  of  the  French  King,  Requiring  further  all  Vice 
Admiralls  and  officers  of  the  Admiraltie,  Captaines  of  Castells  and 
Fortes,  Captaines,  Masters  and  Owners  of  Shippes,  Maiors,  Sheriffes, 
and  Justices  of  the  Peace,  Bayliffes,  Constables  and  all  other  his 
Majestes  Officers,  Ministers,  and  loving  subjectes  and  every  of  them 
to  give  you  all  meete  assistance  and  furtherance  and  not  to  hinder 
or  interrupt  you  or  any  of  your  shipps  or  company  in  the  due  per- 
formance of  the  service  aforesaid  as  they  will  answere  the  contrary 
at  their  perills.  From  Whitehall  8  of  Maye  1625.' 


To  my  very  loving  frends  Captaine  Pennington  Captaine  of  his 
Majestes  Shipp  the  Vantguarde  and  to  the  Captaines  and  Masters 
of  the  seven  shipps  .ippoynted  for  the  service  of  the  French  King 
and  to  every  of  them  and  to  all  others  whome  it  maye  concerne. 


23. — Sir  John  Coke  to  Captain  Pennington. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  ii,  74.] 

1625,  May  18.  Sir,  for  your  better  understanding  of  the  Instructions  given  by  the 
Lord  Admiral  and  specially  of  the  articles  of  contract  betwixt  the 
French  Ambassador  and  the  Commissioners  of  the  Navie,  I  am  by 
direction  to  informe  you  first  that  no  clauses  therin  may  bee  strained 
to  ingage  or  imbroile  you  and  the  ships  and  companies  under  your 
command  in  the  civil  warres  of  the  French,  if  anie  happen:  or 
against  them  of  our  religion  in  that  kingdom  or  elswher:  and 
secondly  that  the  true  intention  of  your  imploiment  is  to  serve  the 
French  King  against  the  foren  enimies  and  opposers  of  his  honor 
and  state  and  the  interests  of  both  kingdoms  and  of  the  common 
cawse  of  their  confederacie  with  us  at  this  time  :  and  becawse  the 
states  of  the  United  Provinces  do  herin  joyne  with  us,  you  are  for 
the  better  discharge  of  your  dutie  and  satisfaction  to  the  French 
cheifly  to  insist  (if  you  shal  bee  pressed  therunto)  uppon  this  con- 
junction with  them,  from  which  you  may  not  recede  or  devide  in 
anie  wise:  and  to  testifie  your  union  with  their  fleet,  you  are  to 
communicate  with  their  Admiral  in  your  intentions  and  councels 
and  correspond  in  al  good  offices  of  mutual  assistance  and  regulate 
your  proceedings  on  both  parts  by  this  common  interest  in  the  ser- 
vice, wherin  their  ingagement  is  the  same  with  ours.  In  other 
things  you  must  take  care  to  keep  peace  and  good  quarter  with  the 
French  and  to  advance  that  Kings  service  and  honor  according  to 
the  trust  his  Majeste  reposeth  in  you  to  that  ende :  and  so  in  all 
your  worthie  indevors  wishing  you  good  and  happie  success  I  rest 
Your  assured  frend  to  serve  you 

Whitehall,  May  18, 1625. 


24 — Captain  Pennnigton  to  Lord  Conway. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  ii.  83.] 

My  right  Honorable  good  Lord  1625,  May  22. 

Let  it  please  you  to  understand  that  even  now  I  have  received  a 
letter  from  your  Lordship  directed  to  me  or  to  my  Lieutenant  in 
my  absence  by  which  you  had  given  power  to  him  to  have  gone 
away  with  the  fleete,  if  I  had  not  bene  here  present  and  therby 
condemning  me  of  neglect  of  his  Majesties  service.  If  your  Lord- 
ship please  to  remember  I  had  not  my  dispatches  from  his  Majestic 
till  Thursday  last  at  three  or  foure  of  the  clocke  in  the  after  noone 
and  my  last  from  Sir  John  Coke  not  till  past  six.  And  the  next 
morning,  at  seaven  of  the  clocke,  I  tooke  my  journey  with  all  ex- 
pedition towards  my  shippe,  and  landing  at  Gravesend  about  two, 
where  finding  the  great  Neptune  {one  of  my  fleete)  ryding,  I  made 
some  stay  to  gee  aboard  of  her  to  speake  with  the  Captaine  to  know 
the  cause  why  she  was  not  fallne  downe  as  well  as  the  rest,  which  I 
understoode  from  him  to  be  partly  for  want  of  men  of  which  they 
were  not  fully  supplyed  in  number  as  also  the  badnes  of  the  weather 
by  contrarie  windes  which  kept  them  from  going.  And  having 
spent  a  litle  tyme  in  the  ay  ding  of  them  to  proceede,  I  posted  away 
toward  my  shippe,  arryving  at  Deale  in  the  Downes  the  next  day 
(being  yesterday)  by  noone,  where  I  found  such  fbule  weather  that 
I  am  not  able  yet  to  gett  aboard,  neither  hath  any  boates  gone 
aboard  or  comen  a  shore  this  foure  dayes,  the  stress  of  weather  hath 
beene  such ;  all  which  if  your  Lordship  please  duely  to  consider 
(which  I  doubt  not  of)  you  shall  find  that  no  neglect  hath  bene  in 
me  for  the  performance  of  his  Majesties  commandes,  for  I  had  rather 
perish  then  be  guiltie  therm  :  therefore  I  humbly  beseech  your 
Lordship  to  acquaint  his  Majestic  how  and  with  what  diligence  I 
have  proceeded  hitherto  and  with  all  that  I  find  many  of  the  pro- 
visions for  my  shippe  wanting,  without  which  I  cannot  goe  forward 
as  namely  fourscore  and  one  tunnes  of  beere  all  my  coupers  store 

CAMD.  SOC.  2  A 


and  part  of  my  bowson,  gunner  and  carpenters  store,  for  all  which 
I  have  taken  order  to  be  supplyed  with  the  best  care  and  expedition 
I  can.  Yet  may  it  please  your  Lordship  had  all  my  provisions  bene 
aboard  and  my  whole  [company]  prepared  and  bene  together  and 
the  wynd  and  weather  never  so  faire.  Nevertheles  having  received 
a  command  from  his  Majestic  by  Sir  John  Coke  to  detract  the  time 
as  much  as  I  could  for  the  wafting  over  of  the  Queene  (for  which 
service  I  was  appointed  though  with  privacie)  I  could  not  depart 
without  a  discharge  of  that  command.  Therefore  I  humbly  beseech 
your  Lordship  to  take  these  thinges  into  your  noble  consideration 
and  that  these  reasons  satisfying  your  Lordship  you  wilbe  pleased 
to  deliver  your  opinion  of  them  to  his  Majestic  and  beleeve  there  is 
none  that  shalbe  more  tender  to  do  service  to  his  Majesties  honour 
then  my  selfe.  And  thus  my  good  Lord  having  bene  to  tedious 
[torn]  which  my  many  particulers  exacted  I  now  [humbly]  take 
my  leave  with  request  to  be  continued  in  your  Lordships  favour  and 
good  opinion  and  will  remaine 

Your  Lordships  ever  humbly 
to  serve  you 


Deale  the  22  of  May  1625. 

25. — Captain  Pennington  to  Lord  Conway* 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  ii.  98.] 

1626,  May  27.  Right  honorable  my  very  good  Lord 

I  writt  to  your  Lordship  the  22th  of  this  Instant  in  answere  of 
your  letter  which  I  received  but  an  hower  before,  whereby  I  adver- 
tised your  Lordship  of  many  things  that  I  then  wanted  of  which  I 
am  since  furnished  with  the  greatest  part  and  have  now  all  my  fleete 
about  me,  being  readie  to  take  the  first  faire  wind  and  weather  if  I 
have  not  order  to  the  contrarie  for  which  I  humblie  beseech  your 

"  Secretary  of  State. 


Lordship  that  I  may  speedilie  receive  his  Majesties  pleasure  whether 
I  shall  with  the  first  faire  wind  proceede  on  my  voyage  or  stay  for 
the  wafting  over  of  the  Queene  according  to  order  given  me  by 
word  of  mouth  from  Sir  John  Coke  one  of  his  Majestes  Masters  of 
Requestesand  principall  Commissioner  of  his  Majestes  Navie  Royall. 
Hiere  is  also  at  this  instant  a  new  busines  falne  out,  wherewith  I 
hould  my  selfe  bound  to  acquaint  your  Lordship.  Here  is  one  Monr 
Razilli,  Chevalier  de  Malta  came  aboard  to  me  and  is  here  with  me 
at  this  present,  who  shewes  me  a  Commission  from  the  French 
Ambassador  (the  copie  whereof  I  send  your  Lordship  here  inclosed) 
by  which  he  pretends  and  layes  clay  me  to  have  principal  power  and 
command  over  his  Majesties  shipp  the  Vanguard  wherein  I  serve  and 
all  the  rest  of  this  fleete  in  as  ample  maner  as  if  the  Lord  Admirall 
of  France  or  any  other  noble  man  of  qualitie  (whom  their  King  shall 
appoint)  is  to  have,  which  is  contrarie  both  to  the  Articles  of  the 
Contract  and  my  Instructions.  Therefore  once  more  I  humblie 
besech  your  Lordship  that  I  may  speedely  know  his  Majestes 
pleasure  in  this  particular  as  in  the  former  And  also  that  you  wilbe 
pleased  to  give  commandment  to  the  Maior  of  Dover  to  furnish  me 
with  two  sufficient  pilots  for  the  Coaste  of  France  one  for  Deepe 
and  the  other  for  Havre  de  Grace  we  being  destitute  of  such  and 
dare  not  proceede  without  them  wherewith  I  have  acquainted  the 
Maior  allreadie  by  my  letters,  but  he  denyeth  to  furnish  me,  unles 
I  will  contract  with  them  at  their  owne  rates,  which  I  have  no 
power  to  doe.  Thus  having  no  other  cause  of  stay  but  your  Lord- 
ships resolution  concerning  these  three  particulars  and  faire  wind 
and  weather  I  humblie  take  my  leave  and  will  remaine  ever 

Your  Lordships  very  humble  servant 

From  abord  the  Vanguard 
in  the  Downe  the  27th  day  of 
May,  1625. 


26. — Lord  Conway  to  Sir  John  Coke. 
[State  Papers,  France.] 

1625,  Sir'  . 

May  21.    [?]        His  Majesty  hath  beene  much  moved  att  the  delays  of  Sir  Ferdi- 

nando  Gorge  touchinge  the  shippe  hee  had  undertooke,  and  because 
it  will  bee  the  utter  ouerthrow  of  the  voyage,  if  it  bee  not  gonne 
away  presently,  his  Majesty  hath  commaunded  mee  to  will  and 
require  you  by  all  meanes  to  hasten  it  away  or  els  to  shew  the 
impossibility  of  it,  I  have  writen  to  Captaine  Pennington  to  repaire 
immediately  to  his  charge,  and  least  his  absence  should  any  way 
hinder  the  voyage,  I  have  given  order  to  his  Lieftenant  in  such  a 
case  to  pursue  the  emploiment.  I  commende  the  other  busines  to 
your  care  and  myselfe  to  bee  esteemed  of  you. 

27. — Act  of  Council. 
[Privy  Council  Register.] 

1625,  May  29.  Upon  remonstrans  lately  made  to  this  Board  by  the  Marqueis  de 
Fiat,  the  Lord  Ambassador  here  resident  for  the  French  Kinge 
against  Sir  Ferdinando  Gorge  for  having  fayled  in  his  contract 
made  with  the  said  Lord  Ambassador  for  the  making  readie  of  a 
shipp  named  and  fitted  for  service  and  bringing  her  to  the  place  of 
rendevouz  by  the  tyme  lymited  in  the  said  contract  (the  neglect 
wherof  tended  not  a  little,  as  was  urged  by  the  Lord  Ambassador, 
to  the  prejudice  of  the  King  his  master's  service)  theire  Lopps  much 
mislyking  the  carriage  of  Sir  Ferdinando  Gorge  therein,  did  then 
order  Sir  Ferdinando  Gorge  to  be  presently  comitted  to  prison 
and  to  make  repayment  of  all  such  entertaynement  as  he  had 
received  aforehand  by  virtue  of  the  said  contract.  Neverthelesse 
this  day  it  is  offered  from  the  said  Lord  Ambassador  (much 
in  favour  of  the  said  Sir  Ferdinando  Gorge)  that  in  case  the 
said  Sir  Ferdinando  shall  within  three  daies  next  after  the  uate 
hereof  bring  good  certificate  that  his  shipp  is  arry  ved  at  the  place 
of  her  rendevouz,  manned  and  furnished  as  by  the  contract  it  was 


agreed  she  should  bee,  that  then  the  said  Lord  Ambassador  would 
forbeare  to  take  advantage  of  his  former  neglects,  and  the  benefitt 
of  theire  Lopps  order ;  this  Board  hath  theruppon  thought  fitt  and 
accordingly  ordered  that  Sir  Ferdinando  Gorge  should  be  called 
before  the  table  and  required  to  perforate  the  same,  or  otherwise  in 
case  he  shall  sayle  herein  that  then  theire  former  order  be  reaffirmed, 
and  the  said  Lord  Ambassador  to  have  the  benefitt  thereof  against 
the  said  Sir  Ferdinando  Gorge.* 

27. —  Captain  Pennington  to  the  Earl  of  Pembroke. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iii.  71.] 

Eight  Honble  my  singular  good  Lord 

Upon  the  9th  of  this  moneth  earely  in  the  morning  I 
from  the  Downes  with  a  south  south  west  winde  for  the  Roade 
of  Deepe  with  the  rest  of  my  fleete.  The  tyde  of  ebbe  being  spent 
I  was  forced  to  let  fall  an  ancker  thwart  of  Folstone  to  stopp  the 
tyde  of  floud,  having  no  wind  to  stemme  it.  Upon  high  water  I 
weighed  againe  the  wind  coming  favourable  for  us  at  north  east 
and  east  north  east  so  that  we  stood  away  our  cours  south  and 
by  east,  but  it  continued  not  long,  for  about  ten  of  the  clocke  in 
the  night  the  wynd  vired  about  to  the  north  and  from  thence  to 
the  north  west  and  blew  marvelous  hard,  with  fogg  and  raine  that 
we  durst  not  put  over  for  the  French  shore  but  plyed  it  offe  and  on 
upon  our  owne  coast  between  Faire  Lee  and  the  Nass,  doing  our 
best  to  get  in  under  it  to  ancker  there,  which  we  all  did  at  the  last, 
after  48  howers  boylting  to  and  againe  with  very  foule  weather,  only 
the  great  Neptune  my  Vice-Admirall  whom  we  lost,  not  knowing 
what  has  become  of  him,  but  hope  they  have  gotten  some  place  of 
safetie.  Upon  Sunday  morning  the  twelfth  of  this  moneth,  the 
weather  began  to  be  temperate,  so  we  weighed  againe  with  the 

a  On  the  31st  Gorges  was  released  from  the  consequences  of  this  order,  the  am- 
bassador being  satisfied  that  the  ship  had  arrived  at  the  rendezvous.    P.  C.  R. 


wind  at  south  and  stood  offe  east  south  east ;  about  two  of  the 
clocke  the  wind  came  up  at  north-east  and  east-north-east,  then 
we  stood  over  south  and  by  east  and  south-south-east  with  all 
the  sayle  we  could.  The  next  morning  about  ten  of  the  clocke  we 
came  to  an  ancker  in  the  Koade  of  Deepe  in  ten  fathome  water  in 
safetie,  where  we  found  a  very  ill  roade  and  foule  grounde.  And 
wheras  the  French  Ambassador  tould  our  Soveraignes  sacred  Majestie 
that  the  Admirall  of  France  was  here  readie  to  imbarke  himselfe 
with  all  his  provisions,  may  it  please  your  Lordship  I  find  it  other- 
wise for  he  is  at  Paris,  to  whom  I  have  sent  to  let  him  know  I  am 
here  with  seaven  sayle  of  shippes  to  attend  his  commandes,  and  with 
all  humbly  to  pray  him  that  I  may  speedelie  know  how  he  will 
dispose  of  us,  for  that  this  is  no  place  for  us  to  stay  in,  unles  the 
weather  were  more  temperate  than  we  find  it,  without  running  a 
greate  deale  of  hazard.  Further  your  Lordship  may  please  to 
understand  that  I  cannot  learne  of  any  provisions  that  are  here 
readie,  especiallie  munition  of  powder  and  shott  and  the  like  with- 
out which  I  am  not  able  to  goe  upon  any  service,  I  having  brought 
no  more  out  of  England  then  for  the  garde  of  the  ship  hither  and 
backe,  being  to  be  supplyed  here  for  the  voyage.  Neither  do  I 
heare  of  any  thing  readie  only  of  1700  souldiers  and  mariners  which 
ly  readie  to  be  put  aboard  of  us,  viz* :  two  hundreth  aboard  each  of 
the  marchants  shippes  and  300  for  my  shipp  besyde  the  Admiralls 
train,  which  they  say  wilbe  at  the  least  fif'tie  or  sixtie  more.  This 
same  captaines  of  the  companies  which  have  bene  aboard  of  me 
delivered  unto  me.  But  so  it  is  (if  it  please  your  Lordship)  that 
by  the  Instructions  I  have  under  my  Lord  Admiralls  hand,  I  am  to 
receive  no  more  aboard  his  Majesties  shippe  wherein  I  command 
save  the  Lord  Admirall  or  some  other  principall  noble-man  of 
France  with  such  a  convenient  traine  as  I  am  able  to  accommodate 
and  to  stow  victualls  for  And  into  each  of  the  marchants  shippes 
not  above  halfe  the  number  of  their  owne  shippes  companie.  Now 
how  to  compose  this  great  difference  to  give  content  on  both  sydes 


I  know  not,  but  will  endevor  to  doe  it,  (when  I  shall  speake  with 
the  Lord  Admirall)  with  the  best  reasons  I  can  give  him.  Never- 
theles  resolving  not  to  infringe  the  Instructions  which  T  have  from 
my  Lord  Admirall  my  shipp  being  allreadie  fully  man'd  having 
250  men  aboard,  which  number  is  as  many  as  ever  she  caried,  and 
I  am  not  able  to  stow  my  six  monethes  victualls  for  them,  but  am 
constrained  to  put  30  tunns  of  my  beere  aboard  the  marchants 
shippes  and  yet  I  want  roome  in  hould  to  put  downe  my  cables. 
And  upon  these  reasons  I  must  ground  my  refusall  for  receyving 
any  more  aboard  than  I  am  injoyned  to  by  my  Instructions  though 
I  know  they  will  press  me  much  therunto  by  the  wordes  of  the 
Contract  which  ly  open  for  them.  As  also  upon  another  clause  in 
the  Contract,  which  is  that  we  are  to  feight  against  any  nation  that 
they  command  us  except  our  owne.  Let  it  please  your  Lordship 
further  to  understand  that  those  captaines  which  were  aboard  with 
me  tould  me  that  this  preperation  was  against  Monsieur  Soubize 
and  Eochel,  the  like  report  is  comonly  bruited  upon  the  shore, 
though  my  selfe  have  not  bene  there  to  heare  them  but  as  they  are 
brought  unto  me  by  those  that  have  bene  at  the  towne.  But  for 
this  I  have  a  speciall  command  by  a  letter  from  Sir  John  Coke  one 
of  his  Majesties  Masters  of  Eequesies,  in  his  Majesties  name,  not  to 
engage  my  selfe  or  the  rest  of  my  shippes  in  any  of  the  civill 
warres  of  France,  or  against  any  of  our  religion  in  that  kingdome 
or  elsewhere,  by  which  you  may  perceive  in  how  difficult  a  busines 
I  am  imbarked.  Therfore  I  humblie  beseech  your  Lordship  to  take 
these  things  into  your  noble  consideration  that  I  performing  his 
Majesties  commands  and  my  Lord  Admiralls,  if  any  complaint  shall 
come  against  me  from  the  French  (as  doubtless  there  will)  that  your 
Lordship  will  be  pleased  to  mediate  to  his  Majestie  on  my  behalfe 
that  I  may  not  be  censured  till  I  shall  returne  to  render  an  accompt 
of  my  cariage  in  this  busines.  Thus  craving  pardon  for  my  tedious 
and  rude  lynes  and  humblie  desyring  the  continuance  or  your  Lord- 
ships favor  and  good  opinion  of  me,  which  I  shall  ever  indevor  with 


my  best  diligence  to  preserve,  I  humblie  take  my  leave,  remayning 
ever  Your  Lordship  very  humblie 

to  do  you  service 


From  aboarde  the 
Vanguard  in  Deepe  Roade 
the  15th  of  June,  1625. 

28. — Louis  XIII.  to  the  Duke  of  Chevreuse  and  M.  de  la  Ville 

aux  Clercs. 

[Harl.  MSS.  4597,  fol.  195.] 

1625,  Jnne  tf.  Mon  Cousin  et  vous  Monsieur  de  la  Ville  aux  Clercs  1'impatience 
en  laquelle  j'estois  d'entendre  des  nouvelles  du  Roy  de  la  Grande 
Bretagne  mon  bon  frere  et  beau  frere,  et  de  la  Royne  ma  soeur  vous 
doit  faire  juger  combien  m'a  este"  agreable  1'advis  que  vous  m'avez 
donne  de  son  heureux  passage  par  vostre  lettre  du  23  de  ce  mois 
le  quel  j'espere  estre  bien  tost  servy  de  leur  entreveue  que  je 
souhaitte  accompagnee  de  tout  bonheur  pour  nostre  commun 
contentement.  Par  cette  mesme  depesche  j'ay  bienvoulu  vous  faire 
s^avoir  qu'ayant  este  adverty  de  Farrivee  des  huict  vaisseaux 
Anglois  a  la  rade  de  Dieppe  ils  ont  este'  visitez  et  a  este  trouue 
qu'ils  estorent  du  tout  differends  du  port  que  j'avois  espere  par 
la  promesse  qui  m'en  avoit  este  faicte,  et  nullement  conformes 
au  contract  passe  sur  ce  sujet  par  le  sieur  d'Effiat,  et  que  ceux  qui 
commandent  dessus  ont  dit  qu'ils  avoient  charge  de  leur  Roy  de  ne 
recevoir  sur  le  plus  grand  que  cinquante  hommes  et  sur  les  autres 
que  trente  ou  quarante,  en  sorte  qu'il  y  resteroit  tousjours  au  moins 
deux  fois  autant  d' Anglois  de  plus  que  de  Fran9ois.  Que  les  dits 
vaisseaux  ne  sont  pas  artillez  comme  ils  doivent  estre,  qu'il  n'y  a  pas 
assez  de  poudre  ny  de  boullets,  ce  qui  vous  fera  peut  estre  bien 
juger  que  ceux  qui  sont  sur  les  dits  vaisseaux  out  pense  que 
difficilement  je  m'en  pourrois  servir  au  temps  que  j 'en  aurois  affaire, 
veu  que  les  boullets  de  calibre  ne  se  trouvent  pas  en  un  instant  en 
un  lieu  ou  il  n'y  a  pas  beaucoup  de  vaisseaux  ne  me  voullant  plaindre 
que  de  ceux  qui  m'appartiennent.  Je  ne  puis  que  je  ne  vous  temoigne 
que  j'eusse  pense  que  le  sieur  D'Effiat  et  le  Chevallier  de  Rasilly  que 


j'y  ay  envoye  expres  pour  les  visiter  eussent  fait  pourvoir  plus 
exactement  a  cet  armement,  de  plus  qu'ils  ne  veullent  point  charger 
les  victuailles  qui  ont  este  preparees  a  Dieppe  pour  la  nourriture  des 
soldats  et  officiers  Frar^ois  que  j'y  veux  mettre  dessus,  ce  que  j'ay 
bien  voulu  vous  faire  particulierement  entendre  afin  que  prompte- 
ment  vous  fassiez  remedier  a  ces  deffaux  et  y  donner  les  ordres 
conformes  a  ce  que  je  puis  et  dois  desirer.  Je  vous  diray  franche- 
ment  que  je  n'ay  pas  este  peu  estonne  quand  j'ay  apris  ce  que  je 
vous  mande,  veu  qu'apres  avoir  attendu  longtemps  ce  secours  que 
je  desire  du  Roy  mon  frere,  il  semble  que  je  suis  prive  d'en  recevoir 
aucun  fruict  par  1'estat  auquel  on  m'envoye  les  dits  vaisseaux  et  par 
les  difficultez  dea  ceux  qui  leur  commandent  font  de  recevoir  ceux 
quel'ona  tousjours  bien  sceu  que  j'y  voulois  mettre  de  ma  part.  Le 
Roy  mon  dit  beau  frere  jugera  bien  qu'il  ne  seroit  pas  raisonnable 
de  mettre  mon  Admiral  avec  cinquante  fran9ois  sur  un  vaisseau  ou 
il  y  auroit  deux  cens  cinquante  Anglois.  Ce  n'est  pas  que  je  ne 
tienne  les  dits  Anglois  m'estre  aussy  asseurez  que  les  Frangois,  mais 
il  jugera  bien  luy  mesme  que  la  bienseance  ne  le  permet  pas.  Je 
m'asseure  qu'il  connoistra  que  je  fais  volontiers  ce  qu'il  m'est 
possible  pour  son  contentement,  ce  qui  se  passe  en  Allemagne  et  ce 
que  j'ay  dit  a  mon  cousin  le  Due  de  Bouquinquam  le  justifie  assez. 
Mon  dit  cousin  'de  Bouquinquam  estant  Admiral  remediera  sans 
doubte  a  tout  ce  que  dessus,  en  sorte  que  vous  n'aurez  pas  grande 
peine  d'obtenir  du  Roy  mon  beau  frere  ce  que  je  demande  et  qu'il 
le  desirera  autant  que  moy.  Ce  que  j'attens  done  c'est  un  ordre 
d'Angleterre  et  un  commandement  tres  expres  a  ceux  qui  sont  sur 
les  dits  vaisseaux  Anglois  de  prendre  sur  iceux  le  nombre  de 
Franyois  que  je  voudray,  qu'ils  recevrout  toutes  les  victuailles  et 
munitious  qui  leur  seront  necessaires,  et  d'autant  qu'il  y  a  trop 
d' Anglois  sur  les  dits  vaisseaux  pour  le  port  dont  ils  sont,  qui  est 
beaucoup  moins  que  celui  dont  ils  doivent  estre.  Je  desire  aussy 
que  le  Roy  mon  frere  donne  ordre  a  ce  qu'il  ne  demeure  point  des 

*  ?  que. 
CAMD.  SOC.  2  B 


dits  Anglois  s'il  se  peut  sur  1' Admiral,  et  au  cas  que  vous  ne  le 
puissiez  obtenir,  qu'il  n'y  en  ait  sur  celuy  la  que  cinquante  et  sur 
tous  les  autres  a  cette  mesme  proportion  et  egalite,  ainsy  que  vous  le 
jugerez  plus  a  propos  sur  les  lieux  et  selon  le  memoire  du  port  des 
dits  vaisseaux  que  je  vous  envoye  apres  la  visite  exacte  qui  en  a 
este*  faicte  a  Dieppe  a  leur  arrive'e,  et  ferez  en  sorte  que  le  nombre 
des  Fra^ois  passe  de  beaucoup  celuy  des  Anglois.  Je  desire  que 
vous  me  rendiez  prompte  response,  car  mes  affaires  ne  me  permettent 
pas  d'attendre  davantage  a  me  servir  des  dits  vaisseaux  ou  a  me 
resoudre  de  ne  le  faire  pas,  ce  que  j'aymerois  mieux  que  ne  les 
recevoir  a  conditions  telles  qu'ayant  1'apparence  de  quelque  secours 
je  n'en  puisse  avoir  1'effect.  Vous  representerez  done  mes  sentimens 
tels  que  vous  les  pouvez  juger  et  au  Koy  mon  beau  frere  et  a  mon 
dit  Cousin  de  Bouquinquam,  et  me  rendez  ce  service  avec  soin  et 
prompte  diligence,  puisque  1'estat  de  mes  affaires  le  requiert  sans 
aucun  retardement,  priant  Dieu  qu'il  vous  ait  mon  cousin  et  vous 
Monsieur  de  la  Ville  au  Clercs  en  sa  saincte  et  digne  garde. 
Escrit  a  Fountainebleau  le  vingt  septiesme  jour  de  Juin  1625. 

Signe  Louis, 

et  plus  bas  Potier 

29 — Captain  Pennington  to  Mons.  d*  Ocquerre? 

[State  Papers,  France.] 
1625,  June  if.  Monsieur, 

Je  vins  mouiller  1'ancre  ycy  lundy  dernier  environ  dix  heures  du 
matin  avecq  sept  navires,  1'autre  navire  nous  estant  egare*  par  une 
grande  tourmente  quy  nous  tomba  dessus,  et  selon  le  commandement 
du  Roy  mon  maistre  je  envoya  incontinent  a  terre  par  le  Chevallier 
de  Rasilly  quy  vint  passager  dans  mon  navire,  luy  ayant  este  em- 
ploye pour  veoir  cette  flotte  accommodee  et  equipee  pour  faire 
entendre  que  nous  fusmes  arives,  et  aussy  suivant  les  articles  du 
contract  pour  attendre  les  comrnandements  du  Roy  tres  Chrestien,  et 
davantage  d'advertir  que  en  ce  lieu  cy,  nous  ne  pouvons  demeurer 

8  Secretary  of  State  to  the  King  of  France. 


long  temps,  larade  estant  dangereusse  et  le  fond  sy  mauvais,  car  nous 
avons  desja  receu  de  la  perte;  et  pourtant,  monsieur,  je  desire  tres 
humblement  que  nous  pouvions  avoir  nostre  despeche  hors  de  ce  lieu 
avecq  prompte  expedition,  vostre  Ambassadeur  ayantpromis  au  Roy 
mon  maistre  que  nous  ne  demeuririons  ycy  quarante  huict  heures,  et 
que  touttes  les  previssions  estoient  embarques  pour  mettre  dans  nos 
navires.  Mais,  monsieur,  quil  vous  plaise  d'entendre  que  je  trouve  tout 
autrement:  premierement  il  ny  a  ycy  ancun  principall  Seigneur  de 
France  avecq  commission  de  la  part  de  Sa  Majeste  tres  chrestienne 
pour  nous  commander  selon  1'accort  que  porte  le  Contract  ny  n'avons 
aucune  ordre  expresse  de  sa  dite  Majeste  pour  ce  que  nous  debvons 
faire,  nous  n'estant  a  suivre  les  directions  d'aulcun  quy  ce  soit,  sinon 
coeus  de  Sa  Majeste  tres  chrestienne  ou  tel  grand  Seigneur  quy 
aportera  quama  luy  une  Commission  du  dit  Roy.  Au  surplus 
nous  ne  debvons  pas  bouger  d'ycy  pour  son  service  sans  pouldre  et 
balles  et  autre  munition  les  quelles  nous  ont  este  promisses  pour  ce 
voyage ;  nen  ayant  aporte  davantage  hors  de  1' Angleterre  que  pour  la 
guarde  de  nostre  navire  jusques  icy  et  pour  nostre  retour,  delaquelle 
nous  avons  despendu  grande  quantite  en  salutations;  et  au  reguart 
que  cette  place  est  dangereuse  et  la  temps  fort  mauvais,  cyb  les  pro- 
visions pour  nos  dictz  navires  ne  sont  prestes  a  1'instant,  nous  serons 
contraints  de  nous  retirer  a  nostre  coste  ou  a  Douvre  on  a  1'Isle  de 
Wight  selon  la  commodite  du  vent,  ou  nous  serons  tousjours  prest  de 
retourner  ycy  ou  aller  de  toutte  part  ailleurs  ou  il  plaira  a  sa 
Majeste  tres  chrestienne  nous  appeler  et  vous  supplier  de  signifier  a 
sa  dicte  Majeste  d'expedier  ce  gentilhomme  que  j'ay  envoie  expres 
vers  vous  pour  cette  affaire :  ainsy  en  vous  baisant  tres  humblement 
les  mains  je  demeure 


Votre  tres  humble  Serviteur 


D'Abord  1'Avantguarde  a  la  rade  de  Diepe 
le  18eme  jour  de  join  stilo  veteri  1G25. 

a  i.e.  comrne.  b  ?>.  si. 


30 — Mons.  d?  Ocquerre  to  M.  de  la  Ville  au  Clercs. 
[Harl.  MSS.  4597,  fol.  198.] 

1625,  June  £§.  Monsieur, 

Vous  aurez  peut  estre  juge  la  despeche  pressante  que  vous  apporte 
vostre  courrier  mais  ce  n'a  pas  este  sans  sujet,  car  je  vous  puis  dire 
que  ceux  qui  comraandent  aux  vaisseaux  Anglois  sont  tellement 
attachez  aux  commandemens  qu'ils  ont  de  leur  Roy  et  aux  termes 
des  contracts,  qu'ils  ne  veullent  en  aucune  maniere  se  relascher  de 
leur  resolution  premiere.  11  est  vray  que  leur  contract  dit  qu'ils 
y  auront  deux  cens  cinquante  Anglois  sur  le  vaisseau  nomme' 
Admiral,  et  qu'ils a  n'en  sont  pas  plus  recevront  a  la  volonte*  de 
Monsieur  1' Admiral  ou  de  celuy  qui  conimandera  de  la  part  du 
Roy  tel  nombre  de  soldats  et  tel  coinmandement  qu'il  voudra,  cela 
semble  estre  indefiny,  mais  la  clause  qui  suit  est  captieuse  (avec  tous 
les  biens  que  seront  mis  abord  du  navire  pour  1'usage  du  dit 
Admiral  et  soldats,  a  condition  qu'il  les  pourra  raisounablement 
charger  efc  porter,  outre  ces  propres  victuailles  cordages  et  appareils) 
leur  resolution  done  est  de  suivre  les  dits  termes  du  contract,  qu'ils 
recevront  Monsieur  1'Admiral  et  son  train  jusques  au  nombre  de 
quarante  on  cinquante  hommes,  que  le  vaisseau  n'en  peut  porter 
davantage  outre  les  deux  cens  cinquante  Anglois  qu'ils  ont,  qu'ils 
ne  peuvent  charger  que  les  victuailles  que  pour  le  dit  trein  et  cin- 
quante personnes  conformement  a  la  susdite  clause  que  le  vaisseau 
n'en  peut  porter  davantage:  adjoustant  que  si  Monsieur  1'Admiral 
ne  vient  bientost  qu'ils  ne  peuvent  attendre  que  peu  de  jours,  et 
disent  les  officiers  et  soldats  tout  haut  qu'ils  ne  veullent  combattre 
contre  Mons.  de  Soubise  et  les  Rochellois,  ce  que  vous  verrez  par 
les  lettres  que  je  vous  envoye  qui  vous  justifieront  leurs  mauvaises 
intentions.  Voila  Monsieur  le  sujet  de  cette  seconde  depesche  qui 
merite  bien  que  vous  y  donniez  ordre  pour  faire  Monsieur  1'Admiral 

*  Sic.     ?  s'ils. 


de  peine,  et  pour  faire  en  sorte  que  ces  Capitaines  Anglois  obeissent 
conformement  a  ce  qui  est  porte  par  la  premiere  depesche  que  vous 
avez  recue,  car  si  vous  n'obtenez  un  commandement  tres  expres,  je 
ne  voy  pas  que  le  Koy  puisse  tirer  aucun  service  de  ces  vaisseaux, 
et  sera  tres  mal  aise  d'obliger  les  Capitaines  Francois  d'y  servir,  ne 
les  jugeans  ny  de  service  ny  commodes  pour  embarquer  le  nombre 
de  leurs  soldats,  qui  n'est  que  trop  grand  pour  la  petitesse  des 
vaisseaux.  Us  les  trouvent  tres  mal  artillez  sans  boullets  ny  poudre, 
et  de  faict  je  leur  ay  faict  ordonner  trente  milliers  de  poudre  grosse 
grenee  de  la  quelle  ils  avoient  besoin :  ils  n'ont  point  de  boullets  et 
n'en  scauroit  en  trouver  en  France  de  leur  calibre.  Jugez  en  quel 
estat  nous  sommes,  ce  n'est  pas  pour  joindre  la  flotte  de  Hollande 
qui  est  partie  le  douziesme  de  ce  mois  pour  aller  chercher  Monsieur 
de  Soubise  qui  est  entre  dans  la  riviere  de  Bourdeaux  ou  Monsieur 
de  Thorax  avec  partie  du  regiment  de  Champagne  1'alla  visiter 
jusques  a  Castillon,  ou  il  la  contrainct  de  reprendre  ses  vaisseaux 
avec  perte  de  ses  gens  et  de  partie  de  son  bagage  jusques  a  ses 
matelots;  les  pay  sans  ayant  tue"  ceux  qui  s'estoient  escartez  d'effroy. 
Si  vos  Anglois  et  nos  Hollandois  vouloient  faire  effecte  ils  en  ont 
1'occasion  belle ;  le  Roy  mande  Monsieur  Gueffier  le  venir  trouver : 
1'on  en  a  besoin  je  ne  scay  pas  pourquoy.  Je  suis  Monsieur 
Vostre  plus  humble  et  tres 
affectionne  Serviteur 


31.. — Louis  Kill,  to  Captain  Pennington. 
[State  Papers,  France.] 

Monsr  de  Penington,  Mon  Cousin  le  Due  de  Montmorancy  pair  1625, 
et  admiral  de  France  s'en  allant  par  dela  pour  recougnoistre  les  y 
vaisseaulx  Angloys  que  vous  avez  amenez  aux  Hades  de  Dieppe  et 
lui  commander  comrne  est  Pintention  du  Roy  de  la  Grand  Bre- 


taigne  mon  bon  frere,  je  vous  ay  voulu  escrire  ceste  letre  pour 
vous  mander  de  le  recougnoistre  et  luy  obeir  en  la  dite  qualite"  sans 
attendre  aucune  commission  ou  pouvoir  que  la  presente,  attendu 
que  sa  charge  d'admiral  est  suffisante  pour  le  dit  commandement 
auquel  m'asseurant  que  vous  vous  accommoderez,  je  prie  Dieu  qu'il 
vous  ayt,  Monsr  de  Penington,  en  sa  sainte  garde.  Escrit  a  Fontayne- 
bleau  le  premier  jour  de  Juillet  1625. 



32. — M.  d'Ocquerre  to  Captain  Pennington. 
[State  Papers,  France.] 


June'  21,  Votre  lettre  du  xviij  du  passe  slilo  vet.  m'a  este  rendue  le  premier 

July  1.  de  ce  moys,  pour  la  quelle  vous  me  donnes  advis  d'avoir  mouille 

1'ancre  a  la  Rade  de  Dieppe  avec  sept  vaisseaux  d'Angleterre,  atten- 
dant le  huictiesme,  et  me  faictes  congnoistre  1'ordre  et  le  commande- 
ment que  vous  aves  du  Roy  de  la  Grande  Bietaigne,  ce  q'uayant 
sceu  le  Roy  a  faict  partir  Monsr  1' Admiral  de  France  avec  ordre 
et  commandement  de  sa  Majeste  de  recongnoistre  lestat  des  dits 
vaisseaux  Anglois  et  d'ordonner  ce  quy  reste  a  faire  pour  se  servir 
a  ce  qu'ilz  ont  este*  destinez.  Ce  seroit  rendre  un  mauvais  service  a 
Sa  Majeste  de  les  retirer  a  1'isle  d'Wicq  ou  Dunes  d'Angleterre  et 
perdre  du  temps,  puisque  les  capitaines  Fran9ois,  soldats,  et  vic- 
tuailles  sont  sur  pied  et  prepares,  et  semble  qu'il  ne  reste  plus  rien 
qu'a  les  faire  embarquer,  que  vous  pouves  suivant  mesme  Pintention 
du  Roy  de  la  Grande  Bretaigne,  et  sans  vous  arester  aux  termes  et 
closes  du  contract,  vous  sevir  a  de  celle  quy  porte  expressement  que 
Monsieur  P  Admiral  de  France  ou  le  Seigneur  Francois  quy  sera 
envoye  de  la  part  du  Roy  pour  y  commander  poura  mettre  tel 
nombre  de  soldats  et  victuailles  qu'il  voudre;  reflect  de  la  quelle  Sa 

•  i.e.  servir. 


Majeste  se  promet  que  vous  effectures,  et  desire  que  ce  soit  jusques 
a  tel  nombre  de  soldats  et  quantite  de  victuailles  qu'il  jugera  neses- 
saire  pour  le  bien  de  son  service:  que  les  vaisseaux  d'Hollande  ont 
sejourne  aux  radesde  France  un  long  temps  en  plus  mauvaissona  que 
cellecy  sans  y  courre  fortune.  Ce  que  vous  ne  debves  pas  craindre 
vous  asseurant  qu'apres  avoir  veu  Monsr  1' Admiral  de  France  qu'il 
ne  vous  y  retiendra  que  peu  de  jours,  car  vous  esloignant  ce  seroit 
faire  au  Koy  un  tres  grand  deservice  et  du  quel  Sa  Majeste  auroit 
subject  de  se  plaindre  au  Roy  vostre  Maistre.  Puisque  la  poudre  vous 
manque,  jay  donne  ordre  qu'il  en  sera  envoye  trente  milliers  de 
grosse  grenee :  pour  les  boulettes,  il  ny  en  a  point  de  calibre  cy  ce 
n'est  qu'il  s'en  trouve  a  Dieppe,  auquel  cas  Monsr  rAdmirall  en 
ordonnera  sur  les  lieux.  Vous  recepvres  done  Mons.  les  ordres  du 
Roy  qu'il  vous  porte,  sans  aucune  pouvoir  ny  commission  que  celuy 
quil  a  du  Roy,  et  quy  est  deub  a  1'auctorite  de  sa  charge  n'estant  la 
coustume  de  France  de  luy  donner  aucune  commission  que  le  seul 
commandement  de  la  bouche  de  Sa  Majeste.  Vous  baisant  bien 
humblement  les  manis  Je  demeure, 

Monsieur,  Votre  tres  humble  serviteur, 


De  Fontaineblean 
ce  premier  Juillet  1625. 


33 — Thomas  Lorkinb  to  Secretary  Conway. 


[State  Papers,  France.] 

Right  Honorable 

*  *  *  *  *     • 

This  was  all  I  meant  unto  your  Lordship  at  this  present,  but  that  j625'22 
a  curryer  from  Captayne  Pennington  (even  when  I  was  going  to  putt  July  2. 
pen  to  paper)  ministred  occasion  to  me  of  a  voyage  to  Fontainebleau, 
whereof  1  thinck  fitt  to  give  your  Lordship  an  accompt. 

*  i.e.  mauvais  saison.        b  English  agent  in  France. 


First  therefore  (according  to  his  desire)  I  represented  the  long 
stay  he  had  made  upon  the  coast  of  Diep  (very  hazardous  for  his 
ships)  in  expectation  of  some  order  from  this  King  according  to 
your  contract :  That  at  his  setting  forth  from  England  it  was  assured 
him  by  the  French  Embassador,  that  he  shoulde  finde  all  in  that 
readines  heer  as  when  he  came  at  Diepe  he  should  not  need  to 
tarry  foure  and  twenty  hours  for  prosecution  of  all  that  was  to  be 
done,  where  yet  he  had  wayted  full  eight  dayes. 

That  the  contract  imported,  that  either  the  Admirall  (or  some 
principall  nobleman)  of  France  should  be  there  ready,  with  com- 
mission from  this  King  to  direct  the  employment  of  those  ships  ; 
that  in  all  this  tyme  none  such  appeared. 

A  default  there  was  likewise  for  poudre  and  shott,  which  this 
King  ought  to  furnish  and  yet  no  order  taken  for  the  supplie. 

The  number  of  French  soldiers  to  be  receyved  into  the  ships 
was  limited  by  the  contract  to  the  capacity  of  the  sayd  vessels  with 
respect  unto  the  stowage  of  a  due  proportion  of  victuals  for  them. 
And  yet  such  a  multitude  was  pressed  upon  him  as  the  ships  could 
not  receyve  one  third.  . 

For  all  which  things  I  desired,  in  Captaine  Penington's  name, 
that  speedy  order  might  be  given,  or  otherwise  he  must  be  forced 
to  depart,  and  (for  better  safety)  to  retire  with  his  ships  upon  the 
English  coast,  there  to  attend  this  King's  summons  when  he  should 
be  ready  for  him. 

I  addressed  myself  first  to  the  Cardinal,  who,  though  sick  in  bed, 
yet  admitted  me  to  him.  To  whom  after  I  had  propounded  the  par- 
ticulars he  tould  me  how  the  King  had  allready  given  order  for  the 
Admiral's  departure  to  goe  and  see  whether,  according  to  the  inten- 
tion of  the  contract,  the  ships  would  receyve  him,  yea  or  not :  that 
they  were  heer  much  deceyved  in  their  expectation,  for  neither  the 
capacity  of  the  vessels,  nor  greatnes,  quality  nor  number  of  ordinance 
answered  what  was  promised,  that  the  friendship  of  this  King  merited 
better  at  the  King  of  England's  hands,  for  whose  sake  alone  he  had 
engaged  himself  in  the  buisines  of  the  Palatinate,  and  (after  the  first 


tyme  expired)  had  revived  his  promise  at  Compiegne  to  continue 
his  contribution  as  long  againe,  and  had  hetherto  made  due  monethly 
payment,  and  so  meant  to  doe  for  the  future :  that  he  had  offred 
further  a  new  succor  of  2000  horse  for  Count  Mansfeld  and  would 
be  ready  to  perform  it  whensoever  the  King  of  Greate  Brettain 
would  require  it :  that  he  intended  further  a  million  of  francks  to 
the  King  of  Denmark  for  the  maintenance  of  his  army  (but  alas, 
the  fatall  newes  is  come  of  his  death8)  all  which  was  done  for  his 
Majesties  sake  alone,  who  badly  requited  it,  if  he  thus  frustrated  his 
hopes  by  such  unexpected  difficulties  as  were  now  offred.  That  if 
they  were  persisted  in,  the  King  of  France  could  not  serve  himself 
of  the  ships,  but  must  sett  downe  by  the  losse  and  though  he  sayd 
nothing  yet  assuredly  he  would  have  thereof  quelque  sentiment. 

I  desired  him  not  to  burden  his  Majestic  with  causelesse  com- 
plaints, that  las  Koyall  intentions  were  as  cordiall  and  friendly  to 
this  King  as  his  owne  heart  could  desire :  that  he  had  witnessed 
no  lesse  by  the  strict  comma undement  he  had  layd  both  upon  the 
Admirall  and  Captaines  to  followe  precisely  such  order,  as  (by  the 
contract)  the  Admirall  of  France  should  direct  them  unto :  that 
these  were  so  farre  from  disobeying,  as  they  complayned  of  the 
delay  of  execution.  But  what  appearnce,  quoth  he,  that  the  Admiral 
of  France  should  putt  himself  into  a  ship,  whereof  he  cannot  be  the 
absolute  commander.  So  long  as  he  keeps  within  the  intention  of 
the  contract  (replied  I)  he  needs  not  feare  or  misdoubt  the  com- 
maund,  for  the  English  are  charged  to  receyve  lawe  of  him,  and  so 
many  English  as  there  are,  so  many  servants  will  he  finde.  Nay 
then,  lett  me  tell  you  (quoth  he)  that  they  have  openly  given  forth 
that  the^y  will  never  fight  against  any  of  their  owne  religion  nor 
against  Soubize,  and  yet  this  is  the  end  why  these  ships  were  con- 
tracted for.  I  made  the  like  reply  to  this  and  sundry  other  parti- 
culars which  I  did  afterwards  to  Monsr.  D'Anquaire  to  whom  by 
reason  of  the  Cardinals  indisposition  he  referred  me  for  resolution, 
who  entred  with  me  yesterday  into  a  long  discourse,  the  effect 

*  This  news  was  false. 
CAMD.  SOC.  2  C 


whereof  (together  with  my  answers)  your  Lordship  will  finde  in  the 
coppie  of  a  letter  of  myne  to  Captayne  Penington,  which  (though 
tumultuarily  written  by  me)  I  have  caused  to  be  transcribed  to 
make  my  owne  letter  the  more  compendious  to  your  Lordship.  To 
whom  (after  1  shall  have  added  that  which  I  had  allmost  forgott, 
that  the  Duke  de  Vendosme,  having  gott  newes  of  the  approaches 
of  this  fleet,  hath  summoned  all  the  chief  of  the  nobility  of  Bretagne 
to  oppose  themselves  against  their  landing  upon  that  coast,  as  those 
that  acknowledge  no  Admirall  for  that  province  who  is  not  a 
Bretton  by  birth)  I  heer  most  humbly  offer  myself  and  life  to  doe 
your  Honor  service  in  quality  of 

Your  Lordships 

most  humble,  most  fa th full 

and  obedient  servant 


Your  Lordship  had  receyved  this  dispatch  two  dayes  sooner  but 
that  my  journey  to  Fountenbleau  forced  this  delay:  Heerwith  your 
Lop  will  finde  divers  copies  which  will  not  be  unworthy  your  Lord- 
ship's perusall. 
Paris  this  Weddensday  Evening  being  July  the  2.  1625.  st°.  n°. 

34. — Thomas  Lorkin  to  Captain  Pennington. 

[State  Papers,  France.] 
Noble  Syr, 

June'  22  No  sooner  had  Mr.  Ingam  signifyed  to  me  his  employment  from 

July  2.  yow,  but  1  readily  offred  him  all  the  assistance   I  could.      I  first 

imparted  the  matter  to  the  cardinal,  who  being  indisposed  referred 
me  to  the  same  Secretary  of  State  to  whom  yow  directed  your 
letter,  Monsieur  d'Aucaire;  who  after  he  had  read  your  letter 
entred  into  a  long  discourse  with  me,  first  telling  me  that  the 
Admirall  was  allready  gone  to  prevaile  himself  of  those  ships  for 
this  King's  service;  that  hee  needed  no  commission  (neither  indeed 
could  take  any  without  wrong  unto  his  place)  for  there  were  two 
great  offices  in  France,  the  Constable  and  his,  that  never  tooke  any 


other  commission  then  the  commandment  from  the  King's  ovvne 
mouthe.  All  other  persons  of  whatsoever  quality  did.  And  when 
I  replied  that  howsoever  this  might  serve  at  home,  in  their  owne 
domestique  affaires,  yet  strangers  tooke  knowledge  of  no  such 
priviledges.  He  tould  me  (if  I  would)  he  would  send  the  king's 
letter  to  certify  as  much,  so  to  take  away  all  scruple,  and  herewith 
you  will  receyve  it. 

For  poudre  and  shott,  he  pretended  that,  by  the  contract,  you  were 
to  furnish  them,  and  for  the  latter  it  was  impossible  for  France  (as 
not  knowing  the  calibre  or  bore  of  the  ordinance),  and  when  I 
replied  therto,  that  if  the  contract  obliged  you  to  any  such  provision 
I  thought  it  was  to  be  restreyned  to  what  was  necessary  for  your 
ordinary  defence  and  not  for  combat,  he  answered  that  so  indeed 
you  interpreted  it,  but  if  that  were  your  intention  it  argued  a  great 
weaknes  in  the  contractants  of  their  part. 

In  fine  (to  take  away  this  obstacle,  he  had  sent  thirty  thousand 
pounds  of  pouldre,  but  for  bullets,  if  Diepe  could  not  happily 
furnish  them,  they  must  needs  be  supplied  from  England. 

Next  he  complayned  of  the  paucity  of  men  which  you  would 
receyve,  which  was  not  above  40  or  50  in  the  King's  ship?  and 
this  was  but  the  first  proposition  of  the  English  that  were  in  it, 
and  much  about  that  rate  the  rest.  That  the  Admirall's  ordinary 
traine  exceeded  that  number  by  two  thirds  at  least;  and  appealed 
to  me,  whether  I  thought  it  fitt  that  the  second  great  officer  of  this 
Kingdom  who  for  his  bloud  and  wealth  came  next  after  the  Princes 
should  be  abridged  of  two-thirds  of  his  ordinary  attendance,  and 
putt  up  in  a  ship  amongst  strangers,  where  the  strangers  com- 
manded. I  desired  him  not  to  accompt  of  the  English  as  strangers, 
but  friends,  and  assured  him  of  as  ready  service  from  them  as  from 
the  French,  and  that  I  knewe  you  had  commandment  from  his 
Majestic  to  shew  him  all  possible  respect,  and  according  to  the 
contract  to  receyve  la  we  in  everything  from  him ;  and  that  therfore 
he  might  be  assured  to  finde  so  many  servants  as  there  were 
English.  He  told  me  he  beleeved  no  le&se,  and  •  had  heard  of  the 


charge  which  his  Majesty  gave  you,  which  was  word  for  word 
related  to  him,  and  gave  wondrous  satisfaction  to  this  King  and 
state,  but  yet  againe  demanded  of  me  whether  I  thought  it  meet  for 
a  personage  of  the  Admiralls  ranck  to  be  so  narrowly  stinted  to  his 
number.  I  answered  that  you  stinted  him  not,  but  their  owne 
contract,  which  you  were  ready  punctually  to  observe.  The  contract, 
sayd  he,  gives  liberty  to  putt  as  many  abord  as  the  Fr.  King  shall 
please,  but  that  (replied  I)  must  needs  receyve  restriction,  according 
to  the  capacity  of  the  vessel.  Indeed  (quoth  he)  such  a  clause  is 
captiously  inserted,  which  contradicts  the  former,  and  indeed  over- 
throws it,  for  what  avails  it  to  give  us  liberty  in  the  first  words,  and 
to  take  it  away  in  the  next.  I  excepted  against  the  word  (cap- 
tiously), and  shewed  the  limitation  to  be  necessary  even  out  of 
ordinary  providence,  which  neither  allowed  a  vessel  to  be  over- 
burdened nor  to  receyve  more  in  then  there  was  stowage  for 
victualls  for  them ;  why  then  (quoth  he)  lett  the  English  Admirall 
sett  some  of  his  owne  men  on  shore  to  make  roome  for  French.  I 
told  him,  that  1  conceyved  your  number  was  limited  by  the 
contract  and  that  it  deed  not  exceed  it.  He  confessed  it  to  be  true. 
Why  then,  inferred  I,  there  is  no  reason  why  you  should  require  it 
should  be  diminished ;  neither  can  the  English  Admirall  doe  it, 
without  expresse  warrant  from  the  King  our  master. 

If  the  King  of  England  (quoth  he)  will  deale  friendly  with  the 
French  King,  he  will  call  all  or  most  of  the  English  soldiers  home 
that  rome  may  be  made  for  the  French.  I  tould  him  I  thought  he 
would  not  judge  it  honourable  for  the  King  (that  I  called  not  the 
safety  in  question)  to  leave  his  vessels  without  a  sufficient  guard  of 
his  owne  subjects. 

He  quarreled  then  against  the  vessels  themselves,  which  he  sayd 
did  not  answer  in  any  sort  the  French  King's  expectation,  nor 
satisfy  the  intention  of  the  contract;  for  whereas  by  aggreement 
they  ought  to  be  800  tunne  a  piece  at  least,  none  (the  Roberge* 

i.e.,  the  Vanguard. 


excepted)  is  above  500.  I  told  him  I  was  no  good  seaman  but  I 
thought  when  we  esteemed  the  vessel  by  the  tunne  we  compre- 
hended therein  tunnage  and  all,  that  is  to  say  masts  cabels  &c.  and 
that  when  his  Majestic  the  King  your  master  hires  any  ships  for  his 
owne  service  (wherein  the  price  is  proportioned  to  the  tunnes)  the 
number  of  tuns  is  so  reckoned.  And  I  did  not  think,  but  (accord- 
ing to  the  ordinary  language  of  seamen,  at  leastwise  of  our  country) 
the  contract  that  was  made  was  most  exactly  performed.  Indeed 
(sayd  he)  by  that  equivocation  they  save  themselves,  but  therin 
they  have  overreached  us,  who  number  the  tuns  according  to  the 
fiaight  a  ship  will  bear,  and  so  had  provided  both  our  men  and 
victualls.  I  answered  that  they  that  contracted  for  them  were 
upon  the  place,  and  either  sawe  and  visited  (or  at  least  ought  so  to 
have  done)  the  vessels  that  they  aggreed  for;  and  that  they  were 
able  to  have  clered  that  point  to  them.  In  fine,  he  was  forced  to 
cast  all  the  blame  upon  their  owne  contractors,  for  where  I  pressed 
him  whether  he  could  complayne  ether  of  the  King  our  master  or 
of  the  Ministers  of  State,  or  of  yourself  and  the  other  captaynes 
that  commanded  under  yow,  he  confessed  ingenuously  he  could 
not,  but  must  accuse  their  owne  improvidence. 

But  yet  one  thing  he  taxed  us  for,  that  those  that  were  in  the 
ships  gave  forth  openly  that  they  would  neither  fight  against  them 
of  the  religion  nor  Monsr  de  Soubize,  against  whom  notwithstanding 
this  shipping  was  principally  intended;  nay  went  further  as  to 
sweare  they  would  soner  endure  to  be  cast  over  shipbord  into  the 
sea  then  they  would  drawe  their  sword  against  him.  I  desired  to 
knowe  whether  he  could  verify  the  accusation  by  any  good  proofes. 
He  answered  yes.  Next  whether  he  could  charge  either  yourself 
or  any  of  the  captaynes  and  comanders  under  you  with  any  such 
language.  He  told  me,  but  that  yow  had  in  that  point  carryed 
yourself  with  all  the  discretion  that  was  possible.  Why  then  (quoth 
I)  it  skils  not  what  some  few  of  the  common  soldiers  babble,  you 
knowe  it  is  a  hard  thing  to  putt  a  bridle  to  every  bodies  tongue ; 
but  when  it  comes  to  execution  and  action  you  will  finde  that  none 


wilbe  so  hardy  as  to  disobey  their  commanders  and  captaynes;  but 
in  the  interim  I  thinck  yow  shall  doe  well  to  restreyne  that  liberty 
of  speech  if  there  be  any  such,  for  feare  it  prove  offensive. 

In  the  last  place,  touching  your  stay  upon  the  coast  of  France  or 
retrait  upon  the  coast  of  England  (which  was  more  safe)  he  seemed 
at  first  to  be  very  indifferent,  saying  that  so  the  other  things  were 
accorded  it  conduced  no  lesse  to  the  French  King's  service  that  you 
rode  upon  our  owne  coast  then  if  you  did  upon  theirs;  yet  since, 
he  hath  changed  his  mynde  and  written  to  you  to  a  contrary  tenor, 
summoning  you  likewise  to  receyve  such  French  as  the  Admirall 
shall  please  to  enjoigne  unto  you.  He  showed  me  the  letter  and 
intreated  me  to  write  likewise  to  you  to  the  same  effect:  but  I 
answered  him  that  I  could  not  persuade  yow  to  ought  that  was 
contrary  to  your  commission  or  the  contract,  and  though  I  should, 
yet  yow  were  to  wise  to  hearken  to  me  so  advising  yow.  For  it 
imported  no  lesse  then  your  life  to  transgresse  the  order  his  Majestie 
had  sett  downe  unto  yow  and  appealed  to  his  justice  and  reason 
whether  he  would  desire  that  at  your  hands.  He  sayd,  he  was  bound 
to  desire  that  which  availed  most  for  his  master's  service  but  yet 
could  not  complaine  of  yow,  if  yow  obeyed  the  order  that  was  com- 
manded yow. 

Yow  have  a  tumultuary  accompt  of  the  chief  things  that  passed. 
I  remitt  all  to  your  wisdome,  how  yow  will  shape  your  answer  and 
course.  Yf  my  poore  endeavours  may  be  any  wayes  usefull  I  pray 
commaund  me;  who  (not  onely  out  of  the  humble  duty  and  obedi- 
ence that  I  owe  to  his  Majesties  service,  but  my  affection  to  yours) 
wilbe  most  ready  to  execute  to  my  power  what  yow  shall  command 
and  that  in  qualitie  of 

Your  most  humble 

and  faithfull  servant 


Paris  in  extreame  hast 
this  2  of  July  1625. 
t°  novo. 


I  had  forgotten  one  complaint  against  the  artillerie  of  the  Mar- 
chands'  ships,  which  neither  answers  for  the  matter,  number,  nor 
bignes  what  they  pretend  heer  to  be  stipulated.  I  answered  that 
I  thought  the  contractants  had  taken  due  surveigh  of  all  in  England 
and  approved  of  them  and  was  confident  that  nothing  was  altered 

35  —  Louis  XIII.  to  the  Dnke  of,  Chevreuse. 
[Harl.  MSS.  4597,  fol.  213b.l 

Mon  Cousin,  1625, 

La  lettre  que  vous  et  les  Sieurs  de  Lomenie  et  d'Effiat  avez  ad-  June  24 
dresse'e  a  la  Royne,  Madame  ma  mere,  en  response  de  celle  que  je  luy 
avois  escrite  pour  vous  faire  S9avoir  mes  intentions  sur  les  propositions 
que  luy  avoit  faictes  le  Due  de  Bouquingham  :  m'a  este  rendue,  comme 
j'ay  tout  sujet  de  me  contenter  de  la  diligence  que  vous  avez  aportee 
pour  satisfaire  a  ce  qu'elle  vous  avoit  ordonne,  je  trouve  pareillement 
bon  que  vous  n'ayez  point  parle  au  Roy  de  la  Grande  Bretagne 
Monsieur  mon  frere  des  dites  propositions,  puis  que  le  dit  Duca  .  . 
.  que  je  seray  tousjours  bien  aise  de  favoriser,  vous  a  prie  de 
ne  le  pas  faire,  et  reconneu  ingenuement  que  ce  qu'il  avoit  dit  a 
1'Ambassadeur  de  mon  oncle  le  Due  de  Savoye  estoit  de  son  mouve- 
ment  seul  et  sans  ordre  du  Roj  son  maistre,  1'alliance  duquel  m'est 
en  telle  consideration  qu'il  peut  s'asseurer  de  mon  amide  et  du  secours 
des  deux  mil  chevaux  que  j'ay  accordez  a  Compiegne.  Que  si  j'ay 
desire  scavoir  a  quoy  il  les  destinoit  il  peut  juger  que  j'ay  grande 
occasion  de  le  faire,  puisque  le  project  general  pour  lequel  la  dicte 
cavallerie  m'estoit  demandee  ne  s'execute  point:  vous  ne  presserez 
neantmoins  davantage  pour  scavoir  a  quel  effect  il  les  veut  destiner; 
mais  taschez  secretement  d'en  descouvrir  le  dessein,  cependant  vous 
pouvez  asseurer  des  deux  mil  chevaux,  pourveu  qu'ils  soient  payez 
des  deniers  du  Roy  mon  frere  et  que  ses  vaisseaux  les  viennent 

a  Words  omitted  in  the  MS. 


prendre  a  mes  havres  et  ports  comme  j'esdmu  que  c'est  son  inten- 
tion. Cette  assistance  luy  sera  donne'e  de  bon  coeur  et  d'une  mesme 
volonte  queje  croy  qu'il  a  1'octroy  des  vaisseaux  qu'il  me  preste,  les- 
quels  toutesfois  ne  veullent  faire  ce  pourquoy  ils  sont  venuz.  Car 
ces  gens  sous  pretexte  d'un  contract  qu'ils  interpretent  subtillement, 
pretendans  que  pour  vaisseau  de  six  a  sept  cens  tonneaux  il  y  aura 
deux  cens  cinquante  hommes  je  ny  peux  mettre  que  cinquante  des 
miens,  et  ce  qui  me  donne  plus  d'estonn^nent  et  sujet  de  me  plaindre 
d'eux,  c'est  d'avoir  dit  et  declare  qu'ils  n'entendent  servir  centre 
Soubise  ny  centre  les  Kochellois,  ce  que  le  Roy  mon  frere  n'ap- 
prouvera  pas  asseurement,  attendu  qu'il  a  tousjours  sceu  a  quoy  je 
les  voulois  employer,  et  que  je  ne  puis  doubter  de  sa  bonne  volonte 
au  bien  de  mes  affaires  non  plus  que  luy  de  la  mienne  a  1'advance- 
ment  de  ses  desseins  c'est  ce  qu'il  scaura  par  vous  et  par  les  Sieurs 
de  Lomenie  et  d'Effiat,  comme  je  vous  en  prie  et  de  leur  com- 
muniquer  la  presente  que  j'ay  faicte  pour  tous,  encore  qu'elle  soit 
addressee  a  vous  seul :  que  je  prie  Dieu  avoir  et  eux  pareillement 
mon  cousin  en  sa  saincte  garde. 

Escrit  a  Fontainebleau  se  quatriesme  jour  de  Juillet  1625. 

Signe  Louis. 

35. —  Captain  Pennington  to  the  Duke  of  Montmorency,  Admiral  of 


[State  Papers,  France.] 


II  est  asseure  le   14m  jour  qae  nous  avous  avec  grand  hazard 
1625,  demeure  en  ceste  rade  perilleuse,  ou  quelques  uns  de  nous  avous 

June  27  rompus  et  tous   rouge"  les  cables,  tellement  que  nous  sommes  con- 

straint, de  nous  enlever  d'icy  pour  retirer  a  nostre  coste  ou  aux  Dunes 
ou  a  1'Isle  de  Wight  a  1'un  ou  a  1'autre  selon  que  nous  trouverons 
le  vent  nous  favoriser,  ou  nous  nous  tiendrons  prest  de  nous  rendre 
a  la  premire  semonce  instamment  a  la  place  que  vous  nous  com- 

THE  LOAN  OF  SHIPS  TO  THE  FRENCH.         201 

manderez,  et  en  ce  petit  retrait  nous  tascherons  trouver  nostre  Vice 
Admirall  pour  nous  rendre  plus  fort  a  vous  faire  service  a  nostre 
retour.  Car  nous  pensons  que  vous  ferez  quelque  residence  par  de 
la  pour  faira  1'accomplissement  de  toutes  choses  pour  vostre  voyage 
qui  demeurent  encor  a  faire.  D'avantage  Monsieur  que  je  me 
tiendray  prest  non  seulement  de  me  rendre  ou  me  commanderez  a 
vostre  retour,  mais  a  toutes  heures  et  a  toutes  occasions  de  vous 
faire  tel  service  que  j'espere  vous  le  trouveres  agreable.  Et  que  quand 
vous  aurez  Monsieur,  eu  experience  de  mon  integrite,  je  ne  doute 
rien  que  cela  veut  lever  toute  difficult^  et  meffiance  que  vous  puissies 
avoir  de  moy  en  ces  affaires.  Et  jusques  alors  je  n'ay  autre  recours 
que  de  vous  suplier  de  donner  foy  a  mes  parolles  lesquelles  n'ont 
este  ny  ne  seront  jamais  contamine  de  faintise  ou  dissimulation.  Et 
moy  pour  tous  les  gens  qui  sont  dans  mon  navire  et  tous  les  autres 
capitaines  des  autres  navires  mettrons  toute  peine  et  diligence  de 
les  vous  rendre  en  obeissance.  Dernierement,  Monsieur,  j'ay  receu 
si  grancle  Hesse  d'avoir  entendu  (par  le  gentilhomme  que  j'envoyoy 
vers  vous  le  matin  de  vostre  parlement)  le  bon  opinion  qu'il  vous  a 
pleu  luy  dire  avoir  de  moy,  que  je  tascheray  de  faire  plus  (s'il  est 
possible)  pour  vostre  service  que  j'en  aye  dit.  Ainsi  Monsieur,  en 
vous  baisant  tres  humblement  les  mains,  je  prie  Dieu  qu'il  vous 
aye  en  sa  sainte  garde  et  demeureray  a  jamais 


Vostre  tres  humble  serviteur 

D'board  1'Avantguarde 
a  la  Bade  de  Diepe 
le  27  Jour  de  Juin  1625,  stilo  veteri. 

36. — The  Duke  of  Chevreuse  and  M.  de  la  Ville  aux  Clercs  to 

Louis  XIII. 
[Harl.  MSS.  4597,  fol.  207-1 
Sire,  1625, 

Nous  voudrions  bien  que  vostre  Majeste  receust  plus  de  contente- 
CAMD.  soc.  2  D 


ment  sur  le  faict  des  vaisseaux  dont  elle  nous  avoit  commandez  de 
parler  qu'elle  n'en  recevra  et  que  nostre  entremise  eust  este  avec 
plus  d'effect,  mais  il  nous  a  este  impossible  d'obtenir  rien  contre  la 
teneur  des  contracts,  aussy  a  les  bien  considerer  vostre  Majeste  peut 
estre  servie,  non  que  deya  1'on  ne  se  soit  efforce  de  nous  persuader 
le  contraire  mais  vainement  1'une  de  leurs  propositions  premieres  et 
qui  nous  a  pense  porter  a  rompre  avec  eux  fut.  de  doubter  si  les 
Anglois  estoient  obligez  de  servir  vostre  Majeste  contre  qui  que  ce 
fust  leur  Souverain  excepte,  surquoy  nous  nous  trouvasmes  fortifiez 
de  la  teneur  du  dit  contract  et  de  la  rai?on,  trouvans  a  redire  que 
1'on  eust  faict  semblant  de  vouloir  distinguer  entre  le  Sieur  de  Sou- 
bi?e  et  les  autres  Huguenots  de  France  qui  se  joindroient  a  luy  et 
de  cela  nous  estans  hautement  plaincts  et  demandes  que  les  contracts 
dont  ils  pretendoient  tirer  advantage  fussent  eu  tous  leurs  chefs 
exucutez,  enfin  ils  ont  acquiesce  a  faire  escrire  aux  Capitaines  des 
Navires  d'y  recevoir  tout  autant  de  soldats  qu'ils  en  pourront  porter 
et  sur  peine  de  punition  d'obeir  aux  officiers  de  vostre  Majeste  en 
la  flotte  et  de  servir  contre  qui  qui  leur  sera  command^  le  Roy  de 
la  Grande  Bretagne  et  son  grand  Admiral  entrans  pour  pleges  que 
ce  sera  fidellement,  nous  voulons  croire  Sire  que  ce  dernier  poinct 
sera  execute  et  1'autre  mesme  duquel  devant  estre  tire  advantage, 
nous  osons  dire  a  vostre  Majeste  que  ne  faisant  charger  nulles 
victualles  a  ses  bords  la  pour  les  soldats  qui  y  deboront  estre  ains 
dans  despataches  pour  les  suivre  nonobstant  leur  sophisterie  vostre 
Majeste  aura  son  compte  et  sera  maistre  absolu  des  vaisseaux  des 
quels  ils  ont  soustenu  et  particulierement  de  celuy  nomine  1' Avant- 
garde  ne  pouvoir  diminuer  le  nombre  des  matelots  comme  estans 
necessaires  a  le  conduire  et  desquels  vostre  Majeste  n'estant  obligee 
a  aucune  restitution  en  cas  qu'ils  eussent  a  perir  les  oblige  a  les 
mettre  en  seurete,  et  mesmement  estant  leur  force  et  la  deffense  de 
leur  estat,  nous  esperons  avoir  domain  ou  mercredy  au  plustard  les 
ordres  cy  dessus  desduicts  lesquels  nous  envoyerons  a  1'instant, 
mesmes  a  Monsieur  de  Montmorency  et  ce  par  1'un  des  courriers 
qu'il  a  pleu  a  vostre  Majeste  depescher  afin  d'advancer  autant  que 

THE  LOAN  OF  SHIPS  TO  THE  FRENCH.         203 

nous  pouvons  ce  qui  est  de  vostre  service  qui  requiert  que  1'on  donne 
contentement  au  Sieur  Vanelly  correspondant  de  Burlemaky  le 
quel  de  bonne  foy  s'estant  oblige  pour  vostre  Majeste  ne  seroit 
raisonnable  qu'il  fust  en  peine  pour  une  affaire  ou  il  n'a  autre  profit 
que  celuy  de  servir  vostre  Majeste*. 

37. —  Captain  Pennington  to  the  Duke  of  Buckingham. 

[Melbourne  MSS.] 

a        *  *  *  *  * 

in  200  men  a  peece,  but  at  last  they  came  to  130  a  peece,  or  else  1625,  June  28 
they  must  goe  along  with  them  to  Paris,  with  many  threatening 
wordes  and  ill  language;  and  the  other  70  for  each  shippe  to  make 
up  their  200  should  be  carried  in  pataches  as  aforesayde:  yet  this 
they  could  not  draw  them  to,  but  they  were  content  to  take  in  50 
a  peece,  which  was  more  then  they  had  authoritie  to  doe  by  your 
Graces  commission,  which  I  reade  unto  them.  How  be  it  that 
would  not  satisfie  him,  but  he  left  them  in  a  chafe.  The  26  day 
after  diner  he  went  away  for  Paris  to  acquaint  the  King  as  afore- 
sayde, without  leaving  any  order  for  us  in  the  world.  Now,  the 
weather  being  foule,  and  likely  to  be  worse,  I  wrote  a  letter  to  him 
that  night,  and  sent  it  ashore  to  be  conveyed  after  him  (the  coppie 
of  which  you  shall  likewyse  herewith  receive)  whereby  I  advertised 
him  that  for  the  safetie  of  our  shipps,  we  resolved  to  retyre  our  selves 
to  our  owne  coaste,  where  we  should  attend  his  further  pleasure, 
and  be  readie  upon  the  first  sommons  to  repaire  to  the  same  place, 
or  to  any  other  where  he  should  appointe  us.  And  upon  these 
termes  we  weighed  about- 12  a  clocke  at  night  with  the  tyde  of  ebb 
and  the  winde  at  south-west  and  by  south,  and  stoode  over  west 
north  west  and  west  and  by  north  for  the  Isle  of  Wight,  but  the 
wind  would  not  suffer  us  to  recover  it,  but  forced  us  to  the  Ness. 
But  to  returne  againe,  and  give  your  Grace  an  accompt  of  our  usage 
at  Deepe,  they  have  sleigh  ted  and  viliefide  our  shippes,  and  used 
a  The  first  sheet  is  missing. 


many  threatening  and  disgracefull  wordes  against  us  all,  as  these 
captaines  which  come  along  wth  this  bearer  can  relate  unto  you  ; 
as  also  how  the  souldiers  that  they  would  put  aboard  of  as  are  most 
of  them  mariners  in  the  habit  of  souldiers  and  that  they  have  made 
all  officers  of  mariners  from  the  captains  to  the  lowest  officer  to 
command  in  our  shippes  over  us;  this  they  speake  freely  to  our 
owne  people.  Now,  insomuch  as  I  have  a  commission  from  yoT 
grace  for  the  absolute  command  of  myne  owne  people,  as  also  of  the 
rest  of  the  fleet,  and  that  I  should  receive  no  more  men  aboard 
then  the  Admirall  wth  convenient  traine,  nor  suffer  any  of  the 
marchants5  shippes  to  take  in  more  then  half  their  shippes  companie: 
therefore  I  humbly  beseech  yr  Grace  not  to  intertaine  any  complaint 
that  they  shall  bring  against  me  for  maintaining  your  commands 
(which  they  have  threatened  me  with)  but  that  I  may  have  your 
gracious  favour  to  answer  to  any  thing  they  may  object  against  me. 
Further  let  yr  Grace  be  pleased  to  understand  that  the  cause  of 
my  coming  over  was  principally  to  make  knowne  unto  you  that 
their  designe  is  only  against  Monsr  Soubize,  as  they  have  freely 
declared  unto  us,  for  wch  I  have  an  absolute  command  by  a  letter 
from  Sr  John  Coke  in  his  Maties  name,  not  to  engage  or  imbroyle 
the  shippes  under  my  command  in  the  civill  warres  of  France,  or 
against  any  of  our  religion  in  that  kingdome  or  elsewhere.  Yet 
nevertheless  I  have  put  them  offe  upon  faire  termes  untill  I  know 
yor  Grace's  further  pleasure:  for,  if  I  should  have  received  them 
aboard  wth  a  promise  to  have  gone  on  in  that  action,  I  could  not 
have  falne  offe  without  scandale  and  dishonour  to  our  nation, 
whereas  now  there  is  tyme  to  prevent  yt.  Moreover  our  men  in 
generall  say  they  will  rather  be  hanged  or  throwne  over  board  then 
they  will  fieght  against  him,  as  your  Grace  may  perceive  by  a 
petition  (herewth  inclosed)  which  my  companie  delivered  unto  me 
the  same  day  the  Admirall  had  bene  aboarde  me  and  declared  this 
unto  us,  and  for  the  companies  of  the  marchants  they  farre  more 
distast  it  then  ours. 


Thus  humblie  beseeching  yor  Grace  to  take  these  things  into  your 
serious  consideration;  and  if  it  be  your  pleasure  I  shall  proceede 
in  this  service;  that  I  may  speedely  receive  directions  from  you 
upon  what  termes  I  shall  goe  on,  and  I  will  carefully  and  punctu- 
ally obey  them.  In  expectation  of  which  I  tary  here  with  my 
fleete  at  the  Ness  in  hope  to  have  yor  Grace's  sudaine  resolution, 
and  for  any  further  relation  of  these  buisinesses  I  referr  it  to  the 
report  of  these  captains.  Thus  humblie  desyring  still  to  be  con- 
tinued in  yor  Grace's  favour  and  good  opinion  I  humblie  take  my 
leave,  ever  remaining 

Your  Grace's  most  faith  full 

and  obedient  servant 


From  aboard  the  Vangard  by 
the  Ness,  this  28  of  June  1625. 

38. — Mr.  Thomas  Lorkin  to  Lord  Conway. 

[State  Papers,  France.] 
Eight  Honorable, 

The  opportunity  of  this  bearer  gives  me  means,  first  of  repayring  Fontaine- 
the  fault  which  my  memory  made  in  my  last  of  the  second  of  this  j    u'28 
present,  where  for  Maletour,  your  Lop  will  finde  Malotra;  next  of  July  8, 
giving  an  accompt  of  what  hath  happened  since.  1625> 

Where,  in  the  front,  your  Lop  may  read  Gondemar's  taking  his 
leave  of  this  King  upon  Satturday  last,  without  touching  any  other 
matter  then  meer  compliment ;  but  the  same  belief  which  I  intimated 
before  prevailes  still,  that  he  hath  left  instructions  with  the  legat 
to  proceed  according  to  the  tenor  of  my  last.  Wherof  there  are 
these  new  presumptions  that  Pamphile  (Auditore  della  Ruota)  and 
the  Secretary  of  the  Legation  have  had  long  and  frequent  confer- 
ences with  the  sayd  Gondemar,  and  sometymes  two  in  one  day; 
besides  the  interchangeable  visitts  betwixt  him  and  the  Legat.  Yet 
does  this  man  temporise  still  without  discovering  himself  further 


then  for  a  cessation  of  armes;  either  in  hope  this  state  will  be  so 
embroyled  as  they  wilbe  glad  to  listen  to  any  conditions;  or  perhaps 
to  prevaile  himself  of  the  jealousie  that  this  state  may  conceyve 
upon  Gondemar's  arrival  in  England,  in  case  his  commission  lie 
thither,  as  is  thought  after  he  hath  been  with  the  Infanta  at 
Brussels,  as  if  there  he  were  to  commence  some  treaty  to  this  King's 
prejudice.  And  some  have  discovered  such  feares  to  me  allready, 
which  I  have  endeavoured  to  prove  vaine,  by  letting  them  knowe 
what  a  deafe  eare  he  will  finde  to  any  ouverture  his  tongue  can 
utter;  sith  we  knowe  him  and  his  tricks  too  wel  to  be,  a  second 
tyme,  deceyved  by  him.  At  his  departure  he  was  presented  with 
a  buffet  of  plate  of  two  thousand  crownes.  There  was  ordeined  a 
jewel  of  that  valew,  but  the  young  Queen  being  carefull  to  provide 
that  he  should  not  be  deceyved,  procured  the  order  to  be  changed 
as  above.  Before  his  departure,  the  Savoyard  Embassadour  went 
and  saluted  him ;  but  to  avoyd  jealousy,  tooke  some  French  along 
with  him  to  be  witnesses  of  what  passed,  which  was  but  to  give  a 
very  brief  compliment. 

The  same  day  the  Holland  Embassadour  had  audience  and  made 
remonstrance  and  instance  according  to  the  tenor  of  the  letter 
enclosed.  The  King  referred  him  to  his  ministers.  The  cardinal 
and  Schomberg,  to  either  of  whom  he  delyvered  a  copie  of  the 
abovesayd  letter,  but  negotiated  chiefly  with  the  latter,  with  whom 
he  had  on  Sunday  last  very  hott  language.  For  Schomberg  im- 
portunately pressing  a  succour  of  twelve  ships  more,  the  Embas- 
sadour in  plaine  terms  told  him,  Vous  nefaites  que  brouiller.  Vous 
nous  f aides  fournir  des  vaisseaux  soubs  pretexte  de  les  vouloir  em- 
ployer a  la  guerre  d 'Italic,  puis  vous  avez  desseing  ailleurs.  Vous 
nous  demandez,  soubs  le  mesme  pretexte  un  nouveau  secours  de 
navires,  et  cependant  vous  traictez  avec  le  legat.  And  afterwards 
the  sayd  Embassadour  pressing  somewhat  peremporily;  as  well 
the  payment  of  ould  arrierages,  as  new  supplies;  Count  Schomberg 
told  him,  Vous  nous  voulez  menager,  ce  me  semble.  C'est  parler 
trop  hault,  et  bien  loinq  de  nous  prier ;  wherunto  the  other  promptly 

THE  LOAN  OF  SHIPS  TO  THE  FRENCH.         207 

replyed :  Nous  ne  vous  menagons  point,  mais  aussy  nous  ne  sommes 
pas  gueux,  pour  aller  prier  ou  mendier.  Nous  sommes  vos  amys  et 
alliez,  et  non  pas  vos  esclaves  pour  vous  venir  supplier.  The  effect 
of  this  quick  negotiation  was;  first  of  generall  promise  of  whatso- 
ever they  should  desire,  then  particularly  of  full  satisfaction  to  these 
following  demaunds  of  his.  1.  That  the  fourty  thowsand  crownes 
(heertofore  defalked  from  their  allowance,  and  converted  to  Mans- 
feld's  use)  might  be  presently  rendred.  21?  that  the  thirty-eight 
thowsand  livres,  which  the  States  lent  unto  Montereau  during  his 
aboad  in  Frise,  might  be  instantly  repayd.  3U  that  five  hundred 
thowsand  francs  (being  the  half  of  their  yeerly  contribution  from 
hence)  might  be  forthwith  advanced  to  them,  and  assurance,  of  the 
other  moity  after  six  moneths  expired.  All  which  was  graunted, 
and  the  Embassadour  assured  of  touching  the  aforesayd  summes  the 
next  weeke. 

The  same  Satterday  also  had  audience  Deputies  of  the  religion 
who  are  now  all  arrived,  those  of  the  Sevennes  and  Jsismes  excepted. 
Monsr  de  Couvrelles  (Soubize's  deputy)  was  the  orator,  who,  in  the 
name  of  all  the  reste,  spake  unto  the  King  as  he  sate  in  Council, 
assisted  by  the  Cardinal,  Chancelier  Schomberg,  secretarie  d'Aucaire, 
and  Tron^on;  this  speeech  was  full  of  submission  and  conteyned  in 
effect  an  humble  petition  of  the  execution  of  the  peace.  The  King's 
answer  was ;  Vous  f aides  mal  de  demander  la  paix  me  faisant  la 
guerre.  Mais  puisque  vous  rendez  dans  I'obeissance,  que  vous  me 
debvcs,  fen  parlerez  a  ces  Messieurs  cy,  pointing  to  all  the  ministers 
in  general.  Though  when  they  came  to  negotiate,  they  found  they 
had  to  doe  with  Schomberg  and  Herbault  onely,  both  knowen  back- 
friends of  theirs,  which  was  to  most  a  sinister  augure  of  bad  inten- 
tions and  of  as  ill  an  issue.  But  I  thinck  there  lies  a  mystery  in 
this,  and  the  choice  thus  contrived  by  the  cardinal,  partly  to 
nourish  feare  in  the  Deputies,  that  so  their  demaunds  might  be  the 
more  moderate,  partly  to  engage  the  principall  opposites  in  the 
treaty  of  peace,  that  so  he  might  lie  the  better  sheltered  from  envy ; 
partly  to  avoyd  the  most  wrangling  disputes,  and  prepare  a  way  to 


more  glory  for  Queen  mother  and  himself,  when  they  shall  corne, 
in  the  end,  to  moderate  matters,  and  give  a  favourable  and  happie 
conclusion  to  the  busines. 

Of  this  last  I  have  this  ground  for  my  conjecture,  that  one  of  the 
Deputies,  of  the  calmest  temper,  going  privately  to  the  Cardinal  to 
solicit  its  favor,  by  letting  him  knowe  in  plausible  termes  that,  how- 
soever divers  would  need  persuade  them  that  he  was  their  ennemy, 
yet  if  it  were  so,  they  were  mightily  decey  ved,  for  they  esteemed 
him  their  greatest  friend;  and  therfore  intreated  his  presence  in 
council,  when  their  cause  should  come  to  be  scanned  and  debated, 
the  Cardinal's  answer  was,  Que  les  premiers  jours  se  passeroient  en 
des  preparatifs  et  en  des  petites  disputes,  mais  quand  on  viendrait  a 
resouldre  de  Vaffaire,  alors,  dit  il,  je  m'y  trouveray,  et  vous  feray 
veoir  par  effect,  queje  suys  vostre  bon  amy.  This  friendly  profession 
sorted  not  ill  with  the  language  that  himself  and  Monsr  d'Aucaire 
had  lately  held  to  me  upon  that  subject.  For  having,  under  pre- 
text of  soliciting  the  delivrance  of  some  prisoners  of  ihe  religion, 
made  a  visitt  to  both,  I  purposely  ministred  occasion  of  discourse 
about  the  present  troubles;  which,  they  easily  taking  hold  of,  I 
first  began  to  wish  a  happie  accommodation  of  those  differences, 
and  then  to  implore  either  of  their  favorable  healps;  shewing  it  to 
be  a  matter  that  important  not  onely  the  particular  good  of  this 
kingdom,  but  the  generall  weale  of  all  christendome ;  intimating 
unto  them  further  what  a  great  discouragement  and  disheartening 
it  might  be  to  his  Matie  the  King  of  England,  to  see  this  King, 
upon  whose  friendship  and  assistance  he  partly  built  those  great 
desseings  he  had  in  hand,  embroyled  in  civil  warres  at  home.  For 
what  great  matter  could  be  expected  hence,  when  all  should  be  in 
combustion.  I  therefore  desired  them  to  take  into  their  serious 
consideration  the  consequence  thereof,  and  to  beware  they  imposed 
not  upon  his  Majesty  a  necessity  of  taking  new '  counsels.  The 
Cardinal's  answer  was,  La  paix  se  ferd,  Assurez  vous  de  cela, 
D'Aucaire  smilingly  replyed:  Que  si  le  Roy  d'Angleterre  vouloit 
faire  seulement  une  bonne  mine  d'assister  le  Roy  contre  ses  rebelles, 


la  paix  seferoit  bien-tost.  And  I  demaunding  whether  it  were  not 
a  sufficient  demonstration,  non  pas  par  contenance  mats  par  effect, 
that  his  Matie  furnished  so  many  ships  to  this  King's  service; 
Indeed  that  were  something,  answered  he,  if  they  were  entirely  at 
our  owne  commandment.  Mais  tant  que  les  Anglois  y  seront  les 
plus  forts ,  on  riosterajamais  ceste  impression  de  la  testedes  Roehelois, 
que  le  Roy  d1  Angleterre  favorise  leurs  entreprises..  Mais  pour  tout 
cela  vous  verrez  (avec  I'ayde  de  Dieu)  la  paix  faicte  plus  tost  que  vous 
ne  croyez.  I  have  made  this  digression,  as  judging  these  passages 
not  unworthy  your  Lordship's  knowledge.  To  returne  where  I 

To  Schomberg  and  Herbault  upon  Sunday  morning,  the  Deputies 
repaired.  To  these  the  question  is  propounded  how  they  meant  to 
treat ;  for  with  all  would  breed  confusion.  They  answer  that 
three  onely  should  speak,  subsidiarily  one  to  another;  but  all  the 
others  desired  to  be  assistant.  This  was  no  way  approved  by  the 
ministers  who,  by  a  distinction  of  the  deputies,  made  this  ouver- 
ture ;  that  those  things  which  concerned  the  whole  body  of  the 
religion  should  be  represented  by  the  Deputies  generall  onely ;  those 
things  which  concerned  the  particulars,  either  of  persons  or  places, 
from  whom  the  others  were  deputed,  should  frame  their  cahiers 
apart  without  intermedling  with  ought  that  should  be  out  of  the 
circumference  of  their  owne  deputation,  and  present  them  by  the 
hands  of  the  Deputies  general!.  This  was  done  out  of  this  designe, 
to  elude  by  that  means  the  fiery  zeale  of  some,  newly  arrived,  who 
hottly  pursued  matters  out  of  their  sphere,  which  their  fellowes 
before  were  content  quietly  to  passe  over,  particularly  the  liberty 
of  Montpellier,  whence  no  speciall  deputies  are  come,  and  wherupon 
the  Generall  would  not  so  rigidly  insist.  This  order  nevertheless 
they  obeyed,  which  hath  been  since  changed,  upon  the  perceyvance 
that  the  ministers  have  that  the  particular  deputies,  being  many  in 
number,  give  lawe  unto  the  other,  to  that  now  three  and  three  take 
their  turne.  Their  demaunds  are  many  being  22  in  number,  my 
last  mentioned  the  most  materiall.  Divers  wherof  by  the  Deputies 

CAMD.  SOC.  2  E 


then  present  are  resolved  to  be  buried  in  silence.  One  is  further 
added  that  was  not  thought  of  at  that  tyme,  but  esteemed  most 
essentiall  now  unto  the  peace,  and  that  is  that  nothing  be  innovated 
in  their  townes  of  surety  for  the  future;  which  is  of  that  consequence 
that  if  they  should  not  obteyne  such  a  promise  now,  the  King 
might,  in  October  next  when  the  terme  of  their  last  graunt  expires, 
impose  upon  them  in  all  such  townes,  governors  and  garrisons  ;  and, 
upon  their  refusal  of  obedience,  pick  a  new  quarrel  against  them, 
and  after  they  should  be  disarmed  invade  them  againe  with  a  new 
warre,  when  they  should  be  unprovided  to  resist.  When  this,  and 
the  razing  of  the  ford  of  Rochel  shalbe  once  accorded,  I  accompt 
the  peace  made ;  for  all  other  difficulties  will  certeinly  be  van- 
quished, though  the  liberty  of  Montpellier  wilbe  eagerly  contested, 
and  the  pieces  enclosed  produced  to  fortifie  the  equity  of  that 
demaund.  There  was  a  pertinacity  in  some  of  insisting  upon  many 
other  things ;  but,  upon  the  intreaty  of  some  of  their  collegues, 
I  have  been  an  instrument  to  reduce  them  to  better  moderation, 
which  I  have  done  by  letting  them  knowe  first  what  an  unseason- 
able conjuncture  of  tyme  Soubize  had  tooke  to  beginn  his  enter- 
prise, which  was  sufficient  to  have  ruinated  utterly  his  Maties 
affaires;  not  onely  with  this  King  and  state,  but  abroad  likewise; 
then,  what  a  just  subject  of  offence  was  therby  ministered;  that 
they  ought  to  consider  how  his  Majesty  was  the  best  friend  they 
had,  and  therefore  it  would  be  their  wisdome  to  take  heed  that 
they  did  not  by  crosse  and  contrary  courses  provoke  him  to  be 
their  ennemy;  that  though  his  Ma1*  were  a  pious  and  religious 
Prince  that  would  be  loth  to  see  those  of  his  owne  profession  any 
way  oppressed;  yet  the  Churches  of  Germany  were  equally,  at 
least,  considerable  with  those  of  France,  towards  whom  all  generous 
deseings  would  be  made  fruitlesse  by  their  dissentions ;  that  they 
could  not  be  ignorant  of  the  infinite  paynes  and  cost  his  Matie  had 
been  at,  to  unite  divers  Princes  together  for  the  common  good ;  of 
the  excessive  charges  he  had  been  at  in  preparing  a  fleet;  the 
prosperous  successe  of  both,  which  depended  upon  the  peaceable 


constitution  of  this  State,  as  being  one  principall  report,  wherupon 
many  other  wheeles  moved.  Conjured  them  to  yield  somewhat  to 
the  common  good,  somewhat  to  the  particular  contentment  of  his 
Matie.  That,  if  their  conditions  were  lesse  advantageous  now, 
tyme  might  worke  such  a  further  increase  of  good  intelligence 
betwixt  the  two  Crownes  of  England  and  France  as  his  Maties  sole 
intercession  towards  this  King  might  rendre  them  better  then  they 
desired ;  and  if,  in  his  consideration,  they  should  depart  with  any 
of  their  right,  it  might  -induce  his  Matie,  in  case  of  unjust  and 
violent  attempts  heerafter  upon  them  to  the  infringing  of  the 
peace,  to  take  their  cause  the  more  neerly  to  heart,  and  to  employ 
all  fitting  meanes  to  defend  them  from  oppression.  It  prevayled 
so  farre,  as  answer  was  made  me,  that  if  they  could  once  see  that 
the  King  and  his  ministers  would  proceed  with  them  de  bonne  foy, 
they  would  be  content  to  listen  to  my  advice,  and  to  passe  by  all 
that  should  not  be  found  to  be  essentiall. 

Whilest  these  things  are  thus  in  treatye  by  two  expresse  courriers 
newes  comes  that  the  Duke  d'Espernon  hath  begunne  the  desgast 
about  Montauban,  plucking  up  the  vines;  cutting  downe  the  trees 
by  the  rootes,  spoiling  the  corne  and  fyring  the  houses  in  the 
villages  round  about.  Which  yet  they  have  not  done  gratis,  for 
those  of  the  towne  sallying  forth  upon  them  have  cutt  them  short 
of  three  or  foure  Hundred  men.  The  newes  of  this  desolation 
begetts  a  great  deale  of  animosity  in  some  of  the  deputies  heer, 
in  others  apprehension,  least  it  be  done  out  of  this  fell  designe 
against  them,  that  when  they,  upon  some  plastred  peace,  shall  have 
disarmed,  and  the  store  of  provisions  in  Montauban  beginne  to 
faile,  which  can  not  be  supplied  out  of  theire  owne  territory,  and 
may  be  interdicted  from  other  parts,  that  then  their  ennemyes  may 
suddainly  come  upon  them,  and  so  they  exposed  to  the  prey.  A 
third  sort  of  them  wish  that  Soubize  may  rendre  them  the  like 
measure,  who  now  lies  fitly  for  it  having  made  a  second  descent 
upon  the  Bee  d'Ambois,  scituate  between  the  two  seas,  as  they  call 
them,  otherwise  the  two  rivers  of  Garonne  and  Dordonne.  The 


end  of  this  landing  was  to  give  means  to  them  of  the  religion, 
wherof  those  parts  are  full,  to  come  and  joigne  themselves  to  ,him; 
but  the  news  of  Montaubans  calamity  may  begett  an  appetite  of 
revenge  upon  the  territory  of  Bourdeaux,  wherunto  he  is  now  a 
neer  neighbour. 

Touching  Mansfeld's  enterteynement,  I  finde  that  all  the  Cardi- 
nal sayes  is  not  gospel ;  for  two  moneth's  pay  is  yet  behinde ;  yet  order 
is  given  for  it,  and  monsr  Villars,  the  said  Mansfeld's  agent,  con- 
fident to  receyve  the  mony  sometyme  the  next  week. 

The  same  Villars  hath  made  great  instance  of  late  that  Venice 
and  Savoy  may  be  by  this  King  pressed  to  contribute  their  part  for 
the  future.  The  king  answered  that  he  had  allready  written  to  his 
Ambassadour  at  Venice  to  solicit  it  with  all  diligence;  and  would 
redouble  his  commaundment  upon  him  that  he  should  drawe  from  that 
State  a  speedy  resolution.  Of  the  Savoyard  he  sayd  nothing,  but 
this  passage  with  his  Embassadour  was  pretty  brisque.  Villars  had 
contracted  with  him  for  the  arrierages  past  at  thirty  thowsand 
crownes.  The  day  was  appointed  for  payment.  When  it  came,  all 
was  forsooth  turned  to  a  jeast.  Villars  not  liking  to  be  thus  scorned 
tould  him  he  would  acquaint  the  King  with  it,  and  sue  for  an 
arrest  of  so  much  mony  out  of  that  which  is  hence  furnished  to  the 
Duke,  his  master  in  Italic ;  and  did  it,  in  truth,  so  effectually  as  the 
King,  seeing  the  Embassadour  some  two  or  three  dayes  since,  told 
him  that  he  had  heard  how  he  had  compounded  with  Villars  at 
such  a  rate;  that  he  hoped  he  would  make  good  his  word,  and  that 
speedily,  or  els  he  would  make  stop  of  as  much  upon  that  which 
was  to  be  sent  to  be  sent  to  the  Duke,  his  master. 

There  is  lately  arrived  here  at  Fountainbleau  the  Count  of  Ferens- 
back,  who  comes  from  Bethliem  Gabor,  with  offers  in  his  name, 
say  some,  of  a  puissant  instance  of  horse  and  foote,  if  this  King 
would  personally  march  in  the  head  of  an  army  into  Germany, 
there  to  make  warre  upon  the  House  of  Austria.  But  I  rather 
think  it  is  to  tender  his  owne  service  and  desire  some  employment 
from  this  King  in  those  parts.  He  hath  been  with  with  Count 

THE  LOAN  OF  SHIPS  TO  THE  FRENCH         213 

Schomberg,  who  hath  promised  to  present  him  to  the  King 
and  intercede  for  him  a  quick  dispatch  of  the  buisines  he  comes 

From  Spaine  they  write  that  Sainct  Salvador  is  taken  back  from 
the  Hollanders,  but  heer  it  hath  the  face  of  more  artifice  than 

Newes  is  freshly  come,  and  with  great  diligence,  to  this  Court, 
derived  unto  me  from  a  very  good  and  sure  hand,  that  Aiquia,  a 
towne  of  the  Duke  of  Mantova's,  not  farre  from  Alessandria,  seized 
upon  by  the  French  in  their  expedition  to  Genua,  to  secure  the 
passage  upon  their  backs,  is  now  sett  upon  by  the  Spaniard,  Monsr 
de  Cuilliac  with  1 ,500  French,  and  500  Valesans  commanding  in 
the  place  for  the  defence;  which  shewes  sufficiently  that  the  great 
moderation  and  temper  which  the  Spaniards  pretended  at  the  first, 
proceeded  onely  from  their  owne  feeblenes  and  weaknes.  For  now 
that  they  have  gotten  strength,  they  beginne  to  appeare,  I  hope  to 
the  facilitating  and  hastening  of  a  domestique  peace  heer,  which  I 
beseech  God  to  graunt,  and  so  I  doe  that  your  Lordship  may  live 
and  enjoy  manny  happie  and  prosperous  years,  as  is  and  shalbe  the 
centinuall  prayer  of  your  Lordship's 

most  humble,  most  faithfull 

and  most  obedient  servant 


This  Tuesday  evening, 
being  July  8th  1625, 
st°.  n°. 

Poster  [ipt]  % 

This  dispatch  having  stayed  in  my  hands  a  day  longer  then*  I 
expected  by  the  delayes  of  Mr.  Gourdon's  voyage,  I  have  found 
meanes  to  procure  the  Deputies  speech,  and  am  sure  it  is  the  first 
copie  that  hath  been  granted  forth.  The  orator  himself  had  a  flatt 
refusall  from  his  colleagues  to  delyver  it  to  any  whosoever. 

*  Acqui. 


39. —  Captain  Pennington  to  Sir  John  Coke. 
[Melbourne  MSS.] 

1625,  June  29.  Honble  Sir 

After  14  dayes  ryding  in  the  dangerous  Eoade  of  Deepe  to  no 
purpose,  we  being  as  neare  to  accomplishment  of  our  business  the 
first  houre  we  came  thither  as  at  our  departure  thence,  which  was 
yesterday  morning,  only  we  had  our  Admirall  aboard  of  us,  who  is 
returned  againe  to  the  Court  without  setling  or  concluding  any 
thing  for  our  voyage,  but  tould  us  that  the  designe  was  merely 
against  Monsr  de  Soubize,  and  demanded  of  us  whether  we  would 
fight  against  him  or  no ;  my  answere  to  him  ,was  that  I  was  readye 
to  lay  downe  my  life  for  the  performance  of  the  wordes  and  mean- 
ing of  the  contract,  and  to  cause  all  that  serve  under  my  command 
(as  much  as  in  me  lyes)  to  do  the  like :  other  answere  I  would  not 
give  him  before  I  knew  the  plea  [sure]  of  the  State,  and  for  this 
purpose  I  am  chiefly  come  over  to  have  my  Lord  Admirall's  resolu- 
tions herein  before  I  proceede  any  further,  to  which  I  earnestlie  desire 
your  favour  to  promise  me  with  all  the  expedition  you  can,  I  ryding 
here  at  the  Ness  readie  to  returne  presently  if  I  be  commanded. 
For  should  I  take  these  men  aboard,  they  dealing  thus  freely  with 
us,  and  fall  ofie  when  we  come  to  the  service ;  it  would  be  a  scan- 
dale  and  dishonour  to  our  nation.  But  they  would  have  taken  an 
order  to  prevent  this,  if  I  would  have  given  way  unto  it,  by  over 
chargeing  us  with  a  great  number  of  their  owne  people,  and  they  yet 
stand  upon  it  not  to  intertaine  us  in  their  service,  but  upon  those 
termes,  of  which  as  of  all  other  things  touching  this  imployment  I 
have  written  at  large  to  my  Lord  Admirall,  which  I  desyre  you 
seriously  to  peruse,  I  not  having  tyme  at  present  to  acquaint  you 
otherwise  with  it;  but  this  gent[leman]  and  the  captaines  that 
come  along  with  him  wilbe  able  to  declare  the  whole  busines  unto 
you.  Thus  once  more  earnestly  intreated  a  speedie  dispatch  unto 
me  that  accordingly  I  may  regulate  my  selfe;  and  so  with  my 
humble  service  desyering  the  continuance  of  your  favour  and  good 


opinion  of  me,  which  I  will  ever  studie  and  endevour  to  deserve,  I 
humbly  take  my  leave,  and  remaine  ever 

Yors  in  all  affection  faithfully 
to  serve  you 


From  aboard  the  Vanguard 
by  the  Ness  the  29  of  June. 

40. —  Captain  Pennington  to  the  Earl  of  Pembroke. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.,  iii.  99.] 

My  right  Honble  good  Lord,  1625>  June  29 

Ryding  here  from  Monday  till  Saturday  without  hearing  any 
newes  from  the  Court  of  France  or  receyving  any  word  or  message 
from  any  lyving  soule  that  had  power  or  authoritie  concerning  our 
imployment,  then  being  impatient  with  our  long  stay  in  this 
dangerous  place,  I  sent  this  gentleman  Mr.  Ingham  post  to  the 
Court  of  France  with  a  letter  to  Mons.  Docquerre  Secretarie  to  his 
Christian  Majestic,  whom  I  desired  to  acquaint  with  the  contentes 
therof.  Mr.  Ingham  meeting  with  Mr.  Larking  our  English  agent 
there  acquainted  him  with  the  cause  of  his  coming,  who  very  care- 
fully and  freely  tooke  the  busines  into  his  handes  and  returned  me 
a  dispatch  of  yt  the  23  of  this  moneth  with  two  letters  the  one 
from  the  King  of  France  and  the  other  from  the  sayde  Secretarie  ' 
Docquerre-  '  The  same  evening  late  the  Admirall  of  France 
Duke  de  Mommorency  came  here  to  the  towne  of  Deepe,  the  next 
morning  earely  I  sent  all  the  captains  and  my  lieutenant  to  kiss 
his  harides  and  all  our  boates  hansom  lie  furnished  to  bring  him  and 
his  traine  aboard,  and  with  all  a  complement  to  excuse  my  not 
way  ting  on  him  in  person,  in  regard  I  was  constrayned  to  stay 
aboard  to  take  order  for  his  intertainement  according  to  his  rancke 
and  qualitie,  who  tould  them  that  he  would  goe  aboard  anon,  but 
two  howers  after  the  weather  being  a  litle  foule  with  raine,  he  sent 
them  word  they  might  goe  their  way,  for  that  he  would  not  goe 


that  day  ;  so  they  came  all  aboard.  Yet  about  thre  of  the  clocke 
in  the  afternoone,  notwithstanding  the  raine,  he  came  aboard  with  a 
great  traine;  where  I  received  him  in  the  best  maner  I  could,  our 
shippes  haveing  all  their  braverie  abroad.  At  his  coming  aboard  I 
welcomed  him  with  elleaven  peeces  of  ordnance  and  the  rest  of 
the  shippes  rateably,  but  I  could  not  give  him  a  volly  of  small  shott 
(which  I  had  readie)  by  reason  of  the  raine.  After  he  had  vewed 
all  the  shippe  and  was  returned  backe  to  the  greate  cabin  I  gave 
him  the  best  intertainement  I  could  and  after  some  litle  tyme  there 
spent  he  went  his  way  to  see  the  other  shippes  and  at  his  going 
offe  I  gave  him  seaventeene  peeces  of  ordnance  he  leaving  aboard 
with  me  the  Chevalier  de  Razilli  with  his  Secretarie  and  two  others 
to  conferre  with  me  about  the  shippe  and  voyage,  not  speakeing  one 
word  to  me  of  it  himselfe  but  left  it  wholly  to  them. 

These  Commiss1"8  thus  lefte  falling  upon  the  busines,  began  first 
with  the  number  of  men  that  I  should  receyve  in  here,  which 
they  desyred  should  have  bene  three  hundreth  souldiers  and 
mariners  besyde  his  traine  and  then  he  fell  to  three  hundreth  in  all, 
captaines,  gentlemen,  souldiers,  and  mariners,  which  they  tould  me 
the  King  of  France  had  kept  in  pay  these  three  monethes  for  this 
ship,  of  which  number  there  were  twelve  captains  for  his  consell 
and  a  great  many  of  gentlemen  of  qualitie,  which  must  all  be 
accommodated  with  cabins  if  this  shippe  could  affoard  them- 
Notwithstanding  the  wordes  of  the  contract  allowed  no  more  but 
the  great  cabin.  My  answere  to  this  was  that  I  could  not  admit 
aboard  above  the  number  of  60,  I  not  having  roome  in  hould  for 
my  oxvne  provisions  for  my  250  men  which  I  brought  out  of 
England  with  me.  Then  they  pressed  me  to  discharge  parte  of 
them,  as  a  hundreth  or  a  hundreth  and  fiftie  and  that  I  should  have 
the  benefit  of  their  victuall  and  wages,  and  besydes  that  their 
King  would  thanke  me  otherwise.  But  all  this  could  not  drawe 
me  to  a  further  number  or  to  breake  the  least  part  of  the  contract 
or  my  commission,  much  less  to  be  a  traitor  to  my  King  and 
countrie.  When  they  could  not  prevaile  with  me  in  this,  then 


they  would  have  had  me  to  have  taken  in  the  men,  and  they  would 
have  provided  patuches  or  small  barkes  to  have  carryed  the 
provision  of  victualls  for  them.  To  which  I  alleadged  that  first 
this  shippe  was  not  able  to  containe  them,  having  never  carryed 
above  this  my  number  of  250,  which  is  sufficient  for  service,  and  as 
many  as  she  can  conveniently  carry  without  breeding  infection  and 
sickness  among  them,  and  that  I  durst  not  put  a  man  of  mine  out, 
it  being  contrarie  to  the  wordes  of  the  contract.  Secondlie  that  if 
wee  should  be  seperated  by  extremitie  of  weather  into  what  distresse 
they  should  be  driven  for  want  of  victualls,  for  that  I  might  not 
impart  any  unto  them.  Nevertheless  they  sayde  that  the  whole 
300  should  goe,  as  also  1400  for  the  other  seaven  shippes,  and  the  rest 
that  we  could  not  take  in  should  go  in  the  sayde  patachos  with  the 
victualls,  this  being  their  last  resolution  for  this  point  which  (under 
correction  of  Your  Lordships  better  judgment)  I  hould  it  noe  way 
for  the  safetie  of  our  shippes :  for  that  one  tyme  or  other  they  will 
use  meanes  to  get  them  aboarde  to  endevour  to  make  themselves 
masters  of  our  shippes,  which  is  the  only  thing  they  ayme  at,  and 
sticke  not  to  speake  it  publickly  to  some  of  the  Captains'  faces  that 
we  should  not  be  their  masters,  neither  was  it  honorable  for  their 
Admirall  or  themselves  to  put  their  heades  under  our  girdles. 

The  second  point  they  fell  upon  was  that  their  Admirall  would 
have  command  of  us  all,  both  in  this  shippe  and  in  the  rest,  and 
governe  and  execute  the  French  lawes  upon  us  as  well  as  upon 
those  of  his  owne  nation,  intending  to  use  marshall  la  we  over  all. 
My  answer  to  this  was  that  I  could  not  give  him  way  for  any 
further  command  here,  than  over  myselfe,  and  that  only  for  the 
managing  of  feightes  and  carrying  him  to  such  places  as  he  should 
command  me,  and  I  to  command  all  our  owne  people  and  provisions 
according  to  the  wordes  of  the  contract. 

Thirdly  they  declared  unto  me  that  their  only  designe  was 
against  Monsieur  de  Soubize,  and  demanded  whether  we  would 
fieght  against  him  or  noe.  My  answere  to  this  was,  that  I  was 
readie  to  fieght  against  any  and  to  lay  downe  my  life  for  the  per- 

CAMD.  soc.  2  F 


formance  of  the  wordes  and  meaning  of  the  Contract,  and  to  doe  my 
best  to  cause  my  people  and  the  rest  of  the  Captaines  and  Companies 
to  do  the  like. 

Fourthly  that  they  did  not  understand  by  the  wordes  of  the 
contract  (howsoever  I  might  interpret  it)  but  that  the  provisions  of 
powder,  shott,  and  other  munition  should  be  furnished  out  of  Eng- 
land at  our  Kings  charge  but  yet  when  I  shewed  them  the  contract, 
and  tould  them  that  I  had  no  more  but  for  the  garde  of  the  shippe, 
of  which  I  had  spent  a  great  part  allreadie  in  salutations.  And 
except  I  was  furnished  here  I  could  not  goe  upon  any  service ; 
then  they  were  content  to  furnish  powder,  and  promised  to  get  it 
from  Paris :  but  for  shott  here  was  none,  neither  could  they  tell  me 
where  to  have  it,  where  of  I  must  be  furnished,  as  also  of  many 
other  provisions  of  munition  (which  I  have  given  them  a  note 
of )  or  otherwyse  I  cannot  proceede  to  effect  any  busines. 

These  being  the  cheifest  heades  we  treated  upon,  they  tould  me 
(seing  they  could  not  draw  me  to  any  thing)  that  the  King  of  France 
should  wry  te  to  the  King  my  master  to  cause  me  to  f  ullfill  their 
desyre  in  all.  And  thus  they  went  ashore  from  me  to  their  Lord 
Admirall.  The  24th  of  this  moneth  in  the  evening  they  appointed 
all  the  Captaines  of  the  Merchants'  shippes  to  be  ashore  with  them 
the  next  morning,  but  the  wind  blew  so  high  and  weather  so  foule 
that  they  could  not  goe  till  towardes  night,  and^hen  I  sent  to  this 
gentleman  to  do  my  respects  to  the  Admirall,  and  withall  to  let  him 
know  that  we  were  not  able  to  ryde  longer  in  that  dangerous  Roade; 
we  having  allreadie  taryed  there  14  dayes  (whereas  we  were 
promised  by  the  French  Ambassador  that  we  should  tarrie  but  one) 
to  our  greate  damage  by  breakeing  and  galling  our  cables,  and  if  it 
should  have  over  blowne,  it  had  bene  as  much  as  our  lyves  were 
worth,  therefore  desired  that  we  might  be  dispatched  or  returne  to 
some  safe  place  upon  our  owne  coste  till  they  were  readie  for  us ; 
but  to  this  he  returned  litle  answere,  saying  that  he  was  to  goe  to  the 
Court  of  France  to  acquaint  the  King  how  things  stoode,  anrl  that 
he  would  returne  as  soone  as  he  could,  and  that  he  would  not  have 


us  to  stirre  ;  with  that  answere  this  gentleman  returned  that  night 
to  me  aboarde,  but  they  kept  the  Captaines  of  the  Marchants'  shippes 
ashore  with  them  all  night,  for  they  would  have  them  to  take  in 
200  men  apeece,  and  at  last  they  came  to  230  apeece,  or  else  they 
must  go  along  with  him  to  Paris,  with  many  threatening  wordes 
and  ill  language.  And  the  other  70  for  each  shippe  to  make  uppe 
their  200  should  be  caried  in  pataches  as  aforesayde.  Yet  this  they 
could  not  drawe  them  to,  but  they  were  contented  to  take  in  50 
men  apeece,  which  was  more  then  they  had  authority  to  doe  by  a 
Commission  from  my  Lord  Admirall  which  I  reade  unto  them. 
Howbeit  that  would  not  satisfy  him,  but  he  lefte  them  in  a  chafe. 
The  26  day  after  dinner  he  went  away  for  Paris  to  acquaint  the 
King  as  aforesayde  without  leaving  any  order  for  us  in  the  world. 
Now  the  weather  being  so  foule  and  likely  to  be  worse,  I  wrote  a 
letter  to  him  that  night  and  sent  it  ashore  to  be  conveyed  after  him, 
whereby  I  advertised  him  that  for  the  safety  of  our  shippes  we 
resolved  to  retyre  our  selves  to  our  owne  coste,  where  we  should 
attend  his  further  pleasure  and  be  readie  upon  the  first  summons  to 
repaire  to  the  same  place  or  to  any  other  where  he  should  appoint 
us.  And  upon  these  termes  we  weighed  about  12  of  the  clocke  at 
night  with  the  tyde  of  ebbe  and  the  wind  at  southwest  and  by  south, 
and  stode  over  west  north  west  and  west  and  by  north  hoping  to 
gaine  the  isle  of  Wight  but  the  wind  vireing  much  westerly  we 
were  forced  to  stand  away  for  the  Ness  with  a  purpose  to  tarrie 
there  till  I  have  a  dispatch  from  my  Lord  Admirall.  Now  to 
leave  her  on  her  way  and  to  returne  a  litle  backe  to  Deepe,  your 
Lordship  may  be  pleased  brieflie  to  understand  they  vilified  and 
spoke  disgracefullie  on  all  our  shippes,  they  have  abused  and 
threatened  our  people  to  turne  them  out  of  all,  which  I  do  verily 
believe  they  ment  to  have  done  if  they  could  have  obteyned  their 
wills  to  have  put  as  many  of  their  men  aboord  as  they  desired, 
the  greatest  part  of  their  souldiers  being  mariners  in  souldiers' 
habits  with  a  purpose  to  delude  us,  and  they  had  made  all  new 
officers  of  their  mariners  from  the  Captaine  to  the  lowest  officer 


that  should  have  bene  over  us,  this  some  of  the  better  sort  denyes 
not,  but  say  they  did  it  feareing  we  would  not  feight  against  Mon- 
sieur de  Soubize  which  I  do  verily  thinke  we  shall  not,  for  all  our 
people  de  sweare  they  wilbe  hanged  or  throwne  overboard  before 
they  will  ever  do  it.  Indeed  there  is  not  such  a  kennell  of  rancke 
pirately  roages  in  all  France  as  that  place  of  Deepe  affoardes,  which 
abuseth  the  good  nature  of  the  Admirall  of  France  who  knowes 
nothing  of  the  sea  nor  ever  saw  a  peece  of  ordnance  shott  at  sea 
before  in  his  life,  as  he  tould  me  aboard  my  shipp,  but  is  only  ruld 
and  led  by  these  picqueroning  Captaines.  Thus  being  prevented 
by  tyme  I  leave  all  other  relations  to  this  gentleman  the  bearer, 
and  only  desire  the  continuance  of  your  Lordship's  favour  and  good 
opinion  towardes  me,  which  I  will  allwayes  with  my  best  endevors 
strive  to  meritt  and  ever  remaine 

Your  Lordships  in  all  humblenes 

to  do  you  service 

From  aboard  the 
Vanguard  neare  the  Ness 
the  29th  day  of  June  1625. 

41. —  The  Duke  of  Chevreuse  and  M.  de  la  Ville  aux  Clercs'to 

Louis  XIII. 
[Harl.MSS.  4597,  fol.  211.] 


1625,  Nous  avous  receu  ce  matin  la  lettre  du-6  de  ce  mois  dont  il  a 

pleu  a  vostre  Majeste  m'honorer,  au  contenu  de  la  quelle  nous  nous 
confbrmerons  en  ce  qui  regarde  Madame  de  Sainct  Georges  et  aux 
autres  affaires  dont  vostre  Majeste  nous  a  chargez  selon  la  connois- 
sance  que  nous  avons  de  ses  volontez  qu'elle  aura  trouve  assez 
advancees  selon  ce  qui  est  porte  en  nostre  precedente  depesche : 
maintenant  nous  luy  faisons  cette  cy  en  toute  diligence  pour  in- 
former vostre  Majeste  qu'estant  venu  a  nostre  connoissance  que  les 
Navires  Anglois  s'estoient  relaschez  en  ses  costes  de  deja  publians 


avoir  este  mal  traictez  en  France,  comme  aussy  par  une  depesche 
qui  nous  est  venue  de  Dieppe  les  comportemens  des  capitaines  des 
dits  vavires  nous  nous  en  sommes  plaincts  a  Monsieur  le  Due  de 
Bouquinquam  qui  nous  a  promis,  suivant  ce  qu'il  avoit  faict  il  y  a 
deux  jours  de  leur  faire,  faire  commandement  de  retourner  a  larade 
de  Dieppe,  d'obeir  a  Mons,  1'Admiral,  et  recevoir  en  leurs  bords 
autant  de  soldats  qu'ils  en  pourront  porter,  s'expliquant  neantmoins 
tres  bien  que  les  Anglois  seront  tousjours  les  maitres  de  la  fidelite 
desquels  il  veut  entrer  pour  plege:  ce  n'est  pas  a  nous  ny  a  juger  de 
1'evenement  ny  a  doubter  de  ses  parolles,  mais  a  la  verite  cela  nous 
semble  rude  qu'il  veuille  entierement  deferer  sa  croyance  au  dire 
des  matelots  sans  avoir  egard  a  ce  que  nous  luy  remonstrons,  et 
qu'il  veuille  nous  faire  passer  pour  grace  ce  a  quoy  les  capitaines 
des  dits  vaisseaux  sont  obligez,  desquels  nous  apprehendons  bien 
que  vostre  Majeste  ne  sera  servie  comme  il  se  doit,  ce  que  nous 
sommes  obligez  de  luy  mander  pour  nostre  descharge,  estant  certain 
que  le  Parlement  d'Angleterre  plein  de  Puritains  donne  ce  remue- 
ment  et  generallement  tous  ceux  de  ce  pays  y  estant  craint,  et  le 
dit  Due  y  cherchant  de  1'appuy,  qui  pour  leur  plaire  est  capable 
de  choses  fort  esloignees  de  son  bien,  et  qui  pourroient  contenter 
vostre  Majeste,  la  quelle  nous  n'ennuirons  pas  d'un  plus  long  entre- 
tien,  seulement  la  supplierons  nous  de  recevoir  en  bonne  part  nostre 
franchise  et  nous  croire  Sire 

De  vostre  Majeste 

Tres  humbles  tres  obeissans  &c. 
De  Londres  le  dixiesme  jour  de  Juillet 
mil  six  cens  vingt  cinq. 

42. — Lord  Conway  to  Captain  Pennington. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  Addenda.] 

The  French  have  made  greevous  complaints  of  you  and  your  1525,  July  3. 
report  of  their  accions,  and  your  behaviour  towards  them  hath  ben 
seene.      And    while   things   suspend   without   further  tryall,  your 


relacion  is  well  receaved  saving  in  this  point  which  they  laye 
heavely  to  your  charge,  that  you  and  your  companie  have  given 
out  that  you  have  instruccions  not  to  fight  against  the  Protestants, 
which  your  letter  seemes  to  contradict  concerning  your  owne 
France.*  But  those  rumors  have  given  reason  and  creditt  to 
demaund  and  presse  a  power  over  your  shipps,  or  at  least  to  have  soe 
manie  aboard  each  ship  as  may  serve  to  beare  sufficient  witnes  of 
the  manner  of  your  obeying  the  direccion  that  shall  bee  given  you 
by  the  Admirall  or  his  leutenant,  and  assist  you  in  the  execucion  of 
of  such  service  as  shalbe  commanded  to  you.  Whereupon  his  Matie 
hath  commanded  mee  to  signifie  his  pleasure  to  you  that  you 
receave  60  men  into  your  shipp  of  such  ran[k]  and  qualitie  as  the 
Admirall  shall  thinke  fitt,  which  his  Matie  conceaves  by  your 
relacion  to  bee  as  great  a  noinber  as  you  can  well  receave :  and  that 
each  of  the  other  7  shipps  doe  raceave  accordinge  to  the  rate  of  50 
to  every  shipp,  beinge  the  nomber  the  Captaines  consented  to,  the 
distribucion  to  bee  leaft  to  themselves  accordinge  to  the  capacitie  of 
the  shipps. 

And  further  his  Mats  pleasure  is  that  you  and  the  rest  of  the 
shipps  obey  entirely  the  commandement  of  the  most  Christian  Kinge 
his  Admirall,  or  Lieutennant,  in  resistinge  or  attemptinge  anie 
person  or  persons  that  they  shall  direct  you  against.  This  is  the 
charge  I  have  receaved,  which  you  are  to  take  for  warrant  to  obey 
it.  Havinge  noe  further  charge,  I  remaine 


43 — The   French   Ambassador's  Protest  against  the   Owners  and 

Masters  of  the  ships  imploied  in  the  French  Kings  service. 

[State  Papers,  France.] 

1625,  July  4.  I  John  Emans,  Notary  and  Tabellion  publick  of  the  Citty  of 
London,  by  authority  of  the  Kinges  Majesty  our  souveraigne  Lord 
admitted  and  sworne  by  order  and  in  the  name  of  the  ryght  honour- 

a  Sic. 


able  Lord  Anthony  Ruze  Marquis  of  Effiat,  Councellor  of  the.moste 
Christian  Kinge  in  his  Councell  of  Estate,  Knyght  of  his  Majestes 
orders,  yrste  Gentleman  of  his  hyghnes  horsses  and  his  Ambassador 
extraordinary  in  this  realme  of  England,  doe  hereby  notifye  and 
make  knowne  unto  you  the  Captayne  and  owners  of  the  shippe 
called  the  Pearle :  that  whereas  on  the  25th  daye  of  the  moneth  of 
March  laste  paste  the  said  Ambassador  by  meanes  of  the  Comis- 
sioners  for  the  Navy  of  his  Majesty  of  Greate  Brittany  did  passe  and 
make  an  aggreemente  for  the  freyghting  of  the  said  shippe  for  the 
service  of  his  moste  Christian  Majesty,  whereby  it  tis  aggreed  that 
the  said  shippe  is  to  be  of  the  burthen  of  fcwre  hundred  and  fyfty 
tonnes  in  tonne  and  tonnage,  and  that  shee  should  have  70  personnes 
for  the  guydinge  and  gouverninge  of  her,  whereof  12  should  be 
Gunners  and  that  his  moste  Christian  Majesty  or  his  Ambassador 
should  putt  on  board  the  said  shippe  such  a  Commander  and  as 
many  soldiers  as  shee  could  reasonably  carry,  and  that  the  said 
shippe  should  serve  his  sayd  moste  Christian  Majesty  againste  whome- 
soever  excepte  the  Kinge  of  Greate  Brittany.  Nowe  so  itt  is,  the 
said  shippe  being  comme  to  the  coaste  of  France,  itt  appeareth  that 
the  burthen  of  the  said  shippe  is  putt  greater  than  shee  is,  or  ells 
for  the  raysing  of  the  freyght  to  a  greater  somme  you  have  over- 
charged the  said  shippe  with  marriners,  whereby  the  intente  which 
his  moste  Christian  Majesty  hadd  to  putt  into  her  as  many  soldiers 
as  he  should  fynd  good  for  performance  of  the  service  for  which  she 
was  hyred  and  appointed  is  becomme  frutelesse  and  hindered,  not- 
withstandinge  the  greate  sommes  of  monny  which  have  benne  payd 
unto  you  for  the  freyght  of  •  the  said  shippe  and  which  you  are  yett 
to  have  for  the  reste  of  the  tyme  that  shee  was  hyred  for :  allso 
contrary  to  the  aggreemente  you  doe  refuse  to  take  in  the  soldiers 
which  are  to  be  putt  aboard  and  to  goe  where  you  are  appointed, 
and  lykewyse  withoute  any  order  or  consente  of  his  sayd  moste 
Christian  Majesty  his  Admiral  or  officers,  the  said  shippe  is  comme 
from  the  Coaste  of  France  to  this  Realme  of  England  all  to  the 
greate  damage  and  prejudice  of  his  Majesty  and  his  service.  By 


reason  whereof  I  doe  proteste  againste  you  the  said  Captayne  and 
owners  and  every  one  of  you  and  all  others  that  itt  doeth  or  maye 
concerne  and  againste  your  shippe  and  goods,  that  his  sayde 
moste  Christian  Majesty  doeth  not  onely  purpose  to  stoppe  and 
cause  to  be  de'tayued  the  monethes  paye  which  you  are  nowe  to 
receave  before  hand  and  the  other  payements  which  shall  followe, 
butt  allso  in  case  you  doe  not  take  speedy  order  herein,  to  pretend 
and  recouver  of  you  and  of  your  goodes  all  the  sommes  of  monny 
whicli  have  benne  payd  unto  you,  and  which  you  have  receaved 
before  hand  in  regard  you  have  not  performed  the  said  aggree- 
mente  accordinge  to  the  true  intente  and  meaninge  thereof, 
togeather  with  all  costes  damages  and  interestes  which  by  your 
deffault  already  are  and  hereafter  shalbe  suffered  and  sustayned. 
Butt  yf  you  doe  speedely  remedy  this  deffault  and  yf  your  shippe 
doe  the  service  which  shee  is  bound  to  doe  and  for  which  shee  was 
hyred  I  doe  lett  you  knowe  that  not  onely  this  monethes  paye  butt 
all  the  others  shalbe  payd  unto  you  in  dewe  tyme  withowte  any 
delaye  accordinge  to  the  tennor  of  the  said  aggreemente. 

On  this  daye  the  fourth  of  July  A°  1625  abowte  Twelve  of  the 
Clock  att  noone,  I  the  said  Notary  didd  reade  and  notifie  the 
premisses  unto  Anthony  Tuchin  Captayne  of  the  said  shippe  the 
Pearle,  who  havinge  understood  the  same  requyred  a  coppy  thereof 
which  I  delyvered  unto  him.  Donne  in  the  presence  of  Michaell 
Lucas  Secretarye  of  the  Chamber  of  his  moste  Christian  Majesty 
and  of  the  Ambassage  of  the  said  Lord  Ambassador  and  John  Marius 
Clarke  of  me  the  said  Notarye  as  witnesses. 

44. —  The  Duke  of  CJievreuse  and  M  de  la  Ville  aux  Clercs  to 

Louis  Xfll. 
[Harl.  MSS.  4597,  fol.  218.b] 


1625,  July  ^.  Enfin  apres  une  longue  poursuite  nous  avons  obtenu  ce  que  vostre 
Majeste  pouvoit  desirer  sur  le  faict  des  vaisseaux,  et  le  Roy  de  la 
Grande  Bretagne  en  escrit  a  vostre  Majeste  tesmoigne  qu'ii  veut  que 


vous  soyez  maistre  de  ses  navires  :  la  patience  a  gagne*  cela,  car  au 
commencement  que  nous  nous  pleignismes  tout  nous  fut  refuse,  et 
le  contenu  des  contracts  voulait  que  nous  receussions  en  grace  les 
quels  bien  entendus  donnent  ce  qui  est  accorde,  mais  maintenant 
1'affaire  est  plus  esclaircie  et  vostre  Majeste  peut  disposer  de  cet 
armetnent  de  la  sorte  qu'elle  estimera  le  devoir  faire.  Aux  autres 
affaires  qui  nous  retiennent  de  de9a  demain  en  aurons  eu  resolution 
et  tost  apres  nous  partirons,  Monsieur  D'Effiat  par  Dieppe  pour  y 
conduire  luy  mesme  les  vaisseaux,  et  nous  par  Boulogne  ayant  desire 
le  dit  Sieurque  nous  nous  separassions,  afin  que  par  Tauctorite  qu'il 
s'est  acquise  sur  les  capitaines  des  dits  navires  il  les  porte  a  obeir 
et  que  le  tout  soit  accommode,  levant  les  difficultez  qui  se  peuvent 
rencontrer.  Nous  envoyons  aussy  au  dit  Dieppe  quarante  pieces  de 
fer  pour  le  service  de  vostre  Majeste"  qui  ordonnera  s'il  luy  plaist 
que  le  Sieur  Bourlemaky  soit  rembourse  de  1'advance  et  satisfaict 
des  autres  prests  esquels  il  est  entre"  pour  le  fret  des  navires,  a  quoy 
tous  nous,  nous  sommes  obligez  afin  que  cette  seconde  difficulte  ne 
illudast  (?)  le  partement.  Cette  depesche  a  quelque  chose  de  con- 
traire  a  nostre  precedente,  mais  ceux  de  de9a  ayant  change  nous 
sommes  contrainctes  de  suivre  leurs  mouvemens,  et  en  ce  particulier 
avec  joye,  vostre  Majeste"  en  ayant  advantage,  aupres  de  la  quelle 
esperbns  de  nous  rendre  bientost.  Nous  ne  Timportunerons  point 
de  milles  parti cularitez  qui  luy  doivent  estre  dites  sur  1'establisse- 
ment  de  la  Royne  sa  soeur,  et  ce  que  nous  avons  reconneu  en  cet 
estat  ou  le  parlement  ira  tousjours  buttant  les  intentions  de  vostre 
Majeste  centre  les  Catholiques,  le  quel  peut  trop,  et  des  hier  ils 
demanderent  Pexecution  des  loix  qu'ils  n'obtindrent  pas  a  ce  qui 
nous  a  este  rapporte;  le  Roy  de  la  Grande  Bretagne  s'estant  con- 
tente  de  leur  dire  qu'il  adviseroit  sur  leur  demande;  ce  qui  nous 
blesse  c'est  que  ceux  que  vostre  Majeste"  a  obligez  ne  traictent  pas 
comme  ils  doivent,  et  au  lieu  d'estre  pour  le  traicte'  nous  advangant* 
des  discours  contre,  mais  cela  voulant  un  long  entretien  nous  le 

•  Sic.    1  adyancent. 
CAMD.  SOC.  2  G 


remettons  a  la  vive  voix,  et  cependant  nous  nous  contenterons  de 
prier  Dieu  qu'il  comble  le  regne  de  vostre  Majeste  de  milles  bene- 
dictions et  luy  donner  Sire  en  parfaicte  sante  tres  longue  et  heureuse 

Nous  somraes  obligez  de  dire  a  vostre  Majeste  que  Monsieur  le 
Due  de   Bouquingham  a  ce  jourdhuy  temoisgne  lors  que  le  Roy  a 
bailie  la  lettre  des  vaisseaux  toute  sorte  de  bonne  volonte 
A  Bichemont  le  19«  jour  de  Juillet  1625. 

45. — Louis  XIII.  to  the  Duke  of  Chevreuse  M.  de  la  Ville  aux  Clercs 

and  the  Marquis  of  Ejfial. 

[Harl.  MSS.  4597,  fol.  221.] 

1625  J  1  *°  Mon  Cousin  et  vous  Messieurs  de  la  Ville  aux  Clercs  et  d'Effiat. 
J'ay  receu  vos  lettres  des  7  et  1 0  de  ce  mois  par  les  quelles  j\y  veu 
que  quelque  instance  que  vous  ayez  faicte  de  ma  part  sur  le  faict 
des  vaisseaux  Anglois  vous  n'avez  peu  obtenir  ce  que  je  jugeois 
e?tre  necessaire  pour  mon  service  et  contentement,  et  que  les  ministres 
du  Roy  de  la  Grande  Bretagne  mon  frere  s'arrestent  a  la  teneur  des 
contracts.  Je  les  ay  faict  revoir  et  apres  les  avoir  bien  considerez 
je  ne  voy  pas  que  je  puisse  en  estre  bien  servy  pour  les  conditions 
qu'ils  desirent,  car  lorsque  mon  Cousin  de  Montmorency  a  este"  a 
Dieppe  les  visiter,  1'  Admiral  Peniton  luy  a  tesmoigne  qu'il  ne  pou- 
voit  recevoir  que  sa  personne  et  jusques  a  quarante  de  son  train, 
et  disrent  ouvertement  quils  ne  pouvoient  combattre  contre  les 
Rochellois  et  Huguenots  leurs  amis.  Cette  response  tesmoigne  bien 
en  effect  qu'ils  manquent  de  bonne  volonte  et  veullent  estre  les 
maistres  sur  leurs  vaisseaux  et  les  plus  forts  en  commandement,  ce 
que  estant,  ce  seroit  grande  imprudence  de  s'en  servir,  non  seulement 
parce  que  Ton  n'en  pourroit  recevoir  d'utilite,  mais  pour  ce  qu'ils 
pourroient  par  leur  mauvaise  volonte*  desbaucher  les  autres  qui  sont 
desja  joincts  a  mon  armee  navalle;  estant  done  informez  de  ma  reso- 
lution et  des  raisons  qui  m'y  portent,  vous  traicterez  cette  affaire  par 
vostre  prudence  et  bonne  conduite  le  plus  judicieusement  et  dextre- 


ment  que  vous  pourrez  et  si  ne  pouvez  vous  empescher  de  faire 
connoistre  les  justes  sujets  que  j'ay  de  me  passer  des  dits  vaisseaux 
Anglois  puis  quails  sont  publics,  et  que  chacun   scait  les  mauvais 
discours  que  les  Anglois  ont  tenuz  en  France  confirmez  a  mon  dit 
Cousin  de  Montmorency  de  vive  voix  et  par  escrit  signe  des  chefs 
en  son  proces  verbal  qu'il  m'a  faict  voir  pour  sa  descharge,  il  suffira 
que  les  raisons  pour  les  quelles  je  ne  me  veux  servir  des  dits  vaisseaux 
soient  dites  seulement  au  Koy  de  la  Grande  Bretagne  mon  frere  et 
a  mon  cousin  le  Due  de  Bouquingham,  sans  en  faire  plus  grand 
bruict  en  Angleterre,  ains  tesmoigner  publiquement  n'avoir  aucun 
mescontentement,  disans  que  je  ne    m'en   sers  par  ce  que  j'en  ay 
assez  d'autres,  je  desire  que  vous  teniez  ce  precede  pour  1'honneur 
et  la  reputation  du  Roy  mon  frere  a  la  quelle  sans  double  on  trou- 
veroit  a  redire  si  1'on  voyoit  que  je  refusasse  les  sus  dits  vaisseaux 
par  les  dures  conditions  que  Ton  m'a  proposees,  il  y  a  grande  ap- 
parence  que  le  Roy  mon  dit  frere  ne  voudra  pas  que  je  demeure 
avec  un  si  juste  degoust  et  par  consequent  qu'il  se  pourra  faire  que 
touche  d'autre  sentiment  il  me  renvoyera  les  dits  vaisseaux   avec 
ordre  a  son  Admiral  et  officiers  de  recevoir  absolument  la  loy  du 
mon  dit  Cousin  de  Montmorency  pour  y  mettre  tant  de  gens  qu'il 
me  plaira,  faisant  de  1'Angleterre  avant  leur  retour  oster  la  pluspart 
des  Anglois  et  victuailles  qui  sont  dessus.     Si  le  Roy  mon  dit  frere 
a  cette  volonte  en  ce  cas  vous  accepterez  le  renvoy  des  dits  vaisseaux 
pourveu  que  j'en  sois  le  maistre  absolu  et  ce  plus  par  civilite  que  par 
necessite  que  j'en  aye.     A  quoy  vous  pourrez  encore  adjouster  de 
vous  mesmes  beaucoup  d'autres  bonnes  et  fortes  raisons  pour  faire 
connoistre  quelle  entree  d'alliance  c'est  de  n'avoir  accorde  en  ap- 
parence  un  secours  de  vaisseaux  que  1'on  refuse  en  effect  par  des 
conditions  que  propose  telles  quelles  ne  compatissent  pas  avec  ma 
dignite  et  reputation,  ce  que  vous  ferez  entendre  comrne  de  vous 
mesmes  presupposant  tousjours,  comme  c'est  chose  veritable,  que  je 
desire  me  passer  des  dits  vaisseaux   (et  en  effect  je  le  veux  faire  si 
1'on  demeure  aus  dites  conditions  proposees)   et  particulierement 


vous  Sieur  d'Effiat  devez  agir,  puis  que  vous  vous  trouvez  interesse 
en  cette  affaire,  pour  n'avoir  bien  conceu  le  marche  des  dits  vaisseaux 
et  souffert  cette  derniere  clause  de  restrinction  qui  destmict  les 
premieres,  vous  y  trouverez  peut  estre  quelques  difficultez,  et  sur  ce 
pressez  pour  le  payement  des  ditz  vaisseaux  aux  termes  portez  par 
les  marchez  et  contracts  encore  que  je  ne  m'en  vueille  pas  servir,  u 
cela  vous  ne  manquerez  pas  de  raisons  qui  doivent  aboutir  toutes, 
que  si  je  pouvois  m'en  servir,  et  que  je  n'eusse  volonte  de  le  faire, 
il  seroit  raisonnable  de  satisfaire  aux  contracts  mais  si  voulant  m'en 
servir  et  le  Roy  mon  frere  ne  le  desirant  pas  par  la  rigeur  des  con- 
ditions desraisonnables  que  Ton  propose,  il  n'y  a  pas  apparence  de 
demander  le  payement  d'iceux  et  n'y  puis  estre  justement  tenu, 
c'est  ce  que  vous  aurez  a  dire  et  representer  de  ma  part  eur  le  sujet 
des  ditz  vaisseaux  demeurant  au  surplus  tres  satisfaict  du  soin  que 
vous  avez  rendu  pour  1'establissement  de  la  maison  de  la  Royne  de 
la  Grande  Bretagne  ma  soeur  et  du  soulagement  que  IPS  Catholiques 
ont  receu  par  vostre  entremise  en  1'execution  des  promesses  qui 
concernent  leur  repos  et  contentement.  Sur  ce  je  prie  Dieu  qu'il 
vous  ait  mon  Cousin  et  vous  Messieurs  De  la  Ville  aux  Clercs  et 
d'Effiat  en  sa  saincte  garde. 

Escrit  a  Fontainebleau  le  20  Jour  de  Juillet  1625  ainsy  signe 



46. — Lord  Conway  to  Captain  Pennington. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  33.] 


1625,  July  10.  His  Majesties  express  pleasure  is  that  you  take  knowledge  that  hee 
hath  leaft  the  command  of  his  Shipps  under  your  charge  unto  his 
deere  brother  the  most  Christian  Kinge,  and  that  therefore  you 
receave  into  those  shipps  soe  manie  persons  as  that  Kinge  shall  bee 
pleased  to  putt  into  them  and  to  bee  continued  there  dureinge  the 

THE  LOAN  OF  SHIPS  TO  THE  FRENCH.         229 

time  of  the  Contract.  And  this  you  are  to  obey  intirely  with  the 
greatest  moderacion  aud  discretion  you  can  This  beinge  that  I  have 
in  charge  from  his  Majestic  I  recommend  ^t  to  you  as  your  warrant 
and  remaine 

Your  assured  freind  to  serve  you 

E.  Cox  WAY. 

Hampton  Court 
Julie  10,  1625. 

47. — The  captains  of  the  merchant  ships  to  Lord  Conway. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  37  ] 

Right  Honorable, 

For  that  wee  have  maney  reasons  to  suspecte  there  was  a  resolu-  1625,  July  11, 
cion  in  some  principall  officers  of  seamen  of  his  most  Christian 
Majestic  to  dispossess  us  of  our  ships  and  goods  and  soe  to  make 
themselves  masters  of  them  and  us,  contrary  to  the  condicions  con- 
cluded upon  by  our  Charterpart,  and  for  that  wee  are  uncertayne 
how  far  forth  that  designe  might  have  trenched  into  the  lyves  and 
safties  of  our  selves  and  our  people,  or  otherwayes  have  touched 
upon  the  duties  and  alegence  wee  owe  unto  our  Soveraigne  Lord 
the  Kinges  most  excellent  Majestic,  to  whom  the  principall  care  and 
interest  doth  most  belonge :  wee  have  thought  it  fitt  in  the  civillest 
manor  we  could  for  the  present,  to  quit  the  coast  of  France  and  in  , 
the  meane  while  humbly  to  desire  your  Honor  that  some  such  course 
may  be  taken  for  our  farther  securityes  as  should  bee  thought  fitt 
in  his  Majesties  royall  wisdome,  for  wee  see  it  is  not  sufficient  for  us 
to  have  anie  merchants  tyed  for  the  performance  of  anie  thinge  con- 
cluded upon  betweene  the  state  of  a  Soveraigne  Majestic  and  that 
of  simple  subjects;  in  as  much  as  wee  perceave  already  the  mer- 
chantes  that  were  undertakers  for  our  security  were  prohibited  from 
disbursing  our  wages  due  unto  us  (but  at  their  perills);  if  soe,  then 
what  hope  remaines  for  us  that  wee  shalbe  fairely  delt  withall,  when 
all  is  in  their  handes,  and  wee  turned  over  to  be  suiters  for  our  re- 


compence  of  damages,  in  reward  of  our  great  charge  and  losse 
sustayned :  and  under  correction  wee  cannot  but  marvell  they  should 
desire  to  put  aney  such  extraordinary  nombers  of  theirs  aboard  us 
as  they  have  offered  when  they  hyer  us  as  men  of  warr,  but  that 
they  doe  ether  suspecte  our  valore,  our  fidelities,  or  abilities  to 
performe  anie  thing  to  be  required  of  us ;  if  soe,  then  this  is  not 
the  way  to  give  them  their  ends  they  ayme  at,  for  from  suspected 
persons,- or  persons  under  guard,  they  must  looke  for  nothinge 
ells  but  practises  continually  arysinge  thorowe  jelousies  or  mis- 
interpretacions  of  all  actions  or  accidents  that  shall  happen,  especially 
when  it  is  betweene  nations  of  severall  language  and  severall  religion 
(such  as  wee  are);  and  therefore  to  prevent  all  evills  of  this  kinde  (under 
favor)  wee  conceave  it  much  better  that  they  should  give  us  leave  to 
serve  them  with  our  owne  forces,  and  soe  to  subject  ourselves  onely 
to  the  comandes  and  direccions  of  such  their  Admirallsor  Generalls 
as  shalbe  asigned  to  have  the  charge  of  the  service,  as  heretofore 
was  accustomed  when  wee  served  them  in  anie  their  warrs :  if  then 
anie  omission  or  fault  were  comitted  by  us  or  aney  of  us  lett  the 
offender  suffer  condingly  for  it,  accordinge  to  the  lawes  and  cus- 
tomes  of  all  nations ;  soe  shall  they  be  free  from  givinge  us  cause  of 
offence  and  wee  from  excuse  (if  wee  performe  not  our  duties,  ether 
accordinge  to  our  covenantes  or  accordinge  to  the  lawes  and  orders 
wee  submitt  ourselves  to  obey  when  wee  shall  be  joyned  to  the  rest 
of  the  Fleete,  or  to  be  devided  into  a  squadron  by  ourselves  at  the 
Generall's  pleasure :  but  howesoever  there  wilbe  noethinge  more 
looked  for  by  us,  then  that  wee  maye  be  made  (in  some  sort) 
acquainted  with  the  enemy  against  whom  wee  are  to  bee  ymployed, 
that  wee  may  make  our  provisions  accordingly,  both  in  respecte  of 
the  coaste  wee  are  to  keepe,  and  the  meanes  wee  are  to  use  offensive 
or  deffensive,  aswell  as  for  the  health  and  comfort  of  our  people, 
and  to  take  order  for  supplies  duringe  the  tymes  of  our  ymploy- 
ments  under  his  most  Christian  Majestic,  and  for  sufficient  pro- 
visions for  our  home  comeinge  when  wee  shalbe  discharged  from 


thence,  all  which  wee  referre  to  your  Lordshipp  more  grave  and 
serious  consideracion  and  ever  rest 

Your  Lordshipp  in  all  humble 

Service  to  be  comanded 

Dated  this  11th  of 
July  1625. 

48. — Sir  John  Coke  to  Lord  Conway. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  40. ) 
Eight  honorable, 

The  Captains  Masters  and  Owners  of  the  ships  lately  returned  1625,  Jnly  11. 
from  the  service  of  the  French,  have  acquainted  mee  that  the 
Ambassador  hath  not  only  protested  against  them  as  breakers  of  the 
contract  but  also  importuned  his  Majeste  to  put  them  and  their 
ships  by  his  royal  commandement  into  the  power  of  their  people, 
by  receaving  as  manie  French  as  they  will  send  aboord.  For  the 
protest  they  tel  mee  they  are  readie  to  answer  it  in  a  legal  course 
when  it  shal  bee  pursued,  and  dowbt  not  to  justifie  their  performance 
in  everie  poinct  of  the  contract:  Besids  they  wil  shew  that  they 
are  now  freed  from  anie  further  ingagement  in  this  service,  because 
the  Ambassador  hath  broken  his  daies  of  paiment  and  their  men 
without  pay,  wil  not  bee  kept  on  boord  nor  the  owners  supplie  their 
cables  and  anchors  worn  and  lost  by  staying  their  ships,  contrarie 
to  promise,  uppon  a  desperate  road  on  that  coast:  but  that  which 
dishartneth  them  most  is  the  insolent  careage  of  the  French,  who 
plainly  have  professed  that  they  wil  bee  masters  of  their  ships:  that 
the[y]  wil  execute  their  marshal  laws  uppon  their  persons:  and 
that  they  will  imploy  both  ships  and  men  against  them  of  our 
religion.  For  their  ships  the*  owners  say  that  they  are  their 
freeholds,  to  which  they  have  no  less  right  then  other  subjects 
to  their  howses  and  possessions,  and  therfore  thowgh  they  owght  and 

«  They  in  MS. 


are  readie  to  employ  then  in  his  Majestes  service,  yet  to  have  them 
put  into  the  powr  of  strangers,  or  to  bee  required  to  serve  with, 
uppon  other  conditions  then  they  agree  unto,  and  without  sufficient 
securitie  to  bee  saved  harmless,  they  hold  it  not  agreeable  either  to 
precedents  of  former  times  or  to  the  laws  of  this  land,  and  therfore 
they  appeale  therin  to  his  Majestes  justice  and  to  his  protection  in 
their  right.  Then  for  their  persons  they  say  al  they  are  English 
free  born  and  know  the  inveterate  malice  of  the  French,  and  there- 
fore wil  not  dishoner  our  nation  and  blemish  in  a  sort  their  allege- 
ance  to  his  Majeste  by  putting  themselves  so  farr  into  French 
jurisdiction  that  they  shal  not  have  power  to  redeeme  his  Majestes 
honor  and  their  own  from  such  attempts  against  them  as  they  have 
cawse  to  mistrust.  And  lastly  for  serving  against  them  of  our 
religion,  it  is  verie  wel  known  that  our  seamen  generally  are  most 
resolute  in  our  profession :  and  theis  men  have  expressed  it  by  their 
common  petition  to  their  Admiral  and  otherwise  by  protestation, 
that  they  wil  rather  bee  killed  or  thrown  overboord  then  bee  forced 
to  shed  the  innocent  blood  of  anie  protestants  in  the  quarrels  of 
papists :  so  as  they  wil  accompt  anie  commandment  to  that  end  to 
bee  in  a  kind,  an  imposition  of  martyrdom:  and  so  the  frute  to  bee 
expected  of  this  service  on  our  part  is  the  casting  away  of  the  ships 
and  of  the  men  and  the  beginning  of  a  breach  betwixt  the  two 
nations ;  and  on  their  part  our  engagement  against  our  own  partie 
and  the  cutting  of  al  relation  of  their  protestants  to  us,  which 
happily  is  the  cheif  end  of  pressing  this  business ;  ther  appearing 
no  other,  they  can  reasonablv  propounde.  To  which  if  wee  add 
the  discouragement  of  our  partie  at  home  and  abroad;  the  late 
murmuring  against  it  in  Parliament  and  the  open  exclaming  made 
in  the  pulpits,  that  this  taking  part  against  our  own  religion,  is  one 
cheif  cawse  of  Gods  hand  that  now  hangeth  over  us : a  wee  can 
hardly  balance  theis  consequences  with  anie  interest  or  assistance 
wee  can  have  from  the  French,  whose  own  ingagements  without 
straining  on  our  side  are  the  only  occasions  of  advantage  to  bee 

*  A  reference  to  the  plague. 


expected  from  their  good  wil.      But  because  it  may  bee  objected 
that  his  Majeste  was  engaged  by  promise,  and  that  the  contract  may 
seeme  to  import  the  lending  of  their  ships  to  serve  the  French  King 
against  whomsoever  his  Majeste  of  England  only  excepted,  and  that 
with  libertie  to  put  aboord  them  as  manie  French  as  they  should 
thinck   fit:    thowgh    this  article  being   framed   according  to    the 
woords  and  intention  of  the  Venetian  contract  owght  to  be  strained 
no  further  then  that  was  to  a  common  enemie,  and  thowgh  his 
Majestes  allies  and  such  as  are  interested  in  his  favor  are  duly 
included  in  the  exception  of  the  King  of  Great  Brittaine  which 
cannot  be  restrained  to  his  person  alone  ;    and  thowgh  the  cautions 
annexed  in  both  theis  articles  clearly  free  our  Captains  from  taking 
in  more  then  the  ships  may  conveniently  carie   with   saftie  and 
health,  which  wil  exclude  the  numbers  the  French  do  press  for,  yet 
if  his  Majestic  in  his  royal  wisdom  shal  thinck  fit  to  write   his 
mandatorie  letters  to  the  Admiral  to  proceed  with  his  fleet  for  such 
service  as  the  French  King  shal  thinck  fit,  and  to  receave  aboord 
everie  ship  as  manie  French  as  hee  shal  appoinct,  yet  if  the  letters 
may  bee    written  but  with   this  pressing  clawse  that  if  hee  can 
not  presently  obey  this  direction  by  reason  of  anie  interruption 
whatsoever,  that  hee  forthwith  acquaint  his  Majeste  therwith  that 
hee  may  give  order  to  remove  it,  and  so  take  away  al  excuse  for  not 
accomplishing  the    intended  gratification  to  his  deer  brother  the 
French   King.     Then  this  clawse  wil  give  time  and   crave  from 
them  a  true  declaration  of  their  due  performance  of  the  contract, 
of  the  breach  on  the  French  part  of  the  shortness  of  their  companies, 
of  their  wants  of  fit  supplies,  and  of  al  impossibilities  to  performe 
the  expected  service.     And  if  the  Ambassador  theruppon  thinck  fit 
to  prosecute  his  protestation,  hee  may  bee  left  to  take  his  remedy  by 
law,  and  the  subjects  in  like  sort  to  justifie  their  proceedings,  wherin 
no  exception  can  bee  taken  to  his  Majeste  who  hath  really  performed 
al   they  can  require,  and  the  issue  doth  not  answer  their  desire 
which  appeare  justly  to  fall  upon  themselves  and  al  the  il  effects 

CAMD.  SOC.  2  H 


wil  bee  prevented  which  the  changing  of  the  first  intention  of  this 
service  would  produce.  Only  some  care  would  bee  taken  after  his 
Majestes  letters  written  that  Sir  Ferdinando  Gorges  who  attendeth 
this  business  and  purposeth  to  go  aboord  his  ship  to  the  rest  of  the 
fleete  may  receave  some  directions  for  the  careage  of  their  answers, 
that  Capt.  Penington  by  the  unexpected  stile  of  his  Majestes  letters 
may  not  bee  surprisd,  which  I  leave  to  your  Honor's  wisdom:  and 
so  having  delivered  my  poore  opinion  by  writing  because,  wanting 
a  convenient  lodging  in  town,  I  am  driven  to  my  howse  at 

I  humbly  rest 

At  your  Honor's  service 



11th  July  1625. 

49. — The  King  of  France  to  Captain  Pennington. 
[State  Papers,  France.] 

1625,  July  ^.  Monsr  de  Penington,  J'ai  eu  bien  agreable  Padvis  que  le  Sr 
d'Efnat  m'a  donne  du  comraandement  que  le  Roy  de  la  Grande 
Bretagne  mon  bon  frere  vous  a  faict  pour  1'embarquement  des  capi- 
taines  et  soldats  Francois  que  j'ay  faict  leves  pour  mettre  dans  ses 
vaisseaulx,  ne  doubtant  point  que  1'ayant  recu  vous  n'executiez 
entierement  ses  volontez  et  mes  intentions  aussy,  ou  que  je  retire  le 
service  que  je  me  suis  promis  de  vous  et  de  votre  flotte,  desirant 
que  sans  aulcun  retardement  vous  vous  rendiez  pres  de  mon  cousin 
le  Due  de  Montmorancy,  et  vous  joigniez  a  mon  armee  navalle  le 
plustost  qu'il  vous  sera  possible  pour  ne  perdre  1'occasion  de  prandre 
part  aux  rencontres  qui  se  pourroient  faire  centre  mes  subjects 
rebelles,  priant  Dieu  qu'il  vous  ayt,  Monsr  de  Penington,  en  sa  sainte 
garde.  Escrit  a  Fontainebleau  le  xxiii6  Jour  de  Juillet  1625. 




50. —  The  Duke  of  Buckingham  to  Captain  Pennington. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  69.] 


I   would  have  you  hasten  with   all  speede  to  Diepe  with  his  1695,  July  16. 
Majestes  and  the  rest  of  the  shipps  there  to  meete  with  Mons. 
d'Effiat  the  French  King's  Ambassador,  and  to  performe  my  master 
the  King  of  Englands  pleasure  signifyed  by  lettre   from   my  Lord 
Conway  And  soe  I  rest 

Your  loving  freind 


16°  Jnlij  1625. 

51. — Edward  Nicholas*  to  Captain  Penington. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  66.] 
Noble  Captaine 

With  this  you  will  receave  a  lettre  from  my  Lord  to  repayre  1625,  July  16. 
presently  with  the  first  opportunity  to  Diepe  and  to  bring  thither 
with  you  both  his  Majestes  shipp  (which  is  under  your  chardge)  and 
alsoe  the  seven  Merchauntes  shipps  which  wore  to  attend  her  for 
the  service  of  the  King  of  Fraunce.  I  am  comaunded  by  my  Lord 
to  goe  thither  alsoe  with  Mons.  d'Effiat  to  see  his  Majestes  pleasure 
signifyed  by  my  Lord  Conwey  put  in  execucion.  I  am  not  to  make 
any  long  stay  att  Dieppe,  neither  will  the  Ambassador  willingly, 
and  therefore  I  hope  you  will  hasten  thither,  when  I  shall  have 
leasure  to  speake  with  you  more  att  large  and  to  assure  you  that 
I  am 

Your  faith  full  freind 

and  servaunt 

16°  Julij  1625. 

•  Secretary  to  the  Duke  of  Buckingham,  now  sent  to  Dieppe. 


My  Lord  Ambassador  commaundeth  me  to  desire  you  to  hasten 
to  Diepe  the  next  tyde  after  the  receipt  hereof  and  not  to  forgett 
the  Neptune.  He  would  wryte  himself  but  that  he  hath  seene  this 
lettre  and  hopeth  to  see  you  monday  night  att  Diepe.  Yours 


53. — Edward  Nicholas  to  the  Duke  of  Buckingham* 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iy.  58.") 

1625,  May  it  please  your  Grace, 

The  weight  and  consequence  of  the  busines  wherein  it  hath 
pleased  you  to  employ  me  being  in  my  poore  understandinge 
worthy  of  your  Grace's  serious  consideracion  I  thought  good  by 
this  only  to  put  you  in  minde  of  it,  and  to  beseech  you  to  give 
present  order  that  there  may  be  some  safe  course  taken  for  your 
warrant  and  discharge  ;  for  I  believe  the  caution  that  wilbe  given 
for  the  restitucion  of  the  shipps  wilbe  nothing  worth,  because  with- 
out a  breach  of  peace  with  Fraunce  there  can  hardly  be  any 
recovery  of  whatsoever  sommes  the  Ambassadors  doe  engage  them- 
selves for  in  the  name  of  their  King :  and  albeyt  this  be  our  King's 
owne  goodnes  and  affeccion  to  the  French,  yet  it  wilbe  conceaved 
by  all  that  it  hath  bene  your  worke  principally  to  perswade  his 
Majestic  into  it,  1  perceave  the  Ambassador  will  hasten  to  make  a 
dispatch  of  this  busines,  and  cares  not  much  att  what  price  (soe 
longe  as  it  stands  only  on  engagement  and  not  present  performaunce) 
he  getteth  these  shipps  into  the  possession  of  his  Masters  ministers, 
the  want  of  present  pay  for  the  mariners  will  be  noe  groat  difficulty 
for,  rather  than  it  shall,  I  beleeve  he  will  gett  mony  for  them  att 
Diepe  or  security  to  their  full  contentment.  I  beseech  your  Grace 
to  lett  me  heare  from  you  as  soone  as  may  be  that  my  inexperience 
in  such  businesses  misleade  me  not  for  want  of  instruccions.  The 
Ambassador  sent  a  courryer  Friday  night  to  Capt.  Penington  to 
meete  att  Diepe  with  all  the  shipps  this  night,  and  his  Lordshipp 


is  now  reddy  to  embarke.     I  will  never  be  wanting  in  faith  and 
dilligence  to  approve  myself 

Your  Grace's 

most  humble  and  obedient 

53. —  The  Duke  of  Chevreuse  and  M.  de  la  Ville  aux  Clercs  to 
Louis  XIII. 

[Harl.  MSS.  4597,  fol.  220.] 


Quand  ce  courrier  arriva  et  qu'il  nous  rendit  la  lettre  dont  il  a  1625,  July 
pleu  a  vostre  Majeste  nous  honorer,  1'affaire  des  vaisseaux  estoit 
desja  terminee,  ainsy  que  vostre  Majeste*  aura  peu  voir  par  nostre 
precedente  depesche,  ce  qui  nous  a  empesche  d'en  plus  parler,  esti- 
maiit  que  vostre  Majeste  avoit  entier  contentement ;  mais  du  depuis 
pressez  de  partir  demandant  les  depesches  il  s'y  est  rencontre  deg 
difficultez,  les  quelles  toutesfois  ont  este  surmonte's  par  1'affection 
que  le  Due  de  Bouquinquam  y  a  porte*,  le  quel  toutesfois  s'est  trouve 
esbransle  par  diverses  raisons  qu'on  luy  representeroit  et  ceux  mesmes 
qui  doivent  da  vantage  a  vostre  Majeste",  le  service  de  la  queile  nous 
estant  en  singuliere  recommendation  estimant  qu'il  y  alloit  de  la 
reputation  si  elle  n'avoit  contentement  au  faict  des  dits  navires, 
nous  a  portez  a  prier  Monsieur  le  Marquis  d'Effiat  d'aller  a  Dieppe 
avec  eux  et  la  selon  1'ordre  qui  leur  est  donne*  y  passer  un  nouveau 
contract  par  lequel  ainsy  qu'il  est  convenu  vostre  Majeste  sera 
maistre  absolu  des  dits  navires,  le  project  du  quel  nous  envoyons 
a,  vostre  Majeste  afin  qu'il  luy  plaise  le  considerer  et  mander  en 
diligence  au  dit  Sieur  Marquis  ce  qu'il  aura  a  faire,  prenant  sa 
resolution  sur  1'estat  present  de  ses  affaires,  les  quelles  voulant  que 
vostre  Majeste  soit  armee  a  la  mer  ne  pourront  que  la  porter  k  les 
retener  sans  s'arrester  a  quelque  augmentation  de  frais  qui,  considerez 
au  service,  ne  peuvent  entrer  en  compte,  ou  bien  pour  les  temps 
convenu  vostre  Majeste  pourra  les  garder  et  sans  en  estre  maistre 
dbsolu  en  tirer  le  service  qu'elle  s'en  peut  promettre  qui  n'aprochera 


de  pres  a  ce  qui  en  peut  estre  attendu,  vostre  Majeste  se  resolvant 
de  continue!  le  fret  au  prix  arreste  et  ne  laisser  de  les  charger  de 
matelots  et  soldats  Fran9ois,  les  ordres  donnez  par  le  Roy  de  la 
Grande  Bretagne  et  par  le  dit  Due  sont  clairs  et  absoluz,  et  toutes 
fois  nous  ne  laissons  d'apprehender  quelques  nouvelles  difficultez  du 
coste  des  capitaines,  les  quels  quoy  que  imaginees  par  le  dit  Marquis 
ainsy  que  de  nous  ne  1'ont  pas  empesche  de  continuer  sa  premiere 
resolution  et  s'en  mettre  au  hazard  pour  essayer  a  rendre  ce  service 
a  vostre  Majeste,  la  quelle  s'il  luy  plaist  luy  depeschera  en  toute 
diligence  et  luy  fera  scavoir  sa  volonte,  specifiant  par  le  detail  ce 
qu'il  aura  a  faire,  nous  esperons  qu'il  y  servira  bien  vostre  Majeste, 
et  qu'elle  agreera  ce  que  nous  ayons  faict,  ny  ayant  eu  autre  objet 
que  son  service,  au  quel  nous  ne  manquerons  jamais  y  estans  attachez 
par  nos  naissances  et  nos  devoirs  estans. 

54. — The  Duke  of  Buckingham  to  Captain  Pennington. 
[Domestic,  Charles  I.  Addenda.] 

1625,  July  18.  Captaine  Penington 

I  have  sent  this  bearer  my  Secretary  to  see  his  Mats  pleasure 
signifyed  by  lettre  from  my  Lord  Conwey  put  in  execucion  which 
is  for  the  delivery  over  of  his  Mat's  and  the  rest  of  the  shipps  unto 
the  hands  of  such  French  men  as  the  King  of  Fraunce  shall  appoint, 
that  they  may  put  into  them  soe  many  men  as  they  shall  thinke 
good,  and  dispose  af  them  as  the  said  most  Christian  King  shall 
direct,  and  I  have  agreed  with  the  Ambassadors  of  Fraunce  that 
they  give  yow  and  the  rest  of  the  shipps  according  to  a  full  vallu- 
acion  for  them  and  all  the  furniture  and  provisions  in  them.  The 
forms  of  the  obligacion  and  security  we  are  agreed  on  to  be  accord- 
ing to  the  coppy  of  what  my  Secretary  shall  shew  unto  yow  under 
their  hands  :  and  because  the  Duke  of  Chevreux  and  Monsieur  de 
la  Villeaux  clercs  goe  not  along  in  company  with  the  Marquis 
d'Effiat,  they  have  given  him  a  procuracion  under  their  hands  to 


give  security  for  himself  and  them  jointly  and  severally.  They  are 
likewise  to  be  bound  to  give  direccion  to  Burlemach  to  give  two 
monthes  pay  for  all  the  shipps  as  soone  as  they  are  delivered.  I 
would  have  you  to  use  all  dilligence  and  discrecion  herein  as  you 
respect  his  Mats  service.  And  soe  I  rest 

Your  loviag  friend 


Rochester:  18° 
Jnlii  1625. 

55. — Captain  Pennington  to  the  Duke  of  Buckingham. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iy.  78.] 

May  it  please  your  Grace, 

I  have  even  now  received  a  letter  from  your  Grace  with  fatricte  1625,  July  18. 
command  presentlie  to  goe  for  Diepe,  and  to  carry  with  me  the  rest 
of  the  merchants'  shippes,  which  I  am  instantly  readie  to  obey,  but 
having  called  their  masters  aboard  and  declared  your  Grace's 
pleasure  therein,  they  desired  to  speake  with  their  companies,  and 
they  all  absolutely  deny  to  stirr  from  hence  before  their  captaines 
come.  Notwithstanding  I  have  reade  your  Graces  letter  unto  them 
and  made  knowne  his  Majesties  pleasure,  so  as  I  must  be  forced 
either  to  goe  together  by  the  eares  with  them,  or  goe  without 
them,  which  I  am  resolved  to  doe  if  their  captaines  come  not  • 
this  night :  also  that  your  Grace  wilbe  pleased  to  remember  I  have 
not  above  48  barells  of  powder  aboard,  litle  shott,  noe  fire  workes 
and  never  a  sworde,  save  only  my  selfe  and  a  few  gentlemen. 
Furthermore  I  understand  that  his  Majesties  pleasure  is,  that  his 
shippe  wherein  I  serve,  as  also  the  reste  of  the  marchants'  shippes 
be  wholly  at  the  disposing  of  the  most  Christian  King,  and  that 
they  are  to  bring  in  as  many  of  their  owne  nation  as  they  will,  and 
we  to  be  wholly  under  their  command,  insomuch  as  the  Commission 
that  I  have  from  your  Grace  is  totally  annihilated.  For  myiie 
owne  part,  it  is  to  difficult  a  busines  lor  me  to  wade  through,  and 


therefore  I  humbly  desire  that  your  Grace  wilbe  pleased  to  call  me 
home,  and  to  send  some  other  more  able  for  it  who  may  better 
goe  upon  these  termes  then  my  selfe;  in  regard  they  are  allready 
discontented  with  me  for  that  I  would  not  formerly  yeild  to 
their  desires,  which  I  thought  to  be  wonderous  unreasonable 
and  contrarie  to  *the  orders  I  had  from  his  Majestic  and  your 
Graces  commission  :  but  now  all  is  layde  open  unto  them  aswell  for 
the  fieghting  against  any  that  they  will  have  us,  as  also  for  govern- 
ing us  after  the  French  la  we,  and  indeed  e  in  making  us  their  slaves 
as  they  formerly  tould  us;  which  for  my  part  I  hope  never  to  be. 
Therefore  I  humbly  beseech  your  Grace  to  appoint  some  other  for 
the  command  I  now  have,  for  that  I  will  rather  put  my  life  upon  the 
King's  mercy  at  home  then  goe  upon  these  termes.  But  howsoever 
I  will  carry  the  shipp  over  according  to  your  Graces  command  and 
there  attend  the  returne  of  this  bearer  and  further  order  to  whom  I 
shall  deliver  over  my  command.  Moreover  your  Grace  may  be 
pleased  to  take  notice  that  I  have  a  strange  uprore  in  my  shippe 
amongst  my  owne  companie,  upon  this  newes  of  going  over  againe ; 
I  haveing  much  adoe  to  bring  them  to  it,  though  I  keepe  all  from 
them,  and  make  them  believe  we  goe  over  upon  better  termes  then 
formerly :  but  when  they  shall  come  on  the  other  syde  and  find  the 
contrarie,  I  feare  there  wilbe  something  to  do  with  them. 

Thus  humblie  desiring  your  Graces  favour  and  that  you  wilbe 
pleased  to  mediate  to  his  Majestic  for  me  for  his  gracious  favour 
that  I  may  be  called  offe  from  this  service  with  his  Majesties  favour 
and  good  liking,  and  to  dispose  of  me  upon  any  other  that  his 
Majestic  or  your  grace  shall  [see]  fit:  and  I  shalbe  bound  ever  to 

Your  Graces  most  humble 

and  faithfill  servant 


From  aboard  the  Vanguard 
in  Stokes  Bay  the  18th  of  July 


56. — Captain  Pennington  to  Lord  Comvay. 
[State_Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  79.] 

Right  Honorable  my  very  good  Lord, 

I  have  received  order  from  my  Lord  Duke  of  Buckingham  his  1625>  ^uly  18- 
Grace  presently  commanding  me  to  goe  for  Deepe  and  to  carry 
along  with  me  the  rest  of  the  marchants'  shippes;  which  1  have 
mad  knowne  unto  their  Masters  and  they  unto  their  companies,  but 
in  regard  the  Captaines  are  not  here,  they  will  not  stirre  till  they 
come,  so  that  I  must  be  forced  either  to  goe  together  by  the  eares 
with  them  or  to  goe  without  them,  being  therefore  resolved  to  goe 
myselfe,  I  not  having  power  to  doe  the  other.  I  also  understand  by  a 
warrant  from  your  Lordship  in  his  Majesties  name  that  his  Majestic 
hath  left  the  command  of  these  shippes  to  his  most  Christian  brother 
the  King  of  France  and  that  we  are  to  receive  so  many  men  aboard 
as  they  thinke  fitt  and  I  to  deliver  all  whatsoever  to  them.  All 
which  I  am  readie  presently  to  obey,  first  for  the  carrying  over  of 
the  shippes,  and  then  to  lett  them  doe  what  they  will  with  them, 
allwayes  hopeing  that  it  is  his  Maties  pleasure  that  1  shall  returne 
after  my  surrender  to  them,  for  I  know  that  your  Lordship  in  your 
grave  wisdome  thinkes  it  not  titte  for  me  to  continue  here  having 
allready  so  withstoode  their  unreasonable  demands  and  so  contrarie 
to  the  commandes  of  the  King  my  master  and  my  commission  from 
my  Lord  Duke  of  Buckingham's  grace.  Therefore  I  humblie  beseech 
your  good  Lordship  that  you  wilbe  pleased  to  procure  me  his  . 

Majesties  favour  that  I  maie  be  called  home  and  some  other  more 
able  man  for  this  imployment  put  in,  for  I  rather  desyre  to  suffer 
at  home  than  to  be  imployed  where  I  am  sure  to  suffer  dishonour. 
Thus  praying  your  good  Lordship  that  I  may  have  your  favorable 
opinion  and  that  you  will  beleive  that  if  I  had  a  thousand  lives  I 
would  sacrifice  them  all  for  the  honour  and  safetie  of  my  King  and 

CAMD.  soc.  2  I 


countrie.     And  thus  with  rem[em]brance  of  my  humble  service  to 
your  good  Lordship  1  ever  remaine 

Your  Lordships  very 

humble  servant 


From  aboard  the  Vangard 
the  18  day  of  July  1625  in 
Stokes  Bay. 

57. — Captain  Pennington  to  Sir  John  Coke. 
[Melbourne  MSS.] 

Honble  Sir 

1G25,  July  18.  I  have  no  tyme  to  make  that  relation  I  should  unto  you  but 
leave  you  to  the  report  ot  this  gent,  only  yow  may  be  pleased  to 
understand  I  have  even  now  received  order  from  my  lord  Duke's 
grace  to  goe  away  for  Deepe,  and  so  carrie  the  rest  of  the  shippes 
along  wth  me,  but  they  will  not  stirre  before  their  Captaines  come, 
nor  I  think  at  all  so  farre  as  I  can  perceive,  though  I  have  layde  his 
Maties  command  on  them,  for  here  is  a  greate  uprore  among  them 
all,  so  that  1  am  resolved  presently  to  goe  without  them. 

I  have  also  order  from  my  lord  Conway  in  his  Maties  name  to 
deliver  over  the  sole  command  of  this  his  Maties  shippe  and  the 
rest  to  his  most  Christian  Matie,  and  he  to  put  as  many  of  his  owne 
nation  in  as  he  will,  and  to  doe  what  he  will  with  them,  so  that 
whereas  I  had  the  commission  of  an  Admirall,  1  am  now  like  to  be 
a  slave  unto  them,  as  they  threatened  formerly  to  make  me;  there- 
fore I  humbly  intreat  your  favour  that  you  wilbe  a  meanes  I  may 
be  called  home,  and  some  other  put  in  that  they  are  not  distasted  with 
as  you  know  they  are  with  me,  in  regard  I  would  not  condescend 
to  their  unreasonable  demandes  to  breake  the  orders  I  had  from  his 
Matie,  and  the  commission  1  had  from  my  lord  Duke's  grace,  and 
be  a  traytor  to  my  King  and  countrie,  all  which  I  desire  you  tc 
to  take  unto  your  juditious  consideration  that  some  speedie  cours 


may  be  taken  for  my  reliefe  in  this  particular,  which  I  may  not 
indure:  and  so  for  present  hoping  of  your  favorable  assistance  I 
humblie  take  my  leave,  and  remaine  ever 

Yors  to  doe  you  service 


From  aboard  the  Vanguard  in 
Stokes  Bay  the  18  of  July  1625. 

58. — Sir  Ferdinando  Gorges*  to  the  Duke  of  Buckingham. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  89.] 
May  it  please  your  Grace 

Seeinge  the  shipps  are  againe  to  returne  for  Deepe,  I  humbly 
desire  to  goe  thither  myselfe  that  I  may  see  the  conclusion  of  their 
premisses,  for  our  satisfaccions  that  are  interessed  in  it.  I  have 
written  to  the  same  effecte  unto  his  Majestic  and  shall  humbly 
desire  your  Grace  to  favor  mee  soe  much  as  to  give  secondes  there- 
unto :  it  is  possible  I  shalbe  able  to  give  content  soe  much  the  better 
to  your  Grace's  desires,  which  I  finde  to  be  full  of  honor  and  worth- 
If  I  faile  in  anie  thinge  it  shall  be  want  of  power  not  zeall  to  bring 
it  to  passe  and,  as  soone  as  I  returne,  I  will  attend  your  Grace  at 
Plimouthb  and  be  ready  with  all  I  have  to  approve  my  selfe. 

Your  Graces  humblest  servant 


Written  this  19th 
of  July  1625. 

59. —  The  Duke  of  Buckingham  to  Sir  Ferdinando  Gorges. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  Addenda.] 

I  have  reseaved  your  lettre  directed  to  me  and  scene  yours  to  my  1625)  ju\y  1 
gratious  master,  who  intendes  as  much  equity  to  his  subjectes  as  he 

a  Gorges  was  captain  of  one  of  the  merchant  ships. 

b  The  Duke  was  going  to  Plymouth  to  be  present  at  the  sailing  of  the  fleet  for 


expectes  obediens  from  them,  in  confidens  of  your  wisdom  modera- 
tion and  wyse  guldens  his  Majesty  is  well  pleased  that  you  goe  in 
person  to  bringe  into  obediens  and  contryve  so  your  owne  ships 
and  the  other  marchants  ships  withe  theyre  captey nes  and  leiftenantes 
and  likewyse  pray  you  asiste  the  other  capteynes  in  making  theyre 
conditions  equall  and  certeyn,  but  because  you  are  not  aquainted 
neither  withe  the  extent  of  his  later  conducte  and  intentions,  you 
are  to  reseav  information  and  directions  from  Capteyn  Penington, 
and  more  espeessially  from  my  secrretary  Niclas,  of  whom  you  are  to 
inquire,  to  [follow  him  ?  ]  and  to  and  as  much  as  in  you  is  to  cary 
your  ship  and  capteines  to  honour  theire  directions  according  [?]  to 
those  injunctions  to  give  all  honor  to  the  person  of  the  Marquis  of 
Fiat,  and  satisfaction  for  the  servis  of  the  most  Christian  King 
and  our  and  for  your  justte  suite  to  his  Majesty  and  request  to 
mee,  you  may  be  assured  ther  is  nothing  that  I  desier  more  then 

to ?  and  procure  satisfaction  to  persons  of  your  merit,  and 

rnarke[?]  the  well  deserving  servante  of  my  most  gratious  master, 
whereof  I  shall  upon  all  occasions  be  redy  to  give  testemony  in  all, 
so  that  I  am 

60. —  The  Duke  of  Buckingham  to  Edward  Nicholas. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  80] 

1625,  July  19.  Upon  receipt  of  a  lettre  from  Captain  Psnington  I  see  the  dis- 
order which  hath  happened,  and  am  much  trobled  that  the  great 
respect  which  I  desired  should  bee  given  to  the  Marquis  d'Effiat's 
presence,  and  to  shew  affeccion  to  this  busines  should  receave  such 
a  traverse.  You  knowe  the  affeccion  I  have  to  give  the  Marquis 
d'Effiat  for  the  most  Christian  Kinge  satisfaccion  and  the  direccions 
I  have  given  you  in  all  events  to  applye  yourself  for  the  good 
successe  of  that  accion.  You  are  therefore  accordinge  to  the  direc- 
cions I  have  given  you  to  indeavour  to  conforme  those  Captaines 
and  shipps  to  his  will:  and  I  having  receaved  advise  lately  from 


Lorken*  that  the  peace  is  concluded  betweene  the  most  Christian 
Kinge  and  those  of  the  Eeligion.  it  may  bee  the  Marquis  d'Effiat 
upon  hearinge  the  same  will  easely  put  end  to  all  theis  questions, 
haveinge  not  the  use  he  expected. 

Sir  Ferdinando  Gorges  hath  desired  leave  to  goe  in  person  for 
the  better  conforminge  and  accomodatinge  of  the  contracts  to 
equitie;  and,  accordinge  to  the  instruccions  which  I  gave  you,  I 
have  referred  him  to  advise  with  you,  and  you  are  to  cause  all  the 
honor  and  contentment  possible  to  bee  given  to  the  Marquis  d'Effiat 
for  the  service  of  the  most  Christian  Kinge,  and  by  the  direccions 
I  gave  you,  you  will  judge  how  much  it  will  agree  with  my  con- 
tentment and  to  your  care  I  leave  it. 


Julie  19,  1625. 

60. — The  Duke  of  Buckingham  to  Captain  Penington. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  85.] 

I  have  receaved  yours  of  the  18th  of  this  present  from  Stokes- Bay,  1625,  July  19. 
and  cannot  but  wonder  aswell  as  bee  sorry  that  any  such  disorder 
should  happen,  as  the  withdrawing  of  the  marriners  from  theire 
dutie  and  obedience,  especially  when  a  person  of  that  quality  as  the 
Marquis  d'Effiatt  should  bee  present  and  have  his  expectation  and 
endeavor  made  vayne.  I  doe  require  you  to  continue  your  dutie 
and  care  not  onely  to  carry  your  shipp  and  saylors  to  the  service  of 
the  most  Christian  King  but  alsoe  to  carry  the  rest  of  the  shippes 
according  to  the  direccions  I  have  given  by  my  secretary  Nicholas 
whoe  is  there  to  that  purpose,  that  hee  may  witnes  your  and  eich 
other  Captaines,  Maisters,  and  Mariners,  behaviours.  And  as  the 
good  obedience  you  and  they  shall  performe  in  those  instructions 
which  I  have  given  to  my  said  secretary  will  procure  you  acceptance 
and  estimation ;  soe  those  that  shalbee  refractory  shall  passe  a  strict 

*  The  English  agent  in  France. 


examinacion  ancTreceave  punishment  accordingly.  You  are  there- 
fore to  have  due  regard  to  give  all  honor  and  contentment  to  the 
Marquis  d'Effiatt,  following  entirely  the  instruccions  and  direccions 
of  my  secretary  Nicholas.  I  mervaile  of  your  demaund  and  can  by 
noe  meanes  finde  it  reasonable  that  you  a  captaine,  upon  the  instant 
of  your  obedience  required,  should  aske  leave  to  withdrawe  yourself 
from  this  chardge,  which  I  may  by  noe  meanes  consent  unto  ;  and 
therefore  require  you  to  continue  it,  and  to  conferr  with  and  follow 
precisely  the  direccions  1  have  given  to  ray  secretary  Nicholas, 
whome  you  are  to  beleive :  and  soe  I  comitt  you  to  God. 

Your  very  lovinge  friend 


Julie  19, 1625. 

62. — Lord  Conway  to  Captain  Pennington. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  83.J 

1625,  July  19.  I  have  received  youi-s  of  the  18th  of  this  present  and  see  the  per- 
plexity that  you  are  in  betweene  obedience  and  desire  to  doe  that 
which  you  thinke  honorable  and  good.  It  is  almost  impossible  to 
bringe  the  obedience  to  a  maistre  opposite  to  his  good  service;  and 
so  much  is  to  bee  deferrd  to  the  wisdome  and  providence  of  a 
supreme  in  his  owne  service,  as  the  servante  is  to  hope  beyond 
that  hee  seeth  of  a  better  success  then  hee  knowes.  My  hearte 
beares  you  witnes  that  you  intende  well,  and  you  have  not  only 
so  wise  and  good  a  patron  but  so  happy  a  one  as,  followinge  his 
directions,  you  cannot  faile  of  such  events  as  will  justify  you.  I 
have  understood  that  the  Duke  his  Grace  hath  employed  his  secre- 
tary Mr.  Nicholas  to  advise  and  take  care  with  you  that  this  worke 
might  be  conducted  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  most  Christian  Kinge, 
and  to  the  honor  of  the  Marquis  fFEffiat,  yet  with  equity  to  his  Majestes 
subjects,  and  honor  and  advantage  of  those  that  commaunde  and  obey 
in  the  fleete ;  so  if  you  advise  with  the  secretary  no  double  you  will 


finde  out  the  upright  way  to  obey.  Icann  by  no  meanes  joine  with 
you  in  seekinge  your  leave  to  quitt  that  service  and  to  employ 
another  in  it,  because  it  must  bee  dishonorable  for  you  to  bee 
called  from  it  to  employ  a  more  sufficient,  or  unjust  to  sende 
another  to  the  hazard  from  which  you  shoulde  bee  preserved;  and 
moste  of  all  for  the  evill  example  to  admitt  of  a  disputation  betweene 
an  inferior  and  a  superior  in  the  very  pointe  of  an  execution. 

You  are  happy  that  have  to  obey  an  excellent  and  a  juste  Kinge, 
a  gracious  and  an  honorable  chiefe,  who  beinge  wel  able  >to  judge 
of  the  goodnes  of  your  intentions,  will  passe  by  any  weakenes  or 
disadvantage  that  arise  from  those  good  intentions  or  success,  and 
apply  to  you  the  acceptance  and  reward  of  what  you  shall  deserve 
well  in :  and  in  that  I  shall  bee  gladd  to  bee  a  witnes,  and  both 
contented  and  happy  if  I  might  bee  an  instrument  beinge  very 
desirous  to  take  occasion  to  approve  myselfe 

Your  affectionate  friend  to  serve  you 


From  the  Courte  att  Okinge 
19  July  1625. 

63. — Sir  Ferdinando  Gorges  to  Charles  I. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  88.] 

Most  gratious  Soveraigne 

Seeing  the  French  Embassadour  hath  broken  the  former  con-  1625,  July  19. 
tractes  made  with  us  for  the  imployments  of  our  shipps,  and  that 
hee  hath  soe  far  forth  prevailed  with  your  Majestic  that  they  are 
agayne  to  returne  to  Deepe,  where  hee  promiseth  to  give  all  con- 
tent for  our  further  satisfaccion,  I  shall  humbly  desire  that  it 
will  please  your  Majestic  I  maye  have  leave  to  goe  thither  in 
my  owne  shipp  the  better  to  conclude  for  what  I  conceave  to 
be  fitt  in  honor  and  justice,  and  that  I  may  give  such  secondes 
to  the  rest  of  the  captaines  and  owners  as  they  desire  to  receave 
from  mee;  wherein  it  maie  bee  I  shall  have  the  oppertunityc 


to  doe  your  Majestie  that  service  that  becomes  race  to  performe,  and 
be  a  meanes  to  prevent  the  evills  that  otherwaies  male  insue  the 
losse  of  such  an  occasion  ;  and  withall  that  your  Majestie  wilbe 
pleased  gratiously  to  give  order  to  my  Lord  Treasurer  that  I  maie 
rcceave  my  owne  meanes,  without  more  delayes  to  prevent  the 
starvinge  of  your  Majesties  service,  and  the  ruin  of  my  selfeand  my 
owne  fortunes;  for  all  which  I  will  for  ever  rest  in  all  humblenes 

Your  Majesties  most  dutifull 

and  most  obedient  servant 


Written  this  19th 
of  July  1625. 

64. — Philippe  Burlemacld  to  the  Marquis  Effiat. 

[State  Papers,  France,  No.  174.] 
1625,  July  19.  Monseigneur, 

Ce  mattin  estant  retourne  de  Windsor,  j'ay  rencontre  les  capi- 
taines  des  navires  tous  bien  resolus  de  conformer  a  ce  qui  avoit  este 
traicte  h,  Rochester  entre  vos  Excellences  et  Monseigneur  le  Due  de 
Buckingham,  en  conformite  de  quoy  ils  viennent  se  rendre  a  la  rade 
de  Diepe,  pour  monstrer  le  desir  qu'ils  out  d'obeir  aux  commande- 
,  ments  du  Serme  Roy  de  la  Grande  Bretagne  leur  seigneur  et  maistre. 

II  restera  seulement  que,  selon  la  promesse  a  eux  faicte,  ils  soyent 
asseurez  de  la  valleur  de  leurs  vaisseaux  qu'ils  mettront  es  mains  de 
Sa  Majeste  tres  Chrestienne,  comme  aussi  qu'ils  recoivent  le  mois  de 
gage  escheu  et  celuy  qui  escherra  dans  dix  jours;  en  quoi  je  ne 
crois  qu'eux  accomplissant  leur  promesse,  il  puisse  y  avoir  difficulte. 
Et  pour  retrancher  tous  delais  et  procurer  en  tant  qu'en  moy  est  que 
le  service  de  Sa  Maj.  tres  Chrestienne  ne  soit  retarde,  j'envois  le 
Sieur  David  Papillon  present  porteur  afin,  qu'incontinent  arrive  et 
qu'il  aura  traicte,  avec  vostre  Excellence,  il  s'en  aille  en  dilligence  a 
Paris  pour  voir  que  satisfaccion  soit  donnee  auxdits  capil,aines  selon 
que  vostre  Excellence  lui  ordonnera,  pour  donner  la  derniere  fin  a 
cest  affaire,  la  quelle  m'a  donnee  tant  de  fascherie,  et  donnera 


encores  jusques  a  ce  que  je  la  voye  achemine'e  a  la  satisfaccion  de 
V.  E.  les  Cannons  doivent  estre  partis  et  j'espere  que  V.  E.  pour- 
voira  que  je  soye  aussi  satisfait,  dont  j'attendrois  advis  et  lui  baisant 
les  mains  je  demeure. 


vostre  tres  humble  serviteur 


Londres  ce  19  Juillet  1625. 

65. —  The  Earl  of  Pembroke*  to  Captain  Pennington. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  Addenda.] 


I  must  give  you  many  thanks  for  your  respect  to  me  in  so  freely  1525,  July  20. 
acquainting  me  with  all  particulars  that  have  hapned  this  voyage. 
You  shall  receave  directions  by  this  bearer  from  his  Matie  and  my 
Lo:  Admirall  how  to  carry  your  selfe  in  this  busines,  which  I  know 
you  will  punctually  obey.  From  me  you  can  expect  nothing  but 
the  assurance  of  my  love  which  shall  never  fayle  you  in  all  occasions, 
as  this  bearer  shall  particularly  let  you  know,  I  pray  excuse  my 
shortnes  being  opprest  with  extrordinary  busines,  and  I  shall  ever 
unfaynedly  remaine 

Your  most  affectionate  frend 


Caking  this  20th 
of  July. 

66. — Note  by  Edward  Ingham  of  a  Message  from  the  Earl  of 

Pembroke  to  Captain  Pennington. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iii.  120.] 

My  Lord  of  Pembrokes  wordes  unto  me  at  Okeing  when  I  was  1625, 
j.    ,     ,  July  20  [?]. 

readie  to  depart  thence. 

That  the  letters  which  Captaine  Pennington  sent  the  Lord  Duke 

a  Lord  Chamberlain. 
CAMD.  SOC.  2  K 


of  Buckinghams  Grace  to  himselfe  and  the  Lord  Conway  was  the 
best  newes  that  could  come  to  the  Court,  and  that  the  King  and  all 
the  rest  were  exceeding  glad  of  that  relation  which  he  made  of  the 
discontent  and  mutinies  of  his  com  panic  and  the  rest :  and  that  if 
such  a  thing  had  not  fallen  out,  they  should  have  bene  constrained  to 
have  sent  him  advise  to  have  devised  to  have  brought  some  such 
thing  to  pass,  if  the  French  should  accept  of  the  service  of  that  shipp 
alone  without  the  reste :  and  that  he  should  carrie  it  on  fairely  with 
them,  but  still  to  keepe  himselfe  master  of  his  shippe,  and  if  they 
proceeded  so  farre  as  to  offer  to  take  the  possession  of  her ,  that  then 
his  men  should  take  him  prisoner  and  bring  away  the  shippe.  And 
that  the  sayd  Capten  Pennington  might  believe  him,  that  he  had 
thus  much  to  deliver,  it  being  the  King's  will  and  the  rest  that  it 
was  farre  from  them,  that  any  of  his  shippes  should  goe  against  any 
of  the  protestants. 


67. — Captain  Pennington  to  Edward  Nicholas. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  97.J 

Noble  Sir, 

1625,  July  21.  Upon  Mundaie  at  nine  a  clocke  in  the  morning,  I  received  your 
letter  with  my  Lord's  inclosed.  I  presentlie  sent  for  the  masters  of 
the  merchants'  shipes  aboard  mee,  and  signified  my  Lord's  pleasure 
unto  them,  for  our  present  cominge  awaie  for  thS  place.  They 
tould  mee  they  weare  willinge,  but  there  companies  would  not. 
Then  I  sent  for  the  rest  of  there  officers  as  boatsains  gunners  and 
the  like,  and  read  my  lordes  letter  unto  them,  and  charged  them 
in  his  Majesty's  name  to  weighe  and  goe  alonge  with  mee,  but  they 
all  denied  it,  and  tould  mee  they  would  not  stirre  before  their 
captains  came;  nor  then  but  upon  other  terms.  I  sawe  I  [was 
not]  able  to  force  them,  soe  one  twesdaie  morninge,  I  waighed  and 
came  awaye  without  them,  but  not  without  a  great  deale  of  treble 
of  my  owne  people,  as  I  will  declare  unto  you  at  your  cominge 


aboard,  which  I  desier  maye  bee  soddenly.  Since  our  weighinge, 
wee  have  incountered  with  dangerous  storms,  and  I  doe  assuer  you 
had  it  bene  to  save  the  world  I  coulda  have  made  greater  expedi- 
tion; and  soe  much  you  maye  bouldly  signifie  to  anie  that  you  have 
ocation.  I  have  sent  this  gentleman,  my  Liftennant,  with  my  boat 
to  bringe  you  aboard,  where  I  longe  to  see  you.  Till  then  I  cease 
and  ever  rest. 

Your  faithfull  frend  and  servant 


From  aboard  the  Vangard  in  Deepe 
Koade  this  21  July  1625. 

68. — Edward  Nicholas  to  Captain  Pennington. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  104.] 
Noble  Captaine, 

I  finde  my  Lord  Ambassador  much  troubled  with  your  aunsweare  1625,  July  22. 
and  refusall  to  deliver  over  the  King's  shipp  uppon  the  warrauntes 
which  you  have  receaved;  in  soe  much  as  he  will  presently  send 
away  a  post  to  our  king  to  complayne  against  you.  His  Lordshipp 
hath  commaunded  me  to  wishe  you  either  to  come  on  shoare  too 
morrow  morning  to  accommodate  this  busines,  or  else  that  you  will 
this  night  send  to  his  Lordshipp  your  absolute  aunsweare  by  lettre, 
wherein  I  desire  you  to  be  well  advised,  considering  that  this  is  a 
busines  of  very  great  consequence  aswell  for  the  contynnuance  of 
the  correspondency  between  two  great  kings  as  for  your  self.  As 
your  aunswere  shalbe,  my  Lord  Ambassador  will  resolve  to  send 
dispatches  to  both  Courts;  and  therefore  I  pray  lett  his  Lordshipp 
heare  from  you  this  night,  thoughe  it  be  late.  And  soe  I  rest 

Your  very  loving  freind 



22°  Julij  1625. 

I  pray  goe  not  away  till  you  and  I  have  spoken  together;  but 
send  your  aunsweare  this  night,  and  if  you  will  come  hither  too 
morrow  we  will  speake  of  all  things. 

a  could  not. 


69. — Edward  Nicholas  to  Captain  Pennington. 
("State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  100.] 


1625,  July  22.  I  would  willingly  have  come  aboard  you  myselfe  to  have  had  a 
few  words  with  you,  but  my  Lord  Ambassador  will  not  that  I 
come,  but  that  I  should  wryte  to  you  to  come  hither  to  receave 
from  his  Lordshipps  hand  a  letter  signifying  his  Majestes  pleasure 
what  you  are  to  doe.  I  know  not  well  the  custome  that  is  observed 
by  the  captaines  of  the  King's  shipps,  but  I  am  of  opinion  that  you 
should  doe  very  well  to  make  noe  scruple  to  come  a  shore,  because 
the  King  hath  freely  lent  his  shipp  to  this  King.  I  hope  to  see 
you  here  shortly,  and  to  give  you  an  account  of  the  care  I  have 
had  to  expedite  a  dispatch  to  you  and  soe  I  rest 

Your  assured  loving  friend 


22°  Julij  1625. 

If  you  come  not  on  this  my  lettre,  I  must  then  come  to  you  to 
attend  the  Ambassador  and  receave  here  his  Majesty's  pleasure, 
which  you  cannot  refuse  to  doe  without  declining  his  Majesties 
service,  for  my  Lord's  comaund  is  that  you  should  wayte  on  the 
Ambassador  here.  When  you  see  the  letter  which  the  Ambassador 
hath,  you  may  then  returne,  and  in  the  meane  tyme  leave  your 
chardge  to  your  lieutennant  and  the  master  of  your  shipp. 

70. — Edward  Nicholas  to  the  Duke  of  Buckingham. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  IT.  105.] 

May  it  please  your  Grace 

1625,  July  22f  The  last  night  Capt.  Penington  came  alone  with  his  Majestes 
shipp  the  Vantgarde  into  this  Roade,  having  not  been  able  by 
reason  of  the  absence  of  the  masters  and  the  obstinacy  of  the 
masters'  mates  to  cary  any  of  the  other  seven  shipps  along  with 


him.  The  French  Ambassador  delivered  this  morning  both  your 
Grace's  and  the  Lord  Oonwey's  lettres  to  Capt.  Penington,  desiring 
him  to  obey  the  same  to  the  end  that  the  caution  which  was 
agreed  uppon  might  be  dispatched,  The  Captain  seemed  willing 
to  obey  his  Majestes  and  your  Lordshipps  pleasure  therein,  but 
having  considered  of  the  warraunt  and  the  weightines  of  the  busines, 
saith  that  the  warraunt  is  not  full  enoughe,  and  craveth  one  more 
absolute  and  ample  from  his  Majestic  or  your  Grace  to  dischardge 
him  cleerely  of  his  shipp,  and  to  require  him  to  deliver  her  into  the 
hands  of  such  a  person  by  name  as  you  shall  appoint.  He  doth 
refuse  to  have  any  hand  in  the  valuacion  of  the  King's  shipp,  or  any 
thing  belonging  to  her,  or  in  the  taking  security  for  her.  He 
desireth  to  know  how  the  men  in  that  shipp  shalbe  disposed  of,  in 
case  the  Anne  Royall  nor  any  other  shipp  of  the  Fleete  come  to 
receave  them,  and  what  present  pay  shalbe  given  here  to  bring 
those  home  who  shall  refuse  to  serve  the  French.  He  saith  alsoe 
that  there  is  noe  order  what  shall  become  of  the  master  gunner,  the 
purser,  boatswaine,  and  the  master  cooke,  and  the  like  officers  in  the 
shipp,  whereof  some  have  their  places  for  lief,  and  have  given 
security  of  £500  and  £800  apeece  to  be  accountable  for  what  is  in 
their  charge  and  doe  now  desire  to  have  a  dischardge  or  their  bonds 
delivered  upp  ;  that  these  things  (which  he  saith  are  necessarily 
to  be  cared  for)  being  ordered  by  his  Majestic  or  your  Lordshipp, 
he  is  reddy  to  quitt  the  said  shipp  and  deliver  her  over  into  the 
possession  of  the  French  Kinge;  and  he  allegeth,  for  his  excuse  in 
that  he  doth  not  presently  surrender  the  shipp,  that  it  is  without 
precedent  that  a  captaine  of  the  King's  shipp  hath  att  any  tyme 
delivered  over  the  same  into  the  hands  of  a  Forreine  Prince  or 
meddled  with  the  valluacion  of  her,  or  a  busines  of  this  nature. 
Uppon  this  his  refusall,  my  Lord  Ambassador  is  much  troubled  as  by 
his  dispatches  you  will  perceave,  and  will  not  by  any  meanes  lett 
me  goe  till  he  receaveth  answeare  from  England  5  albsit  I  have 
exceedingly  pressed  his  Lordshipp  for  my  departure.  This  is  a 


busines  of  a  very  great  weight,  and  will  nether  admitt  of  delay  or 
denyall  without  a  very  ill  consequence,  and  beinge  a  matter  of 
state,  I  could  wishe  that  there  might  bee  a  punctuall  and  speedy 
course  held  for  dispatch  of  it  ;  and  I  doe  most  humbly  beseech  your 
Grace  to  send  some  more  able  man  in  my  place  to  accomodate  this 
busines,  for  it  is  above  my  reach,  and  I  shalbe  able  to  doe  you  better 
service  in  England:  or  if  you  will  that  I  contynue  here,  I  beseeche 
you  then  to  cause  that  I  may  receave  autentique  and  ample  instruc- 
cions  how  to  governe  myselfe  herein,  and  that  there  may  be  a 
particular  and  certeyne  somme  or  valluacion  of  the  shipp  sett  downe 
by  warraunt  from  his  Majestic  both  of  the  shipp  and  goods,  which 
is  a  busines  above  my  last.  The  Lord  Conwey  or  Sir  John  Coke 
will  give,  if  you  please  to  commaund,  speedy  and  effectuall  dis- 
patches herein,  that  there  may  be  noe  more  rubbs  in  it.  There  is  a 
confident  report  here  still  that  a  p'eace  is  made  by  this  King  with 
Monsieur  de  Soubize,  as  I  wrote  in  a  former  letter  yesterday  to  your 
Grace.  My  Lord  Ambassador  attends  your  aunsweare  here  with 
much  impatience.  That  which  troubleth  him  most  in  the  back- 
wardnes  of  Captain  Penington,  is  the  scandall  which  by  it  is  cast  on 
him  by  the  captaines  and  officers  here,  and  the  report  of  this  newes 
which  will  hasten  to  the  French  Court;  and  therefore  you  may  bee 
pleased  to  expedite  the  ^  sooner  an  ample  dispatch.  It  is  of  noe 
lesse  consequence  to  your  Grace  to  cherishe  a  good  correspondency 
betweene  these  two  great  Kings  then  to  provyde  a  sufficient 
warraunt  for  what  you  doe  herein,  and  therefore  I  humbly  beseech 
you  as  you  tender  your  honour  in  these  partes  and  desire  honor  ao.d 
security  att  home,  to  take  herein  good  advise  and  consideracion 
without  any  delay.  I  am  peradventure  more  bold  then  discreete  in 
this  my  relacion,  but  I  assure  your  Grace  it  proceedes  fram  a  true 
and  harty  affeccion  to  your  service  and  honor,  that  the  integrity  and 
fidelity  which  I  doe  unfeignedly  beare  your  Grace  may  not  suffer  in 
this  busines  throughe  my  want  of  experience  ;  but  that  whilest  I 
continue  honest,  I  may  still  have  the  honor  to  be  esteemed 

Your  Graces 
Deepe  22°  Julij  1625. 



71. — Edward  Nicholas  to  Captain  Pennington  and  to  the  Ship's 
Company  of  the  Vanguard. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  102.] 

I  desire  to  have  an  aunsweare  in  wrighting  under  the  hands  of  all  1625,  July  22. 
the  officers  and  the  rest  of  the  company  of  his  Majestes  shipp  the 
Vantgarte :  Whether  or  noe  they  will  presently  leave  the  King's 
shipp  and  their  places  and  chardge  therein,  according  to  his 
Majestes  pleasure  signifyed  by  my  Lord  Conwey;  prouisions  fitting 
being  made  (if  they  will  not  serve  the  French  King)  for  their  safe 
passage  into  England:  whether  they  will  receave  presently  or 
within  a  day,  in  quiett  manner  aboard  the  said  shipp  three  hundred 
or  more  Frenchmen  which  shalbe  sent  by  the  King  of  Fraunce, 
according  to  the  commaund  of  his  Majestic  expressed  in  the  Lord 
Conwey 's  lettre? 

If  they  will  obey  either  of  these  that  they  say  soe;  if  not,  that 
they  sett  downe  their  reasons  and  resolucions. 

72. — Answer  of  the  Ship's  Company. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  102.] 

23°  Julij  aborde  the  Vantguarde  1625. 

The  Company  say  all  with  one  voyce  that  they  will  take  aborde  1625,  July  23 
150  French  coming  without  armes,  and  carry  them  unto  some  part 
of  England,  and  there  leave  the  shipp  to  them,  soe  as  they  may 
have  a  good  dischardge. 

73. —  Captain  Pennington  to  Edward  Nicholas, 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  110.] 
Noble  Sir, 

I  have  drawne  out  the  forme  of  a  letter  to  send  to  his  Majeste  1525,  July  23 
which  I  send  you  by  this  bearer  to  peruse  and  to  she  we  to  my 
Lord  Ambassador ;  yf  you  please,  and  if  hee  and  you  like  of  it,  I 
will  presently  wright  it  fair,  and  send  a  gentleman  awaie  with  it; 


soe  I  maie  have  a  shallope,  not  dough  tinge  but  to  have  his  Majestes 
absolute  warrant  befor  wee  shall  dispache  the  other  bussines.  If 
hee  likes  not  of  this,  if  hee  pleaseth  to  send  100  or  150  maryners 
aboard  to  goe  over  with  us  to  any  part  of  England,  there  she 
shalbee  delivered  to  them  within  24  howers  after  our  corainge 
thither,  if  his  Majestes  pleaseth,  I  praie  lett  mee  iritreat  you  to 
come  aboard,  for  my  people  are  in  a  mightie  mutiny,  and  sweres 
they  will  carrie  mee  home  per  force.  I  knowe  your  wordes  will 
doe  muche  amoungst  them,  and  I  have  a  great  desier  to  give 
satisfaction  to  my  Lord  Ambassador,  soe  far  as  I  maie  with  saftie 
of  life:  thus  hoping  you  will  come  alonge  with  my  boat,  I  rest 
Your  true  lo[ving]  frend  to  serve  you 


I  praie  mend  such  faultes  as  you  see  cause  in  the  King's  letter, 
if  you  purpose  I  shall  send  it;  as  alsoe  for  the  stile  and  titile  or  anie 
thinge  elce. 
July  23,  1625. 

74. — The  demands    of    Edward    Nicholas    and    the   Captained a 

answer es  touching  the  security  tendered  to  them. 

[State  Papers,  France,  No.  175.] 

Aboard  the  good  Ship  the  Neptune  [in  Dieppe 

roads]  this  23  of  July  1625  stilo  Anglic. 

1625,  July  23.  I  am  sent  hither  by  my  Lord  and  master  the  Duke  of  Buckingham 
Lord  highe  Admirall  of  England  to  see  the  execution  and  per- 
formance of  his  Majesties  pleasure,  signified  by  letter  from  my  Lord 
Conway ;  and  doe  crave  answere  in  writing  under  your  hands, 
whether  you  will,  according  to  my  Lord  Conwayes  lettre,  and  upon 
the  caution  and  security  which  was  agreed  on  and  parafaicted  at 
Rochester  by  the  3  Lords  Ambassadors  of  France,  and  by  them 
delivered  to  my  Lord  who  committed  it  to  mee  as  the  security  I 
was  to  take,  to  deliver  over  your  ships  to  bee  disposed  of  by  the 
most  Christian  King,  or  no.  If  you  will  performe  this,  I  shall  bee 
a  i.e.  the  captains  of  the  merchants'  ships. 


ready  to  make  knowne  your  obedience,  and  will   procure  you  a 
sufficient  discharge  to  your  contentment.     Signed 


For  absolute  answere  to  the  demandes  above  written  wee  say  that 
wee  have  a  desire  to  give  all  content  and  satisfaction  in  this  busines 
to  his  most  Xstian  Matie  and  the  Marquis  d'Effiat,  his  Matiea  Am- 
bassador, in  obedience  to  the  commands  receaved  from  our  Soveraign 
and  our  Lo.  Admirall;  but  for  the  security  (wch  wee  never  agreed 
unto),  tendered  unto  us  and  parafaicted  by  the  three  Ambassadors 
of  France  at  Rochester  (albeit  wee  acknowledged  it  to  bee  very 
honorable  and  worthy  there  greatnes),  yet,  under  correction,  wee 
hold  it  not  competent  and  wise  for  us  to  accept  therof,  and  ther- 
fore  doe  absolutley  refuse  to  deliver  our  ships  on  the  same,  but  doe 
humbly  pray,  if  it  be  intended  by  the  Lo:  Ambassador  that  our 
ships  should  serve  his  most  Xstian  Matie,  that  such  caution  may 
bee  given  us  as  may  sort  with  the  quality  of  Merchants  to  dealein: 
that  is  to  say,  to  have  security  given  us  by  sufficient  merchants  at 
Paris  to  be  transferrd  to  London  irrevocable,  and  such  as  may  not 
bee  protected  by  the  prerogative  or  authority  of  the  Princes  of  any 
state  whatsoever,  for  wch  wee  most  humbly  desire  a  declaration  under  . 

the  hand  and  scale  of  both  kings. 

75. — Edward  Nicholas  to  Captain  Pennington. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  L,  iv.  116.] 

Captaine  Penington, 

My  Lord  Ambassador  will  stay  here  noe  longer  to  attend  your  1625>  JalJ' 
aunsweares,  but  be  gonne  hence  to  morrow  morning,  and  hath  sent 
this  gent  his  Secretary  to  tell  you  as  much,  wherefore  I  would 
advise  you  to  give  his  Lordshipp  a  better  and  more  full  aunsweare 
what  you  will  doe  in  obedience  to  the  lettres  and  warraunt  which 
you  have  receaved  for  the  delivering  of  his  Majestes  shipp  into  the 
hands  of  the  most  Christian  King's  ministers :  and  I  wishe  that  you 

CAMD.  SOC.  2  L 


be  carefull  to  receave  and  enterteyne  my  Lord's  Secretary  (who 
bringes  this)  curteously  and  with  all  respect :  And  soe  I  rest 

Your  loving  freind 


Deepe,  24°  Julij  1625. 

76. — Edward  Nicholas  to  Captain  Pennington. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  114.] 

Captaine  Penington, 

1625,  July  24.  My  Lord  Ambassador  hath  sent  this  gentleman  his  Secretary  for  to 
receave  your  last  aunsweare.  I  doe  advise  you  to  take  good  heede 
therein,  for  it  is  a  busines  of  the  greatest  importance  that  ever  you 
can  meddle  in :  I  pray  receave  this  Secretary  and  enterteyne  him 
curteously  and  with  good  respect,  which  I  doe  wishe  you  to  be  care- 
full  of,  as  being 

Your  loving  freind 


Diepe:  24°  Julij  1625. 

77. — Articles  propounded  by  Edward  Nicholas  for  the  delivery 
over  of  ilie  Vangard. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  1177.] 

24°  Jnlij  1625.    Aboarde  his  Majestes  shipp 
the  Vantguarde. 

1625,  July  24.  1.  I  crave  your  direct  aunsweare  in  wrighting  under  your  hand, 
whether  or  noe  you  will  according  to  my  Lord  Conweys  letre  sig- 
nifying his  Majestes  pleasure  presently  take  aboarde  his  Majestes 
shipp  the  Vantgarde  soe  many  French  as  the  most  Christian  King 
shall  put  into  her  and  fight  against  such  as  that  King  shall  appoint, 
excepting  the  King  of  Great  Brittaine. 

2.  Or  whether  you  will  according  to  my  Lord  Admirall's  lettre, 


grounded  on  that  waraunt,  quitt  the  said  shipp  to  snch  of  the 
French  King's  Ministers  to  be  disposed  as  his  most  Christian 
Majestis  shall  direct. 

3.  This  is  the  busines  I  was  sent  for  hither  by  my  Lord  and  Master 
the  Duke  of  Buckingham,  Lord  Highe  Admirall  of  England,  to  see 
put  in  due  execucion,  and  doe  conjure  you  and  the  officers  and 
company  of  his  Majestes  said  shipp  effectually  to  obey,  as  you  will 
aunsweare  the  contrary  att  your  perills ;  for  if  you  will  not  doe  it, 
I  must  and  will  protest  to  my  Lord  and  Master  against  you  and 
such   as  refuse   to   obey  his   Majestes    and  my    Lord  Admiral's 

4.  I  further  crave  that  you  sett  downe  punctually  and  fully  what 
you  will  doe  in  this  busines  on  the  commaunds  you  have  receaved 
to  doe  honor  and  give  contentment  to  the  Marquis  d'Effiat  Ambas- 
sador of  Fraunce  for  the  present  service  of  the  most  Christian  King; 
to  thend  that  I  may  be  able  to  testifye  to  the  said  Ambassador  and 
my  lord  and  master  that  I  have  not  bene  wan  tinge  for  my  parte  to 
apply  myself  in  all  things  to  the  good  successe  of  this  accion,  whereof 
a  strict  account  wilbe  expected  both  from   you  and  myself  att  our 
returne  into  England ;    and  such  as  it  wilbe  impossible  for  us  to 
aunsweare,  if  you  doe  not  conforme  yourself  (as  againe  I  chardge 
you)  to  performe  his  Majestes  pleasure  signifyed  by  my  Lord  Con- 
wey's  lettre,  which  you  have  receaved  for  the  service  of  his  most 
Christian  Majestie. 


78. —  Captain  Pennington's  Aunswer  to  Edward  Nicholas. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  115.] 

The  24th  of  July  1625  aboard  his  Majesties 
shippe  the  Vanguard. 

To  the  first,  I  am  contented  to  receive  so  many  Frenchmen  aboard  1625,  July  24. 
his  Majesties  sayde  shippe  wherin  I  command  as  conveniently  I 


may,  without  pestring  of  the  shippe,  and  breeding  infection  amongst 
us  and  as  I  am  able  to  stow  victualls  and  provisions  for,  and  no 

For  the  second,  I  cannot  quite  and  deliver  over  the  shippe  to 
the  French  King's  ministers,  to  be  disposed  of  as  his  most  Christian 
Maiestie  shall  direct  upon  my  Lord  Admirall's  letter  or  my  Lord 
Conwayes  warrant:  neither  if  I.  would  would  the  companie  give 
way  to  it,  we  houlding  them  not  sufficient  for  our  discharge,  but 
upon  autentique  warrant  and  discharge  for  me  and  my  companie 
we  are  readie  to  do  it,  we  all  being  readie  to  do  all  the  honor  and 
service  we  can  with  the  hazard  of  our  lives  to  his  most  Christian 
Majestic,  or  the  Marquis  of  Fayata  Lord  Ambassador  for  the  French 
king,  according  to  our  sacred  Majesties  intent. 

And  for  what  you  shall  say  unto  me  by  word  of  mouth  from  my 
Lord  Admirall  (except  you  shew  me  particular  instructions  under 
his  Lordship's  hand)  I  can  doe  nothing  therein. 

79. — Answer  of  Captain  Pennington  and  the  Ship's  Company  to  the 
Marquis  of  Effiat. 

[State  Papers,  France,  No.  175.] 
1625,  July  24.  JJegpOnse  que  j'ay  faite  a  la  declaration  qui  m'a  este'  apportee  de  la 

part  de  Monsr  le  Marquis  d'Effiat  par  son  Secretaire. 
Je  suis  prest  de  rendre  et  delivrer  le  navire  a  Sa  Majeste  tres 
Chrestienne  ou  a  Monsr  le  Marquis  d'Effiat  son  Ambassadeur,  apres 
ayant  receu,  garant  et  descharge  legitime  et  antentique  pour  moy  et 
pour  ma  compagnie  de  le  faire,  car  encore  que  j'eusse  voulu  le  delivrer 
incontinent,  mes  gens  n'y  consentiront  ny  me  permetront  de  le  faire. 
Cependant  je  suis  prest  et  fais  offre  de  recevoir  abord  Tin  nombre 
competent  des  soldats  et  a  obeir  aux  Commandements  de  Monsr 
le  Marquis  d'Effiat  ou  a  quelque  autre  Seigneur  qui  sera  depute 
pour  cest  affaire  par  Sa  Majeste  Tres  Chrestienne :  et  pour  la  lettre 
escrite  du  Roy  mon  Maistre  a  Sa  Majeste  tres  Chrestienne,  il  me 

a  Effiat.. 


souvient  bien  avoir  veu  le  sceau,  mais  non  pas  leu   aucun  mot  de 
24°  Juilletl625, 

Capt.  J.  PENINGTON. 
Lieut.  EDM.  BUTTON. 
Le  Maistre  THO.  NELME. 


Pilot  ROGER  ROSE. 
Mre  Cannonier  NIGH.  ANSTED. 
Centre  Mre  Ei.  EDWARDS. 
Escrivain  RICH.  COLE. 
Charpentier  MA.  REW. 
Chirwigien  MATT.  SOMMERLAND. 
Dispensier  JOHN  SCUDDER. 
Cuisinier  JOSE.  SPENCER. 
Corporall  JOHN  JAGOE. 
Copia  vera  testor  ipse  Lucas. 

80. — Protestation   against    Captain  Pennington  by  the  Marquis  of 

[State  Papers,  France,  No  175.] 

Nous  Anthoine  Ruze,  Marquis  d'Effiat,  Chevalier  des  Ordres  du  1625, 
Roy,  Conseiller  en  son  Conseil  d'Etat,  Grand  Maistre  des  Mines  et  July  2* 
Minieres  de  France,  Premier  Escuyer  de  la  Grande  Escury  de  Sa 
Majest^  et  son  Ambassadeur  extraordinaire  en  Angleterre,  nous 
estans  transportez  en  ce  lieu  de  Dieppe,  pour  y  recevoir  les  vais- 
seaux  que  le  Roy  de  la  Grande  Bretaigne  nous  a  promis  de  prester, 
tant  par  sa  parolle  Royalle,  que  par  escrit,  portant  ordonnons  4  vous 
Michel  Lucas,  Secretaire  de  Sa  Majeste  et  de  1'Ambassade,  de  sig- 
nifier  au  Sieur  Penington  Capitaine  du  Navire  de  sa  Majeste  de  la 
grande  Bretaigne  nomme'  PAdvantgarde,  quel  aye  a  nous  mettre 
entre  les  mains  le  dit  navire  de  FAdvantgarde  ou  recevoir  tous  les 


hommes  quil  fault  mettre  dessus  pour  le  service  du  Roy  mon  Maistre, 
en  ayant  la  liberte*  par  les  contracts  que  jay  passe  avec  les  Comm- 
[issionaires]  du  Roy  de  la  grande  Bretaigne,  en  consequence  du 
quel  il  me  doibt  toute  obeissance  et  paye  pour  cet  effet  six  mois  de 
solde  aux  dits  comm[issaires]  dont  j'ay  quittance  en  datte  du  xviii 
Juilly  dernier  et  sy  le  de  dit  Penington  a  veu  de  plus  lettre  du 
Roy  son  Maistre  addressante  au  Roy  mon  Maisire  en  datte  du  ve 
Juillet,  par  laquelle  il  remet  ses  vaisseaux  entre  ses  mains  pour  en 
faire  ce  quil  luy  plaira  et  en  consequence  d'y  cette  fourny  lettre  de 
Monsieur  Conoway  premier  secretaire  d'estat  pourtant  le  commande- 
ment  et  decharge  de  la  part  du  Roy  son  Maistre  pour  la  livraisons 
du  dit  navire,  et  deux  lettres  de  monsieur  le  due  de  Buckingham 
grand  Admiral  d'Angleterre  tendantes  a  mesme  fin,  dont  il  en  a 
receu  une  a  1'Isle  de  Wit,  et  lautre  que  nous  luy  aurions  donne  nous 
mesme  a  Dieppe,  avec  une  du  Roy  nostre  Maistre  addressante  a  sa 
peisonne  sur  le  mesme  subject,  et  auroyt  encor  aujourdhuy  recu 
lordre  du  Roy  son  Maistre,  par  lequel  exprez  commandement  luy 
est  faict  d'obeyr,  dont  nous  le  sommons  sur  peyne  d'encourir  la 
tache  de  rebelle  aux  commandements  du  Roy  son  Maistre,  estre 
comme  tel  puny  comme  criminel,  ayant  este*  subject  de  faire  rompre 
la  foy  publique  entre  ces  deux  Roys.  C'est  pourquoy  sans  plus 
differer  nous  les  sommons  par  vous  de  faire  declaracion  de  sa  derniere 
volonte",  et  en  cas  d'obeyssance,  ofrons  de  bailler  toutes  les  commo- 
ditez  que  nous  serions  obliged,  en  nous  les  faizant  cognoistre  a  ce 
quil  n'ayt  aucun  subject  d'excuser  sa  dezobeyssance  qu'il  declare 
done  sa  derniere  intention :  et  sil  n'obeyt  ou  reffuze  de  respondre 
et  signer  ce  quil  ayra.  le  contenu  de  la  presente  signifficacion  sera 
tenu  pour  constant  et  veritable  sans  pouvoir  estre  jamais  contredit ; 
et  nous  sera  permiz  de  nous  en  ayder  tant  pour  nostre  decharge 
envers  le  Roy  nostre  maistre  que  on  nous  advizerons  bon  estre.  En 
la  tesmoing  de  quoy  nous  avons  signe*  la  presente,  pour  estre  sig- 
nifiee  au  dit  Penington  et  de  plus  vous  enjoignons  de  signifier  le 
mesme  au  Secretaire  de  Monsr  le  Due  de  Buckingham  Grand 
Admiral  d'Angleterre,  a  ce  que  la  dezobeyssance,  manquement,  et 


contravention  au  dit  contrat  soyt  notoire  a  qui  1'appartiendra,  et  de 
nous  rapporter  acte  de  tout  ce  que  dessus  pour  vostre  decharge, 
faict  a  Diepe  ci  iijeme  Jour  d'Aoust  xvj  cent  vingt  cinq. 

Lequel  m'auroit  i'ait  response  quil  est  mary  que  le  dit  Penington 
n'obeit  aux  commandements  qu'il  a  receux,  et  que  tous  ceux  qui 
sont  avec  luy  soyent  de  si  mauvaise  volonte*  desobeissans  aux  com- 
commandements  qu'il  ont  receus,  tant  du  Roy  leur  Souverain,  que 
de  Monsr  le  Grand  Admiral,  dont  il  luy  auroit  veu  bailer  les  lettres, 
lors  que  Ton  luy  monstre  la  lettre  que  le  Roy  de  la  Grande  Bretagne 
escrit  au  Roy  tres  chrestien,  et  en  est  satisfait.  Et  le  dit  Secretaire 
recognoist  par  icelle  que  Fiji. ten tion  du  Roy  son  Souverain  est,  que 
les  dits  navires  ainsi  qu'il  est  contenu  par  les  lettres  soyent  mis 
entre  les  mains  de  Mons.  FAmbassadr  pour  le  service  de  Sa  Majeste* 
tres  chrestienne,  et  qu'aussi  il  s'asseure  que  le  dit  Penington  et  son 
equipage  seront  blasmez  de  la  faulte  qu'ilz  commettent,  et  quant  a 
luy  que  s'il  pouvoit  remedier,  il  le  feroit  de  bon  coeur,  en  ayant 
receu  expres  comandem*  de  Monsr  le  grand  Admiral  son  maistre ;  et 
se  rapporte  au  tesmoignage  dc  Monr  le  Marquis,  sil  n'a  pas  faict  tout 
ce  qu'il  a  commande  et  fera  autant  qu'il  luy  sera  possible.  En 
tesmoing  de  quoy  j'ay  signe  la  presente  pour  servir  de  descharge  a 
qu'il  appartiendra. 

Je  recognois  tout  ce  qui  est  dessus  estre  veritable,  en  tesmoing 
de  quoy  j'ay  signe  la  presente 


81. — Edward  Nicholas  to  Captain  Pennington. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  119.] 
Gapt.  Penington, 

I  have  prevayled  with  my  Lord  Ambassador  not  to  goe  hence  till  1625,  July  25. 
Thursday  next,  soe  as  you   will  assure  him  by  wrigh tinge  that,  in 
case  you  receave  not  by  that  tyme  a  comaund  from  our  King  nor 
my  Lord  Admirall  contrary  to  what  you  have  alreddy  receaved, 
that  you  will  deliver  the  shipp  which  is  under  your  comaund  into 


the  handes  of  his  Lordshipp  for  the  service  of  the  most  Christian 
King;  whereof  I  thinke  you  shall  not  neede  to  make  any  difficulty; 
for  that,  betweene  this  and  that,  you  will  receave  a  direct  comaund, 
if  things  are  not  altered,  and  if  they  be  then  are  not  you  obliged. 
Putt  not  things  to  an  extremity,  for  if  the  Marquis  d'Effiat  doth 
goe  away  we  shall  be  much  troubled.  I  wishe  you  should  therefore 
write  to  his  Lordshipp  a  few  wordes  to  pray  him  to  remayne  here 
on  this  condicion. 

And  soe. 
25°  Julij  1625. 

82. —  Captain  Pennington  to  Edward  Nicholas. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  120.] 

1625,  July  25.  I  know  not  what  to  wright  you  more  then  I  have  formerly 
delivered  to  my  Lord  Ambassador,  yourself,  and  his  Lordshipp's 
Secretarie  yesternight.  I  am  willing  to  doe  any  thing  I  may  with 
security  of  my  lief  to  doe  my  Lord  Ambassador  service,  and  to  give 
him  all  the  content  I  can ;  but  for  the  delivery  over  of  the  shipp 
without  an  expresse  warraunt  from  his  Majestic  my  company  will 
not  yeild  unto  it;  neither  for  the  taking  of  400  French  men  aboard, 
which  indeede  is  a  riddell  to  speake  of,  their  neither  being  roome 
for  stowage  of  victualls  for  a  quarter  of  them,  nor  place  to  lodge 
them  in,  without  poysoning  one  another.  I  have  red  your  letter  to 
the  company,  and  made  knowne  my  Lord  Ambassador's  desires  to 
them,  which  hath  put  them  all  in  such  a  rage  and  mutiny  that  they 
sweare  they  will  carry  me  away  by  force,  and  the  shipp  for  the 
Downes ;  which  I  much  feare  they  will  perfbrme.  Thus  in  hast  and 
perplexed  on  both  sides,  I  remaine  ever 

Your  freind  and  servaunt, 


From  aboard  the  Vantgarde 

this  25°  Julij  1625. 
Copia  vera  test.  ipse. 



83. — Edward  Nicholas  to  Duke  of  Buckingham. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  122.] 

May  it  please  your  Grace, 

Yesterday,  uppon  the  receipt  of  your  lettre  and  conference  thereon  1625,  July 
with  my  Lord  Ambassador,  I  went  by  his  Lordships  direccons 
aboard  the  Vantgarde  to  Capt.  Penington  to  effect  what  I  could 
possibly  in  obedience  to  your  Graces  commands,  and  the  lettres  the 
said  Captain  receaved  for  the  delivery  over  of  his  Majestes  shipp 
into  the  handes  of  the  Marquis  d'Effiat,  for  the  service  of  his  most 
Christian  Majestic;  when,  after  I  had  spent  with  him  8  houres,  I 
receaved  to  the  proposicions  which  I  delivered  to  him  the  same 
aunsweare  he  gave  att  the  first,  which  was  such  as  I  acquainted 
your  Grace  withall  in  my  dispatch  sent  by  a  Courrier  of  my  Lord 
Ambassador's  the  23  of  this  moneth,  refusing  on  the  lettre  he  had 
received,  and  without  a  sufficient  discharge  for  himself  and  his 
company,  to  deliver  the  shipp  to  my  Lord  Ambassador,  or  to  take 
into  her  more  French  then  he  could  conveniently  lodge  without 
pestering  the  shipp,  which  could  not  be  above  80  or  109  att  the 
most:  and  having  made  knowne  the  Captaine's  aunsweare  to  my 
Lord  Ambassador,  his  Lordship  presently,  the  same  night,  sent  his 
Secretary  with  a  protestacion  against  the  said  Captaine  for  refusing 
to  obey  the  comaunds  he  had  receaved,  which  his  Lordship  did 
hasten,  fearing  that  the  shipp  would  be  gone  that  night,  he  heryng 
that  the  company  had  used  threatnings  to  that  purpose.  Whereto 
he  answered  that  he  was  reddy  to  obey  the  comandes  he  had 
receaved,  soe  as  he  might  have  a  sufficyent  dischardge  for  himself 
and  his  company,  and  that  without  it,  thoughe  he  would  obey,  yet 
his  company  would  not.  This  morning  by  my  Lord  Ambassador's 
command  I  wrote  to  the  Captain  that  his  Lordshipp  was  content  to 
stay  here  till  Thursday  next,  soe  as  he  would  assure  his  Lordshipp 
by  wrighting  that,  in  case  he  receaved  not  by  that  tyme  a  comand 
from  England  contrary  to  what  he  had  alreddy  received,  that  he 
would  then  deliver  the  Vantgarde  to  -his  Lordshipp  for  the  service 

CAMD.  soe.  2  M 


of  the  most  Christian  Kinge;  the  Marquis  beleeving  that  by  that 
tyme  his  Courier  would  be  returned  from  England  and  that,  by 
this  meynes,  his  Lordship  and  the  Captain  might  be  sure  of  each 
other  by  their  mutuall  premisses.  To  this  the  Capt.  returned  me 
answeare  that,  without  a  dischardge,  he  would  not  deliver  the  shipp, 
and  that  when  he  read  my  lettres  to  his  company  they  were  all  in 
mutiny,  and  did  sweare  they  would  carry  away  the  shipp  by  force ; 
but  my  Lord  Ambassador  because  he  should  not  excuse  himself  on 
the  mutiny  of  his  company,  as  he  had  done  before,  to  performe 
what  I  wrote  by  his  Lordship's  comand,  delivered  to  me  by  his 
Secretary  that  if  his  men  were  mutinous  and  would  not  obey  him, 
he  would  goe  himself  and  a  Knight  of  Malta  with  400  French  to 
make  them  quiet.  This  afternoone,  whiles  I  was  wayting  on  my 
Lord  Ambassador,  there  came  newes  that  his  shipp  was  under 
sayle;  but  giving  noe  creddit  to  it  I  went  to  see  and  founde  it  true, 
which  I  would  have  sworne  had  bene  a  thing  impossible.  The 
shipp  went  hence  about  4  or  5  a  clock,  the  weather  being  very 
temperat  and  the  winde  rather  against  them  then  otherwise.  My 
Lord  Ambassador  hath  hitherto  forborne  to  wryte  any  dispatch  to 
the  French  Court  of  all  these  delayes  and  discontsntes  which  have 
troubled  him,  hoping  and  expecting  still  that  this  busines  would  att 
length  be  well  accomodated.  Your  Lordshipp  may  easily  guesse 
how  much  this  doth  trouble  my  Lord  Ambassador,  and  in  what 
payne  he  is,  in  attending  your  last  resolucion  by  this  Courier. 
There  have  as  yet  bene  none  of  the  merchantes  shipps  in  this  roade 
since  my  coming.  My  Lord  Ambassador  will  not  stirr  nor  permit 
me  to  departe  till  he  receive  your  Grace's  lettres.  If  I  could  once 
see  a  good  end  of  this  busines,  I  would  make  it  my  earnest  suyte  to 
your  Grace  that  I  may  be  noe  more  trusted  with  an  imployment 
soe  much  ab.ove  my  abillities,  but  that  I  may  receive  your  comandes 
in  such  businesses  as  I  may  be  able  to  render  you  a  good  account 
of  the  dilligence  and  care  of 

Your  Grace's 
25°  Juilett 

1625.  at:  Angl: 

THE  LOAN  OF  SHIPS  TO  THE  FRENCH.         267 

84. — Lord  Conway  to  the  Duke  of  Buckingham. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.,  Addenda.] 
Gracious  patron, 

Yesternight  I  received  a  letter  by  Captaine  Franklin  from  your  1625,  juiy  25. 
Grace's  Secretary  Mr.  Nicholas,  the  letter  directed  to  you,  but  hee 
brought  mee  a  verball  warrant  and  direction  in  your  absence  to 
open  it,  to  represent  it  to  his  Ma1*  and  to  give  such  answere  as  I 
received.  Hee  speakes  likewise  of  a  French  man,  who  hath  brought 
letters,  and  because  hee  is  not  here  by  two  a  clocke  I  suppose  hee 
hath  taken  knowledge  of  your  Grace's  beinge  att  New-hal,  and  is 
gonne  directly  thither:  His  Ma4?  is  of  opinion  that  for  the  most 
parte  the  letters  you  formerly  writt  have  answered  this  last  letter. 
Hee  observes  the  honest  zeale  of  your  Secretary  in  that  parte  of  his 
letter  which  is  markt  in  the  rnargent,  but  gives  no  order  for  the 
changinge  of  former  directions,  and  I  must,  in  the  duety  I  owe 
your  Grace,  say  that  there  is  not  any  thing  so  tender  and  to  bee  so 
deare  to  you  as  the  avoidinge  of  that  scandall,  offence,  and  hazard 
of  extreame  inconstancy,  as  if  his  Mats  shipps  shoulde  fight  against 
those  of  the  Religion.  His  Ma1?  hath  farther  commanded  mee  to 
let  your  Grace  know  that  by  reason  of  the  sicknes  comminge  to 
Windser,  hee  goes  upon  Wensday  to  Okinge,  on  Friday  to  Bisham, 
on  Saturday  to  Ricott,  where  hee  assignes  the  Lords  to  meete  him, 
and  then  your  servant  hath  a  hope  att  the  farthest  to  kisse  your 
Grace's  hands  with  as  much  humblenes  and  more  constancy  then 
over  he  did  his  mistress's,  and  with  the  faith  not  to  bee  exceeded  of. 

25  July  1625. 

85. —  Captain  Pennington  to  Charles  I. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  132.] 
Most  Sacred  Majestic, 

Be  pleased  to  understand  that  I  being  put  in  command  of  your  1625,  July  27. 
Majesties  shippe  the  Vanguard  by  warrant  from  my  Lord  Admirall 
for  the  service  of  the  most  Christian  King,  and  thereupon  received 


sundrie  instructions  under  his  hand  for  the  safe  keeping  possession 
of  the  £ayd  shippe  during  the  service,  which  I  have  hitherto  care- 
fully and  punctuallie  observed,  and  now  have  lately  received  a  war- 
rant from  my  Lord  Con  way,  dated  at  Hampton  Court  the  10th  of 
this  instant,  commanding  me,  in  your  Majesties  name,  to  deliver 
the  command  of  this  your  Majesties  shippe  wherein  I  serve,  with 
the  rest  of  the  marchantes  shippes  (if  they  were  in  my  possession) 
to  his  most  Christian  Majestic.  This  is  the  former  part  of  the  war- 
rant ;  and  then  followes  that  I  am  to  receive  so  manie  persons  into 
the  said  shippes  as  his  Christian  Majestic  shalbe  pleased  to  put  into 
them,  and  there  to  be  continued  during  the  terme  of  the  contract, 
and  that  this  I  am  to  obey  with  the  greatest  moderation  and  discre- 
tion I  can.  These  are  the  very  wordes  of  the  warrant,  which  after 
I  had  often  read,  and  in  my  best  judgment  seriously  considered,  I 
conceived  (under  correction)  that  the  later  command  was  contra- 
dictorie  to  the  former,  being  by  the  first  commanded  to  give  up  the 
sole  command  to  his  Christian  Majestic,  and  by  the  second  to  receive 
so  manie  aboard  as  it  pleaseth  his  Christian  Majestic  to  put  into 
them,  during  the  terme  of  the  contract,  which  wordes  continue  me 
still  in  the  possession  of  them.  Moreover,  maie  it  please  your 
Majestic  to  understand  that,  with  the  said  warrant,  I  received  a 
letter  from  my  Lord  Admirall,  thereby  chargeing  me  to  deliver  over 
your  Majesties  shippe  with  the  rest  according  to  the  warrant,  and 
to  take  securitie  for  the  shippes  according  to  the  true  valuation; 
but  neither  out  of  my  Lord  Admirall's  letter,  nor  my  Lord  Con- 
way's  warrant,  could  I  perceive  it  to  be  your  Majesties  intention 
nor  their  Lordships'  that  I  should  quit  your  Majesties  shipp  to  his 
Christian  Majestic,  or  to  his  ministers  :  howbeit  I  had  verball 
directions  by  my  Lord  Admirall's  Secretarie  for  it,  but  that  (in  my 
opinion)  was  not  a  sufficient  warrant  to  discharge  me  and  my  com- 
pany to  surrender  so  greate  a  charge;  and  therefore  durst  not  do  it 
without  express  order  from  your  Majestic. 

And  for  the  valuing  of  any  of  your  Majesties  shippes  (they  are  so 
precious  in  my  estimation  and  so  farre  transcending  my  sphere) 


that  I  most  humbli  crave  pardon,  if  I.  be  thought  to  curious  and 
tender  to  have  a  hand  in  a  matter  of  so  great  consequence. 

I  have  used  all  the  best  meanes  I  can  to  give  his  Christian 
Majestic  and  Monsieur  de  Fayat  his  Ambassador  content  herein,  by 
offering  to  take  aboard  so  many  souldiers  as  convenientlie  I  could, 
and  to  goe  upon  any  service  that  they  should  imploy  me  in,  agre- 
able  to  your  Majesties  command:  but  nothing  would  satisfie  them 
save  the  possession  of  the  shippe,  either  by  the  deliverie  of  it  upp 
into  their  owne  handes,  or  by  putting  four  hundreth  souldiers 
aboarde  with  a  cheife  commander ;  that  so  they  might  take  it  when 
they  pleased,  and  cut  all  our  throats,  as  they  dayly  threatened. 
And  because  I  would  not  yield  to  either  of  these,  his  Lordship 
hath  protested  against  me  as  a  rebell  to  your  Majestic,  using  manie 
other  disgraceful!,  opprobrious,  and  threatening  speaches  tending 
to  the  taking  away  of  my  life,  except  I  would  surrender  the  ship  or 
receive  the  sayd  commander  with  400  souldiers  aboarde,  which  I 
refusing,  not  daring  to  do  it  (having  received  two  letters,  the  one 
from  my  Lord  Admirall,  and  the  other  from  ray  Lord  Con  way  of 
the  19th  of  this  moneth  to  continue  my  charge)  he  gave  me  over 
to  do  what  I  would,  and  utterly  denyed  to  give  me  any  further 
command,  though  I  sent  expressly  to  offer  my  service  to  him, 
hearing  that  he  was  yesterday  to  leave  the  towne  of|  Deeppe  to  goe 
towardes  the  Court. 

All  my  Companie  (if  it  please  your  Majestic)  exceedingly  dis- 
tasting these  demandes  of  theirs,  weighed  anckor  the  25th  of  this 
present  from  the  Roade  of  Deepe,  and  set  sayle  for  England  with- 
out acquainting  me  with  it,  and  when  I  demanded  their  reason, 
they  tould  me  that  they  had  rather  be  hanged  at  home  then  part 
with  your  Majesties  shippe  upon  these  terms :  yet,  however  they 
did  it  without  acquainting  me.  I  must  confesse  I  knew  of  it,  and 
did  connive;  otherwise  they  should  never  have  done  it,  and  I  live; 
for  I  had  rather  lose  my  life  than  my  reputation  in  my  command. 
I  dare  not  trouble  your  Majestic  with  all  the  wayes  and  slightes 
that  have  bene  used  to  make  me  deliver  upp  your  Majesties  shippe 


into  their  handes,  but  if  either  promises  of  great  pensions  during 
my  life,  or  present  sommes  to  be  layde  downe,  or  faire  wordes,  or 
threateninges  would  have  made  me  yield  her  uppe,  she  had  bene 
gone  and  (with  your  Majesties  pardon)  you  maie  be  confident,  that 
if  they  had  once  gotten  the  possession  of  her  upon  any  termes,  she 
would  never  have  bene  returned :  but,  although  I  be  poore,  I  had 
rather  live  with  bread  and  water  all  the  dayes  of  my  life  then  to  be 
an  actor  in  this  busines,  wherein  1  should  be  a  traytor  to  your 
Majestic  and  my  countrie. 

Thus  humblie  craving  pardon  if  I  have  not  performed  Your 
Majesties  will,  and  laying  downe  my  life  at  your  Sacred  Majesties 
feete,  and  praying  dayly  for  your  Majesties  many  and  happie  dayes, 
I  humblie  remaine  ever 

Your  Majesties  most  humble  and  loyall 
subject  and  servant,, 


86. — Captain  Pennington  to  Sec.  Lord  Gonway. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  133.] 

My  Honorable  good  Lord, 

1626,  July  27.  I  have  received  a  letter  and  a  warrant  from  your  Lordship,  the 
one  of  the  10th',  the  other  of  the  19th  of  this  present,  and  have 
endevoured  to  obey  your  Lordship  in  both.  I  have  not  now  tyme 
to  give  your  Lordship  a  particular  account  of  them,  but  referre 
your  good  Lordship  to  my  Lord  Duke  of  Buckingham  Grace  for 
the  same,  onely  your  Lordship  may  be  pleased  to  understand  that 
I  have  done  my  best  to  give  content  to  his  most  Christian  Majestic 
and  his  Ambassador  Monsr  de  Fiat;  but  nothing  would  suffice 
them  but  the  surrender  of  his  Majestes  shippe  into  their  handes, 
which  I  conceived  I  had  not  warrant  for,  therefore  durst  not  do  it 
upon  paine  of  my  head,  so  that  I  am  returned  with  his  Majesties 


shippe  (which  is  all  I  had  now  under  my  command)  to  the  Downes, 
where  I  attend  his  Majestes  further  pleasure,  and  ever  remaine 

Your  Lordships  humble 

and  devoted  servant, 


From  aboard  the  Vangard 
in  the  Downes  the  27th 
day  of  July  1625. 

87. —  The  demands  of  Sir  Ferdinando  Gorges  and  the  Captains 

of  the  merchant  ships. 
[State  Papers,  France,  No.  175.] 

Wee.  the  Owners  and  Captaines  of  the  English  ships  hyred  for  1625,  July  27. 
the  service  of  his  most  Christian  Majestie,  are  come  hither  in 
obedience  to  our  Soveraigne  Lord  the  King,  whose  pleasure  is 
whee  should  give  all  content  unto  his  most  Christian  Majestie, 
which  wee  most  humbly  have  and  doe  obey;  but  wee  hope  it  is 
conceaved  that  as  we  are  owners  and  masters  of  our  owne  goods, 
so  it  will  not  bee  thought  unlawfull  or  unfitting  that  wee  make  our 
owne  reasonable  conditions  before  wee  depart  with  them ;  as  also  that 
wee  free  ourselfes  from  those  questions  and  troobles  wee  are  now  in. 

First,  therfore  wee  desire  to  bee  freed  from  those  advantages 
may  bee  taken  against  us,  by  reason  of  the  protest  published  against 
us  by  the  Marquesse  D'Effiat,  Ambassador  Extraordinary  for  his 
sayd  Christian  Majestie,  and  that  to  be  donne  immediately  and 
without  more  delay,  that  wee  may  the  better  and  more  securely  treat 
upon  what  is  else  to  followe  for  the  satisffaction  of  both  Kings. 

Next,  that  wee  may  have  present  security  for  the  safe  delivery 
of  our  Ships  to  us  againe  and  satisffaction  for  our  enterteynment; 
and  the  security  wee  presently  demande  (if  his  most  Christian 
Majestie  intend  to  bee  putt  in  possession  of  our  ships)  is  money  to 
bee  deposited  in  the  Chambre  of  London  without  revocation, 
protraction,  or  any  other  impediment ;  and  that  wee  may  still 
receave  it  as  it  shall  growe  due.  This  wee  doe  for  that  the  former 
security  of  merchands  stands  us  in  no  steede,  because  wee  have 


found  by  experience  there  is  stop  made  of  our  pay,  and  wee  knowe 
not  how  to  right  ourselvee  in  it. 

Lastly,  for  that  the  ships  of  England  are  understood  by  our  state 
to  bee  the  fortresses  and  publique  defence  of  that  kingdome,  and 
that  the  delivery  of  them  into  the  hands  of  any  forreigne  Prince  or 
state  concernes  no  lesse  the  lifes  of  the  deliverers  then  if  they 
should  render  any  other  place  of  publique  defence  put  into  there 
hands •  wee  most  humbly  desire,  for  our  freedomes  and  securityes 
in  that  behalfe,  wee  may  have  full  and  ample  warrant  and  authority 
under  the  broad  seale  of  England  for  our  full  discharge,  as  also  that 
wee  may  bee  freed  from  bonds  wee  stand  bound  in  for  the  not  alien- 
ating of  any  our  ordinance,  and  that  wee  may  not  bee  questioned  for 
the  same  by  any  la  we  allready  made,  or  to  bee  made  hereafter. 

And  further,  if  it  be  demanded  why  wee  are  more  cautious  now 
then  at  the  first  drawing  of  our  articles,  wee  answere  bycause  those 
articles  were  drawne  by  commissioners,  and  these  are  to  bee  donne 
our  immediate  selves,  the  first  being  wholy  broken. 

And  for  that  wee  desire  there  bee  no  farther  delay  or  protraction 
of  tyme  on  our  parts  wee,  whose  names  are  hereunto  subscribed, 
have  thought  fit  to  entreat  our  worthy  and  beloved  friend  Basset 
Cole,  gentleman,  in  our  behalf,  and  for  us  to  present  this  above 
written  to  the  right  honourable  the  Marquese  D'Effiat;  and  wee 
give  farther  unto  the  said  Basset  Cole  full  power  and  authority  to 
treat  upon  the  conclusion  of  all  the  said  former  articles. 
In  witnes  whereof  wee  hereunto  set  our  hands. 

JOHN  DA  VIES,  for  my 

selfe  and  Peter  White. 
Dated  this  27th  of  July 
from  aboard  the  Great  Neptune 
of  London  in  the  roade 
of  Deepe,  1625. 


88. — Thomas  Lorkin  to  the  Duke  of  Buckingham. 
[State  Papers,  France,  No.  175.] 

May  it  please  your  Grace, 

My  penne  would  not  dare  to  sore  thus  high,  had  it  not  a  good  1625,  July  27. 
author  and  errand  to  warrant  me  therunto,  but  arriving  at  Fontaine- 
bleau  yesterday  I  found  the  world  somewhat  amazed  at  the  King's 
suddaine  and  unexpected  returne  from  his  hunting  journey;  his 
present  entering  into  council;  the  long  deliberations  there;  the 
frequent  consultations  betwixt  the  ministers  themselves  and  them 
and  the  Embassadors  of  Venice  and  Savoy  in  private.  Some  great 
matter  they  deemed  it  to  be;  and  the  most  apprehended  some  new 
blow  from  Rochell.  By  enquiry  I  learned  that  the  subject  of  all 
this  serious  deliberation  was  the  affaires  of  Italic,  more  particularly 
whether  the  warre  should  be  openly  declared  upon  the  Spaniard  in 
the  Milanese,  yea  or  no.  The  affirmative  was  resolved,  and  so 
assured  me  by  a  reasonable  good  hand,  but  I  desired  it  from  a 
better,  and  therfore,  understanding  that  the  two  foresaid  embassa- 
dors  were  then  in  conference  with  Schomberg  and  Herbant  (about 
the  same  affaire  as  I  heard  afterward),  I  watched  their  issue,  and 
followed  them  to  their  chamber,  and  there  addressing  my  self  to 
him  of  Savoy,  told  him  what  I  heard,  lett  him  know  how  much  it 
imported  the  publique  that  his  Majestic  of  Great  Brittayne  were 
rightly  and  truely  informed  therof,  desired  to  hear  the  verity 
therof  from  his  mouth.  He  first  stipulated  secrecy,  and  then 
assured  me  that  it  was  most  true,  that  therfore  1  might  bouldly 
write  it  and  make  him  my  author;  nay  intreated  me  so  to  doe,  and 
to  direct  my  letters  to  your  Grace  with  his  most  humble  baisemains, 
and  this  further  advice,  that  your  Grace  would  be  pleased  to  putt 
all  in  readines  there,  for  he  hoped  within  a  few  dayes  to  write  unto 
yow  himself  of  some  farre  greater  matters.  I  have  despatched  away 
this  bearer  expressely  hereupon,  having  nothing  to  adde  therto, 
save  that  yesterday  there  arrived  here  three  deputies  from  the 

CAMD.  SOC.  2  N 


f  churches  in  Vivaretz,  to  demaund  (with  the  rest)  the  execution  of 
the  treaty  of  Montpellier,  but  protesting  against  the  course  that 
others  held  of  seeking  it  by  way  of  armes;  and  that  (the  day 
before)  the  King  (to  facilitat  a  good  conclusion  here  at  home)  had 
dispatched  away  two  curryers,  viz.  the  Baron  de  Chavanne  towards 
the  Admiral,  the  Marshal  de  Praslin,  and  Toirax,  and  Le  Sieur  de 
Keolles  to  the  Due  d'Espernon  and  the  Mareshal  de  Themines,  to 
command  a  cessation  of  all  acts  of  hostility  immediately  upon  the 
acceptance  of  the  conditions  of  peace  by  those  of  the  Keligion,  who 
I  hope  wilbe  better  advised  then  to  seekc  their  owne  overthrowe  in 
the  ruine  of  the  publique.  I  had  allmost  forgott  the  motion  which 
some  deputies  here  have  (since  the  combat)  made  in  Soubize's 
behalf,  that,  for  as  much  as  it  takes  away  all  confidence  from  him  of 
adventuring  himself  henceforth  in  any  part  of  Haultain's  a  fleet,  that 
the  King  would  be  pleased  to  dispose  of  those  ships  otherwise,  and 
to  give  him  in  recompense  some  little  further  summe  of  mony,  with 
some  small  government  wherin  to  putt  himself  under  covert  against 
the  malice  of  his  enemies;  and  instance  in  that  of  Loudun.  But 
the  ministers  (facile  enough  in  the  first  point)  approve  not  of  the 
choice  in  the  second,  and  offer  in  stead  thereof  Noyon  in  Picardie, 
which  the  deputies  like  not  of.  Yet  this  difference  will  (as  is 
thought)  be  easy  enough  accommodated  if  the  other  once  be  fully 
agreed  on  of  all  parts.  I  will  not  multiply  your  Grace's  trouble 
further,  but  heer  most  humbly  prostrate  myself  at  your  Grace's 
feet,  in  quality  of,  &c. 

89. — The  Earl  of  Pembroke  to  Captain  Pennington. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  Addenda.] 

1625,  July  28.      Since  my  last  unto  you  and  my  message  by  the  bearer ,b  the  King 
is  assured  that  warr  will  be  declared  against  Spaine  for  Millain,  and 

*  The  Dutch  Admiral  employed  by  the  French  Government. 
b  Edward  Ingham,  see  No,  66. 


the  peace  is  made  in  France  for  the  religion.     Therfore  his  pleasure 
is  that  you  peremptorily  obay  this  last  direction  without  reply. 

Your  most  assured  friend, 


I  pray  let  Sir  Ferdinando  Gorges  understand  thus  much  from  me 
by  you. 

90. — Charles  I.  to  Captain  Pennington. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  135.] 
Charles  R. 

Pennington.  These  are  to  charge  and  comaunde  you,  imediately  1625>  Ju'y  28- 
upon  sight  hereof,  that  without  all  difficultie  and  delay  yow  put  our 
former  comandement  in  execucion  for  the  consigning  of  the  ship 
under  your  chardge  called  the  Vantguarde  into  the  hands  of  the 
Marquis  d'Effiat,  with  all  her  equipage,  artillery,  and  amunicion; 
assuring  the  officers  of  the  said  ship  whom  it  may  concerne,  that 
wee  will  provide  for  their  indempnity:  and  we  further  chardge  and 
comand  yow  that  you  also  require  the  seaven  merchant  shipps  in 
our  name  to  put  themselves  into  the  service  of  our  deare  brother  the 
French  King  according  to  the  promise  wee  have  made  unto  him; 
and,  in  case  of  backwardness  or  refusall,  we  comaund  you  to  use  all 
forceable  meanes  in  your  power  to  compel  them  thereunto,  even  to 
their  sinkinge.  And  in  these  severall  chardges  see  yow  faile  not,  as 
yow  will  answeare  the  contrarie  at  your  uttermost  perill :  and  this 
shalbe  your  sufficient  warrant.  Geven  at  our  Court  at  Kichmond 
the  28th  of  Julie  1625. 

91. —  The  Duke  of  Buckingham  to  Edward  Nicholas. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  136.] 

This  bearer  doth  carry  an  ample  and  expresse  commandement  to  1625,  July  28. 
Captaine  Pennington  from  his  Majestic  for  the  consigning  of  t^e 

«  There  is  an  incorrect  copy,  dated  July  28,  in  the  State  Papers,  Domestic,  iv.  134. 


Vandgarde  into  the  hands  of  the  Marquis  d'Effiat,  with  assurance 
to  the  Officers  of  the  said  Ship,  that  there  shall  be  order  taken  for 
their  indemnity,  so  as  I  expect  that  there  shall  be  noe  further  diffi- 
culty or  delay  used.  Upon  the  delivery  of  the  ship  you  are  to 
receave  the  caution  stipulated  by  the  contract,  and  so  to  returne. 
This  is  all  that  for  the  present  you  are  required  by 

Your  loving  master, 


From  Richmond 

the  28  of  July  1625. 

92. — The  Duke  of  Buckingham  to  Captain  Pennington. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  iv.  137.] 

Captaine  Penington, 

1625,  July  28  I  have  newly  receaved  a  longe  dispatche  from  yow,  which  as  yet 
I  have  not  had  the  leisure  to  reade  quite  throwgh :  but  before  the 
receipt  therof,  I  must  tell  yow,  that  the  Kinge  was  extremely 
offended  with  yow  for  the  delayes  yow  used  in  the  consigning  of 
the  Vantguard  and  therupon  hath  sent  yow  a  stricte  and  expresse 
warrant  which,  if  yow  desire  to  make  yowr  peace,  yow  must  not 
faile  punctually  to  observe,  and  yow  may  doe  it,  and  so  may  assure 
the  marchants  with  the  better  courage  and  alacrity ;  the  peace  being 
made  with  these  of  Rochelle  and  the  rest  of  the  religion  as  we  have 
newly  receaved  certaine  advice.  So  expecting  your  conformity  to 
his  Majesties  pleasure,  I  continue 

Your  very  loving  frend, 


From  Richmond 

the  28  of  August*  1625. 

By  mistake  for  July  28. 


93. —  The   three  Clauses  sent  to  the  Marquis  of  Effiat  by  the 
Captains  of  the  Merchant  Ships. 

[State  Papers,  France  175.] 

May  it  please  your  Lordship, 

1.  Havinge  bin  soe  vehemently  pressed  by  Mr.  Nicholas,  Secre- l*'25>  July 
tary  to  our  Lord  Admirall,  to  deliver  our   Shipps  before  security 

given  to  our  content,  contrary  to  former  propositions,  howsoever  it 
pleaseth  him  to  conceive  of  it,  without  offenee  wee  hould  it  un- 
reasonable; and  doe  answere  therounto  that,  before  wee  receave  our 
security,  wee  will  deliver  none  of  our  shipps  out  of  our  possessions. 

2.  As  for  the  valuacion  of  our   Shipps,  wee  have  heerewith  sent 
it  as  wee  purpose  to  stand  unto,  without  abatement  of  anie  thinge, 
much  or  little,  wherein  wee  hope  wee  shall  not  give  occasion  of 
offence,  seeinge  it  is  as  lawfull  for  the  owner  to  sett  his  owne  price, 
as  it  is  for  the  buyer  to  leave  or  take. 

3.  Lastly,  wee  expecte  to  have  the  former  propositions  sent  your 
Lordship  by  Mr.  Nicholas  fully  to  be  observed  in  all  things,  savinge 
that  for  the  security  in  present  money  to  be  deposited  ;  and  of  the 
rest  noe  more  question  to  bee  made,  for  that  without  it  wee  dare 
not  proceed  any  further.     To  all  which  wee  desire  a  present  answere 
that  itmay  appeare  the  delays  rest  not  of  our  parte.   Thus  comittinge 
your  Lordship  to  God's  holy  proteccion  wee  rest 

Your  Lordships  humble  servants 


Dated  in  the  roade  of  Deepe 
the  30  of  July  1625. 


94. — Sir  Ferdinando  Gorges  to  Edward  Nicholas. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  v.  3.] 

1625,  Aug.  l.  I  shall  desire  you  to  remember  my  service  to  my  Lord  Em- 
bassador  and  to  give  hym  to  understand  that  I  have  nowe  noe  more 
power  to  perswade  these  people  to  stayp  heere  any  longer,  for  they 
finde  the  stormes  like  to  come  in,  and  the  roade  to  be  exceedinge 
dangerous;  wheruppon  they  conclude  a  necessity  of  their  departure 
for  the  coastes  of  England,  where  wee  purpose  to  attend  his  Excel- 
lencyes  further  pleasure  and  commandes.  For  my  particuler  I  will 
doe  the  best  I  can  to  recover  Portsmouth,  as  the  most  convenient 
place  (as  the  tyme  nowe  is)  to  send  and  heare  from  the  Court,  and 
to  dispatche  those  busines  that  you  knowe  is  necessarily  to  be 

You  maye  further  give  his  Excellency  to  understand  that  I  am 
exceeding  sorry,  things  so  fall  out  that  itt  is  nott  in  my  power  to 
returne  his  respects  unto  me  for  the  honor  he  hath  done  mee  in  my 
Lady  Marquise  coming  aboard,  and  for  sending  his  two  younge 
Jewells  to  me  yesterdaye  with  his  kinde  and  noble  invitements: 
For  all  which  he  shall  assuredly  finde  I  will  continue  to  rest  his 
humble  servant.  I  praye  you  to  remember  my  service  unto  my  Lady 
Marquise,  with  many  thankes  to  her  honor  for  her  noble  favor: 
and  as  I  expect  shortly  to  returne  agayne,  so  I  will  nott  fayle 
(under  her  favor)  humbly  to  kisse  her  handes  ashoare.  Thus  with 
my  love  remembred  unto  yourself  I  will  continue  and  rest 
Your  assured  loving  Frend 


From  aboard  the 

Great  Neptune  in  the  rode  of  Deepe 
The  first  of  August  1625. 


95. — The  Duke  of  Montmorency,  Admiral  of  France ,  to 
Captain  Pennington. 

[State  Papers,  France,  No.  175.] 

Sur  1'avis  que  m'a  este  donne  que  vous  estiez  revenu  a  la  radde  1626,  Aug.  -j 
de  Dieppe  avec  nouvel  ordre  de  servir  le  Eoy  en  son  armee  navalle, 
je  vous  fais  celle  cy  pour  vous  suplier  de  vous  rendre  en  ce  lieu  le 
plustost  quil  vous  sera  possible,  pour  y  joindre  la  dite  armee,  affin 
qu'estant  assiste  de  vos  forces  et  de  vos  bons  conseils,  nous  puissions 
ensemblement  avoir  plus  d'aventage  sur  les  rebelles.     Je  VOUB  con- 
jure done  de  faire  dilligence  parceque  le  temps  presse,  et  de  croire 
que  je  ne  perdray  point  d'occasion  de  vous  y  tesmoigner  1'estime 
que  je  fais  de  vostre  merite,  et  que  je  suis,  Monsieur, 
Vostre  tres  affectionne 

a  vous  faire  service, 


Sables  le  11  Aonst,  1625. 

96. —  Captain  Pennington  to  Edward  Nicholas. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  Y.  7.] 

I  ame  nowe  returned  with  a  sufficient  warrant  to  purforme  the  1625,  Aug.  3. 
service  my  Lord  Ambass  [ad]  or's  desires,  and  ame  redy  instantly  to 
surrender  hur  up  into  his  handes,  soe  sone  as  hee  plaseth  to  provide 
us  barkes  to  carie  us  off,  and  to  cause  the  rest  to  doe  the  like  or 
sincke  by  their  sides.  Soe  sone  as  I  ame  come  to  an  anker  and 
have  spoaken  with  them  1  will  come  ashore  and  waight  upon  my 
Lord  and  acquaint  him  further.  In  the  meane  time  I  pray 
remember  my  humble  service  to  him,  and  with  the  like  to  your- 
selfe  1  rest 

Your  most  assured  lo[vinge] 

frend  to  serve  you 


3  August, 


97. — Offer  of  the  Captains  and  Masters  of  the  Merchant  Ships. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  v.  13.] 

1625,  Aug.  4.  We  are  content  if  we  may  have  severall  cautions  for  every  of  our 
shipps  given  us  by  sufficyent  merchauntes  in  Diepe  to  be  transferred 
over  into  England,  and  there  to  be  given  by  Mr.  Burlemach  and 
others  sufficyent  Euglishe  merchauntes  for  our  shipps  within  fifteene 
dayes  after  the  delivery  over  of  them  into  the  hands  of  the  Marquis 
d'Effiat  for  the  most  Christian  King;  and  that  if  we  may  have  one 
monethes  present  pay  for  our  men  and  security  for  the  payment  of 
thother  monethes  pay  (both  which  was  due  the  28th  of  July  last), 
to  be  paid  in  London  within  15  dayes  after  the  delivery  of  our 

That  then  we  will  deliver  our  shipps  unto  the  said  Marquis 
d'Effiat  for  the  service  of  the  most  Christian  Kinge  according  to 
his  Majestes  commaund. 

Aborde  the  Industry 
4°  August!  1625,  st.  Angl. 

Witnesses,  Edw." 

98. — Sir  Ferdinando  Gorges  to  Lord  Conway. 

[State  Papers,  Charles  I.  Domestic,  v.  18.] 
My  Lord, 

1625,  Aug.  5.  I  doubt  nott  but  his  Majestic  will  receave  sharpe  informacions 
agaynst  mee  from  the  Marquesse  de  Fiat;  as  if  I  had  been  a  violent 
enimye  to  the  affayres  of  his  master;  but  (Sir)  you  shall  finde  the 
truth  to  be,  I  stood  for  the  honor  of  my  nation,  and  the  safety  and 
proffitt  of  myselfe,  being  engaged  in  that  ymployment  a  matter  of 
tenne  or  eleven  thowsand  powndes,  a  portion  too  great  to  be 
hazarded  without  just  reason  or  sound  consideration,  att  the  least 
when  itt  came  to  myne  owne  share  to  capitulate  for  myself  as  att 
the  present  itt  did ;  for  no  we  I  was  att  the  Ambassador's  desire, 
and  his  Majestes  comaund,  to  resigne  my  shippe  and  her  provisions 

a  Sic. 


wholy  to  the  possession  of  the  French,  uppon  a  newe  agreement ; 
the  first   contract  (made  by  the  Commissioners)  being  voyde ;  and 
uppon  this  ground  I  propounded  such  conditions  for  myself  and 
the  merchauntes  then  present  as  were  conceaved  to  be  reasonable, 
namely  that  we  would  be  freed  from  the  advantages  he  pretended 
agaynst  us  by  reason  of  his  protest:  and  that  wee  might  be  secured 
for  the  safe  delivery  of  our  shipps  unto  us  agayne,  and  duely  sattisfied 
[of]  our  entertaynement  for  their  imployementes :  lastly,  that  we 
might  have  sufficient  warrant  from  his  Majestic  for  putting  our 
shippes  into  the  handes  of  strangers,  which  we  knowe  to  be  a  matter 
of  noe  meane  consequence ;  and  howsoever  reasonable  these  condi- 
tions were   thought  to  bee  yet  his   Lordship  seemed  to  take  itt 
somethinge  tenderly,  conceaving  that  he  had  sufficiently  determined 
all  those  things  att  Rochester,  where  there  was  some  conferences 
betweene   the  three  Embassadors  and  two   of  the  masters  of  the 
shippes:  att  what  tyme  their  Lordships  offerred  their  owne  securi- 
tyes,  which  although  itt  was  honorable  and  becoming  their  greatnes, 
yett  was  itt  nott  receaved  by  the  masters  (as  they  solemnly  protest) 
as  fitt  for  the  quallityes  of  merchantes  to  accept  of:   yet  agayne  his 
Lordship  required  to  be  punctually  sattisfyed,   whither  we  would 
stand  to  itt  or  nott;  to  the  which  we  as  playnely  answered  that 
althoughe  wee  esteemed  itt  to  be  very  honorable  yett  nott  compe- 
tent for  men  of  our  quallityes  to  deale  with,  butt  if  he  pleased  to 
give  us  security  by  Merchants  in  Paris,  to  be  transferred  from  them 
to  Merchants  in  London  responsible,  itt  should  sattisfye  us  for  that 
perticuler,  butt  we  likewise  expected  the  accomplishment  of  the 
rest  of  our  atricles,  or  otherwise  wee  could  proceed  noe  further: 
butt  after  many  debatements  att  the  last,  his  Lordship  seemed  to 
approve  of  the  reasonablenes  of  our  demaunds,  and  gave  me  to 
understand  by  my  Cozen  Cole  (whom  I  have  wholy  imployed  in 
this  busines,  and  nowe  send  to  your  Lordship  with  the  rest  of  the 
particulers   more  att  large)  that  he  had  sent  them  to  Paris,  and 
looked   for   a  speedy  answere.     So   wee   attended  in  expectation 
therof.      In  the   meane  while,    Capt.  Pennington    returned   with 

CAMD.  SOO.  2  O 


order  from  his  Majestie  for  his  delivery  of  the  Vantguard  and  her 
furniture  into  the  hands  of  the  Erabassador,  with  like  order  to  hym 
to  cause  the  merchants  to  doe  as  much.  Whereat  being  extra- 
ordinarily perplexed  for  the  present,  and  finding  that  the  Embas- 
sador  thought  by  that  oppertunity  to  be  master  of  my  goods  in 
dispighte  of  mee,  and  to  accompt  for  the  same  att  his  owne  will, 
and  having  itt  in  his  power  to  take  all  advantages  agaynst  mee 
(being  now  in  possession  of  my  shippe)  that  the  quilletts  of  lawe 
would  give  hym,  by  reason  of  the  former  protest;  and  assuring 
myself,  itt  could  by  noe  meanes  stand  with  his  Majestes  royall  pur- 
pose to  ruyne  his  owne  subjects  to  pleasure  strangers;  as  also  con- 
ceaving  a  warrant  directed  to  Capt.  Penington  onely  to  be  noe 
sufficient  discharge  for  me,  if  after  I  should  be  questioned  legally 
in  myne  owne  Countrey,  I  resolved  to  putt  myself  to  his  Majestes 
mercye  for  detayning  my  shippe,  notwithstanding  Capt.  Penington's 
order  in  that  behalfe,  unlesse  the  Embassador  gave  mee  the  security 
formerly  propounded,  which  he  refused  to  doe  :  and  theruppon  I 
tooke  the  oppertunity  to  sett  sayle,  giving  his  Lordship  to  under- 
stand (before  this  occasion  fell  out)  that  there  was  a  necessity  for 
me  to  goe  to  the  coastes  of  England  with  my  shippe,  that  rode  being 
unsafe  to  her  to  ryde,  wherein  we  had  sufferred  a  desperate  storme, 
with  much  perrill  for  eight  and  forty  howers  together ;  and  that 
if  those  articles  were  accepted,  the  shippe  should  be  alwayes  readye 
to  attend  his  Lordship's  comaundes,  the  which  I  am  still  willing  to 

Now,  my  good  Lord,  if  in  any  thinge  thus  done  by  mee  I  have 
omitted  what  in  duty  or  discretion  I  was  bound  to  doe,  I  humbly 
crave  pardon  of  his  most  royall  Majestie,  to  whose  mercye  and  grace 
I  submitt  myself,  my  life,  and  goodes  to  be  disposed  of  accordinge 
to  his  gratious  pleasure,  and  for  the  mayntenance  of  whose  honor 
and  happines  I  will  at  all  tymes  readily  render  the  same ;  and  of 
thus  much  I  shall  humbly  desire  your  Lordship  will  acquaynt  his 
sacred  Majestie  in  my  behalf,  and  vouchsafe  me  that  noble  favor 
as  to  use  your  best  meanes  to  excuse  my  errors;  and  for  that,  as  for 


many  other  your  honorable  cares  taken  of  mee  and  myne,  I  will  for 

ever  rest 

Your  Lordships  humble  servant, 


From  aboard  the  Great  Neptune 

off  of  Beachy  the  5th  of  August  1625. 

99. — Thomas  Lorkin  to  Lord  Conway. 

[State  Papers,  France,  No.  175.J 
Right  Honorable, 

Having  some  two  dayes  since  made  a  posting  journy  to  Paris  to  1625,  Aug. 
redeeme  an  English  gentleman  (Mr.  Slingsby)  out  of  the  hands  of 
a  most  partiall  and  rigorous  judge,  who  for  that  he  had  lightly 
wounded  a  sergeant  that,  contrary  to  all  formes  of  justice,  came  to 
seize  upon  his  person  for  a  small  debt  of  fourty  crownes,  meditated 
against  him  conclusions  of  death  (from  which  danger  I  have  now 
freed  him  by  enlarging  him  out  of  prison  and  evoking  his  cause 
before  the  Council) ;  I  there  mett  with  another  suite  of  like  nature 
from  nine  poore  English  mariners  who  being  in  hard  and  miserable 
durance  at  Rennes  (for  such  cause  as  their  enclosed  letter,  directed 
to  the  Embassador  but  delyvered  me  to  execute  the  contents,  will 
manifest)  desire  to  have  the  hearing  of  the  matter  transferred  hither. 
Immediately  therefore  upon  my  returne  back  to  Court,  I  moved 
Monsr  de  la  Ville  aux  Clercs  therin,  who  tould  me,  that  such  evoca- 
tion could  not  be  graunted,  till  the  King  were  first  informed  from 
the  Judges  of  the  charges  that  were  against  them  :  but  this  he 
would  doe,  cause  the  King  to  write  to  his  Procureur  Generall  to 
send  such  informations  as  were  against  them  hether,  and  in  the 
interim  to  surcease  the  processe  and  to  treate  them  kindely,  ancf 
(after  the  allegations  scene)  take  such  course  as  should  be  best 
sutable  with  equity  and  justice.  For  my  better  expedition  heerin 
he  referred  me  to  Mons.  d'Aucaire,  to  whose  department  the  affaires 
of  Brettany  fall.  'To  him  therfore  I  addressed  my  self,  where  I  mett 
with  the  newes  (even  fresh  as  they  came)  of  the  approach  of  Spinola's 


troupes  upon  this  frontier ;  fourteen  thowsand  of  his  infanterie 
having  shewed  themselves  within  two  leagues  of  Rocroy  (which  is 
is  not  above  six  distant  from  Sedan),  besides  a  great  number  of 
Cosaques,  that  appeare  about  Chappelle  in  the  edge  of  Picardy. 
Their  countenance  lookes  towards  the  Messin,  as  if  there  they  would 
mainteyne  the  Lorrayne  quarrel.  It  hath  allarmed  them  exceedingly 
heer  and  leaves  divers  doubtfull  of  the  issue,  whether  it  will  animate 
or  quel  their  courage.  The  Savoyard  Embassador  seemes  confident 
of  the  former,  who  sending  for  me  yesternight  assured  me,  that  the 
declaration  of  warre  in  the  Dutchie  of  Milan  will  (the  rather)  hould 
good.  For  the  felicitating  which  designe  this  order  is  taken: 

1.  That  the  eleven  regiments  of  infantery  in  Piedmont  (which 
ought  to  be  of  a  thowsand  men  a  peice,  but  are  now  reduced  to 
little  more  then  fifteen  hundred  in  all)  shall  (by  recrewes)  be  made 
compleate,  and  that  three  thowsand  five  hundred  are  allready  upon 
the  way  to  joigne  their  fellows  that  are  left. 

21?.  That  the  nineteen  companies  of  cavallery  which  (by  right) 
should  make  up  the  number  of  twelve  hundred,  shall  not  only  by 
the  like  recrewes  be  filled  up,  but  every  one  receyve  an  augmenta- 
tion of  fifty.  To  which  ends  three  payes  are  (for  certeine)  avanced 
both  to  horse  and  foote;  and  the  mony  allready  in  the  banquers 
hands  at  Lyons  to  be  employed  to  those  purposes. 

S1^.  Besides  these  recrewes,  six  regiments  more,  viz*:  three  of 
Champagne,  and  three  of  Languedoc  (consisting  each  of  a  thow- 
sand  men)  shall  leave  those  stations  and  passe  the  mountaines,  and 
other  new  ones  shalbe  substituted  in  their  place.  This  re-inforce- 
ment  (as  I  am  told  from  very  good  part)  is  upon  Queen  Mother's 
charge,  who  raises  besides,  upon  her  owne  proper  cost,  foure 
hundred  horse  and  will  (for  her  daughter's*  sake)  maintayne  pay 
to  both. 

41?.  Five  hundred  horse  out  of  the  same  Province  of  Cham 
pagne,  and  as  many  more  out  of  the  Lionnois  are  promised  to  be 
added  to  the  above-mentioned  companies.      So  that   in  all  they 
a  Christina,  Princess  of  Piedmont, 


make  accompt  of  seventeen  thowsand  foote,  and  three  thowsand 
horse,  that  shall  display  their  banners  in  Piedmont;  the  supplement 
of  all  which  troupes  shalbe  conducted  thether  by  Mons.  de  Vig- 
nolles,  an  ancient  and  experienced  captayne,  sometymes  a  Pro- 
testant, but  now  a  Catholique,  and  of  the  order  du  Sainct  Espritt. 

Against  some  doubt  I  discovered  that  all  this  was  but  a  French 
flash  or  flourish,  either  to  serve  as  a  counter  battery  against  the 
Spanish  bravado,  or  to  beate  down  the  price  of  the  treaty  with  the 
Legat;  He  promptly  reply  ed,  No,  no.  For,  as  far  as  the  recreues, 
it  is,  quoth  he,  past  all  peradventures,  the  money  being  allready 
disbursed.  For  the  rest,  the  King  and  ministers  have  promised 
that  likewise.  If  they  make  good  their  word,  it  wilbe  so  much  the 
better ;  if  not,  we  must  be  content  with  what  we  can  gett.  But 
for  the  recreues  (repeated  he)  that  is  most  certeyne  and  assured. 
To  two  arguments,  which  I  drew  from  the  Constable's*  and  Vaube- 
court's  returne,  he  answered  that  the  first  had  never  past  the  moun- 
taines,  but  remayned  still  in  Piedmont  : — that  the  second  retired 
by  reason  of  some  bad  intelligence  betwixt  him  and  the  Marquis  de 
Co3uvre,  which  was  such  as  his  presence  did  more  hurt  then  good. 
As  for  the  Legate,  he  bad  me  not  deceyve  myself,  car  on  leveroit 
la  masque  Men  tost,  quand  la  paix  avec  ceux  de  la  Religion  seroit 
une  fois  asseur^e.  But  if  it  be  true  (which  the  Hollander  Em- 
bassador  reports  to  have  receyved  from  very  good  part)  that  the 
Legat  bends  his  course  shortly  towards  Spaine,  I  shalbe  very 
jealous  of  that  darke  and  cloudy  negotiation.  And  so  perhaps  are 
they  heer  of  his  Majesties  real  meaning  to  lend  assistance  against 
the  Huguenots ;  sith  they  finde  themselves  entangled  with  new 
difficulties  about  the  ships,  wherof  I  beleeve  your  Lordship  will 
heare  a  fresh  complaint  by  a  courrier  that  Mons.  de  la  Ville  aux 
Clercs  dispatched  away  in  diligence  yesternight.  Perhaps  like- 
wise he  may  solicit  some  prompt  assistance  from  England,  in  case 
those  great  forces  which  Spinola  is  said  to  have  gathered  together 
about  Dunquerque  come  rushing  upon  them  either  by  a  siege  of 
„  a  The  Duke  of  Lesdignieres. 


Calais  (which  they  seeme  greatly  to  apprehend)  or  els  where. 
They  have  this  day  dispatched  away,  by  two  several  wayes  towards 
the  States  upon  the  self  same  subject,  earnestly  conjuring  them 
that  if  the  cloud  fall  heer,  they  will  come  thundring  in  upon  their 
backs,  promising  in  requitall  to  assist  them  in  like  manner  with 
mony  and  men,  if  it  shall  turne  towards  their  quarters,  and  for 
further  encouragement  assure  their  embassador  of  the  summes  (so 
long  since  promised  but  hetherto  delayed)  sometyme  next  week, 
though  they  take  it  up  at  interest. 

Of  the  acceptance  of  the  conditions  of  peace  nothing  is  yett 
arrived.  Wee  expect  newes  daily,  nay  hourely.  The  long  delay 
argues  some  contestation  about  it,  whence  many  conceyve  hope 
that  the  better  and  more  moderate  part  will  cary  it.  My  next  will 
undoubtedly  cleer  this  point,  which  I  shall  doe  with  all  possible 
diligence,  because  t  thinck  it  will  highly  concerne  his  Majesties 
service  and  the  publique's,  wherunto  I  am  ready  in  all  humble 
devotion  to  sacrifice  myself,  and  so  I  am  to  verifye  to  your 
Lordship  by  the  best  demonstrations  I  may  that  I  eternally  rest 
Your  Lordships 

most  humble  most  faithfull 

and  most  obedient  servant 


Tomorrow  the  Legat  thincks  to  make  this  Court  happy  by  saying 
his  first  masse,  for  which  the  new  chappel  is  very  richly  adorned. 

Fontainebleau  this  Thursday  afternoone 
being  Aug.  the  14th  1625  st°.  n°. 

I  most  humbly  beseech  your  Lordship  to  dispatch  back  this 
bearer  my  servant  with  the  first  occasion.  I  have  delyvered  to  him 
heer  twelve  pounds  for  his  voyage,  but  if  the  Court  be  farre  from 
London  I  feare  it  will  not  be  sufficient.  The  King  is  now  well 
recovered  and  gone  this  afternoone  abroad  a  hunting.  I  send 
herewith  two  letters  from  the  Savoyard  Embassador,  one  to  the 
Duke  of  Buckingham's  Grace,  the  other  to  your  Lordship. 



100, — Sir  Ferdinando  Gorges  to  the  Duke  of  Buckingham. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  v.  19.] 

Maye  itt  please  your  Grace,  .  1625,  Aug.  5. 

I  have  endevored  what  laye  in  my  power  to  observe  your  Excel- 
lencyes  comaunds,  and  was  perswaded  that  I  had  brought  things  to 
reasonable  heads,  both  for  myself  and  the  rest  of  the  merchants,  in 
that  wee  insisted  uppon  three  propositions:  the  first  to  be  free  from 
the  embassador's  protest:  secondly  to  have  security  for  the  re- 
delivery  of  our  shipps  and  satisfaction  of  our  paye :  and  lastly  to 
have  sufficient  warrant  from  our  Soveraigne  Lord  the  Kinge  for 
putting  our  shipps  into  the  hands  of  strangers.  The  Marquesse  to 
this  replyed  he  would  nott  budge  a  tittle  from  the  contract  made 
att  Kochester  betwixt  the  three  embassadors  and  two  of  the  mar- 
chants,  which  contract  the  merchants  disclayme  and  never  gave 
(they  saye)  their  consent  unto,  which  appeeres  by  their  nott  signing 
to  that  the  three  embassadors  putt  to  their  marks;  and  theruppon, 
although  wee  (att  the  rode  in  Deepe)  acknowledged  the  security  of 
Rochester  very  honorable ,  yett  humbly  refused  itt,  and  chose  rather 
the  security  of  merchants,  as  best  suting  with  our  rancks  and  qualli- 
tyes.  Butt  the  Marquesse,  entering  into  further  treatyes  with  us, 
att  last  demaunded  the  valuation  of  our  shipps,  and  thought  our 
propositions  so  reasonable  that  he  pretended  to  us  he  had  sent  them 
to  Paris  to  receave  their  answeare;  butt  being  thus  in  expectation 
of  what  wee  were  to  heare  from  the  French  Court,  his  Majestes 
shippe  the  Vantguard  came  to  us  with  a  warrant  from  his  Majestie 
to  render  herselfe  and  us  to  the  hands  of  the  Marquesse;  that  itt 
seemed  most  strange  to  us  all,  butt  particulerly  to  myselfe,  who  have 
my  whole  estate  in  my  ship,  besydes  three  thowsand  pownds  I  stand 
indebted  for ;  so  that  I  choose  to  putt  myself  rather  uppon  my  most 
gratious  Soveraignes  pittye  and  mercye,  both  for  my  estate  and 
life,  then  to  give  itt  unto  strangers  without  any  satisfaction  either 


to  my  estate  or  creditt ;  and  itt  will  stand  more  with  the  King's 
honor  and  my  owne  particuler  safety  in  future  tymes  (as  I  conceave) 
that  his  Majestic  make  this  an  act  of  his  owne,  and  take  our  shippe 
into  his  owne  possession,  either  to  be  sent  by  his  Majestic  where 
the  French  desireth,  or  els  to  be  receaved  by  the  French  heere  in 
England  att  the  port  where  shee  lyeth.  Therefore,  Sir,  my  most 
humble  sute  unto  your  Grace  is,  that,  if  I  have  done  otherwise  then 
becomed  mee  in  this  busines,  you  would  be  pleased  to  interpret  itt 
an  error  in  my  understanding  nott  in  my  affeccions,  and  mediate  ot 
his  Majestic  to  shewe  unto  hym,  that  I  thincke  I  cannott  better 
dispose  of  my  goods  then  to  transferre  them  wholy  to  his  Majestes 
disposall;  which  I  humbly  leave  to  your  Grace's  most  serious  con- 
sideration, to  whom  I  desire  to  approve  myself  in  all  humility  and 

Your  Grace's 

most  respective  servant 


From  aboard  the  Great  Neptune 
off  of  Beachy  the  6th  of  August  1625. 

101. — Note  of  the  Agreement  between  the  Captain  of  the  merchant 
ships  and  the  Marquis  of  Effiat. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  v.  21.") 

1625,  Aug.  5.  First  for  6  months  wee  are  to  have  of  full  paye  at  £4CO  per 

After  sixe  months  to  have  £250  per  month  for  the  ship  and  to 
be  paid  a  months  paye  before  hand. 

For  good  sekuritye  to  be  given  us  hier  in  Deap  to  be  tranceferd 
to  London  uppon  Mr.  Burlamack  or  other  marchant  whom  we 
shall  accept  accorden  to  the  vallewation. 


To  paye  for  our  puder  and  shott  which  wee  shall  leave  in  the  ship 
and  mach. 

[Indorsed] . 

Perles  security          4500lb 
Industry  security     5000 
Gift  of  God  3200 

Pierre  &  John          2800 
Loyalty  2800 

Marygolde  3000 


102. — Receipt  given  for  the  Vanguard  ~by  the  Marquis  of  Effiat. 
[State  Papers,  France,  No.  176.] 

Nous  Anthoine  Ruze,  Marquis  D'effiat,  Chevalier  des  orders  du  1625,  Aug. 
Roy,  Conseiller  en  son  Conseil  d'estat,  Grand  Maistre  des  Mines 
et  Minieres  de  France,  premier  Escuyer  de  la  grande  Escurye  de 
Sa  Majeste,  et  son  Ambassadeur  extraordinaire  prez  le  Roy  de  la 
Grande  Bretaigne.  Nous  estantz  transporte  en  ce  lieu  pour  recevoir 
les  navires  que  le-  dit  Roy  de  la  Grande  Bretaigne  avoyt  prestez, 
certifions  a  tous  qu'il  appartiendra,  que  le  Sieur  Penington,  Capitaine 
du  vaisseau  de  Sa  Majeste*  de  la  Grande  Bretaigne  nomme  1'advant- 
garde  nous  a  remis  le  dit  vaisseau  entre  les  mains  avec  quarante 
pieces  de  canon  de  fonte  verte  garny  et  muny  de  toutes  choses 
necessaires,  provizions  de  guerre,  munytions,  et  victuailles  suivant 
Finventaire  qu'il  nous  en  a  donne*  cy  devant;  en  tesmoing  de  quoy 
nous  avons  delivre*  le  present  certifficat  au  dit  Sieur  Penington  pour 
luy  servir  en  besoing  sera,  que  nous  avons  pour  cet  effect  voullu 
signer  de  nostre  propre  main  et  a  icelluy  faict  appozer  cachet  de 
nos  armes  et  faict  contresigner  par  nostre  Secretaire.  A  Dieppe  ce 
xve  jour  D'Aoust  xvi  Cent  vingt  cincq 

par  mon  dit  Seigneur. 

CAMD.  SOC.  2  P 


103. — The  Marquis  of  Effiat  to  the  Duke  of  Buckingham. 

[State  Papers,  France,  No.  175. J 
1625,  Aug.  -jV  Monsieur, 

La  derniere  depesche  que  V.  E.  a  envoye"  a  faict  paroistre  les 
intentions  du  Roy  de  la  Grande  Bretaigne  aussy  pures,  et  voz 
procedures  aussy  nettes,  que  Ion  les  scauroyt  dezirer,  et  que  je  les 
ay  tousjours  creu :  et  cette  derniere  action  est  telle  que  la  calomnie 
n'y  scauroyt  trouver  a  redire :  car  Mons.  le  Cappitaine  Penington 
est  revenu  dans  une  humeur  sy  obeyssante  qu'il  a  faict  tout  ce  dont 
je  lay  supplie,  et  s'est  tres  prudemment  et  dignement  acquitte  de  sa 
charge,  ce  quy  m'oblige  de  supplier  V.  E.  de  le  voulloir  conserver 
en  voz  bonnes  graces  comme  il  le  merite,  et  que  les  plaintes  que 
j'ay  faict  de  luy  ne  soyent  pas  subject  de  1'en  esloigner,  car  j'en 
serois  au  derppoir*  m'ayant  par  sa  derniere  action  engaige  a  estre 
toutes  ma  vye  son  serviteur,  et  sy  j'oserois  repondre  quil  vous 
honore  comme  il  doibt,  et  est  extraordinairement  passionne  au 
service  du  Roy  son  Maistre,  et  me  1'a  bien  faict  veoir  par  le  reffuz 
qu'il  a  faict  de  toutes  les  propositions  que  je  luy  ay  offert  bien 
qu'elles  fussent  considerables,  m'ayant  remiz  a  faire  response  aprez 
qu'il  en  aura  la  permission  du  Roy  et  de  V.  E.  le  quy  ma  semble 
trop  raizounable  pour  y  contrarier.  Quant  a  Monsr  vostre  secretre  je 
1'ay  retenu  jusques  a  cette  heure  avec  toute  sorte  de  violence,  dont 
je  vous  demande  pardon,  et  sy  je  ne  m'en  repens  pas  ;  car  sans  luy, 
je  n'eusse  rien  faict,  ayant  parfaictement  suivy  1'orde  que  V.  E.  luy 
avoyt  donne  de  faire  tout  ce  que  je  voudrois,  dont  jay  bien  abuze, 
car  je  luy  ay  donne  milles  peynes  et  n'avoyt  autre  consolation  que 
celle  quy  luy  persuadoit,  que  ce  qu'il  faizoit  seroy  t  agreable  a  V.  E. ; 
car  ces  Marchandz  nous  mettoyent  tous  les  jours  au  desespoir  et 
Ferdinand  de  Gorges  quy  dizoyt  quil  estoyt  venu  pour  raccommoder 
le  tout,  a  este  1'autheur  de  tout  le  mal,  envoyant  qu'il  ne  pouvoyt 
depenser  amener  les  autres,  s'en  est  alle  tout  seul.  Mais  je  n'en 

•  ?  desespoir. 


parle  pas  au  Roy  ny  a  V.  E.  Les  autres  me  faizantz  esperer  son 
retour,  j'attenderay  encor  un  jour  ou  deux,  devant  que  le  vous  en 
importuner,  esperant  n'avoir  point  subject  de  le  faire,  et  que  le 
contentement  sera  entier.  Cependaut  je  supplie  V.  E.  ;  sy  j'ay 
quelque  credit  auprez  d'elle,  de  tesmoigner  sa  parfaicte  et  bonne 
volonte  a  Monr  Nicolas,  car  je  vous  assure  qu'il  n'y  a  rien  au 
monde  quy  passione  son  service  comme  luy,  et  moy  qui  suis  et 
seray  en  mon  partieulier  jusques  au  tombeau  de  Votre  Excellence. 


Tres  humble  et  tres  fidel  serviteur, 


A  Dieppe, 
ce  xyj  jour  d'  Aoust  1625. 

104— The  Marquis  of  Effiat  to  Charles  I. 
[State  Papers,  France,  No.  175.] 

Sire,  1625,  Aug. 

Le  Capitaine  Penington  a  dezire  que  son  retour  fust  accompaigne 
de  ce  mot,  pour  faire  cognoistre  a  Vostre  Majeste  comme  il  s'est 
dignement  acquitte  de  la  charge  quil  avoyt  recue  de  me  donner 
contentement  en  ce  quy  estoyt  de  la  livraizon  du  vaisseau  que 
V.  M.  preste  au  Roy  mon  Maistre,  a  quoy  il  parfaictment  obey  et 
confesse  quil  est  homme  dun  rare  merite  et  digne  des  commande- 
mentz  d'un  sy  grand  Roy,  quy  oblige  tous  ceux  quy  out  eu 
1'honneur  de  le  veoir,  de  prier  Dieu  de  le  remplire  de  ses  bene- 
dictions, et  demeurer  de  \7ostre  Majeste 


Tres  humble  tres  obeissant 
et  tres  fidel  serviteur 

ce  xvje  d'  Aoust  1625. 


105. —  Thomas  Lorkin  to  Lord  Conway  [Extract], 

[State  Papers,  France,  No.  175.] 
1626,  Aug.  ft.  Right  Honorable, 

That  -which  my  last  of  the  fourteenth  promised,  this  cannot 
performe,  the  full  cleering  of  the  treaty  of  peace  with  them  of  the 
Religion  :  it  being  unhappily  embroyled  by  a  new  accident  :  for 
whilst  they  at  Rochel  were  in  serious  deliberation  therupon,  and 
the  better  and  more  moderate  sort  buisily  employed  to  sweigh  the 
people  to  accept  the  King's  offers :  Toirax  (by  the  suggestion,  they 
say  heer  of  the  Prince  of  Conde)  issued  out  with  all  his  force  upon 
the  repers,  as  they  were  gathering  in  their  corne,  under  the  favor 
of  some  military  assistance  .from  the  towne :  slew  divers,  tooke 
divers  prisoners,  and  sett  fire  in  a  great  part  of  their  harvest ;  which 
so  irritated  the  inhabitants  (fierily- enough  disposed  before)  as, 
laying  all  counsel  aside,  they  betooke  themselves  to  their  armes, 
and  incontinently  made  the  canon  play  upon  the  enemyes  troupes 
and  fort ;  and,  sending  forth  all  the  ships  they  had  to  the  succor  of 
Soubize,  summon' d  him  to  give  the  Admiral  combat  with  the  first 
oportunity.  The  newes  no  sooner  arrived  heer,  but  it  opened  the 
ministers'  mouthes  wide,  not  onely  against  the  perfidy  of  the 
Rochelers,  as  if  they  were  sole  faulty  (whereas,  in  trueth,  the 
original  proceeds  from  their  owne  partye)  but  against  all  hopes  of 
reconciliation  likewise. 



Aug.  21,  1625,  st°.  n°. 

106. —  TJie  Duke  of  Buckingham  to  the  Commissioners  of  the  Navy. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  v.  40.] 

1625,  Aug.  13.  After  my  hartie  commendacions.  Whereas  this  bearer  Capt. 
John  Pennington  hath  for  neere  theis  five  monthes  served  in  his 
Majestes  shippe  the  Vanguard  as  Admirall  of  the  eight  shipps  lent 


unto  the  most  Christian  King,  wherein  he  hath  bene  at  a  greater 
charge  then  ordinary;  for  which  services  I  am  informed  there  is 
very  good  paye  allowed  by  the  said  King,  and  allready  paid  into 
the  hands  of  Sir  William  Kussell  Treasurar  of  the  Navy :  These 
are  to  pray  and  require  you  to  give  present  order  to  the  said 
Treasurar  of  the  Navy  to  make  speedy  payment  unto  the  said 
Captain e  out  of  the  Money es  allowed  by  the  French  King  at  the 
rate  of  £3  per  diem  from  the  date  of  the  contracte  made  with 
the  Marquess  D'Effiat  for  the  said  shipps  untill  this  daye,  the 
like  allowances  haveing  bene  heretofore  given  unto  Admiralls  of 
Squadrons  for  their  services.  And  this  shalbe  your  warrant.  From 
Woodstock  the  13th  of  August  1625. 

Your  loveing  Freind 
G.  B. 

107. — Sir  Ferdinando  Gorges  to  Lord  Conway. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  L,  T.  69.] 
Right  Honorable,  1625,  Aug.  23. 

I  shall  entreat  your  Lordship  to  doe  mee  the  favour  to  give  mee 
your  Lordship's  warrant  for  the  master  of  my  ship  and  some  of  his 
mates  to  come  before  your  Lordship  to  answere  to  such  matters  as 
for  there  severall  mutinies  and  disorders  by  them  committed  1  have 
to  object  against  them ;  as  also  the  suspition  I  conceave  of  there 
practizes  to  runne  away  with  my  ship ;  and  that  therfore  I  shall 
further  entreat  your  Lordships  favour  that  I  may  have  the  helpe 
of  some  of  the  King's  Ships'  men  to  bring  myne  into  the  harbour, 
because  synce  my  coming  hither  most  of  my  men  are  either  sicke 
or  prest  away  and  1  lye  in  danger  (if  a  storme  should  come)  heere 
in  the  rode.  And  I  shall  allwaies  bee  bound  to  rest 

Your  Lordships  humble  servant 


From  aboard  the 
Great  Neptune  in  Stokes  Bay 
August  23,  1625. 


108. — Report  of  Edward  Nicholas  to  the  House  of  Commons. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  xxv.  98.] 

1626  April  ^  was  sen*  over  ^7  my  Lord  &  Master.  I  pray  be  pleased  to 
consider  that  this  is  a  matter  of  state  whereof  I  may  not  make  a  full 
declaracion  without  leave  from  his  Majestic  and  my  Lord  and  Master. 
Only  I  wilbe  bould  to  give  you  this  generall  informacion  that  att 
Rochester  my  Lord  spake  with  Capt.  Moyer  and  Capt.  Tutchin, 
who  may  well  remember  what  his  Lordshipps  owne  direccions  were 
unto  them,  whereto  they  were  in  all  reason  more  to  trust  then  to 
any  thing  I  should  tell  them,  without  shewing  a  warrant  for  what 
I  said. 

Uppon  my  credditt  what  I  doe  conceale  in  this  is  to  my  Lord's 
disadvantage,  for  if  I  had  libertie  to  make  knowne  all  the  passages 
of  this  busines  it  would  be  much  to  my  Lord's  honor. 

That  which  I  wrought  to  the  Captains  was  only  grounded  on  my 
Lord  Conwey's  lettre  which  they  receaved  before  my  Lord  spake 
with  them  att  Rochester.  If  I  said  or  writt  otherwise  to  them  they 
were  not  to  have  trusted  to  it  without  seeing  my  warraunt  and 
instruccions.  . 

For  that  which  I  receaved  from  the  Ambassador  it  was  given 
when  I  tooke  my  leave  of  him  and  without  any  contract  or  expec- 
tacion  of  myne,  neither  did  I  conceale  it,  and  I  can  boldly  say  I 
was  a  looser  by  that  imployment:  and  there  are  some  here  present 
that  can  testify  that  I  have  refused  to  receave  a  bribe. 

109. — Edward  Nicholas  to  Captain  Pennington. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  Addenda.] 
1626,  May  6.    Noble  Capt : 

Albeit  this  inclosure  will  hasten  you  hither  that  I  may  more 
freely  discourse  with  you,  yett  I  cannot  lett  this  paikett  passe 
without  a  lettre  from  me.  The  officers  of  the  Ordnance  complayned 


much  that  you  not  only  transferred  the  ordnance  out  of  one  shipp 
into  another  att  Plimouth,  but  all  other  the  municion,  whereby 
they  know  not  what  ordnance  to  require  or  remaynes  to  expect 
from  the  fleete,  by  reason  their  bookes  by  such  translacion  are 
imperfect ;  wherefore  I  pray  have  a  care  to  keepe  a  perfect  booke 
of  every  peece  of  ordnance  and  parcell  of  powder  and  amunicion 
that  you  have  taken  out  of  the  fleete,  and  expresse  in  it  out  of  what 
shipp  you  have  taken  it,  and  into  what  shipps  you  have  put  them. 
The  officers  of  the  ordnance  finde  most  fault  with  you  for  that  in  all 
this  tyme  you  have  not  sent  upp  for  them  such  a  booke  to  thend 
they  may  know  what  and  of  whome  to  demaund  such  things. 

The  Vantgarde  and  the  6  merchants  shipps  are  come  to  Stokes 
Bay,  but  you  are  to  satisfye  the  Parliament  by  whose  and  what 
warrant  you  delivered  them  to  the  French.  The  masters  of  the 
merchants  shipps  have  some  of  them  said  that  it  was  by  my  Lord's 
comaund,  and  by  reason  of  threatning  speeches  which  I  used  to 
them  by  order  from  my  Lord,  but  this  wilbe,  I  doubt,  disproved  by 
many  witnesses,  and  by  some  of  them  when  they  shall  speake  on 
their  oathes.  It  is  true  that  before  the  Amb[assa]dour  or  his  people 
I  did  often  charge  them  aloude  to  deliver  them  over  according  to 
my  Lord  Conwey's  lettre,  and  the  King's  pleasure,  but  I  fell  from 
that  language  when  we  were  privatt  with  the  Masters,  and  you  may 
remember  how  often  I  tould  you  I  had  noe  warrant  or  order  from 
my  Lord  for  delivery  over  of  those  shipps,  and  thoughe  I  did  not 
wishe  yow  to  goe  over  into  England,  yet  I  thinke  you  may  well 
remember  I  tould  yow,  yow  had  not  warrant  nor  could  I  give  you 
any  to  deliver  them,  and  that  my  Lord  was  absolutely  against  the 
lending  of  them ;  but  I  pray  keepe  it  to  yourself  untill  you  shalbe 
called  on  oath  and  have  leave  from  the  King  to  declare  that  I  toulde 
you  I  came  over  rather  to  hinder  then  further  the  delivery  or  loane 
of  those  shipps.  For  when  I  shall  have  leave  from  the  Kinge  and 
shall  speake  on  my  oath,  I  must  sweare  my  Lo:  comanded  me  to 
carry  myself  with  all  due  respect  to  the  Amb  [assa]dour,  and  to 
apply  myself  to  give  him  contentment,  but  to  crosse  and  hinder  the 


delivery  of  the  shipps.  I  leave  the  rest  of  the  passages  of  this 
businesses  till  wee  raeete ;  but  there  be  some  that  would  fayne  have 
it  prooved  that  my  Lord  was  the  cause  and  principall  agent  for  the 
lending  of  these  shipps,  which  I  must  on  my  oath  sweare  to  the 
contrary.  I  rest  in  hast  desiring  you  to  have  a  care  to  dispose  of 
all  the  shipps  and  leave  them  in  charge  with  the  most  discreete  men 
with  you. 

1  am 

your  humble  servant 


110. —  Certificat  that   the   Englishe   shipps   did   noe  hurt  against 


[State  Papers,  France,  No.  181.] 

1626,  May  15.  Nous  soubz  signez  Cappitaines  et  lieutenants  des  vaisseau[x] 
Anglois  par  commission  du  Roy  nostre  maistre  soubz  la  charge  de 
Monseigneur  le  due  de  Montmorensy  grand  admiral  de  France  et 
a  present  soubz  la  charge  et  conduitte  de  Monsieur  de  Razilly 
general  des  sus  dits  vaisseaus  ;  Certifions  a  tous  qu'il  apartiendra 
que  le  navire  nomme  1'Avangarde  n'a  faict  aucun  effect  quy  soit 
digne  de  remaique  a  la  deffaicte  des  vaisseaus  de  Monsieur  de 
Soubize,  et  de  la  prise  de  Re,  d'autant  que  le  diet  navire  tiroit 
trop  deau  et  ne  pouvoit  aprocher  plus  pres  des  ennemis  que  de  la 
portee  d'une  coulevrine  au  plus,  et  d'ailleurs  que  le  Cappitaine 
quy  commandoit  le  diet  navire  avoit  ordre  de  tenir  le  corps  de 
larmee,  le  quel  certificat  avons  signez  pour  valloir  a  telle  fin  que  de 
raison,  ce  quinziesme  de  May  mil  six  cens  vingt  six. 




111. — The  Chevalier  de  Razilly  to  the  Duke  of  Buckingham. 
[State  Papers,  France,  No.  181.] 

Monseignieur,  1626>  MaJ 

Je  me  resans  infiniment  oblige  au  roy  de  la  Grande  Bretayne  et 
a  1'ordre  qu'il  applu*  a  vostre  grandeur  de  donner  de  me  fayre 
conduyre  aub  France  avec  quatre  navire  de.  guesre.  Je  say  byan 
que  je  ne  merite  pas  tels  honneurs,  mes  le  tout  redonde  pour  1'amour 
du  roy  mon  mestre,  ou  je  ne  manquere  d'informer  sa  Mageste  des 
faveurs  que  je  resoys  au  ce  royaume,  mesme  les  cortoesie  de  Monsieur 
le  general,  de  Palma  ne  ce  peuve  exprimer.  J'ay  livere'  le  navire 
1'Avantgarde  avec  tous  ces  canons,  voylles,  cablles  ancres,  mousques, 
et  ne  manque  que  quelque  menus  hustancylle0  quy  ne  valle  la  pene 
d'an  parller.  C'est  un  tres  bon  vesceau  de  guesre  que  1'Avant- 
garde,  mes  non  pas  propre  pour  ce  batre  es  mers  vers  la  Kochelle 
acosced  qu'  elle  tire  trop  d'eau  et  trop  longue,  quy  aupesche  de 
pouvoyr  virer,  tourner  proutemant  autre  les  bans6  de  1'ile  de  Eay, 
et  provoyant  cela,  monseigneur  le  Dug  de  Monmoransy,  grand 
amyral  de  France,  ne  voulut  sy  anbarquer  les  jours  de  bataylle,  et 
donna  le  combat  dans  le  navire  de  Monsieur  Hoteri,  ou  je  1'acon- 
pagnie,  et  avefayt.f  Le  dyt  vesceau  lAvantgarde  ne  s'aprocha  des 
enemys  que  d'une  grand  portee  de  couleverine  mesme  les  ostre 
vesceaus  Anglois  marchans,  tirant  forte  eau  ne  pure  ausy  aprocher, 
c'enest  pas  quy  n'y  hat g  de  tres  braves  capitaynes  dans  les  sudys  h 
vesceaus,  mes  il  ne  pouvoyt  temoignier  au  ce  lieu  la  leurs  courage; 
mintenant  la  pays1  est  fayte  avec  les  rocheloys  santansk  mon  roy 
leurs  a  pardonne" :  alors  quy  n'an  pouvoyt  plus  au  faveur  du  roy  de 
la  Grande  Bretayne,  byan  que  sa  ate1  une  clemanse  extreme  de  par- 
donner  a  des  suges  rebelles,  les  quels  alors  que  mon  roy  avoyt  leve 
les  armes  pour  les  porter  contre  les  etrangers  enemys  commu[n]s  de 

•  plu.  b  en.  °  utensil.  d  a  cause.        e  ?  banes.        f  avais  fait 

«  ?  a.  h  susdits.    !  paix.  k  sic.  '  sic. 

CAMD.  SOC.  2  Q 


France  at  Angletesre ;  neanmoys  sans  oqun  suget  les  sudys  rocheloys 
prire  les  navires  du  roy  at  les  ylles  de  Ray  at  Olerou  et  fire  plusiaurs 
volerye  surs  toutes  sortes  de  marchans,  tant  Fransoys  que  Angloys 
at  Hollandoys :  mes  ce  netoyt  la  premiere  foys  que  les  sudys 
rocheloys  avoyt  coumys  telles  revoke  et  insolance  centre  le  roy,  car 
seulement  depuys  seinq  ans  cella  leurs  ast  arive  troys  foys  at  ne 
peuve  dyre  que  jamays  1'on  ayt  force  an  France  oqun  de  la  religion 
pretandue  d'aller  a  la  mesce,  car  toute  liberte  a  toujours  ate  permi 
at  cera  pareillemant  a  1'avenyr.  Je  croy  que  le  roy  de  la  Grande 
Bretayne  et  mescyeurs  des  atas  de  Holande  se  sont  tres  contans  que 
les  afayres  soynt  pascee  an  France  ave(c)  toute  clemance,  at  que  les 
Rocheloys  rande  a  mon  roy  lobeysance  quy  doyve  a  sa  Majeste,  at 
mintenant  que  la  pays  est  an  France  dans  le  royaume  Ton  poura 
anteprande  des  guesres  atrangere  et  ce  goindre  au  pareil  einteres 
avec  le  roy  de  la  Grande  Bretayne,  je  desireroys  quy  ce  presantat 
oquasion  ou  je  puse  sarvir  sa  majeste  ;  je  my  porteroys  dafection  at 
temongnieray  aus  affays  a  vostre  grandeur  que  je  suys  a  jamays, 

Vostre  tres  humble 

et  tres  obeysant  serviteur, 

A  la  rade  de 
1'ille  Ihuyt 
abort  de  la  rimbarge 
le  26  de  May  1626. 

112— Notes  by  Edward  Nicholas  on  his  imployment  at  Dieppe. 
[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.  xxvii  111.] 

1626.  May  ?          My  Instructions  were  to  this  effecte : — 

To  imploy  my  best  endeavor  to  hinder  or  att  least  delay  the 
delivery  of  the  shipps  to  the  French,  but  therein  soe  to  carry  my- 
selfe  as  that  the  Ambassador  might  not  discerne  but  that  I  was  sent 


of  purpose  and  with  full  instruccions  and  commaunde  to  effecte  his 
desire,  and  to  cause  all  the  shipps  to  be  putt  into  his  hands. 

Accordinglie  when  the  Vantguard  came  into  the  Roade  of  Diepe 
and  that  Capt.  Penington  sent  for  me  to  come  aboard,  I  acquainted 
the  Ambassador  with  it  and  told  him  (if  I  went  to  the  Captain)  I 
made  noe  doubt  but  to  perswade  him  to  come  ashoare  with  me, 
notwithstandinge  he  was  (as  the  Ambassador  had  complained  to  me) 
soe  obstinate  that  he  refused  to  come  out  of  his  shippe  to  the  Duke 
de  Montrnorency,  who  importuned   him  there  to  by  many  kinde 
invitacions  arid  noble  messuages  ;  but  the  Ambassador  would  not 
permitt  me  to  goe  aboarde  but  comaunded  me  to   write  to  Capt. 
Penington  to  come  ashoare,  which  I  did  as  pressinge  as  the  Ambas- 
sador desired,  which  tooke  effecte.     When  he  was  come  the  Ambas- 
sador interposed  still  betweene  us,  soe  as  I  could  not  have  a  word 
in  private  with  him,  but  was  forced  to  lett  fall  a  worde  no  we  and 
then  as  I  purposely  walked  by  him  to  bid  him  looke  well  whether 
he  had  sufficient  warrant  to  deliver  the  shipps;  which  I  did  least 
the  Ambassador  by  importunity  or  artifice  (shewinge  a  letter  under 
his  Majesties  hand  to  the   French  King,  which   was  much  more 
effectuull  then  the  warrant  from  my  Lord  Conwey)  should  drawe  a 
promise  or  engagement  from  the  Captain  to  deliver  the  shipps  before 
I  should  have  opportunity  privatly  to  advertise  him  to  beware  how 
and  on  what  warrant  he  did  surrender  the  fortresses  of  the  kingdome 
into  the  handes  of  a  Forraine  Prince,  for  if  the  Ambassador  should 
have  found  him  more  averse  then  before,   it  would  have  given  his 
Lordship  just  occasion  to  be  jelous  of  the  intent  of  the  Instruccions 
I  had  received  from  my    Lord  ;  and  the  Captaine  kepte  himselfe 
very  waryly  from  anie  engagement  and  craved  time  to  speake  with 
th'cther  Captaines  and  his  Company  before  he  could  promise  anie 
thinge,  and  soe  gott  leave  to  returne  to  his  shippe. 

Afterwards  I  seemed  not  forward  to  goe  aboarde  to  him,  thought* 
I  much  desired  it,  till  the  Ambassador  wished,  and  indeed  pressed 


me  to  goe  and  use  meanes  to  worke  him  and  the  rest  of  the  Captaines 
to  effecte  his  desire  and  to  deliver  over  the  shipps  with  all  speede. 

I  tould  Capt.  Penington  as  soone  as  I  came  aboard  his  shipp  and 
had  an  opportunity  to  speake  privatly  with  him  that  I  thought  the 
warrant  from  the  Lord  Conway  which  he  shewed  to  me  and 
whereof  I  had  before  scene  a  coppy  was  not  sufficient  for  the 
delivery  of  the  shipps.a 

In  all  the  time  of  my  negotiatinge  this  busines,  I  never  plainely 
discovered  to  Capt.  Penington  what  myne  instruccions  were,  because 
I  sawe  he  was  of  himselfe  unwillinge  to  deliver  upp  the  shipps,  and, 
after  I  had  told  him  I  had  noe  warrant  for  the  delivery  of  them  to 
the  French,  he  was  as  adverse  in  it  as  I  could  wishe  him. 

I  told  him  alsoe  I  was  by  the  Ambassador  pressed  often  to  write 
what  I  intended  not,  and  therefore  desired  him  not  to  be  moved 
with  whatsoever  letters  he  shold  receive  from  me  touchinge  the 
delivery  of  the  shipps  untill  he  spake  with  me.  My  Lord,  after  I 
went  over  never  wrought  to  Capt.  Penington  or  myselfe  ;b  but  in 
every  materiall  and  pressinge  pointe  concerninge  delivery  of  the 
shipps  his  Lordshipp  referred  us  to  the  instruccions  his  Grace  had 
given  me  for  that  service ;  and  when  the  Captaine  came  to  demande 
a  sight  or  knowledge  of  my  instruccions  to  warrant  the  surrender  of 
the  shipps,  I  told  him  I  had  none. 

If  I  used  anie  pressinge  course  or  language  to  the  masters  of  the 

shipps,  it  was  either  in  the  presence  of  the  Ambassador  or  some 

such  of  his  servantes  as  he  sent  aboard  with  me  or  else  when  I 

perceived  them  farre  enoughe  from  yeeldinge,  thereby  the-better  to 

"disguise  and  keepe  unsuspected  my  instruccions. 

a  This  paragraph  is  written  in  the  margin  in  Nicholas's  hand.  b  sic. 



113. — Statement  by  Edward  Nicholas  of  the  circumstances  connected 

with  the  loan  of  the  Vanguard  and  other  ships  to  the  French. 

[State  Papers,  Domestic,  Charles  I.,  xliii.  43.] 

K.  James  about  the  22th  yeare  of  his  reigne  did,  unknowne  to  1626,  May? 
the  Lord  Duke,  promise  to  lend  8  shipps  to  supprese  the  rebellion 
of  Soubize  and  such  of  the  Keligion  as  should  cleave  to  him  in  his 

This  in  the  treaty  of  the  match  with  Fraunce  being .  laid  hold  on 
and  pressed  by  the  French  King,  there  were  proceedings  in  it  and 
articles  were  framed  and  agreed  on  betweene  the  French  Ambassador 
and  the  Commissioners  of  the  Navy  and  masters  of  the  shipps,  which 
was  soe  cautelously  done  that,  thoghe  the  French  had  libertie  to 
put  aboorde  the  shipps  as  man  ymen  as  they  pleased,  yet  it  was  soe 
ordered  that  there  could  not  be  put  aboorde  half  soe  many  French 
and  provisions  for  them  as  there  were  of  the  Englishe  whereby  they 
might  be  made  masters  of  our  shipps  ;  and  privatt  instruccions  were 
given  to  Capt.  Pennington  that  the  Englishe  should  keepe  them- 
selves masters  of  their  shippes,  &c. 

When  Capt.  Peninngton  and  the  other  Capts.  came  to  Diepe,  and 
perceaved  that  their  instruccions  would  not  warrant  them  to  doe  as 
much  as  the  French  required  of  them,  they  returned  back  to  the 
Downes.  Then  followed  the  treaty  of  Rochester,  where  my  Lord 
Admirall  tould  the  masters  of  the  shipps,  they  should  not  deliver 
over  their  shipps  unlesse  they  had  security  to  their  content ;  and 
from  Rochester  his  Lordshipp  sent  his  Secretary  Mr.  Nicholas  with 
private  instruccions,  &c.,  who  arivyed  himselfe  accordingly,  and 
soe  negotiated  that,  whatsoever  he  made  shew  of,  he  hindered  the 
delivery  of  the  shipps  to  the  French  untill  the  warrant  came  under 
the  King's  owne  hand,  peremptoryly  requiringe  the  Capt.  to  put 
his  Majestes  and  the  other  shipps  into  the  hands  of  the  French ; 
when  likewise  the  Capt.  received  another  letter  from  a  great  and 
noble  Peere  and  Counsellor  of  State8  signifying  that  there  was  noe 

•  The  Earl  of  Pembroke.    See  No.  89. 


longer  delaying  the  delivery  of  the  shipps  and  until!  then  his 
Majesties  shipp  was  not  delivered  ;  which  being  done  Mr.  Nicholas 
and  Capt.  Pennington  came  away  leaving  the  other  Captains  in 
their  owne  shipps,  who  afterward  tooke  their  security. 

The[y]  mutyned  and  other  Englishe  shipps  are  safe  returned 
without  impeachement  and  the  King's  shipp  never  shot  nor  could 
come  within  a  culveringe  shott  of  the  fight,  neither  could  the  other 
shipps  doe  any  service  there  because  they  drew  too  much  water. 

The  shipps  were  not  lent  without  the  privity  of  diverse  of 
the  Privy  Counsell,  as  Lord  Chamberleine,a  Lord  Conwey,  Lord 
Carlile,  &c. 

Capt.  Pennington  did  not  deliver  over  the  shipps  nor  doe  any 
thing  to  that  purpose  by  reason  of  any  commande  delivered  to  him 
by  the  Lord  Duke  or  Mr  Nicholas,  neither  had  he  any  warrant  att 
all  from  the  Duke  to  deliver  them. 

My  Lord  had  not  newes  that  the  King's  shipp  was  delivered  to 
the  French  till  the  9th  of  Aug.  and  his  speech  was  the  8th.b 

The  Vantguard  and  the  rest  of  the  shipps  drew  soe  much  water 
that  they  could  not  come  neer  to  fight  in  soe  much  as  Monsr  de 
Montmorency,  Admirall  of  France,  the  day  of  the  battayl  against  the 
Rochellers  left  the  Vantguarde,  &  went  aboarde  the  Dutch  Admirall. 

They  were  not  mooved  by  Mr  Nicholas  pretented  threatys,  for 
they  would  have  bene  gone  had  not  the  King's  ship  shott  all  them. 

»  The  Earl  of  Pembroke.  b  Aug.  8,  1625. 


Admiralty,  the  Court  of,  proceedings 
relating  to  the  St.  Peter  of  Havre-de- 
Grace  in,  22  ;  complaints  of  foreign 
sailors  in,  26;  complaint  of  Jean 
Malleau  in,  27,  28;  Sir  John  Coke 
gives  account  of  the  proceedings  in, 
30;  list  of  ships  proceeded  against  in, 
65;  examinations  about  the  taking  of 
a  Portuguese  ship  in,  73;  further  ex- 
aminations in,  90;  Buckingham's 
claim  against  the  East  India  Company 
made  in,  111;  proceedings  against  the 
East  India  Company  in,  113,  118,  120 

Buckingham,  Duke  of,  makes  an  agree- 
ment with  Lord  Zouch  for  the  sur- 
render of  the  Cin  que  Ports,  1 ;  is  charged 
with  neglecting  the  guard  of  the 
seas,  9;  his  alleged  mal-treatment  of 
the  St.  Peter  of  Havre-de-Grace,  18  ; 
is  charged  with  extorting  money  from 
the  East  India  Company,  71;  attempts 
of  the  East  India  Company  to  concili- 
ate, 87;  claims  15,0001.  from  the  East 
India  Company,  111;  gives  an  acquit- 
tance to  the  East  India  Company,  124; 
10,0002.  to  be  paid  to,  133;  is  ready  to 
help  the  French  king  against  Soubise, 
142;  gives  a  warrant  for  the  departure 
of  the  ships,  174;  promises  to  order 
Pennington  to  return  to  Dieppe,  221 ; 
orders  Pennington  to  return,  235; 
orders  Nicholas  to  go  to  Dieppe,  ib; 
informs  Pennington  of  Nicholas's 
mission,  238 ;  orders  Pennington  to 
obey  Effiat,"  244;  insists  upon  the  sur- 
render of  the  ships,  245  ;  directs  Pen- 
nington to  allow  a  mutiny  on  board 
the  Vanguard,  250;  orders  Pennington 
to  give  up  the  ships,  275,  276 

Burlamacchi,  Philippe,  asks  for  good 
security  for  the  merchant  ships,  248 

Calais,  importation  of  goods  for  the 
Spanish  Netherlands  into,  53;  treat- 
ment of  Englishmen  in,  63;  English 
vessels  taken  by  the  Dunkirkers  at, 

Charles  I.  declares  his  wish  that  the 
French  shall  command  the  ships  lent 
to  them,  224;  orders  Pennington  to 
receive  as  many  Frenchmen  as  the 
King  of  France  pleases,  229;  orders 
Pennington  to  give  up  the  ships,  275 

Cinque  Ports,  the,  Wardenship  of,  1; 
proposed  amalgamation  of  the  office 
of  Lord  High  Admiral  with  the  War- 
denship of,  3 

Coke,  Sir  John,  gives  an  account  of  the 
state  of  the  Channel  Fleet,  14;  writes 
on  navy  business,  25;  writes  on  the 
proceedigns  in  the  Admiralty  Court, 
30;  gives  an  account  of  the  proceed- 
ing of  some  ships  from  Hamburg,  33; 
explains  Pennington's  instructions,  176 

Conway,  Sir  Edward,  puts  pressure  on 
the  East  India  Company,  129 

Dieppe,  arrival  of  Pennington  at,  182; 
dangers  of  the  roads  of,  200;  Penning- 
ton leaves,  203,  214;  pirates  at,  220 

East  India  Company,  the,  notes  by 
Nicholas  concerning,  70  ;  charge 
against  Buckingham  for  extorting 
money  from,  71  ;  proceedings  in  the 
Court  of  Admiralty  against,  73  ;  notes 
of  prizes  taken  by,  83  ;  arguments  in 
favour  of,  74  ;  attempts  to  conciliate 
Buckingham  made  by,  87  ;  motion  in 
Parliament  to  stay  the  ships  of,  89  ; 
claim  of  Buckingham  against,  111  ; 
claim  of  the  King  against,  112 ;  pro- 
ceedings in  the  Court  of  Admiralty 
against,  113  ;  permission  for  the  sail- 
ing of  the  ships  of,  117  ;  further  pro- 



ceedings  in  the  Court  of  Admiralty 
against,  118,  120  ;  acquittance  from 
the  Duke  of  Buckingham  to,  124  ; 
pressure  put  upon,  127  ;  negotiates 
with  Conway,  129  ;  pays  10,000? .  to 
Buckingham,  133  ;  sends  a  deputation 
to  the  King,  134  ;  agreement  for  the 
payment  of  10,OOOZ.  by,  135  :  delay 
in  the  payment  of  2,000?.  by,  137 
Effiat,  the  Marquis  of,  informs  James  I. 
of  Soubise's  acts  of  war,  139;  negotiates 
for  the  hire  of  ships,  144  ;  writes  that 
he  has  got  the  ships  on  the  conditions 
desired  in  France,  167  ;  remonstrates 
against  the  delays  of  Sir  F.  Gorges, 
180  ;  protests  against  the  withdrawal 
of  the  English  ships,  222  ;  requires 
Pennington  to  give  up  the  Vanguard, 
253  ;  threatens  to  leave  Dieppe,  257  ; 
protest  of,  261  ;  counsels  to  remain  at 
Dieppe,  263 ;  gives  a  receipt  for  the 
Vanguard,  289 ;  expresses  his  satis- 
faction with  Pennington,  290 

Fleet,  the  necessity  of  making  provision 
for  the,  34 

Gorges,  Sir  Ferdinando,  delays  of,  180  ; 
asks  leave  to  go  to  Dieppe,  243,  247  ; 
terms  demanded  by,  211  ;  is  unable 
to  persuade  his  sailors  to  remain  at 
Dieppe,  278 ;  defends  his  conduct,  280, 
287;  complains  of  the  conduct  of  his 
men,  293 

Guard  of  the  seas,  Buckingham  charged 
with  neglecting  the,  9 

Hamburg,  proceedings  of  ships  from,  32 
Huguenots,  the  French,  demand  peace, 
207  ;  reported  peace  with,  254  ;  a  cess- 
ation of  hostilities  with,  274  ;  breach 
of  the  armistice  with,  292 

Ingham,  Edward,  is  sent  to  France  by 
Pennington,  215;  conveys  a  message 
from  the  Earl  of  Pembroke,  249 

James  I.  claims  15,0002.  from  the  East 
India  Company,  112;  receives  a  depu- 
tation from  the  East  India  Company, 
134  ;  promises  to  assist  the  King  of 
France  against  Soubise,  147 

Joachimi,  Albert,  ambassador  of  the 
united  Provinces  of  the  Netherlands, 
remonstrates  against  the  seizure  of 
prizes,  47 

London,  petition  of  the  merchants  of,  57 

Lorkin,  Thomas,  negotiates  on  Penning- 

ton's  behalf,  ]  92  ;  gives  an  account  of 

the  state  of  affairs  in  France,  273, 283, 


Louis  XIII.  King  of  France,  applies  to 
Buckingham  for  aid  against  Soubise, 
140  ;  complains  of  Pennington's  con- 
duct, 226  ;  orders  a  cessation  of  hos- 
tilities against  the  Huguenots,  274 

Mainwaring,  Sir  Henry,  is  not  to  be 
employed  in  the  Cinque  Ports,  2 

Marten,  Sir  Henry,  gives  an  account  of 
the  disposal  of  prize-goods,  21;  exami- 
nation of,  37  ;  his  order  in  the  court 
respecting  the  St.  Peter  of  Havre-de- 
Grace,  55 

Merchant  vessels,  the  seven,  Effiat  nego- 
tiates for  the  hire  of,  144;  bargain  for 
one  of,  158;  complaint  of  the  captains 
of,  229  ;  delay  of  the  return  of,  241  ; 
good  security  asked  for ;  248  ;  do  not 
accompany  Pennington  on  his  return 
to  Dieppe,  252  ;  demands  made  with 
respect  to,  on  their  return  to  Dieppe, 
271  ;  terms  proposed  for  surrender  of, 
277  ;  security  asked  for  the  delivery 
of,  280 ;  agreement  for  the  delivery 
of,  288 

Montauban,  the  Duke  of  Epernon's  ra- 
vages at,  211 

Montmorency,  the  Duke  of,  comes  to 
Dieppe,  215;  asks  Pennington  to  meet 
him,  279 

Nicholas,  Edward,  asks  for  a  discharge 
for  the  money  taken  out  of  the  prizes, 
59  ;  notes  by,  69  ;  is  sent  by  Bucking- 
ham to  Dieppe,  235  ;  expresses  his 
doubts  of  the  value  of  the  security 
given  by  the  French,  236  ;  invites 
Pennington  to  negotiate  with  Effiat, 
251,  252  ;  urges  Pennington  to  give 
up  the  Vanguard,  255,  257,  258,  263  ; 
reports  on  his  mission  to  the  House  of 
Commons,  294  ;  calls  on  Pennington 
to  explain  his  conduct;  295  ;  gives  an 
account  of  his  proceedings  at  Dieppe, 
298,  301 

Ormuz,  capture  of,  72 

Palloyseau,  M.  de,  complains  of  the 
seizure  of  French  vessels,  35 



Pembroke,  the  Earl  of,  sends  informa- 
tion to  Pennington,  249,  274 
Pennington,  Captain,  explanation  of  the 
instructions  given  to,  176;  hastens  the 
sailing  of  the  ships,  177;  sails  from 
the  Downs,  181;  arrives  at  Dieppe, 
182;  complains  of  the  want  of  provi- 
sions, 186;  ordered  to  take  French 
sailors  on  board.  184-191 ;  complaints 
of  the  dangers  of  Dieppe  roads,  200  ; 
leaves  Dieppe,  203,  214;  sends  Ingham 
to  France,  214;  refuses  to  admit  more 
than  sixty  French  on  board,  216  ; 
complaints  of  the  French  against,  221; 
orders  given  by  the  King  of  France 
to,  234;  Buckingham's  orders  to,  235  ; 
prepares  to  return  to  Dieppe,  239  ; 
asks  to  be  recalled,  241;  complains  of 
his  orders,  242;  receives  a  message 
from  the  Earl  of  Pembroke,  249 ;  is 
directed  to  allow  a  mutiny  on  board 
the  Vanguard,  250;  returns  to  Dieppe, 
250  j  demands  made  by,  256;  states 
the  terms  on  which  he  is  ready  to  sur- 
render the  Vanguard,  259  ;  demands 
further  security,  260  ;  requires  an  ex- 
press warrant  from  the  king,  264 ; 
gives  an  account  of  his  proceedings, 
265;  explains  his  conduct  to  the  King, 
267  ;  refuses  to  deliver  up  the  Van- 
guard, 270  ;  is  ordered  to  give  up  the 
ships,  279  ;  declares  himself  ready  to 
surrender  the  ships,  279 ;  Effiat  ex- 
presses satisfaction  with,  290 ;  pay- 
ment ordered  to,  292 

Portuguese  ship,  a,  the  East  India  Com- 
pany charged  with  the  capture  of,  73 
Prize-goods,  warrant  for  the  disposal  of, 
20 ;  interference  of  the  French  and 
Dutch  ambassadors  with  the  disposal 
of,  21  ;  complaint  of  Jean  Malleau 
concerning,  27  ;  needed  for  the  ex- 
penses of  the  fleet,  34  ;  ordered  re- 
delivery  of,  37  ;  remonstrance  of  the 
Dutch  Ambassador  about,  47;  Nicholas 

asks  for  a  discharge  for,  59 ;   harsh 
seizure  of,  60  ;  receipt  given  for,  61 
Protestants,  the  French,  see  Huguenots 

Razilly,  M.  de,  claims  command  over  the 
Vanguard,  179  ;  commands  the  Eng- 
lish ships  at  Rochelle,  296  ;  gives  an 
account  of  his  service,  297 

Eichelieu,  Cardinal,  gives  friendly  as- 
surances to  the  deputies  of  the  Hugue- 
nots, 208 

Rochelle,  La,  hostilities  at,  292 

Rouen,  petition  of  the  merchants  of  Lon- 
don trading  at,  57 

St.  Peter  of  Havre-de-Grace,  the,  Buck- 
ingham charged  with  plundering,  18  ; 
examination  of  the  captain  of,  19  ; 
complaint  of  Jean  Mallean  of  losses 
in,  27,  28  ;  order  for  the  re-delivery 
of,  36  ;  proceedings  relating  to  the 
goods  in,  37  ;  Sir  H.  Marten's  order 
about  the  goods  in,  55  ;  Nicholas's 
notes  about,  69 

Soubise,  the  Duke  of,  seizes  the  Isle  of 
Rhe,  139  ;  seizes  French  ships  in  har- 
bour of  Blavet,  140;  reported  peace 
with,  254 

Stewart,  Sir  Francis,  defends  his  con- 
duct in  command  of  the  Channel  Fleet, 

Vanguard,  the,  contract  for  the  loan  of, 
162  ;  M.  de  Razilly  claims  command 
over,  179  ;  receipt  given  for,  289  ; 
draws  too  much  water  to  be  of  service 
at  Rochelle,  296  ;  see  Pennington, 

Vanguard,  the  ship's  company  of  the, 
offers  to  take  on  board  unarmed  French- 
men, 255  ;  demands  further  security, 

Zonch,  Lord,  parts  with  the  wardenship 
of  the  Cinque  Ports,  1 




Camden  Society,  London